Fuel Cells - Faculty | Essex County College

Fuel Cells
Prof. Park
Essex County College
What Is A Fuel Cell?
• In principle, a fuel cell operates like a battery.
Unlike a battery, a fuel cell does not run down or
require recharging. It will produce energy in the
form of electricity and heat as long as fuel is
• A fuel cell consists of two electrodes sandwiched
around an electrolyte. Oxygen passes over one
electrode and hydrogen over the other,
generating electricity, water and heat.
What Is A Fuel Cell?
What Is A Fuel Cell?
• Hydrogen fuel is fed into the "anode" of the fuel
cell. Oxygen (or air) enters the fuel cell through
the cathode.
• Encouraged by a catalyst, the hydrogen atom
splits into a proton and an electron, which take
different paths to the cathode.
• The proton passes through the electrolyte. The
electrons create a separate current that can be
utilized before they return to the cathode, to be
reunited with the hydrogen and oxygen in a
molecule of water.
What Is A Fuel Cell?
• A fuel cell system which includes a "fuel
reformer" can utilize the hydrogen from
any hydrocarbon fuel - from natural gas to
methanol, and even gasoline.
• Since the fuel cell relies on chemistry and
not combustion, emissions from this type
of a system would still be much smaller
than emissions from the cleanest fuel
combustion processes.
Types of Fuel Cells
1. Phosphoric Acid
2. Proton Exchange Membrane
3. Molten Carbonate
4. Solid Oxide
5. Alkaline
6. Direct Methanol
7. Regenerative
8. Zinc Air
9. Protonic Ceramic
10. Microbial Fuel Cell
Phosphoric Acid fuel cell (PAFC)
• Phosphoric acid fuel cells are commercially available today.
• Hundreds of fuel cell systems have been installed in 19 nations - in
hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, office buildings, schools, utility
power plants, landfills and waste water treatment plants.
• PAFCs generate electricity at more than 40% efficiency - and nearly
85% of the steam this fuel cell produces is used for cogeneration this compares to about 35% for the utility power grid in the United
• Phosphoric acid fuel cells use liquid phosphoric acid as the
electrolyte and operate at about 450°F.
• One of the main advantages to this type of fuel cell, besides the
nearly 85% cogeneration efficiency, is that it can use impure
hydrogen as fuel.
• PAFCs can tolerate a CO concentration of about 1.5 percent, which
broadens the choice of fuels they can use. If gasoline is used, the
sulfur must be removed.
Proton Exchange Membrane
fuel cell (PEM)
• These fuel cells operate at relatively low temperatures
(about 175°F), have high power density, can vary their
output quickly to meet shifts in power demand, and are
suited for applications, such as in automobiles, where
quick startup is required.
• According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),
"they are the primary candidates for light-duty vehicles,
for buildings, and potentially for much smaller
applications such as replacements for rechargeable
• This type of fuel cell is sensitive to fuel impurities. Cell
outputs generally range from 50 watts to 75 kW.
Molten Carbonate fuel cell
• Molten carbonate fuel cells use an electrolyte composed
of a molten carbonate salt mixture suspended in a
porous, chemically inert matrix, and operate at high
temperatures - approximatelly 1,200ºF.
• They require carbon dioxide and oxygen to be delivered
to the cathode.
• To date, MCFCs have been operated on hydrogen,
carbon monoxide, natural gas, propane, landfill gas,
marine diesel, and simulated coal gasification products.
• 10 kW to 2 MW MCFCs have been tested on a variety of
fuels and are primarily targeted to electric utility
Solid Oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
• Solid oxide fuel cells use a hard, non-porous ceramic
compound as the electrolyte, and operate at very high
temperatures - around 1800°F.
• One type of SOFC uses an array of meter-long tubes,
and other variations include a compressed disc that
resembles the top of a soup can.
• Tubular SOFC designs are closer to commercialization
and are being produced by several companies around
the world.
• SOFCs are suitable for stationary applications as well as
for auxiliary power units (APUs) used in vehicles to
power electronics.
Alkaline fuel cell (AFC)
• Long used by NASA on space missions, alkaline
fuel cells can achieve power generating
efficiencies of up to 70 percent.
• They were used on the Apollo spacecraft to
provide both electricity and drinking water.
• Alkaline fuel cells use potassium hydroxide as
the electrolyte and operate at 160°F.
