Control of Sulfur Oxides

Control of
Sulfur Oxides
Hsin Chu
Dept. of Environmental Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
This chapter and the next concern
pollutants-sulfur oxides and nitrogen
oxides-cannot be economically collected
by physical means nor rendered harmless
by combustion as the control of
particulates and VOCs.
 Their control is largely chemical rather
than physical.
SO2, SO3, and NO2 are strong respiratory
irritants that can cause health damage at
high concentrations.
 These gases also form secondary
particles in the atmosphere.
 They are the principal causes of acid rain.
1. The Elementary Oxidation-Reduction
Chemistry of Sulfur and Nitrogen
The sources and control methods are
significantly different for sulfur oxides and
nitrogen oxides, but their chemistry is quite
 Table 11.1 (next slide) shows the oxidation
and reduction products of nitrogen and
Both hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are very
strong-smelling substances, gaseous at room
temperature (-60oC and -33oC boiling points,
respectively), and toxic in high concentrations.
NO, NO2, SO2, and SO3 are all gases at room
temperature or slightly above room temperature
(boiling points 21oC, 34oC, -10oC, and 45oC,
The estimated concentrations of these materials
in unpolluted parts of the world’s atmosphere are
SO2, 0.2 ppb; NH3, 10 ppb; NO2, 1 ppb.
2. An Overview of the Sulfur Problem
Fig. 11.1 (next slide) shows in part how
sulfur moves in the environment as a
result of human activities.
Sulfur is the sixteenth-most abundant
element in the earth’s crust, with an
abundance of about 260 ppm.
 The vast majority of this sulfur exists in the
form of sulfates, mostly as gypsum,
CaSO4•2H2O, or anhydrite, CaSO4.
All organic fuels used by humans (oil, coal,
natural gas, peat, wood, others) contain
some sulfur.
 Fuels like wood have very little (0.1% or
less), whereas most coals have 0.5% to
 Oils generally have more sulfur than wood
but less than coal.
If we burn the fuels, the contained sulfur will
mostly form sulfur dioxide:
S  O2  SO2
( in fuel )
If we wish to prevent this SO2 from getting into
the atmosphere, we can use any of the methods
described in this chapter, all of which have the
effect of capturing the sulfur dioxide in the form
of CaSO2•2H2O that will then be returned to the
earth, normally in a landfill.
Most often the overall reaction will be
CaCO3  SO2  0.5 O2  CaSO4  CO2
( limestone )
In natural gas most of the sulfur is in the form of
H2S, which is easily separated from the other
constituents of the gas.
In oil and also in oil shales and tar sands, the
sulfur is chemically combined with the
hydrocarbon compounds; normally it cannot be
removed without breaking chemical bonds.
In oils the sulfur is concentrated in the higherboiling fraction of the oil, so the same crude oil
can yield a low-sulfur gasoline (average 0.03%
S) and high-sulfur heavy fuel oil (e.g., 0.5% to
1% S).
In coal much of the sulfur is also in the form of
chemically bound sulfur, but some coals have a
large fraction of their sulfur in the form of small
(typically 100µ) crystals of iron pyrite (fools gold,
When the fuel is burned, almost all of the sulfur
in the fuel is converted to SO2.
Some small fraction is captured in the ash, and
some is converted to SO3.
Mixtures of SO2 and SO3 are sometimes
called SOX.
 The other important source of SO2
attributable to humans is the processing of
sulfur-bearing ores.
 The principal copper ore of the world is
chalcopyrite, CuFeS2.
The basic scheme for obtaining copper from it is
the overall high-temperature smelting reaction:
CuFeS2 + 2.5 O2 → Cu + FeO + 2 SO2
The principal ores of lead, zinc, and nickel are
also sulfides, whose processing is similar to
above reaction.
Table 11.2 (next slide) shows the emission
sources for SO2 in the U.S. in 1997.
The sulfur-containing gas streams most
often dealt with in industry belong to three
categories-reduced sulfur, concentrated
SO2 streams, and dilute SO2 streams-each
with its own control method.
