CCDD Rules and Regulations

CCDD Rules and
Training Seminar
PID/FID Equipment - Use and Calibration
PID/FID Equipment
Use and Calibration
Pat Maloney
J & M Instruments
Field Use at CCDD Facilities
Matt Vondra
Bluff City Materials
PID/FID Equipment
 Presentation on PID and FID Technology
 Demonstration of TVA (FID-PID)
 Demonstration of RAE PIDs
 Questions And Answers
PID/FID Equipment
Use and Calibration
Section 1100.205 Load Checking
The owner or operator must institute and conduct a load checking program
designed to detect attempts to dispose of waste at the facility. At a minimum,
the load checking program must consist of the following components:
a) Routine Inspections
1) An inspector designated by the facility must inspect every load before
its acceptance at the facility utilizing an elevated structure, a designated
ground level inspection area, or another acceptable method as specified in
the Agency permit. In addition to a visual inspection, the inspector
must use an instrument with a photo ionization detector utilizing a
lamp of 10.6eV or greater or an instrument with a flame ionization
detector, or other monitoring devices approved by the Agency, to
inspect each load. All instruments shall be interpreted based on
the manufacturer’s margin of error. Any reading in excess of
background levels using any of these instruments must result in
the rejection of the inspected load. In addition, any reading in excess
of background levels on any monitoring device used by the Agency during
an Agency inspection must result in the rejection of the inspected load.
PID/FID Equipment
Introduction to FID and PID gas monitor
equipment and practical considerations for
field use
Pat Maloney
J & M Instrument Co.
(219) 924-4545 x104
PID/FID Equipment
Permanent & Portable Gas Monitors for Toxics
& Combustible Gases
• Refrigerant Monitors, Confined Space Meters
& Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
• Gas Analyzers for Process
Control, Combustion, & Environmental
• Features Paramagnetic 02 – Insitu
Combustion CO &/or O2 & Photometric IR/UV
THERMO (including the former Foxboro TVA)
• Industrial Mass Spec for Fast On Line
Analysis of Process, Safety and Environmental
• On Line Sulfur for Gas & Refining
PID/FID Equipment
• Process Analyzers for Combustion O2, Gas
Chromatography, NDIR and Gas Density
• Portable Gas Monitors for Toxic and Explosive
Gasses - Specialists in PID Technology, Including
Benzene & Butadiene Specific Portables
PID/FID Equipment
Photo Ionization Detection (PID)
 Basic Theory: Sample is introduced into an
ionization chamber and exposed to an ultraviolet lamp of a
specific energy. The photons of UV energy excites the
sample and ions (less than or equal IP to lamp) are
attracted to a collecting electrode. The collection of the
ions result in an increase current which is proportional to
the concentration of the compound (compared to a known
calibration standard). The sample exits the system
PID/FID Equipment
Diagram of PID
PID/FID Equipment
Flame Ionization Detection
 Basic Theory: Sample is introduced into an ionization
chamber and burned in a hydrogen flame. This process
separates free ions (from hydrogen and carbon bonded –
“hydrocarbons”) which in turn are attracted to a collecting
electrode. The collection of the ions result in an increase current
which is proportional to the concentration of the compound
(compared to a known calibration standard). The by-products
of the process are H2O and CO2.
PID/FID Equipment
Diagram of FID
PID/FID Equipment
Advantages FID
Wide dynamic and linear range
(0-50,000 ppm or 5% which is 100% LEL as Methane)
Highly sensitive to hydrocarbon vapors
Can See Methane
Very stable and repeatable
(with generally tighter correction factors vs PID)
Unaffected by ambient levels of water vapor
PID/FID Equipment
Disadvantages FID
 Requires H2 Fuel Source
 Requires 16 % 02 for reading (so has Flameout Issues)
 Size and Weight
 Sees Methane
(not really toxic – can interfere with seeing gas of interest)
 More Complex Unit
(Calibration & Operation - Cost and Maintenance)
 Can NOT See Inorganics
PID/FID Equipment
Advantages PID
Size and Weight (Newer Models) and Simplicity of Use
No support gases required (works in inert conditions – no O2)
Better low end sensitivity (PPB – newer models)
Non-destructive detector (allows sample collection)
Can measure many inorganic compounds (NH3 for exam)
Sensitive to aromatic, chlorinated & unsaturated hydrocarbons
Immune to (does not see) Methane
Easier and Less Costly to Maintain (newer models – have less
expensive and more accessible lamps and detectors)
PID/FID Equipment
Disadvantages PID
Typically sufficient range – but lower range than FID
(0-2000/10,000 ppm and looses linearity at higher ranges)
Limited to reading gasses at/below Ionization Potential of the
UV lamp installed (typically 10.6 – though 11.7 and 9.8 exist)
Affected by Moisture: 95% RH may reduce reading 25-30%
(New models do allow for dryer tubes– 15/30 minute run time)
Based on my field experience, beware the claim for moisture
immunity/compensation of some PID manufacturers.
