Spring 2008 Chap 5. Characterization of MW Unlike small molecules, polymers are typically a mixture of differently sized molecules. Only an average molecular weight can be defined. In case of Low MW, MolecularWt. M W totalsample wt N number of molesin sample Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Measurements of average molecular weight (M.W.) Number average molecular weight, Mn Considers the number of molecules of each size, Mi, in the sample. Wtotal x - mer sample W Mn N t ot al# of molesin sample x - mer w x 1 n x 1 x n M x 1 x n x x 1 x n x x 1 N x nx : molefract ionx - mer N Weight Average Molecular Weight, Mw The weight average, Mw, considers the mass of molecules of each size within the sample. Mw t ot alwt of samples t ot alwt of x - mer samples w M w x x x w1M1 w2 M 2 w x M x W wx wx n M n M x x x x wx : wt fract ionof x - mer in sample W Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Viscosity average Molecular Weight, Mη Average determined by viscosity measurements. Closer to Mw than Mn Z-average Molecular Weight, Mz Average determined by centrifuge. Svedverg eqn. => M = N0m = SRT/D(1-Vρρs) Polydispersity : Polydispersity = Mw/ Mn Mw > 1 Polydisperse Mn Mw = 1 Monodisperse Mn RELATED LINK: For further details, CLICK the following link. http://www.pslc.ws/mactest/weight.htm Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Influence of Increasing Molar Mass on Properties Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Influence of Molecular Weight on Mechanical Properties Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Methods of Molecular Weight Determination Number Average Molecular Weight End-group analysis determine the number of end-groups in a sample of known mass Colligative Properties most commonly osmotic pressure, but includes boiling point elevation and freezing point depression Weight Average Molecular Weight Light scattering translate the distribution of scattered light intensity created by a dissolved polymer sample into an absolute measure of weight-average MW Viscosity Average Molecular Weight Viscometry the viscosity of an infinitely dilute polymer solution relative to the solvent relates to molecular dimension and weight. Molecular Weight Distribution Gel permeation chromatography fractionation on the basis of chain aggregate dimension in solution Z-average Molecular Weight Centrifuge average determined by centrifuge Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Determination of Molecular Weight Weight Average Molecular Weight Light scattering • Large particles in solution/suspension scatter light. • Responsible for phenomena such as refraction, Tyndall effect. • Extent of scattering is a function of the size and shape of the particles. • Consequently yields information about Mw. Measuring Light scattering • Ar or He/Ne laser source • Photometer/goniometer measures light intensity at various angles (θ) Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Determination of Molecular Weight Viscosity Average Molecular Weight Viscometry • The concentration dependence is observed to follow this functional dependence: s p c k c k c 2 2 y-intercept k = Huggins constant k=2 for rigid uncharged spheres k=0.35 for flexible polymers • Neglect higher order term in c. • Plot of hsp/c vs c will yield [h] as yintercept. Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 KM a • K and a are empirical parameters characteristic of a polymer and a solvent - a=0.5 for a well-coiled polymer in a poor solvent - a=1.7 for rigid rod-like polymer Virtual Experiment Case Western Reserve Univ. Polymer and Liquid Crystals Viscosity Measurements Click the next homepage, experiment part http://plc.cwru.edu/tutorial/enhanced/lab/visco/visco .htm If you have the trouble viewing this site, See this page http://plc.cwru.edu/tutorial/enhanced/software.html http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/t riggerpages_mmcom/default.html Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Determination of Molecular Weight Molecular Weight Distribution Gel permeation chromatography •Solvent flow carries molecules from left to right; big ones come out first while small ones get caught in the pores. •It is thought that particle volume controls the order of elution. •But what about shape? For further details Surfing to the internet Size Exclusion Principle CLICK the following link, http://www.pslc.ws/mactest/sec.htm Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Simple GPC c log10M c DRI Ve column reservoir c degas pump injector log10M Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Chap 6. Polymer Solubility and Solutions Three factors are of general interest 1. What Solvents will dissolve what polymer? 