Automatic Face Recognition under Component-Based Manifolds CVGIP 2006 Wen-Sheng Chu (朱文生) and Jenn-Jier James Lien (連震杰) Robotics Lab. CSIE NCKU Motivation • Face recognition is hard due to several image variations: illumination pose expression Objective • Recognize faces using multiple face patterns rather than a single one. Person A Person B Single input pattern Person A Person B Multiple input patterns Automatic Acquisition of Facial Components Training Data of Features 2-Class SVM Cropped Face I Classifiers Original Image Face Detection Feature Point Detection Facial Components Extraction Extracted Facial Components Rejected Non-face Detected Features Face +ve Removal Registration by Affine Warping Band-pass Filtering Normalized Illumination IB P. Viola and M. Jones, “Robust Real-Time Face Detection”, IJCV 2004. Normalized Pose IR Automatic Acquisition of Facial Components Training Data of Features 2-Class SVM Cropped Face I Classifiers Original Image Face Detection Feature Point Detection Facial Components Extraction Extracted Facial Components Rejected Non-face Detected Features Face +ve Removal Registration by Affine Warping Band-pass Filtering Normalized Illumination IB Normalized Pose IR Facial Feature Detector • 2-class SVM with feature vector v: vA v vG v A ( Ny x ) I ( x , y ) v G ( Ny x ) I ( x , y ) o o o o • Reject false positives x x x Automatic Acquisition of Facial Components Training Data of Features 2-Class SVM Cropped Face I Classifiers Original Image Face Detection Feature Point Detection Facial Components Extraction Extracted Facial Components Rejected Non-face Detected Features Face +ve Removal Registration by Affine Warping Band-pass Filtering Normalized Illumination IB Normalized Pose IR Registration & Illumination Normalization I Registration Affine warping IR Illumination Normalization Band-pass filtering I I G B R 0 .5 I R G 8 IB Automatic Acquisition of Facial Components Training Data of Features 2-Class SVM Cropped Face I Classifiers Original Image Face Detection Feature Point Detection Facial Components Extraction Extracted Facial Components Rejected Non-face Detected Features Face +ve Removal Registration by Affine Warping Band-pass Filtering Normalized Illumination IB Normalized Pose IR Facial Components Extraction • Effects of pose and illumination are smaller in each local region compared with those in the holistic face image. T. K. Kim, H. Kim, W. Hwang and J. Kittler, “Independent Component Analysis in A Local Facial Residue Space for Face Recognition”, PR, 2004. Constrained Mutual Subspace Method (CMSM) • Similarity between i and j == θc • Use the variation of dissimilarity between subjects subspace j subspace i project θ project constrained subspace ic θc jc K. Fukui and O. Yamaguchi, “Face Recognition Using Multi-viewpoint Patterns for Robot Vision”, ISRR 2003. Constrained Subspace Generation • Take nose for explanation: n o se Ci nose 1 (P 1/ N P nose 2 N k 1 xkxk ... P nose L T Bi n o se i n o se )w w, P i n o se T Bi nose Bi nose nose T Bi The eigenvectors, w, selected in ascending order, are the basis of the constrained subspace, Snose. Constraint subspace basis PCA basis Projection onto Constrained Subspace nose Bi B nose j Snose 1. Projection basis vectors constrained subspace Snose 2. Normalization length(projected vector) 1 3. Orthogonalization applying Gram-Schmidt process to orthogonalize the normalized vectors Comparison between Normalized Manifolds • The similarity of nose between subject i and subject j: similarity ( B Si , B Sj ) 1 / t nose where matrix i nose t i 1 cos i 2 nose n o se are defined as the eigenvalues of n o se n o se B Si B Si T n o se n o se B Sj B Sj T n o se n o se B Si B Si T . NN • Similarity(i, j) == summing up the five canonical correlations Experiment Setup #individuals 16 #sequence/individual 5 #second/sequence 10 #frame/second 10 Resolution 320x240 Size of Registration Template 100x125 Eye-braw Size of Facial Eyes Components Nose Mouth 40x15 28x18 44x21 28x40 Typical Samples in 3D Principal Component Space – Holistic Image subject 1 (․) subject 2 (․) subject 3 (․) subject 4 (․) Original v.s. Projected Subspaces – Eye-braw Original v.s. Projected Subspaces – Left Eye Original v.s. Projected Subspaces – Right Eye Original v.s. Projected Subspaces – Nose Original v.s. Projected Subspaces – Mouth Comparison Methods Recognition Rate (%) NNfacial component 82.3 MSMfacial component 90.8 CMSMholistic face CMSM-facial component 95.2 98.6 End F&Q and thanks!