PID/FID Equipment
IP and Lamps
 IEPA requires 10.6 minimum (best lamp)
 9.8 reduced survey capability
 11.7 expanded range
Quickly degrades – less stable
short life
PID/FID Equipment
PID/FID Equipment
Internal Packaging
PID/FID Equipment
Diagram of Dual System
CCDD Rules and
PID/FID Field Use and Calibration
Concerns Under CCDD Rules and Regulations
PID/FID Field Use
Filed Use of FID and PID gas monitor
equipment at CCDD Facilities
Concerns Under CCDD Rules and Regulations
Matt Vondra
Bluff City Materials
PID/FID Field Use
PID - Photoionization Detector
FID - Flame Ionization Detector
 Both are sensitive air monitoring devices
 Air stream pumped through detector so gases can be
 Unit ionizes hydrocarbon compounds carried in the sample
air stream
 Ionized compounds are converted by unit into an
approximate concentration when compared to a known
 Does not distinguish one type of compound from another
PID/FID Field Use
PID/FID Operation
 Calibration
 Calibrate to zero using hydrocarbon free air
 Calibrate using 100ppm isobutylene gas
 Screen CCDD materials by sampling vapors
emanating off the material
 Hydrocarbons found in the material will volatilize
and be detected through the sample air stream
 Detector will give approximate concentration in
parts per million (ppm)
PID/FID Field Use
 Place the tip of the PID near the edge of the
material collected with the sampling device
 Record the peak measurement shown on the PID
 If the PID shows a reading greater than the margin
of error, the material could be contaminated and
that load should be rejected
 Results must be documented
PID/FID Field Use
PID/FID Field Use
PID/FID Field Use
PID/FID Field Use
PID/FID Field Use
Important Considerations
 Thoroughly review and understand manual
 Unit response time is usually within a few seconds
 Manufacturer provides a statement of the
sensitivity/accuracy of the device
 Routine maintenance is needed and should be
Inlet filter change out
Lamp change out
PID/FID Field Use
Important Considerations
 Environmental Factors which may affect reading
Temperature and humidity extremes
Rain and sunlight
Moisture and solids introduced into detector
through air sampling pump
 Can purchase an outside filter to minimize the
environmental factors that could affect accuracy of
PID/FID Field Use
PID/FID Alternatives
 IEPA allows for the approval of alternate devices
Field GC/MS – gas chromatograph/mass
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer - screens for
the presence of metals
estimated $35,000 per XRF analyzer
PID/FID Field Use
Calibrating PID/FID for Background
 PID/FID devices should be calibrated daily using
the manufacturer’s suggested gas
 May calibrate several times throughout the day to
account for any fluctuations in readings due to
weather conditions
 Calibration should occur at the CCDD inspection
 The device has a margin of error of +/- 0.1 ppm
PID/FID Field Use
Calibration Steps
Each morning the inspector should:
Calibrate the device
Establish background levels
Apply the margin of error to determine the
“rejection” threshold and record this number
Utilize this number when determining which
loads are accepted/rejected
* See Sample Calibration Log
PID/FID Field Use
PID/FID Instrument Background Level Log
Calibration Log
Date: _________________ Time: _________
Inspector: ____________________________
Site: ________________________________
Calibrated Background Level:
Margin of Error:
Rejection Threshold: 0 + margin of error = _________
PID/FID Equipment
Issues Worth Additional Discussion
Sample preparation
How to deal with Back Ground measurements
PID Calibration Demonstration
PID/FID Equipment
Sample Conditioning Considerations
 Sample Conditioning – Concepts for improved results – not required
procedures (to my knowledge)
You want a warm representative sample(s) to test – to get better results
 Cold Weather – seal off sample and raise temperature if possible (less of
an issue in warm weather – but could be standardized as a procedure.