3. The Removal of Reduced Sulfur
Compounds from Petroleum, Natural Gas
Streams, and Fuel Gases of Coal Gasification
Example 1
A flow of 108 scf per day (32.8 sm3/s) of
natural gas (≈ 0.2% of average U.S.
consumption), which contains 1% (10,000
ppm) of H2S, is treated in the apparatus
sketched in Fig. 10.15 (absorption –stripping)
to reduce the H2S concentration to 4 ppm
(the maximum allowed in commercial natural
gas in the U.S.).
The gas is scrubbed at a pressure of 100 atm
and 20oC. Assuming that we will use water as
the scrubbing agent, estimate the required water
flow rate.
From a handbook we find the Henry’s law
constant for H2S at 20oC = 483 atm, so
Pyi* 100atm *
xi 
yi  0.207 yi*
Hi 483atm
As in Example 14 of last chapter, we arbitrarily
specify that the outlet liquid shall have yi* = 0.8 yi.
Thus we can calculate that
xi bottom = 0.8  0.207  0.01 = 1.66  10-3 (mol
fraction )
Yi bottom  Yi top
yi bottom  yi top 10,000 ppm  4 ppm
 6.04
G Xi bottom  X i top xi bottom  xi top
1.66 10  0
The molar flow rate of gas is
G  10
 3.0
 1360
day 385.3 scf 24  3600 s
So the required liquid flow rate is
L  6.04  3.0
 18.1
 326  148
This is a large liquid flow rate, one must find a
solvent that can absorb much more H2S than
can the water in this example.
H2S, SO2, SO3, NO2, HCl, and CO2 are acid
gases, which form acids by dissolving in water.
For H2S the process is
H2 S ( gas)
H2 S (dissolved in water )
H   HS  (3)
If we can add something to the scrubbing
solution that will consume either the H+ or the
HS-, then more H2S can dissolve in the water,
and much less water is needed.
For acid gases, the obvious choice is some
alkali, a source of OH- that can remove the H+
H  OH
Removing the H+ on the right side of Eq. (3)
drives the equilibrium to the right, greatly
increasing the amount of H2S absorbed.
If the solution is to be regenerated in the
rightmost column in Fig. 10.15, then the alkali
should be a weak alkali that can easily give back
the acid gas on heating or pressure reduction.
If only the leftmost column of Fig. 10.15 is used
and the resulting solution is discarded, then a
strong alkali, which could not be easily
regenerated, can be used.
The most common choices of alkali for
H2S removal are ethanolamines
(monoethanolamine, diethanolamine, and
triethanoamine) and also the sodium or
potassium salts of weak acids like
carbonic or phosphoric.
Example 2
Repeat Example 1, using as the absorbent a 2N (12.2
wt%, 3.94 mol%) solution of monoethanolamine (MEA),
HO(CH2)2NH2, as the scrubbing solution, at 77oF = 25oC.
For this solution strength and temperature, Kohl and
Nielsen give a plot of pi = Pyi* as a function of mols H2S
per mol of MEA that can be approximated by:
 vapor pressure 
H 2S
i  (0.00281 psi ) exp(195 xH 2 S )
of H 2 S
Following Example 1, we choose the outlet liquid
concentration to have yi* = 0.8 yi and solve Eq.
(4) for the corresponding x, finding
xH 2 S
ln(0.8 1470 psi  0.01/ 0.00281 psi)
 0.0427
If we also require that at the top of the column yi*
= 0.8 yi, we can compute the maximum
permitted concentration of H2S in the
regenerated solution as:
xH 2 S
ln(0.8 1470 psi  4 106 / 0.00281 psi)
 0.00264
yi bottom  yi top 10,000 ppm  4 ppm
L Yi bottom  Yi top
 0.250
G X i bottom  X i top
xi bottom  xi top
0.0427  0.00264
The required liquid flow rate is that in Example 1
multiplied by (0.0250/6.04) = 0.041, or 13.5 lb/s
= 6.1 kg/s. #
3.1 The Uses and Limitations of Absorbers
and Strippers for Air Pollution Control
The system in Fig. 10.15 also works
extremely well for removing ammonia or
SO2 from a gas stream.
 NO and NO2 are not readily removed from
gas streams by the process shown in Fig.
Although NO2 is an acid gas that produces nitric
acid by reaction with water:
3NO2  H2O  2HNO3  NO
the reaction rate is slow.