• However, they are very susceptible to carbon
contamination, so require pure hydrogen and
Direct Methanol fuel cell (DMFC)
• These cells are similar to the PEM cells in that they both
use a polymer membrane as the electrolyte.
• However, in the DMFC, the anode catalyst itself draws
the hydrogen from the liquid methanol, eliminating the
need for a fuel reformer.
• Efficiencies of about 40% are expected with this type of
fuel cell, which would typically operate at a temperature
between 120-190°F.
• This is a relatively low range, making this fuel cell
attractive for tiny to mid-sized applications, to power
cellular phones and laptops.
• Higher efficiencies are achieved at higher temperatures.
• Companies are also working on DMFC prototypes to be
used by the military for powering electronic equipment in
the field.
Regenerative fuel cell
• Regenerative fuel cells are attractive as a
closed-loop form of power generation.
• Water is separated into hydrogen and oxygen by
a solar-powered electrolyzer.
• The hydrogen and oxygen are fed into the fuel
cell which generates electricity, heat and water.
• The water is then recirculated back to the solarpowered electrolyzer and the process begins
• These types of fuel cells are currently being
researched by NASA and others worldwide.
Zinc Air fuel cell (ZAFC)
• In a typical zinc/air fuel cell, there is a gas diffusion
electrode (GDE), a zinc anode separated by electrolyte,
and some form of mechanical separators.
• The GDE is a permeable membrane that allows
atmospheric oxygen to pass through.
• After the oxygen has converted into hydroxyl ions and
water, the hydroxyl ions will travel through an electrolyte,
and reaches the zinc anode.
• Here, it reacts with the zinc, and forms zinc oxide.
• This process creates an electrical potential; when a set
of ZAFC cells are connected, the combined electrical
potential of these cells can be used as a source of
electric power.
• This electrochemical process is very similar to that of a
PEM fuel cell, but the refueling is very different and
shares characteristics with batteries.
Zinc Air fuel cell (ZAFC)
• ZAFCs contain a zinc "fuel tank" and a zinc refrigerator
that automatically and silently regenerates the fuel.
• In this closed-loop system, electricity is created as zinc
and oxygen are mixed in the presence of an electrolyte
(like a PEMFC), creating zinc oxide.
• Once fuel is used up, the system is connected to the grid
and the process is reversed, leaving once again pure
zinc fuel pellets.
• The key is that this reversing process takes only about 5
minutes to complete, so the battery recharging time hang
up is not an issue.
• The chief advantage zinc-air technology has over other
battery technologies is its high specific energy, which is a
key factor that determines the running duration of a
battery relative to its weight.
Protonic Ceramic fuel cell
• This new type of fuel cell is based on a ceramic
electrolyte material that exhibits high protonic
conductivity at elevated temperatures.
• PCFCs share the thermal and kinetic advantages of high
temperature operation at 700 degrees Celsius with
molten carbonate and solid oxide fuel cells, while
exhibiting all of the intrinsic benefits of proton conduction
in PEM and phosphoric acid fuel cells.
• The high operating temperature is necessary to achieve
very high electrical fuel efficiency with hydrocarbon fuels.
• PCFCs can operate at high temperatures and
electrochemically oxidize fossil fuels directly to the
• This eliminates the intermediate step of producing
hydrogen through the costly reforming process.
Protonic Ceramic fuel cell
• Gaseous molecules of the hydrocarbon fuel are
absorbed on the surface of the anode in the presence of
water vapor, and hydrogen atoms are efficiently stripped
off to be absorbed into the electrolyte, with carbon
dioxide as the primary reaction product.
• Additionally, PCFCs have a solid electrolyte so the
membrane cannot dry out as with PEM fuel cells, or
liquid can't leak out as with PAFCs.
Microbial fuel cell (MFC)
• Microbial fuel cells use the catalytic reaction of microorganisms such
as bacteria to convert virtually any organic material into fuel.
• Some common compounds include glucose, acetate, and
• Enclosed in oxygen-free anodes, the organic compounds are
consumed (oxidized) by the bacteria or other microbes.
• As part of the digestive process, electrons are pulled from the
compound and conducted into a circuit with the help of an inorganic
• MFCs operate well in mild conditions relative to other types of fuel
cells, such as 20-40 degrees Celsius, and could be capable of
producing over 50% efficiency.