2. How does the polymer-solvent interaction influence the solution properties/ 3. To what applications do the interesting properties of polymer solutions lead? General rules foe polymer solubility 1. Like dissolve like; Polar polymers- polar solvents Nonpolar polymernonpolar solvent. ex) PVA in water, PS in toluene 2. Solubility will decrease with increasing molecular weight at const. temp. 3. Crystallinity decreases solubility. 4. Crosslinking eliminates solubility. 5. The rate of solubility increases with short branches, allowing the solvent molecules to penetrate more easily. 6. The rate of solubility decreases with longer branches, because the entanglement makes it harder for individual molecules to separate. Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Thermodynamics Basics ΔGm=ΔHm-TΔSm < 0 Where, ΔGm = the change in Gibbs free energy in the process ΔHm = the change in enthalpy in the process ΔSm = the change in entropy in the process Only if ΔGm is negative will the solution process be feasible. DGmix < 0 A AB solution B + Immicible DGmix > 0 A positive ΔH solvent and polymer “prefer their own company”, the pure materials are in a lower energy state. A negative ΔH the solution is in the lower energy state, specific interactions are formed between the solvents and polymer molecules. [Ref : H.Tompa; polymer solutions, Butterworths,London, 1956,chapter 7] Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Solubility Parameter The solubility parameter is defined as: δ x1v1δ1 x2 v2δ2 solvent m ixture x1v1 x2 v2 (cal/cm3soln) 1, 2 : vol. frac. 1 : polymer solubility parameter. 2 : solvent solubility parameter. = (CED)1/2 = (Ev/v)1/2 = (cal/cm3)1/2 Ev/v : molar vol. of liq. rule of thumb 1 2 0.5 for solubility. x:m ole fraction , v:m olar volum e Fig. Determination of (polymer ) by swelling Uncrosslinked polymer Swelling H E = 12(1 2 )2 Likely crosslinked polymer Surfing to the internet For further details, Click next homepage. http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byaut h/burke/solpar/ Polymer solvent : solubility parameter Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Lattice model of solubility (a) Low-molecular-weight solute (b) polymeric solute. Filled circles : Solute Open circles : Solvent Boltzman’s law S = klnP = -R[n1lnx1 + n2lnx2] Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Hansen’s 3-D Solubility Parameter internal energy on vaporization E v Eh E d Ep v v v v 2 p2 d2 h2 Ev = Eh + Ed + Ep dP H Ei where i v 1 2 The cohesive energy, δ 2 , is divided into three parts: 1) Dispersion forces (δd ) 2) Polar forces ( δp ) 3) Hydrogen bonding ( δH ) Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Hansen’s 3-D Solubility Parameter SOLVENT d P H Chloroform 8.8 1.5 2.8 9.36 THF 8.2 2.8 3.9 9.50 MEK 7.77 4.4 2.5 9.27 m-cresol 8.8 2.5 6.3 11.1 Methanol 7.4 6.0 10.9 14.5 Toluene 8.82 0.7 1.0 8.91 H2O 6.0 15.3 16.7 23.5 PS 8.6 3.0 2.0 9.33 Styrene 9.09 0.49 2.0 9.32 Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Properties of dilute solutions -Good solvent : Solubility parameter closely matches that of the polymer. The secondary forces between polymer segments and solvent molecules are strong, and the polymer molecules are strong, and the polymer molecules will assume a spread-out conformation in solution. -Poor solvent : the attractive forces between the segments of the polymer chain are greater than those between the chain segments and the solvent. Ex) polystyrene (δ = 9.0 ~ 9.3 ) Chloroform (δ = 9.2 ) Then non-solvent is added , methanol( δ = 14.5 ),the mixed solvent(Chloroform + methanol) becomes too”poor” to sustain solution, and the polymer precipitates out. When ΔG = 0 and ΔH = TΔS (θ condition) Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Chap 