AN ADAPTIVE E-LEARNING SYSTEM BASED ON USERS' LEARNING STYLES Author: Phạm Quang Dũng Outline Introduction Learning objects and Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 2 Outline Introduction Learning objects and Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 3 Introduction Motivation and problem statement Each learner has his own individual needs and characteristics Most of LMSs do not consider learners’ needs and preferences the need for providing learners with adaptive courses While adaptive systems support adaptivity, they support only few functions of web-enhanced education, and the content of courses is not available for reuse. In contrast, LMSs focus on supporting teachers and help to make online teaching as easy as possible. use an adaptive learning management system Introduction Research issues 1. How can learning styles be identified? Find a literature-based method for automatic identifying learners’ learning styles based on their behaviour and actions on learning objects in online courses using LMSs suitable for LMSs in general 2. How can adaptive courses be provided in LMSs? which types of learning objects their order Outline Introduction Learning objects and Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 6 Learning object? any digital resource that can be reused to support learning (D.A. Wiley, 2000) digital images or photos, video or audio snippets, small bits of text, animations, a web page Characterstics Share and reuse Digital Metadata-tagged Description information: title, author, format, content description, instructional function Instructional and Target-Oriented Learning style models To classify and characterise how students receive and process information. Refer to fundamental aspects: cognitive style learning strategy Well-known models: Myers-Briggs, Kolb, Felder-Silverman Learning style models Felder–Silverman Learning Style Model Each learner has a preference on each of the four dimensions: Active – Reflective learning by doing – learning by thinking group work – work alone Sensing – Intuitive concrete material – abstract material more practical – more innovative and creative patient / not patient with details standard procedures – challenges Visual – Verbal learning from pictures – learning from words Sequential – Global learn in linear steps – learn in large leaps good in using partial knowledge – need “big picture” Learning style models - FSLSM (cont’) Types of combination of LS dimensions 1. active/sensing/visual/sequential 9. reflective/sensing/visual/sequential 2. active/sensing/visual/global 10. reflective/sensing/visual/global 3. active/sensing/verbal/sequential 11. reflective/sensing/verbal/sequential 4. active/sensing/verbal/global 12. reflective/sensing/verbal/global 5. active/intuitive/visual/sequential 13. reflective/intuitive/visual/sequential 6. active/intuitive/visual/global 14. reflective/intuitive/visual/global 7. active/intuitive/verbal/sequential 15. reflective/intuitive/verbal/sequential 8. active/intuitive/verbal/global 16. reflective/intuitive/verbal/global 10 FSLSM (cont’) Index of Learning Style (ILS) questionnaire 44 questions, 11 for each LS dimensions Scales of the dimensions: 11 A reductive questionnaire Based on FSLSM To be used for collecting initial learning style information of students Aims at saving time for students to answer Contains of 20 questions some from the ILS questionnaire, the rest from us 5 questions for each LS dimension ACT 5 The questionnaire Graphical presentation: 4 GLO SNS 3 2 1 VRB -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 INT -4 -5 REF SEQ 5 VIS Implications of LSs in education make learners aware of their learning styles and show them their individual strengths and weaknesses students can be supported by matching the teaching style with their learning styles Outline Introduction Learning objects and Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 14 Ontology in education Ontology represents domain knowledge by defining terminology, concepts, relations, and hierarchies Ex. of educational ontology: OntoEdu It enables education applications to share and reuse educational content Ontology is machine-readable and reasonable: Suitable for description of learning objects It will be faster and more convenient to query and retrieval educational material Intelligent agents in education how to provide adaptive teaching which is suitable to each student? the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques such as Multi Agents or Agent Society-based architectures intelligence may be applied through user models to make assumptions about the user’s state of knowledge, which may in turn help determine the user’s learning needs may enable the system to dynamically personalise applications and services to meet user preferences, goals and desires Outline Introduction Learning objects and Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 17 Introduction to LMSs Developed for teachers to create and manage their courses. Can be built based on pedagogical strategies: more learner-centered or more teacher-centered The applied strategies focus mainly on how to teach learners from a general point of view, without considering the individual needs of learners. 18 Adaptivity in LMSs Adaptivity indicates all kinds of automatic adaptation to individual learners’ needs. Course’s content Personal annotations 19 Benefits from using the Felder-Silverman learning style model in LMSs FSLSM describes learning style in more detail, represents also balanced preferences allows providing more accurate adaptivity FSLSM considers learning styles as “flexibly stable” LSs might change over time. An adaptive system can adjust to the change. FSLSM considers learning styles as tendencies a student might act differently from his LS tendency. An adaptive system should consider also exceptions and extraordinary situations. 