
Trip Reconstruction Tool for GPSBased Personal Travel Surveys
Eui-Hwan Chung
Transportation planning model
Forecast and evaluate transportation scenarios
Require good-quality travel survey data
Conventional self-reporting survey method
lack of reporting of short trips and actual routes traveled
poor data quality of
travel start and end times,
total trip times and,
location of destination
the amount of detail that it is feasible to ask individuals and
households to report is well below that needed for the
activity-based micro-simulation models
Application of GPS for travel surveys
As the GPS receiver is given to respondents,
improve the quality of the collected data
serve the convenience of both respondents and survey
The benefit of GPS [Wolf, 2000]
trip origin, destination, and route data are automatically
collected without burden on the respondent
routes are recorded for all trips allowing for the postprocessing recovery of unreported or misreported trips
accurate trip start and end times are automatically
determined, as well as trip lengths
the GPS data can be used to verify self-reported data.
Approaches for GPS Application
Electronic Travel Diary (ETD) with GPS
For each trip a respondent records the following
information to ETD (Just replace paper)
trip mode, vehicle identification, driver identification,
passenger identification, driver and passenger trip
purposes, trip start time, finish time (or duration), origin
location, destination location,and distance traveled.
In addition to these traditional elements, from GPS
Route choice and travel speed can be captured
Approaches for GPS Application
Passive in-vehicle GPS systems
The intent of passive in-vehicle GPS systems
To conduct a passive audit of in-vehicle travel
The GPS data will be used in a post-processing step
to the recorded travel diary of the respondent to
validate the reported data and/or to determine trip
under-reporting rates.
The data can be useful in telephone interview (by
refreshing respondent’s memory).
Approaches for GPS Application
Total replacement of the travel diary with GPS.
Use GPS data logger to completely replace, rather than
supplement, traditional travel diaries
All essential trip elements are derived through a computerized
process of all GPS data
both respondent burden and telephone interview time could be
reduced significantly.
Previous research [Wolf, 2000] tried the following
Trip detection (the number of trips)
To find Land uses and addresses for trip destinations
Trip Purpose Derivation
Trip Distance
Develop algorithms to reconstruct trips of a
traveler holding GPS-logger
To automatically identify network links and modes
Illustration of Overall Concept
Passenger Car
Used links
Used Data Sets for Base Map
Data sources for map of this thesis
Geographic features of the map
Transportation property of the map
DMTI CanMap® Streetfiles Version 6.2
2001 EMME/2 road network V1.0
Transit stop and timetable information from the TTC (Toronto
Transit Commission)
Spatial Scope : Downtown Toronto
Used Tool - ArcGIS
Version 8.2
Popular and powerful GIS S/W
Provides programming interface
ArcObject – Component Object Model (COM)
Used Device – GPS(1/2)
Global Positioning System(GPS)
Provides 3D coordinates of current position on Earth using
artificial satellites
3D coordinates – at least 4 satellites
2D coordinates – at least 3 satellites
As distribution of the satellites is wider and the num. of the
satellites that a GPS receiver gets signal from
simultaneously is larger, the accuracy of the estimated
coordinate improves
Gets speed and azimuth of movement using the Doppler
Used Device – GPS(2/2)
GPS used in this research
With a logger – recorder of GPS points which are
collected by a GPS receiver
Identifying Used Road Segment
GPS data
Reformat data
Delete invalid data
Main matching
Match the GPS point
with the link
Post matching
Arrange the results of
the matching process
Reformat GPS data
CVS file format (text file)  DBF format
UTC time  Local time
Change format of longitude/latitude
Add additional fields for the next process
Eliminate invalid data
Number of satellites
To get 2D coordinates, a GPS receiver should get signals from at least
3 GPS satellites simultaneously
if #Sat < 3 then delete the row
Dispersion of satellites from which a GPS receiver receives signal
The wider the dispersion of satellites, the better accuracy of the
measured coordinates
if HDOP > 5 then delete the row
Main matching process
The purpose of this process
Match the GPS point with the link
Identify the traveled links based on the respondent’s GPS
GPS points
Which link should be matched with
each GPS point ?
Road Network
Find matched a link based on distance and azimuth
of moving direction
Main matching process
Matching Algorithm
Considering both distance between the GPS point and the
link and an azimuth of GPS point movements
Use topological information – make use of the geometry of
the arcs as well as the connectivity of the arcs
almost perpendicular
Post Matching Process
The aim of the process
Make a list of used links
Link OID: 104
Start (Point_OID = 1 )
Link OID: 102
Link OID: 103
Link OID: 101
GPS_Start GPS_End FromNodeID ToNodeID MatchType
Identification of Used Modes
Available clues for estimation of used modes
List of Used Links
Availability of transit
Property of used link – e.g.) freeway, one-way road
Location of transit stops
Travel Speed
From GPS
Limitations of GPS
Effect of “Cold/warm Start”
Limitations of GPS
Effect of Urban Canyon
Limitations of GPS
Difficulty of Getting GPS Signal in a bus
Identification of Used Modes
Basically, to estimate modes, good level of quality of GPS data is
No GPS Data  No Result
Good quality of data  Elaborate rule
Just depending on GPS Data, it is not easy to estimate all kinds of
mode configurations.
A trip is one purpose trip.
A mode configuration pattern of a trip is one of the following
Walk only,
Walk  Bicycle  Walk,
Walk  Passenger Car  Walk, and
Walk  Transit  Walk.
Both trip ends are not in urban canyon area.
There is no cold start of GPS receiver.
Identification of Used Modes
Process for mode identification
Two important clues
Location of mode change points (ending point of the first walking, and the starting
point of the last walking)
Maximum speed from GPS data
Step 1) Find two mode change points, the ending point of the first walking and
the starting point of the last walking segments.
Step 2) If two mode change points exist, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4
Step 3) If both points are in a buffer area of bus stops, the used mode is a bus.
The size of the buffer is set at a radius of 40m from a stop.
Step 4) If maximum speed is faster than 32 km/h, the used mode is a
passenger car.
Step 5) If maximum speed is faster than 10 km/h, the used mode is a bicycle.
Otherwise, the used mode is a walk
Test suggested methodology using real GPS data
Made 60 trips with GPS receiver
Reproduce the 60 trips based on existing TTS data
Randomly sample each trip from the data
O/D and Mode
Route of a trip was decided by a respondent
Both O and D are in downtown Toronto area
To satisfy assumptions
Mode Configuration
10 Bus
24 Passenger Car
23 Walk
3 Bicycle
Identification of used links
% of correctly identified links: 78.5 %
% of un-detected links: 21.5 %
% of incorrectly identified links: 0 %
Identification of used modes
% of correctly identified modes: 91.7(55/60)