NO is not an acid gas, so that although we can
remove NO2 from a gas stream with an alkaline
solvent, we cannot remove NO with the same
3.2 Sulfur Removal from Hydrocarbons
Once H2S has been separated from the
other components of the gas, it is normally
reacted with oxygen from the air in
controlled amounts to oxidize it only as far
as elemental sulfur (the Claus process):
H2S = ½ O2 → S + H2O
 Sulfur in hydrocarbon fuels is normally
converted to SO2 during combustion and
then emitted to the atmosphere.
Large oil-burning facilities can have equipment
to capture that SO2, but autos, trucks, and
airplanes do not.
The only way to limit the SO2 emissions from
these sources is to limit the amount of sulfur in
the fuel.
Most of that sulfur is removed by catalytic
 Hydrocarbon 
Ni or Co catalyst promoted with Mo or W
 hydrocarbon  H2S
  H 2 
 containing S 
The mixture leaving the reactor is cooled,
condensing most of the hydrocarbons.
 The remaining gas stream, a mixture of H2
and H2S, is one of the streams treated in a
refinery for H2S removal by the process
shown in Fig. 10.15.
4. Removal of SO2 from Rich Waste Gases
The SO2 concentrations in off-gases from the smelting of
metal sulfide ores depend on which process is used and
vary with time within the batch smelting cycle.
However, they generally range from 2% to 40% SO2.
Such gases can be economically treated in plants that
produce sulfuric acid by the following reactions:
SO2  0.5 O2 
 SO3
SO3 +H 2O  H 2SO4
vanadium catalyst
Example 3
One of the largest copper smelters in the U.S.
produces 320,000 tons of copper per year. The
coppor ore smelted is principally chalcopyrite.
If all the sulfur were emitted to the atmosphere
as SO2, how much would be emitted?
If all the sulfur in the ore were converted to
sulfuric acid, how much sulfuric acid per year
would that smelter produce?
From Eq. (2) we know that we would expect to
produce 2 mols of SO2 per mol of copper.
The molecular weights are 64 for SO2 and 63 for
copper, so we would expect to produce 320,000
ton/yr  (2  64/63) = 650,000 ton/yr of SO2.
If this were all converted to H2SO4 (MW = 98), it
would be 650,000 ton/yr  (98/64) = 996,000
ton/yr. #
Eq. (5) is an equilibrium reaction, which does not
go to completion.
Furthermore, this reaction is exothermic, so that
the percent conversion at equilibrium is higher at
low temperatures than at high temperatures.
For this reason the reaction is customarily
carried out in three or four separate catalyst
beds with intercoolers between them.
The course of the reaction is shown in Fig. 11.2
(next slide).
From Fig. 11.2, about 98% of the incoming
SO2 can be converted to H2SO4.
 In a simple acid plant, the remaining 2% of
the SO2 is vented to atmosphere.
 In response to legal pressure to reduce
this SO2 emission, plants have been
developed that are, in effect, two plants in
series, as shown in Fig. 11.3 (next slide).
Comparing this flow diagram to Fig. 10.15, we
see an SO3 absorber but no stripper.
There is no need to regenerate the absorbing
liquid, because the solution of SO3 in water,
H2SO4, is the saleable product.
The Henry’s law constant for SO3 in water at
20oC is roughly 10-25 atmosphere, so this
absorption is very rapid and easy.
A limitation is that production of H2SO4 is
uneconomic when the concentration of
SO2 in the waste gas is too low.
 Most analysts believe that with SO2
concentrations more than 4%, the acid
plant can show a profit if there is a nearby
market for the acid.
5. Removal of SO2 from Lean Waste Gases
The major source of SO2 is the stacks of
large coal- or oil-burning facilities.
 For them, the typical SO2 content of the
exhaust gas is about 0.1% SO2, or 1000
ppm, which is much too low for profitable
recovery as H2SO4.
The most widely used procedure for
controlling SO2 emissions from these
sources is scrubbing with water containing
finely ground limestone; the overall effect
is shown by Eq. (1).
 The whole process is called flue gas
desulphurization, and the acronym FGD is
widely used.