7. Transitions in Polymers Glass Transition PMMA, PS hard, rigid glassy plastics at RT when heated to 125C, become rubbery Polybutadiene Polyethylacrylate Polyisoprene rubbery at RT, when cooled in Liq. N2 become rigid and glassy, shatters when break • At low temperatures, all amorphous polymers are stiff and glassy, sometimes called as the Vitreous State, especially for inorganic polymers. • On Warming, polymers soften in a characteristic temperature range known as the glass-rubber transition region. • The glass transition temperature (Tg), is the temperature at which the amorphous phase of the polymer is converted between rubbery and glassy states. • Tg constitutes the most important mechanical property for all polymers. In fact, upon synthesis of a new polymer, the glass transition temperature is among the first properties measured. Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Molecular Motions in an Amorphous Polymer •Amorphous regions of the material begin to exhibit long-range, cooperative segmental motion •Molecular motion available to polymer chains below their Tg are restricted primarily to vibrational modes. •Above Tg there is sufficient thermal energy for the chains, through cooperative rotational motion about the backbone bonds, to flow under an applied stress. Tg •The presence of this large-scale segmental motion (20–50 atoms moving in concert) above Tg produces an increase in the free volume of the polymer. Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) Principal components of the experiment include: • an oven for the controlled heating of the samples • separate temperature sensing transducers for both the analysis and reference samples DTA Design Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Two samples, each heated independently. Temperature difference is monitored. Control heat flow into analysis sample (adjusting heater power) to keep the temperature difference ∆T = 0. This is a null experiment with feedback. Tg Tc Surfing to the internet For further details, Click next homepage. http://www.pslc.ws/mactest/dsc.htm Hanyang Univ. Tm Spring 2008 DTA & DSC Images and Sample data DTA DTA sample data DSC sample data Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Main factor of Tg 1.Free volume of the polymer vf. Free volume vf = v vs v: specific volume of polymer mass vs: volume of solidly packed molecules WLF Eq. vf a b(T - T g) vf vs a 0.025 b 0.00048 2. Attractive forces between molecules. Tg Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 3. Internal mobility of chains (= freedom to rotate about bond) Example (1) Tg Eo Silicone 7.3 -120 ~0 PE 7.9 -85 3.3 PTFE 6.2 >20 4.7 Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 4. Stiffness of the materials Young’s Modulus E may be written as: σ = Eε σ = Tensile stress; ε = Tensile strain Young’s modulus is a fundamental measure of the stiffness of the material. The higher its value, the more resistant the material is to being stretched. Unit of E: dynes/cm2 (10 dynes/cm2 = 1 Pascal) 5. Chain Length. Tg Tg c x for x 500 Tg Tg Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Tg of Copolymer w w 1 1 2 T g T g1 T g2 w : wt. fractionof monomersin copolymer T : Kelvin temperature 1, 2 : polymer 1 and 2 Surfing to the internet For further details about Tg, Click next homepage. http://www.pslc.ws/mactest/tg.htm & http://plc.cwru.edu/tutorial/enhanced/files/polymers/therm/therm.htm Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Tg Comparision Nylon n Tm TS water cont Example (2) Tm (C) (g/cm3) TS (psi) Water cont (%) Nylon 6 216 1.14 12,000 1.7 Nylon 11 185 1.04 8,000 0.3 Nylon 12 177 1.02 7,500 0.25 PE 135 0.97 5,500 Nil. Example (3) O PU O C O NH ( CH2 ) n PA NH C x Tm Purea NH CO NH Tm Tm H-bonding Hm PU : O (Swivel) flexibility Extra NH in polyurea more extensive H-bond. Hm Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Example (4) 300 C , PET rapidly cooled to RT rigid and transparent heated to 100 C maintained at that temp and becomes translucent then cooled down to RT again now, it is translucent rather than transparent. Hanyang Univ. Spring 2008 Influence of Copolymerization on Properties •Homogeneous, amorphous •Amorphous and glassy, rigid Hanyang Univ.