20 Behaviour of learners in LMSs with respect to learning styles Active/Reflective dimension Active learners: do exercise first then look at examples perform more self-assessment questions Reflective learners: visit examples first then perform exercises spend more time on examples and outlines performed better on questions about interpreting predefined solutions 21 Behaviour of learners Benefits Make teachers and course developers aware of the different needs, different ways of learning of their students. Should provide courses with many different learning materials that support different learning styles. Might present learning materials in different orders corresponding to different preference for LSs. 22 Providing adaptive courses in LMSs Course elements Adaptation features 23 Providing adaptive courses in LMSs Course elements A course consists of several chapters, where for each chapter, adaptivity can be provided. Each chapter includes: An outline Content objects definitions, algorithms, graphics, etc. Examples Self-assessment tests Exercises A summary 24 Providing adaptive courses in LMSs Adaptation features Indicate how a course can change for students with different learning styles. Include: the sequence of LOs and their positions. the number of presented examples and exercises 25 Adaptation features (cont’) For active learners: outlines are only presented once before the content objects the number of exercises is increased a small number of examples is presented self-assessment tests are presented at the beginning and at the end of a chapter a final summary is provided in order to conclude the chapter 26 Adaptation features (cont’) For reflective learners: the number of exercises and self-assessment tests is decreased content objects are presented before examples outlines are additionally provided between the topics a conclusion is presented straight after all content objects 27 Methodology of incorporating LSs in a LMS Creating adaptive course Course structure Learning objects with learning style properties enough interchangeable LO? Student modelling A LS questionnaire for initialising An automatic approach for revising Providing adaptive course Combination of selecting and ordering learning objects Outline Introduction Learning objects and Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 29 Problems with collaborative student modelling that use a questionnaire Uncertainty because of: a lack of students’ motivation a lack of self-awareness about their learning preferences the influence of expectations from others Questionnaires are static and describe the learning style of a student at a specific point of time The result depends much on students’ mood Benefits of using automatic student modelling does not require additional effort from students is free of uncertainty can be more fault-tolerant due to information gathering over a longer period of time can recognise and update the change of students’ learning preferences Automatic student modelling approaches Determining relevant behaviour Selecting features and patterns Classifying the occurance of behaviour Defining patterns for each dimentions Inferring learning styles from behaviour LMS database Preparing input data Data-driven approach OR Literature-based approach Predicted learning style preferences Automatic student modelling approaches data-driven vs. literature-based Felder-Silverman learning style model Index of Learning Style questionnaire Data-driven approach Literature-based approach Automatic student modelling The data-driven approach uses sample data in order to build a model for identifying learning styles from the behaviour of learners aims at building a model that imitates the ILS questionnaire Advantage: the model can be very accurate due to the use of real data Disadvantage: the approach strictly depends on the available data and is developed for specific systems Automatic student modelling The literature-based approach uses the behaviour of students in order to get hints about their learning style preferences then applies a rule-based method to calculate LSs from the number of matching hints Advantage: generic and applicable for data gathered from any course Disadvantage: might have problems in estimating the importance of the different hints Outline Introduction Learning objects and Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 36 Methodology for implementing adaptation Annotating learning objects Estimating learning styles Providing adaptivity 37 Methodology Annotating learning objects Each learning object is annotated with one subtype of any element in the set of 16 types of combination E.g: Annotation of an example LO is RefSen Active Selfassessment exercises, multiplequestionguessing exercises Reflective Sensing Intuitive Examples, outlines, summaries , result pages Examples, explanation , facts, practical material Definitions , algorithms Visual Verbal Images, Text, graphics, audio charts, animations , videos Sequential Global Step-by-step exercises, constrict link pages Outlines, summaries , all-link pages 38 Methodology Estimating learning styles Expected time spent on each learning object, Timeexpected_stay, is determined. The time that a learner actually spent on each learning object, Timespent, is recorded. RT LS _ element Time Time spent exp ected _ stay Ratios for number of visits with respect to each LS element RV LS _ element LOs LOs visited 39 Methodology Estimating learning styles (cont’) Ravg LS Preference 0 – 0.3 Weak 0.3 – 0.7 Moderate 0.7 – 1 Strong An example Ravg ACT REF SNS INT VIS 0.5 0.6 0.25 0.2 VRB SEQ GLO 0.8 0.15 0.8 0.9 Learning style: moderate Active/Reflective, and strong Visual. 