Example 4
A power plant produces 106 scfm (472 sm3/s) of
exhaust gas with 0.1% SO2.
We are required to remove 90% of it before the
gas is discharged into the atmosphere.
We propose to do so by dissolving the gas in Fig.
How large a flow of water will be needed if we
make the same requirement as in Example 1,
that at the bottom of the absorber yi* = 0.8yi?
This situation is clearly similar to Example
1. However, here the Henry’s law constant
for SO2 is much smaller, 9 atm, leading to
a greater solubility.
 The pressure is 1 atm instead of 100 atm.
 The outlet liquid will have the following
 x  P  0.8 yi  1 atm  0.8  0.001  0.000089  0.0089 mol %
9 atm
L yi bottom  yi top 1000 ppm  100 ppm
 10.1
G xi bottom  xi top
0.000089  0
G  106 scfm 
 43.3
 1.96 104
385.3 scf 60 s
ft 3
L  10.1 43.3
 438
 7900  3585  126
As we saw in Example 2, the amount of
scrubbing water required can be substantially
reduced if we add a regent to the water that
increases the solubility of the gas being
Example 5
The power plant in Example 4 wishes to remove
90% of the SO2 by scrubbing the exhaust gas
with a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide, NaOH.
How much NaOH will they need? What
problems will they encounter?
The overall reaction (including the oxidation of
sulfite to sulfate) will be:
2NaOH + SO2 + ½ O2 → Na2SO4 + H2O (7)
From Example 4, we know that we must remove
(0.9)(0.001)(43.3 lb mol/s) = 0.039 (lbmol/s) of SO2.
Therefore, we will need, as a minimum, 2(0.039)
= 0.078 lbmol/s of NaOH.
One lbmol of NaOH weighs 40 lb, so the
annual NaOH requirement will be 0.078 
40  3.15  107 s/yr = 98.4  106 lb/yr =
49,200 t/yr = 44,700 tonne/yr.
The prices of industrial chemicals fluctuate,
but the price of NaOH is about $500/ton (dry
basis), so that the NaOH for this plant would
cost about $22 million per year. #
For the high-pressure treatment of H2S,
either plate or packed towers are used,
with little problem.
 For the SO2 problem, three plausible
arrangements are sketched in Fig. 11.4
(next slide).
The first of these is a simple bubbler.
 If the liquid is deep enough and the
bubbles are small enough, this kind of
device will bring the gas close to chemical
equilibrium with the liquid .
 However, it has a high pressure drop.
Plate-type distillation and absorption
columns are, in effect, a series of such
bubblers, stacked one above the other.
 At high pressures, where pressure drops
are unimportant, they are the most widely
used device.
The second arrangement is a spray chamber.
In this arrangement the gas pressure drop is
small, but it is difficult to approach equilibrium
because the gas also not contact the liquid as
well as it does in the bubbler.
Nonetheless, it is widely used because of its
simplicity, low pressure drop, and resistance to
scale deposition and plugging.
The third arrangement is a packed column,
which is similar to the spray chamber except that
the open space is filled with some kind of solid
material that allows the liquid to coat its surface
and run down over it in a thin film.
This kind of contactor can be designed to have a
better mass transfer per unit of gas pressure
drop than either of the other two kinds.
The gas velocities in such devices range from
about 1 ft/s in a packed tower to 10 ft/s for a
spray chamber.
If we assume we are going to treat the gas in
Example 5 in a spray chamber at a gas velocity
of 10 ft/s, the cross-sectional area perpendicular
to the gas flow will be:
Q 106 ft 3 / min min
A 
 1667 ft 2  155 m2
10 ft / s
60 s
Such devices are almost always cylindrical.
 For this example the diameter would be 14
m. a typical length in the flow direction
would be 15 m.
 That is a very large diameter for any piece
of chemical plant equipment, but not for a
power plant.
What problems might power plant
operators encounter?
 First, there is the question of what to do
with the sodium sulfate produced.
 The sodium sulfate produced in this
process would be contaminated with fly
ash from the coal.
So that although a few power plants might
sell their sodium sulfate, most could not.
 Because of its wates solubility, it is not
generally acceptable in landfills they are
well protected from water infiltration.
