
Chapter 7: Membrane Structure &
• Early models of the plasma membrane were
deduced from indirect evidence.
1. Charles Overton (1895):
• Observation: Lipid and lipid soluble materials
enter cells most rapidly
• Deduction: Membranes are made of lipids
2. Irving Langmuir (1917):
• Observation: Amphipathic phospholipids will
form an artificial membrane on the surface of
• Deduction: phospholipids can form
3. Gorter and Grendel (1925):
• Observation: Phospholipid content of membranes
isolated from red blood cells is just enough to cover cells
with two layers.
• Deduction: Cell membranes are phospholipid bilayers
• Observation: Membranes isolated from red blood cells
contain proteins as well as lipids.
• Deduction: There is protein in biological membranes
4. Hugh Davson and James Daneilli (1935)
 The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer
sandwiched between two layers of globular
 The membrane is approximately 8 nm thick
5. In 1972, S.J. Singer and G.L. Nicolson proposed the fluid
mosaic model
 Proteins are individually embedded in the phospholipid
bilayer (not a solid surface coat)
 Hydrophilic portions of both proteins and phospholipids
are maximally exposed to water
 Hydrophobic portions of proteins are phospholipids are
in the nonaqueous environment inside the bilayer.
The membrane is a mosaic of proteins bobbing in a
fluid bilayer of phospholipids.
a membrane is a fluid mosaic of lipids, proteins, and
 Membranes are held together by hydrophobic
interactions and most membrane lipids and some
proteins can drift laterally within the membrane.
Membranes must be fluid to work properly.
 Solidification may result in permeability changes and
enzyme deactivation.
 Unsaturated hydrocarbon tails enhance membrane
fluidity –why?
Cholesterol, found in plasma membranes of animal eukaryotes,
modulates membrane fluidity by making the membrane:
• less fluid at warmer temperatures (e.g. 37C body temp) by
restraining phospholipids movement
• more fluid at lower temperatures by preventing close packing of
Cells may alter membrane lipid concentration in response to changes
in temperature.
 Many cold tolerant plants (e.g. winter wheat) increase
the unsaturated phospholipids concentration in the
autumn to maintain membrane fluidity
The proteins found in the phospholipid
bilayer vary in both structure and function
• Integral proteins are embedded in the
– Unilateral – reaching only partway across the
– Transmembrane – exposed on both sides of the
• Peripheral proteins are not embedded,
but are attached to the membrane’s
surface (cytoplasmic side )
Protein functions
1. Cell to cell recognition
2. enzymatic activity
3- signal transduction
5- attachment to ECM
4- intercellular
6-Cell Transport:
Selective permeability – property of biological
membrane which allows some substances to cross
more easily than others. depends on:
• Phospholipid solubility characteristics
• presence of specific integral transport proteins
Solubility characteristics: (from
artificial membrane only)
Nonpolar and hydrophobic molecules dissolve in the membrane and
cross it with ease (e.g. hydrocarbons and oxygen)
Polar (hydrophilic) molecules are dependent on size and charge
 Small molecules (e.g. H2O, CO2) may be
small enough to pass between membrane lipids
 Larger molecules (e.g. glucose) will not easily pass
IONS- even small ones (e.g. Na+, H+) have difficulty
penetrating the hydrophobic layer.
Water, CO2, and nonpolar molecules rapidly pass through the
plasma membrane as they do an artificial membrane.
Transport proteins
integral transmembrane proteins that
transport specific molecules or ions across
biological membranes.
 Are highly specific for the substance they
 May provide a hydrophilic tunnel
 May bind to a substance and physically move
it across
Passive Transport
diffusion of a substance across a biological
• does not require the cell to expend energy.
• Driven by concentration gradient
 Rate is regulated by the permeability of the
 Water diffuses freely across most cell
Osmosis – diffusion of water across a
selectively permeable membrane
 Water diffuses down its concentration
• Hypertonic solution – a solution with a greater solute
concentration than that inside the cell
• Hypotonic solution – a solution with a lower solute
concentration than that inside the cell.
• Isotonic solution – a solution with an equal solute
concentration compared to that inside the cell.
• U-tube If two isosmotic solutions are separated by a
selectively permeable membrane, water molecules diffuse
across the membrane in both directions at an equal rate.
However, there is no NET movement of water.
Water potential – measure of the tendency for a solution to
take up water by a selectively permeable membrane.
 Water potential of pure water is zero.
- Solutes lower the water potential (ex -2)
- Water flows from HIGH to LOW (water
- Water flows from hypertonic to hypertonic
Water Balance of Cells Without Walls
 In a hypertonic environment, an animal cell
will lose water by osmosis and shrivel.