• These cells are suitable for small scale applications such as
potential medical devices fueled by glucose in the blood, or larger
such as water treatment plants or breweries producing organic
waste that could then be used to fuel the MFCs.
Applications of Fuel Cells
• Stationary: Hotel, College, House
– Telecommunications
– Landfills/Wastewater Treatment Plants/Breweries
• Transportation
– Cars, Buses, and Scooters
– Forklifts/Materials Handling
– Auxiliary Power Units (APUs)
– Trains, Planes, and Boats
• Portable Power: campsite, military
• Micro Power: Consumer Electronics
Applications of Fuel Cells
• There are many uses for fuel cells — right now, all of the
major automakers are working to commercialize a fuel
cell car.
• Fuel cells are powering buses, boats, trains, planes,
scooters, forklifts, even bicycles.
• There are fuel cell-powered vending machines, vacuum
cleaners and highway road signs.
• Miniature fuel cells for cellular phones, laptop computers
and portable electronics are on their way to market.
• Hospitals, credit card centers, police stations, and banks
are all using fuel cells to provide power to their facilities.
• Wastewater treatment plants and landfills are using fuel
cells to convert the methane gas they produce into
• Telecommunications companies are installing fuel cells
at cell phone, radio and 911 towers. The possibilities are
Benefits of Fuel Cells
Low to Zero Emissions
High Efficiency
High Reliability/High Quality Power
Fuel Flexibility
Modularity/Scalability/Flexible Siting
Lightweight/Long-lasting Battery
Qualified Power (W)
Fuel Cell Name
Metal hydride fuel cell
Aqueous alkaline solution (e.g.potassium hydroxide)
Electro-galvanic fuel cell
Aqueous alkaline solution (e.g., potassium hydroxide)
Direct formic acid fuel cell (DFAFC)
Polymer membrane (ionomer)
Zinc-air battery
Aqueous alkaline solution (e.g., potassium hydroxide)
under 40
Microbial fuel cell
Polymer membrane or humic acid
under 40
above -20
(50% Ppeak @
under 40
to 50 W
Upflow microbial fuel cell (UMFC)
under 40
under 40
Regenerative fuel cell
Polymer membrane (ionomer)
under 50
Direct borohydride fuel cell
Aqueous alkaline solution (e.g., sodium hydroxide)
Alkaline fuel cell
Aqueous alkaline solution (e.g., potassium hydroxide)
10 kW to 100 kW
under 80
Cell: 60–70%
System: 62%
Direct methanol fuel cell
Polymer membrane (ionomer)
100 mW to 1 kW
Cell: 20–30%
System: 10–20%
Reformed methanol fuel cell
Polymer membrane (ionomer)
5 W to 100 kW
Cell: 50–60%
System: 25–40%
Direct-ethanol fuel cell
Polymer membrane (ionomer)
up to 140 mW/cm²
above 25
? 90–120
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Polymer membrane (ionomer) (e.g., Nafion or
Polybenzimidazole fiber)
100 W to 500 kW
Cell: 50–70%
System: 30–50%
Fuel Cell Name
RFC - Redox
Liquid electrolytes with redox shuttle & polymer
membrane (Ionomer)
Phosphoric acid fuel cell
Molten phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
Molten carbonate fuel cell
Molten alkaline carbonate (e.g., sodium bicarbonate
Tubular solid oxide fuel cell (TSOFC)
O2--conducting ceramic oxide (e.g., zirconium
dioxide, ZrO2)
Protonic ceramic fuel cell
H+-conducting ceramic oxide
Direct carbon fuel cell
Several different
Planar Solid oxide fuel cell
O2--conducting ceramic oxide (e.g., zirconium
dioxide, ZrO2 Lanthanum Nickel Oxide La2XO4,X=
Ni,Co, Cu.)
Enzymatic Biofuel Cells
Any that will not denature the enzyme (usually
aqueous buffer).
Qualified Power (W)
1 kW to 10 MW
up to 10 MW
Cell: 55%
System: 40%
Co-Gen: 90%
100 MW
Cell: 55%
System: 47%
Cell: 60–65%
System: 55–60%
up to 100 MW
up to 100 MW
Cell: 80%
System: 70%
Cell: 60–65%
System: 55–60%
under 40