But the real difficulty is with carbon dioxide.
 Normally the concentration of CO2 in the
exhaust gas is about 12%, or 120 times
that of the SO2.
 We are not generally concerned with the
fate of CO2, but if it gets into solution it will
use up sodium hydroxide by the reaction:
2NaOH + CO2 → Na2CO3 + H2O
Any sodium hydroxide used up this way is
not available to participate in Reaction (7).
 The real problem is how to absorb one
acid gas while not absorbing another acid
gas that is present in much higher
Fortunately, this is possible because SO2 forms a much
stronger acid than does CO2.
The reactions that occur in the liquid phase are these:
CO2( gas )
CO2( dissolved ) ;  H 2O
H 2CO3
SO2( gas )
SO2( dissolved ) ;  H 2O
H 2 SO4
H   HCO3 (8)
H   HSO3
If we find the right concentration of H+ in solution, it may
be possible to drive the equilibrium in Eq. (8) to the left
while driving the equilibrium in Eq. (9) to the right.
That is indeed possible if the concentration of
hydrogen ion is between 10-4 and 10-6 mols per
liter (pH = 4 to 6).
To remove SO2 without absorbing CO2, we must
use a scrubbing solution that is a weak acid.
Furthermore, we must be careful to control the
pH of our solution so that it is acid enough to
exclude CO2 but not acid enough to exclude SO2.
5.1 Forced-Oxidation Limestone Wet
The most widely used process to deal with
these problems is forced-oxidation limestone
wet scrubbing because limestone is much
cheaper than NaOH.
There are a variety of flowsheets and of
mechanical arrangements for this process;
Figs. 11.5 (next slide) and 11.6 (second slide)
and Table 11.3 (third slide) show one of the
most commonly used varieties.
Entrainment separators, often called demisters,
cause the fine droplets carried with the gas to
collect on their surfaces, coalesce, and fall back
into the scrubber as drops large enough to fall
counter to the upward-flowing gas.
The slurry of water and solid particles (CaCO3,
CaSO4•2H2O, and CaSO3•0.5 H2O) is pumped
from the sump at the bottom of the module to the
sprays, where it forms drops that fall through the
rising flue gas and do the actual SO2 removal.
Finely ground limestone is added to the
 A small stream of slurry is sent by the solid
removal pump to a hydroclone from which
the underflow passes to a belt filter, from
which a semidry gypsum product leaves
the system.
The scrubber operates at or near the
adiabatic saturation temperature of the
entering flue gas, which is about 125oF
 In some installations the cleaned flue gas
is reheated to about 175oF (800 C) to
restore plume buoyancy and prevent acid
corrosion of the ducts and stack
downstream of the reheater.
Example 6
The spray nozzles in Fig. 11.6 are
normally designed to produce droplets
with an average diameter of about 3 mm.
(a) How fast do those fall, relative to the
gas and relative to the container?
(b) For the slurry flow rate shown in Table
11.3, what is the equivalent rainfall rate
in in./s?
(c) What fraction of the droplets
evaporates to bring the gas from its
inlet temperature to its adiabatic
saturation temperature?
(d) What fraction of the CaCO3 will react
as the slurry makes one pass through
the scrubber?
(a) From Fig. 8.7 we read that 3 mm
sphere with a specific gravity of 1.0
would be expected to fall about 20 ft/s.
 This velocity is relative to the gas.
 Relative to the walls of the scrubber, the
velocity will be (20 - 10) = 10 ft/s.
(b) The equivalent rainfall rate is
100 gal 860 o R
ft 3
G 
10 
1000 acf 585 R
s 7.48 gal
 0.197
 2.36  60
 2.16 105
This is far beyond any outdoor rainfall rate.
Cloudbursts sometimes delive a few inches (≈
100 mm) of rain an hour.
From the combustion textbook, we know that the evaporated
water ratio is given by
 mcombustion gases
c p T
(0.25 Btu / lb / o F )(125  400) o F
lb water
 0.065
1055 Btu / lbm
lb air
where λ = the latent heat of vaporization
cp = the heat capacity of the gas at constant pressure
The liquid-gas ratio passing up and down the scrubber is
 mwater
 mgas
100 gal 8.3 lb water
ft 3
860 o R
lb water
 
0.75 lbm gas 528 o R
lb gas
total 1000 acf
So that about 0.4% of the water is evaporated inside the scrubber.