 Get a sample from the center – not just a pass at the top
 As easy as a Zip lock bag by floor board heater 5 min – or similar SAFE
temperature increase – leave sufficient head space to test.
PID/FID Equipment
How to deal with background
 I have long proposed to industrial users (LDAR)
to always use a real baseline ZERO – and to
include the background as part of their readings.
They may have more room for inclusion than will
work for CCDD applications. However, I remain
a big fan of starting from a baseline ZERO and if
needed – log the background and report that
against the reading.
PID/FID Equipment
Zeroing out the background
 If you ever need to explain your numbers – people will
understand a logged offset that was recorded against the
reading. (The instrument reported ZERO on the Zero gas – we
noted 3 to 4 ppm background and the unit reported 12 ppm
sample headspace (9 ppm actual difference after accounting for
lowest average background).
 Now imagine explaining that same 9 ppm after site personnel
ZEROs to the back ground (unrecorded).
 Baseline ZERO is simpler to maintain and explain
PID/FID Equipment
PID Cal Demo
Use of Demand Flow Reg (bags used FIDs)
USE ZERO GAS (not background)
Span to Isobutylene 100 ppm
Marker Cap field check – not marker
PID/FID Equipment
MiniRAE 2000: PID Sensor
 Inspect sensor for damage and replace to rectify the following conditions:
Bent electrode “fingers”
Teflon mask warped so that sensing electrode shows
Electrodes not in the same plane
If problems persist, replace PID sensor
with mask
for clarity
Teflon Mask
PID/FID Equipment
 Clean PID Lamp & Sensor
When display creeps upwards
after good zero
When PID responds to moisture
When movement of PID results in
response on display
Dirty Sensor
Bias Electrode
Clean Sensor
Bias Electrode
Sensing Electrode
Sensing Electrode
No dirt build-up to
foster a decrease in
airspace resistance
Dirt build-up absorbs water and
breaks down airspace resistance
leading to sensor “leakage” or
moisture response
PID/FID Equipment
 Humidity Check
Cup hand over inlet or
breathe into inlet for 1020 seconds
Do not block flow
If M2K reads >2 ppm or
ppbRAE reads >500 ppb,
then the sensor needs
PID/FID Equipment
 How to Clean PID Sensor
Always clean sample probe and replace or clean
filters FIRST! If PID holds a stable zero after this
step then further cleaning may not be necessary
Use anhydrous methanol (Lamp cleaning solution),
never use water
Clean lamp face with lens tissue – do not touch
with your bare hands
PID/FID Equipment
 Cleaning the PID Sensor
Maintaining PID Sensor
Clean sensor by immersion in
cleaning solution
Do not loosen or remove
screws on PID sensor
Remove the o-ring from the
PID sensor
If Ultrasonic Cleaner is not
Immerse in cleaning
solution and agitate by hand
 Drying the PID Sensor
Let air dry overnight
Warm air (not hot) will speed
PID/FID Equipment
Humidity Filtering II Tubes
Temporary relief for a dirty sensor
Dries sample gas for about ½ hour
Measure VOCs; multiple sample use OK
Useful for gasoline and chlorinated solvents
CAUTION: May cause low response for some compounds or at
low temperature or concentration
(p/n 021-2400-100)
Tube Adapter
(p/n 025-3002-000)
Tube Tip Breaker
Humidity Filtering II Tube
(10-pack, p/n 025-2002-010)
PID/FID Equipment
General Calibration Procedure
 Prior to daily use, it is good practice to perform a Fresh
Air/Zero Calibration
 After Calibration, test for moisture response
 If readings increase more than 5ppm, clean lamp & sensor
If readings do not increase higher than 5ppm, continue with
pump stall test
 If unit passes, test pump to verify it will stall, if pump does
not stall, service the pump
Check Stall Threshold
Check tubing
Clean/rebuild pump or replace
PID/FID Equipment
MiniRAE 2000 Top Assembly
Lamp Housing
1 1/8” O’Ring
PID Sensor
Porous Metal Filter
3/8” O’Ring
Lamp Housing Cap
 Filter history
 Green dust filter was
originally used, but
proved not to work
 “C” filter was used next
but proved to absorb too
many VOCs
 Now only porous metal
filter is used
PID/FID Equipment
Inside the MiniRAE 2000