CORNEAL PRESERVATION & STORAGE DR.REKHA. Lions Eye hospital BANGALORE IMPORTANCE OF STORAGE SUCCESS OF PENENTRATING KERATOPLASTY DEPEND UPON CORNEAL ENDOTHELIAL INTEGRITY. CORNEAL STORAGE SYSTEM AIM To maintain the endothelial viability & integrity. Prevent corneal autolysis during storage Long term corneal storage. HISTORY First corneal preservation. 1911 Mgitot in J.A.M.A. Stored cornea in Hemolyzed blood serum at 5-7deg.centigrade. Cornea viable for2days STORAGE TYPES SHORT-4deg.C(days) Moist chamber(1day),M.K.Media(2-4days) INTERMEDIATE-14days- 4deg.C(wks) K-Sol, Dexsol,OptisolGS,Procell, Eusol-C LONG(months) EuropeanOrgan culture-120days(37deg.C) Eurosol-31deg.C-28days(New) Cryoprev.-Unlimited-(-80degC) MOIST CHAMBER METHOD Filatov &Castroviejo. Whole globe is stored in a sterile jar. Jar has saline Humidification. Temp of 4degrees C. Popular untill 1970. Simple & in- expensive. Grafting on emergency basis. McCAREY&KUFMAN STORAGE Corneo-scleral excision is necessary& immersed with endothelial side up. Contains Tc199,dextran-40 1%, PH7.0-7.5,Osmolality 295=355 & gentamycin sulphate75-150 micro gm/ml ,HEPES as buffer. Phenol red as indicator. Scheduling of surgery STORAGE MEDIA K-SOL: Tc 199,MEM&Earles media, HEPES,Gentamicin,Chondroitin sulphate2.5% . 1988 proprionibacteria contamination DEXOL: MEM, 1.35%Chondrotin Sulphate, 1mM Sodium pyruvate, 1mM non- essential aminoacids, Antioxidants, 1%dextran40. OPTISOL.G.S. Introduced in 1991 Contents MEM, 1.35%Chondrotin Sulphate, 1mMSodiumpyruvate,1mM non-essential aminoacids, Antioxidants, 1%dextran40,ATP,Iron,cholestrol,Lhydroxyproline,Vitamine,2antibioticsGenticyn,Stepomycin. Expensive EUSOL-C Store at 4deg.C Storage time 14days, SIMILAR TO DEXOL CONTENTS Dextran,Sodium Piruvate,Glucose,Essential &non-essential aminoacids, mineral salts, Vitamins, Gentamin, hepesbuffer, Bicarbonate, Phenol Red. FUNCTIONS OF CONTENTS BASE MEDIA a)Tissue-culture199aminoacids,salts,buffer&energy to support life. b)Minimum Essential Media(MEM) with Earles salt- matches natural salts &buffers of human tissue,electrolites similar to aqueous FUNCTIONS OF CONTENTS BUFFER HEPES(N-2-hydroxyethyl-piperazine-N2ethane-sulfonic acid) -used for cultivation of sensitive mammalian cells -provides optimal physiological Ph in the range7-7.2 COMMON FEATURES OF MEDIA ANTIBIOTIC Gentamicin only /&Streptomycin DEXTRAN Polysaccharide,negatively charged. Prevents tissue swelling. Used alone does not provide sufficient tissue stability & viability for extended storage. COMMON FEATURES OF MEDIA CHONDROTIN SULFATE Polysaccharide,negatively charged Endothelial integrity&acts as a osmotic agent.Superior to dextran.Longer storage time ENRICHED Various salts,aminoacids essential &nonessential,vit.,phosphates &antioxidents to enhance cell & tissue viability & health during storage. COMMON MEDIA FEATURES ATP precursors--> Provide energy for pumping function. Anti-Oxidents--->Neutralize metabolic waste,maintain DNS synthesis Vitamins-->Provides additional nutritional cell supplements. Sodium Piruvate&Glucose--> Energy supply Colour Phenol Red-->Visual aid for pH indication. CHECK MEDIA The cornea which is stored in MKmedia,Dexol,optisolGS.Thefollowing parameters to be checked before using Intact seal,Expiry date,Turbity, Colour (rose red) ,precipitates & FB. COLOUR CHANGE INDICATES Yellow-- Bacterial contamination. Red--- Unacceptable Ph. Cloudy-- Contamination Ph COLOUR REFERENCE CHART 7.00 7.25 7.50 contimanation PROCELL MEM,1.35%chondrotin sulphate,1mM sodium pyruvate1mM,Non-essential aminoacids,Antioxidants,Dextran40, Humen insulin10mic.g/ml & Human epidermal growth factor(hEGF10ng/ml) to improve long term endothelial survival after PKP .(experiments have not proved it, opth1994 feb101(2)252-9 LassJH et all) ORGAN CULTURE 1936,by Archer & Trevor-Roper. Being used since1974. Refrigeration not required. Complicated,expensive & well trained microbiologist. EUROPEAN ORGAN CULTURE 31-37deg.C, EMEM, MEM, IMDM , HEPES, NaHCO3,Peni,Strep,Ampo-B, BOVINE SERUM 2-10ML,Dextran4-10% ORGAN CULTURE contents Eagles media,Earles salt with out Lglutamine,L-glutamine1%final conc.,Decomlemented calf serum10%final conc.Penicilllin 100units/ml,, Gentamicin100microgram/ml. AmphotericianB 0.25% microgram/ml. TISSUE CULTURE MEDIA EUROSOL New Duration of storage 28days. Temp 31deg.C. Better then the European culture media. Maintains intact endothelium, epithelium & Keratocyte. ORGAN CULTURE ADVANTAGES:Endothelial integrity 120days,Epithelial integrity35days,Culture report prior to transplantation,stored at 4deg,centi. DISADVANTAGES:Cornea thickens with time,Microbial contamination, Complicated expensive techniques, Greater loss of endothelial afterPK. CRYOPRESERVATION Kaufman &Capella.1954 Cornea is stored in Liquid Nitrogen with DimethylSulfoxide(DMSO). DMSO,Prevents intracellular damage by ice crystals. Not a procedure used.Holds a lot of research interest. CRYOPRESERVATION ADVANTAGES:Long-term storage at80deg.C. DISADVANTAGES:Technically difficult,Limited tissue tolerance to freezthaw. Rapid thaw at 37 deg.C. 1964 18months Tissue strored in Liquid nitrogen at --197deg C At the time of thawing the cial containing cornea is placed in water bath at temp of 60dec C at 1min. Trained techiques for Freezing & thawing GLYCERINE PRESERVATION Patch graft or Lamellar Keraoplasty. Corneo-scleral button. 100%glycerine. Enothelium is nonviable Use with in 1 year. Stored at room temp. NOTE HYPOTHERMIC (CS+Hyperkalaemic) Storage 2wks,epithelial not well preserved,not used ORGAN CULTURE At one time predominating in Europe Organ culture storage-4wks CRYOPRESERVATION Not used, tissure strored for emergency use FUTURE Improve endothelial cell layer viability &compact stroma. Maintain Keratocyte viability. Reduce corneal autolysis during storage. Thin cornea in spite of long time storage. No contamenation Easy to use & transport Inexpensive. Thank you