(d) We see that 1000 acf at scrubber inlet temperature
corresponds to 614 scf, which corresponds to 1.71 lbmol,
containing 0.00171 lbmol of SO2.
The 90% of that which is captured corresponds to
0.00154 lbmol, which equals the number of mols of
CaCO3 reacted.
The corresponding slurry is 100 gal•8.3 lb/gal ≈ 830 lb, of
which 15% or 124.5 lb is solids, of which 11.6% (typical
FGD) or 14.4 lb is CaCO3.
Thus the fraction of the contained CaCO3 that could be
converted in one pass through the scrubber is (0.00154
lbmol 100 lb/lbmol)/14.4 lb ≈ 1%.
This example shows that liquid circulation
rates in these scrubbers are very large.
 As a consequence, even thought they
remove most of the SO2 from the gas, the
scrubbing slurry passes through them
practically unchanged.
Most of the chemical reactions take place
in the effluent hold tank.
 The slurry spends about 3 seconds per
pass in the scrubber and about 8 minutes
between passes through the scrubber in
the hold tank.
5.1.1 The Development Problems with
Limestone Scrubbers
(1)Corrosion: the exhaust gases from coal
combustion contain small amounts of
many chemicals, e.g., chlorides.
 In an acid environment these proved
much more corrosive to metals, including
stainless steels, than the designers of the
first systems had anticipated.
(2)Solids deposition, scaling, and plugging:
Calcium sulfate and its near chemical
relatives are slightly soluble in water and
can precipitate on solid surfaces to form
hard, durable scales that are very difficult
to remove.
(3) Entrainment separator plugging: The
spray nozzles shown in Fig. 11.6 do not
produce totally uniform drops.
 Some of the drops are small enough to be
carried along with the gas and must be
removed from the gas in the entrainment
 The early entrainment separators were plugged
by the solids contained in those small drops.
(4) Poor reagent utilization: The product sulfates
and sulfites can precipitate on the surface of
the limestone particles, thus blocking their
access to the scrubbing solution.
(5) Poor solid-liquid separation: CaSO3 • 0.5H2O
tends to form crystals that are small, flat plates.
 These are very good at trapping and retaining
If the solid product has too many CaSO3 •
0.5H2O it will have the consistency of
toothpaste and not be acceptable for
 CaSO4 • 2H2O forms larger, rounder
crystals that are much easier to settle and
The solution to these problems has been found
by careful attention to engineering and chemical
The rate of liquid rejection to waste water (Fig.
11.5) is chosen to control the chloride content of
the circulating liquid.
The most widely used metal for lining the
surfaces of the modules is alloy C-276, 55% Ni,
17% Mo, 16% Cr, 6% Fe, and 4% W. it costs
roughly 15 times as much as ordinary steels.
5.2 Other Approaches
As the technical difficulties with the limestone
scrubber were wroked out, it became the clear
economical choice for scrubbing stack gas from
the combustion of medium-or high-sulfur coal.
The other processes are not being used now for
new installations, and some of those installed 20
years ago are being converted to forced
oxidation limestone scrubbers.
Table 11.4 (next slide) compares these
5.2.1 Other Wet Systems
Ca(OH)2 (hydrated lime, quicklime) is an
alternative to limestone in wet throwaway
 Normally, CaO (lime, burned lime) is
added to the oxidation tank and hydrates
there to Ca(OH)2.
CaO is more chemically reactive than
limestone, mostly because it has a much
higher surface area.
 CaO is prepared by heating limestone and
driving off the CO2.
 The result is a porous structure with typical
surface areas of 15 m2/g.
In the early days of scrubber development
this extra reactivity seemed necessary, but
as the problems with wet limestone
scrubbers have mostly been solved, the
additional reactivity of lime has seemed
less likely to repay its extra cost.
 The other regents shown have similar
5.2.2 Dry Systems
The solids handling and wet sludge
handling and disposal difficulties that are
integral to wet throwaway processes
induced engineers to develop dry
throwaway processes that would have
fewer corrosion and scaling difficulties and
would produce a waste product much
easier to handle and dispose of.
