DarwinPhones - Department of Electrical Engineering and

Emiliano Miluzzo, Cory T. Cornelius, Ashwin Ramaswamy, Tanzeem Choudhury, Zhigang Liu,
Andrew T. Campbell, "Darwin phones: the evolution of sensing and inference on mobile
phones," In Proc. of 8th ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
(MobiSys), 2010, pp. 5-20.
What does Darwin do?
A Smartphone platform for urban sensing
Proof of concept model uses microphone
Communicates with other local devices to improve
inference accuracy (collaborative inference)
Framework can be expanded to gather
information using a range of sensor data
What about battery life?
Communicates with backend server to do the CPUintensive machine learning algorithms
Local devices share models rather than recomputing them
Sensing is enabled/disabled as the system sees fit
Common Urban Sensing Challenges
Human burden of training classifiers
Ability to perform reliably in different environments
(indoor vs outdoor)
The ability to scale to a large number of phones
without hurting usability and battery life.
Darwin overcomes all of these through
classifier/model evolution, model pooling, and
collaborative inference
Types of Learning
Supervised: Given a fully-labeled training set
Semi-Supervised: Given a small training set that is
Unsupervised: No training set is given
Darwin Steps
Evolution, Pooling, and Collaborative Inference
These represent Darwin’s novel evolve-pool-collaborate model implemented on
mobile phones
Classifier Evolution
Automated approach to updating
models over time
Needs to account for variability in
sensing conditions and settings
Variability in background noise and
phone location require separate
Model Pooling
Reuses models that have already been
built and evolved on other phones
Exchange classification models
whenever the model is available from
another phone
Classifiers do not need to be retrained,
which increases scalability
Can pool models from backend servers
Collaborative Inference
Combines results from multiple phones
Run inference algorithms in parallel on
the same classifiers
System is more robust to degradation in
sensing quality
Increases accuracy
Darwin Design: Computation
Reduces the on-the-phone computation by
offloading some of the work to backend servers
Backend server uses a machine learning algorithm
to compute a Gaussian Mixture Model (2 hours for
15 seconds of audio)
Feature vectors are computed
Darwin Design: Context
Context (in/out of pocket, in/out of bag) will impact
the sensing and inference capability
Classifier evolution makes sure the classifier of an
event is robust across different environments
Darwin Design: Co-location
Accounts for a group of co-located phones running
the same classification algorithm and sensing the
same event but computing different inference results
Phones pool classification models when collocated
or from backend servers
Compares against its own model and the co-located
Drastically reduces classification latency
Exploits diversity of different phone sensing context
Speaker Recognition
Attempts to identify a speaker by analyzing the
microphone’s audio stream
Suppresses silence, low amplitude audio, and chunks
that do not contain human voice
Reduce false positives by pre-processing in 32ms
Speaker Modeling
Feature vector consisting of
Mel Frequency Cepstral
Each speaker is modeled
with 20 Gaussians
An initial speaker model is built by collecting a short
training sample
Classifier Evolution: Training Step
Short training phase (30 seconds) used to build a
model which is later evolved
First 15 seconds used as the training set
Last 15 seconds used as baseline for evolution
Classifier Evolution: Evolution Step
Semi-supervised learning strategy
If the likelihood of the incoming audio stream is
much lower than any of the baselines then a new
model is evolved
Collaborative Inference
Local inference phase can be broken into three
 Local
inference operated by each individual phone
 Propagation of the result of the local inference to the
neighboring phones
 Final inference based on the neighboring mobile
phones local inference results
Each node individually operates inference on the
sensed event
Results and confidence broadcasted
Privacy and Trust
Raw sensor data is not stored on or leaves the
mobile phone
The content of a conversation or raw audio data is
never disclosed
Users can choose to opt out of Darwin
Experimental Results
Tested using a mixture of five N97 and iPhones
used by eight people over a period of two weeks
Audio recorded in different locations
Classifier trained indoors
Experiment 1 Parameters
Three people walk along a sidewalk of a busy road
and engage in conversation
The speaker recognition application without the
Darwin components runs on each of the phones
carried by the people
Experiment 1 Results: Without Evolution
Experiment 2 Parameters
Meeting setting in an office environment where 8
people are involved in conversation
The phones are located at different distances from
people in the meeting, some on the table and some
in people’s pockets
Experiment 2 Results
Experiment 2 Results
Experiment 3 Parameters
Five phones in a noisy restaurant
Three of the five people are engaged in
Two of the five phones are placed on the table
Phone 4 Is the closest phone to speaker 4 and also
the closest phone to another group of people
having a loud conversation
Experiment 3 Results
Experiment 3 Results
Experiment 3 Results
Experiment 3 Results
Experiment 4 Parameters
Five people walk along a sidewalk and three of
them are talking
The greatest improvement is observed by speaker
1, whose phone is clipped to their belt
Experiment 4 Results
Experiment 4 Results
Time and Energy Measurements
Baselines for power use determined
Measurements performed using the Nokia Energy
Profiler tool
No data gathered for the iPhone
Smart duty cycling required later to save battery
Time and Energy Measurements
Possible Applications
Virtual square application
 Social
Place discovery application
 Use
application for a group of friends
collaborative inference to determine location
Friend Tagging application
 Exploit
face recognition to tag friends on pictures
Future Work
Duty cycling for improved battery life
Simplified classification techniques
Improvements On The Paper
Studies don’t show conclusive evidence; there should
be separate control models for each of the
The Darwin system combines classifier evolution,
model pooling, and collaborative inference
Results indicate that the performance boost offered
by Darwin off sets problems with sensing context
The Darwin system provides a scalable framework
that can be used for other urban sensing
[1] Emiliano Miluzzo, Cory T. Cornelius, Ashwin Ramaswamy, Tanzeem
Choudhury, Zhigang Liu, Andrew T. Campbell, "Darwin phones: the evolution
of sensing and inference on mobile phones," In Proc. of 8th ACM
Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), 2010,
pp. 5-20.
[2] H. Ezzaidi and J. Rouat. Pitch and MFCC Dependent GMM Models for
Speaker Identification systems. In Electrical and Computer Engineering,
2004. Canadian Conference on, volume 1, 2004
[3] H. Ezzaidi and J. Rouat. Pitch and MFCC Dependent GMM Models for
Speaker Identification systems. In Electrical and Computer Engineering,
2004. Canadian Conference on, volume 1, 2004.