 In a hypotonic environment, an animal cell
will gain water by osmosis, swell, and
perhaps lyse (burst).
Organisms without cell walls prevent excessive
loss or uptake of water by:
 Living in an isotonic environment
 Osmoregulating
Water Balance of Cells With Walls
prokaryotes, some protists, fungi, and plants
• In a hypertonic environment, walled cells will
lose water by osmosis and will plasmolyze,
which is usually lethal.
Plasmolysis = plasma membrane pulls away
from the cell wall as the cell loses water to a
hypertonic environment.
In a hypotonic environment, water moves by
osmosis into the plant cell, causing it to swell
until internal pressure against the cell wall
equals the osmotic pressure of the
 Creates turgid cells = ideal for support
Turgidity is the firmness or tension found in
walled cells.
In an isotonic environment, there is no net
movement of water into or out of the cell
and the plant cells become flaccid (limp).
 Loss of structural support from decreased
turgid pressure causes plants to wilt.
Facilitated diffusion
– diffusion of solutes across a membrane with
the help of transport proteins.
 A passive transport down the concentration
 Helps the diffusion of many polar molecules
and ions which are impeded by the
membrane’s phospholipid bilayer.
Transport proteins share some properties of enzymes:
• are specific for the solutes they transport.
- analogous to an enzyme’s active site.
• can be saturated with solute = maximum
transport rate occurring
• can be inhibited by molecules that resemble the
normal solute ( resembles competitive inhibition
in enzymes).
• However, they do not usually catalyze chemical
One Model for Facilitated Diffusion:
 Transport proteins forms a channel through
which water molecules or specific solutes can
pass. (Aquaporins are water channels)
• Some proteins are gated channels and only
open in response to electrical or chemical
stimuli. (neurotransmitters and neurons)
Second Model for Facilitated Diffusion:
 Transport protein most likely remains in place in the
membrane and translocates solute by alternating
between two conformations.
 In one conformation, the transport protein binds the
solute; in the second conformation, it deposits the
solute on the other side of the membrane.
 The protein can transport in either direction, with the
net movement being down the concentration gradient
Active Transport
• ATP requiring process during which a
transport protein pumps a molecule across a
membrane against its concentration
 Helps cells maintain steep ionic gradients
across the cell membrane (e.g. Na+, Cl-)
Sodium-potassium pump: (example of active
– Na+ binding sites on the cytoplasm side and
K+ binding sites on the cell exterior
• ATP phosphorylates the transport protein and powers
the conformational change from Na+ receptive to K+
• As the transport protein changes conformation, it
translocates bound solutes across the membrane
• three Na+ ions out of the cell for every two K+
pumped into the cell creates a polarized
Electrochemical gradient – diffusion gradient
resulting from the combined effects of
membrane potential and concentration
 Ions always diffuse down their
electrochemical gradients
 Uncharged solutes diffuse down
concentration gradients only
Electrogenic pump – a transport protein
that generates voltage across a membrane
• Na+/K+ pump is the major electrogenic pump
in animals
* A proton pump is the major electrogenic
pump in plants, bacteria, and fungi. Also,
mitochondria and chloroplasts use proton
pumps for syntheis of ATP
electrogenic pumps are sources of potential
Exocytosis and Endocytosis
Exocytosis – process of exporting macromolecules from a cell by fusion of
vesicles with the plasma membrane
 Vesicle usually buds from the ER or Golgi and migrates
to the plasma membrane.
 Used by secretory cells of pancreas (insulin) or neurons
Endocytosis – process of importing macromolecules into a cell by forming
vesicles derived from the plasma membrane
 Vesicle forms from a localized region of the plasma
membrane that sinks inward (pinches off)
three types of endocytosis:
Phagocytosis – endocytosis of solid particles
 amoeba engulfs particle with pseudopodia
and forms a food vacuole. WBC’s do this too
Pinocytosis – endocytosis of fluid droplets
taken in as small vesicles.
Receptor-mediated endocytosis – process of
importing specific macromolecules into the
cells in response to the binding of specific
ligands to receptors on the cell’s surface
 Ligand is a generic term for a molecule that
binds to a receptor site of another molecule
 A very discriminating process
Stages of Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis:
Extracellular ligand binds to receptors in a coated pit
Causes inward budding of the coated pit
Forms a coated vesicle
Ingested material is released from the vesicle
Protein receptors are recycled to the plasma membrane
enables cells to acquire bulk quantities of
specific substances, even if they are in low
concentration in extracellular fluid.
 In the blood, cholesterol is bound to lowdensity lipoproteins (LDLs)
 These LDLs bind to LDL receptors on cell
 defective LDL receptors can lead to