All of these systems inject dry alkaline
particles into the gas stream, where they
react with the gas to remove SO2.
 The SO2–containing particles are then
captured in the particle collection device
that the plant must have to collect fly ash.
 The flow diagrams for such systems are
sketched in Fig. 11.7 (next slide).
The desired reaction is
CaO + SO2 → CaSO3
CaSO3 would then oxidize to CaSO4.
In principle this should work, but most tests have
shown that to get high SO2 collection
efficiencies one must put a large excess of lime
or limestone into the system, thus increasing
reagent costs, the load on the particle collector,
and the volume of solid wastes to be disposed of.
5.2.3 Wet-Dry Systems
The most widely used wet-dry systems are
spray dryers.
 The flow diagram of this arrangement is
shown in Fig. 11.8 (next slide).
Spray dryers are widely used in the
process industries, e.g., powdered milk,
instant coffee, laundry detergents, etc.
 In all such spray dryers a liquid (almost
always water) containing dissolved or
suspended solids is dispersed as droplets
into a hot gas stream.
The dispersion can be done by a highpressure gas-atomizing nozzle or a rapidly
rotating (about 10,000 rpm) atomizing
 The hot gas is well above the boiling
temperature of water, so that the water in
the droplets evaporates rapidly.
The particles formed from the evaporating
drops are dry before they reach the wall or
bottom bin of the dryer, so they form a
free-flowing powder that is easily removed.
 The reagent slurry is dispersed as 10 to
50 µ drops, containing about 30 wt%
The resulting dry particles are small enough that
most are carried along with the gas stream.
This feature is different from most spray dryers
for consumer products, in which the particles are
large enough that most of the particles settle to
the bottom of the dryer.
Some test results from a large pilot plant spray
dryer designed to control SO2 are shown in Fig.
11.9 (next slide).
Example 7
On Fig. 11.9, at a reagent ratio of 1.1
(a) What is the percent efficiency of the
spray dryer alone for SO2 capture?
(b) What is the percent efficiency of the
filter alone for SO2 capture, based on
the inlet concentration to the filter?
(c) How much water is admitted per pound
of inlet gas?
(d) How much solids are fed, and what
fraction of those are recycled?
(e) In the mix of gas and particles in the
spray dryer, what is the average
spacing between drops as they turn
into particles?
(a) Reading Fig. 11.9, we find an efficiency of
68% in the spray dryer and 17% in the filter.
(b) For the filter, the incoming gas has 100% 68% = 32% of the original SO2, so that its
SO2 collection efficiency is
η=17% / 32% = 53%
Viewing these as penetrations,
poverall = pdryer • pfilter = 0.32 • 0.47 = 0.15
(c) The inlet temperature is 325 oF and the
approach to adiabatic saturation is 20 oF.
The inlet gas moisture content is not stated, but
it is assumed to be 8 mol% ≈ 0.054 lb/lb.
According to a psychrometric chart, one finds
that the corresponding adiabatic saturation
temperature is about 128 oF. Thus the outlet
temperature is 148 oF.
Checked again with the psychrometric
chart, one finds that the outlet moisture
content is about 0.101 lb/lb (corresponding
to 148 oF), so that the moisture added is
(0.101 - 0.054) = 0.047 lb/lb of air.
(d) The slurry is 30 wt% solids, so the solid feed
rate is
msolid 0.3 (msolid  mwater )
, rearrange
msolid 0.3 mwater 0.3
lb solid
 0.047  0.020
0.7 mgas 0.7
lb gas
The lime feed rate is
mCa (OH )2
 1.1
74 mSO2
64 mgas
lb Ca(OH )2
 1.27  2000 ppm   0.0056
lb gas
Thus (0.0056/0.020) = 28% of the solids is fresh
Ca(OH)2 and the remaining 72% is recycled
solids from the baghouse or from the bottom of
the spray dryer.