40 Methodology Providing adaptivity Assumption: interchangeable learning objects are sufficient for each learning content. The LMS automatically delivers suitable LOs for each learner based on: What learning content he choses His learning style that has been identified Previous example: only LOs with Act/Ref/Vis annotations. Combined with changing their appearance order 41 System’s adaptation Learning objects Learning styles LO 1_1 Active LO 1_2 Reflective Topic 1 LO 2_1 Topic 2 Learner 1 Sensing Intuitive LO 2_2 Course Learner 2 Visual LO n_1 Topic n LO n_2 LO n_3 x Verbal Sequential Global Learner n System’s domain ontology takes hasConcept Course Ability abilityName: String abBelongsTo: Course abHasObjective: Competence isSupportedBy: Resource Concept (Knowledge) ccBelongsTo hasAbility abBelongsTo courseName: String courseDescription: String csHasObjective: Competence hasConcept: Concept hasAbility: Ability hasResoure: Resource csHasObjective abHasObjective hasResource nextConcept previousConcept hasRequisite isPrequisiteFor consistsOf similarTo oppositeOf includedIn ccHasObjective Competence (Objective) objective: String supports describes isSupportedBy isDescribedBy Resource (Learning Object) lnHasObjective helpsTo AchieveAbility includedIn: Course describes: Concept supports: Ability hasDescription: ResourceDescription helpsTo AchieveKnowledge hasDescription Learner fullName: String dateOfBirth: Date sex: Boolean phone#: String email: String levelOfStudy: String yearOfStudy: Integer workStatus: String performance: String lnHasObjective: Competence takes: Course lnHasLearningStyle: LearningStyle conceptName: String ccBelongsTo: Course ccHasObjective: Competence consistOf: Concept similarTo: Concept oppositeOf: Concept nextConcept: Concept previousConcept: Concept hasRequisite: Concept isPrerequisiteFor: Concept isDescribedBy: Resource ResourceDescription createdBy: String hasKeyword: String helpsToAchieveKnowledge: Concept helpsToAchieveAbility: Ability type: String language: String difficultLevel: String rdHasLearningStyle: LearningStyle lnHasLearningStyle rdHasLearningStyle Learning Style activeReflective: Integer sensingIntuitive: Integer visualVerbal: Integer sequaltialGlobal: Integer Outline Introduction Learning objects Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 44 System architecture A multi-agent one with artificial agents Personal agent of tutor Content management service Learning content database Tutor Adaptive delivery service Adaptive content agent Chat/ Analyse Learning style monitoring agent Advice agent Login service Learners with different learning styles Personal agents of learners Inter-agent communication Other services Chat/Analyse Learning style testing service User profile database 45 System interface and functionality Administrator: updates personal information of teachers and students, views statistics about each individual or all of students' behaviour with respect to FSLSM other management tasks System interface and functionality Teachers update list of his courses: subjects, chapters, sections update his learning objects: outlines, definitions, algorithms, graphics, examples, exercises, summaries, etc. set up tests and see participated students' results accept application requests for his course from students view statistics of students' behaviour related to their learning styles Choosing the topic that learning object belongs to Annotating the learning object with LS properties Control menu for teachers Editing learning object’s content System interface and functionality Students register for a course take registered courses do the tests see the test results System interface and functionality System’s agents Learning style monitoring agent keeps track on every student's number of and his visit spent time on learning objects of the courses stores students' learning styles and updates new estimated ones Adaptive content agent chooses and orders the learning objects to present for each student LS detection result n Pr ecision Sim ( LS determined , LS ILS ) 1 n Experiment: an Artificial Intelligence course – 9 weeks 204 learning objects – test of LS properties 44 participated students – were asked to fill in the Index of Learning Style (ILS) questionnaire Precision: (72,73%, 70.15%, 79.54%, 65.91%) for Act/Ref, Sen/Int, Vis/Vrb, and Seq/Glo 52 Outline Introduction Learning objects and Learning styles Ontologies and intelligent agents in education Incorporation of learning styles in a learning management system Automatic detection of learning styles in LMSs Conception of an adaptive e-learning system POLCA – Implementation and results Conclusion 53 Contributions Develop a reductive questionnaire for detecting learning styles Make a survey of students' learning styles based on the Felder-Silver learning style model Develop an agent-based architecture for building adaptive LMSs in general Propose an annotation of learning objects and a mixture method to provide adaptivity in LMSs according to users' learning styles 54 Contributions Propose a new automatic and dynamic approach based on literature for identifying students’ learning styles in LMSs has a promising detection result, is simpler than existing ones, and can be applied for LMSs in general Develop an adaptive e-learning system incorporating above architecture and methodologies. 55 Limitations no incorporated communication channel among students the short testing time and the restricted pools of testing students Future work develop more system’s functions have more accurate results in LS detection: include more students’ behaviour patterns examine more exceptions of student behaviour consider the ability of including the relationship between learning styles and cognitive skills focus on providing better adaptivity find whether there are adaptation features which have more impact than others monitoring agent will track also their learning performance 57 Thanks for your attention! Summarise the most contributions - Section 10.1 Add the reasons why to use those appendices Add our own citations - Sections 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 9.3.1 Explain more clearly about literature-based approach and Graf's method (including Figure 7.2 and Table 7.1) - Section 7.2 Make the comparison between our method with the others more clearly - Section 9.3.1