(e) For 1.0 lb of gas there are 0.047 lb of
water and 0.020 lb of solids, or 0.067 lb of
Estimating the specific gravity of the slurry as
1.2, we estimate the volume of slurry per pound
of gas as
Vslurry 
0.067 lb
1.2  62.4 lb / ft 3
For an assumed average droplet size of 20µ,
we calculate the number of drops per lb of gas
2.5 10 m
( / 6) D3 ( / 6) (20 106 m)3
The volume of 1.0 lb of gas at the average
temperature of the dryer as
1 lb
 
 (0.075 lb / ft 3 ) (528o R / 697o R)
Dividing this value by the corresponding
number of particles, we find that each
particle would occupy a volume of
8.2  10-11 m3, corresponding to a cube
with an edge length of 0.4 mm. #
Comparing this device to the wet
limestone scrubber, we see that the drops
are much smaller (20 µ / 3 mm = 1/150).
 The time the gas spends in the scrubbing
environment is roughly twice as large.
However, once the particles become dry,
their reactive capacity is greatly reduced
compared to the drops in wet scrubbers.
 In addition, the co-flow parttern is much
less efficient.
20oF approach temperature indicates that the
amount of water fed in the slurry was limited to
keep the gas temperature 20oF above its
adiabatic saturation temperature.
Test data show that the collection efficiency
improves as one approaches saturation,
presumably because much of the reaction takes
place before the droplet is completely converted
to a solid and a close temperature approach
keeps the drops wet longer.
However, if more water is introduced than
is needed to cool the gas to the adiabatic
saturation temperature, then not all the
drops will evaporate, the resulting particles
will be wet and sticky, and the dryer and
downstream equipment will suffer severe
plugging and corrosion.
6. Alternatives to “Burn and Then
6.1 Change to a Lower Sulfur Content
If the management of a power plant can
replace a high-sulfur coal with a low-sulfur
coal, it reduces the SO2 emissions quickly,
simply, and without having to install
expensive SO2 control devices or to deal
with their solid effluent.
6.2 Remove Sulfur from the Fuel
6.2.1 Coal Cleaning
Pyritic sulfur can be removed by grinding
the coal to a small enough size that the
pyrites are mostly present as free pyrite
 Gravity methods are then used to separate
the low-density coal (s.g. = 1.1 to 1.3) from
high-density pyrites (s.g. = 5.0).
6.2.2 Solvent-Refined Coal
It is also possible to dissolve coal in strong
enough solvents and then to treat the solution by
the same kind of catalytic hydrogenation
processes that are used to remove sulfur from
petroleum products.
The mineral (ash-forming) materials do not
dissolve, so they are rejected by filtration or
When the solvent is then removed for
reuse, the remaining product is a very
clean-burning combustible solid.
 Considerable development work on this
process showed that it can be done, but
so far not at a price comparable to “burn
and then scrub”.
6.3 Modify the Combustion Process
The standard way of burning large
amounts of coal (pulverized-coal furnace)
is to grind the coal to about 50- to 150-µ
size and blow it with hot air into a large
combustion chamber.
 Fluidized bed combustion (FBC) is an
alternative way to burn coal that is
currently in the demonstration plant stage.
In FBC, coal is burned in gravel-sized
pieces by injecting them into a hot
fluidized bed of limestone particles instead
of as a finely dispersed powder in air.
 In such a fluidized bed combustor SO2 is
formed in the presence of a large number
of limestone particles and has a high
probability of reacting with one of them in
the combustion bed.
The fluidized bed has tubes full of water
and steam projecting into the bed.
 The heat transfer between the hot bed in
which the coal is burned and the tubes is
much better than that between the flames
and the walls of an ordinary coal-fired
For this reason fluidized bed combustors
are smaller and operate at lower
temperatures than ordinary coal-fired
 This saves on some costs and greatly
reduces the formation of nitrogen oxides.
A second combustion modification
alternative, also in the demonstration plant
stage, is to convert the coal to a synthetic
fuel gas and then burn that in combination
gas-turbine steam-turbine power plants.
 Fig. 11.10 (next slide) shows a schematic
flow diagram of an integrated gasification
combined cycle power plant.
6.4 Don’t Burn at All
Nuclear, wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, and
hydroelectric power plants will reduce our
emissions of SO2.
 More efficient electric devices (lights,
refrigerators, motors) are, in effect, SO2
control devices.