Carbohydrates Chapter 25 25-1 Carbohydrates Carbohydrate: A polyhydroxyaldehyde, a polyhydroxyketone, or a compound that gives either of these compounds after hydrolysis. Monosaccharide: A carbohydrate that cannot be hydrolyzed to a simpler carbohydrate. • They have the general formula CnH2nOn, where n varies from 3 to 8. • Aldose: a monosaccharide containing an aldehyde group. • Ketose: a monosaccharide containing a ketone group. 25-2 Importance of Carbohydrates to us…. polymerize CO2 + H2O photosynthesis glucose clothing fiber wood cellulose giving structure to plants polymerize chlorophyll light starch, plant seeds eaten by animals CO2 + H2O + energy glucose glycogen (liver) 25-3 Monosaccharides Monosaccharides are classified by their number of carbon atoms: N am e Form u l a T ri os e C3 H 6 O 3 C4 H 8 O 4 T e tros e Pe n tos e H e xo s e H e p to s e O cto s e C5 H 1 0 O 5 C6 H 1 2 O 6 C7 H 1 4 O 7 C8 H 1 6 O 8 25-4 Monosaccharides There are only two trioses: Chiral Center R and S stereoisomers CHO CH2 OH CHOH C= O CH2 OH CH2 OH Glyceraldehyde (an aldotrios e) D ihydroxyacetone (a ketotriose) These compounds are referred to simply as trioses, tetroses, and so forth tellling the number of carbon atoms present. 25-5 Review Fischer Projections Fischer projection: A two dimensional representation for showing the configuration of carbohydrates. • Horizontal lines represent bonds projecting forward. • Vertical lines represent bonds projecting to the rear. • The more highly oxidized carbon is shown at the top. CHO H C OH co n v e rt to a Fi s ch e r p ro je cti o n CH 2 O H CH O H OH CH 2 O H . (R )-G l yc e ral d e h y d e (th re e -d i m e n s i o n al re p re s e n tati on ) (R )-G l y ce ral d e h yd e (Fi s ch e r p ro je cti o n ) 25-6 D,L Monosaccharides In 1891, Emil Fischer made the arbitrary assignments of D- and L- to the enantiomers of glyceraldehyde. CHO H OH CHO HO CH2 OH D -Glyceraldehyde (R)-Glyceraldehyde [ ] 25 D = +13.5 H CH2 OH L-Glyceraldehyde (S)-Glyceraldehyde [ ] 25 D = -13.5 25-7 D,L Monosaccharides According to the conventions proposed by Fischer: • D-monosaccharide: A monosaccharide that has the same configuration at its penultimate (next to bottom) carbon as D-glyceraldehyde; that is, its -OH is on the right when written as a Fischer projection. • L-monosaccharide: A monosaccharide that has the same configuration at its penultimate carbon as Lglyceraldehyde; that is, its -OH is on the left when written as a Fischer projection. 25-8 D,L Monosaccharides D-aldotetroses and the two most abundant Daldopentoses in the biological world: CHO CHO H OH HO H OH H CH2 OH D-Erythrose CHO CHO H OH H H H H OH H OH OH H OH H OH CH2 OH D-Threose CH2 OH D-Ribose CH2 OH 2-Deoxy-Dribos e D-aldotetroses Expect four stereoisomer 22 for aldotetroses. Two D and two L. D-aldopentoses Expect total of 8 (=23) steroisomers. Four D, 25-9 four L. D,L Monosaccharides The most abundant hexoses: CHO H OH HO CH O H OH CH 2 O H C O H HO H HO H H OH HO H H OH H OH H OH H OH CH 2 O H CH 2 O H CH 2 O H D - Glu co s e D - Ga la c t o s e D -Fr u c t o s e aldohexoses Expect 16 stereoisomers 24 for aldohexoses. Eight D and eight L. ketohexose Expect 8 stereoisomers 24 for ketohexoses. Four D and four L. 25-10 D Aldohexoses binary display All altruists gladly make gum in gallon tanks. 0= 000 1=001 2=010 3=011 L.Fieser 4=100 5=101 6=110 7=111 There is also the L series, the mirror image structures 25-11 Amino Sugars Amino sugar: A sugar that contains an -NH2 group in place of an -OH group. • Only three amino sugars are common in nature • N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine is a derivative of Dglucosamine. CHO H HO N H2 H CHO H2 N HO 2 CH O H H H HO H OH H OH HO H OH H OH H CH 2 O H D -G l u co s am i n e CH 2 O H NH 2 4 CH O O H NHCCH 3 H HO H H OH OH H OH CH 2 OH D -M an n o s am i n e D -G al acto s am i n e H CH 2 OH N -A c e tyl -D g l u c os am i n e 25-12 Physical Properties Monosaccharides are colorless crystalline solids, very soluble in water, but only slightly soluble in ethanol. • sweetness relative to sucrose: S w e e tn e s s R e l a ti v e to S u cro s e A rti fi c i a l S w e e te n e r S w e e tn e s s R e l a ti v e to S u cro s e Fru c tos e 1 .74 S acc h ari n 4 50 In v e rt s u g a r S u c ro s e (ta b l e s u g ar) 1 .25 1 .00 A ce s u l f a m e -K A s p a rta m e 2 00 1 60 H on e y 0 .97 G l u co s e 0 .74 M a l to s e G a l a cto s e 0 .33 0 .32 La cto s e (m i l k s u g a r) 0 .16 Ca rb o h y d ra te 25-13 Cyclic Structure Monosaccharides have hydroxyl and carbonyl groups in the same molecule and those with five or more carbons exist almost entirely as five- and six-membered cyclic hemiacetals. • Anomeric carbon: The new stereocenter created as a result of cyclic hemiacetal formation. • Anomers: Carbohydrates that differ in configuration at their anomeric carbons named and b. 25-14 Haworth Projections Haworth projections • Five- and six-membered hemiacetals are represented as planar pentagons or hexagons viewed through the edge. • They are commonly written with the anomeric carbon on the right and the hemiacetal oxygen to the back right. • The designation b- means that the -OH on the anomeric carbon is cis to the terminal -CH2OH; - means that it is trans to the terminal -CH2OH. 25-15 Haworth Projections 1 CHO OH H H HO OH top H H 5 OH CH 2 O H re d raw to s h ow th e -O H on carb o n -5 cl o s e to th e al d e h yd e on carb o n -1 Lay molecule on side. cis, b D -G l u co s e CH 2 O H OH H5 O H OH H C 1 H HO H H OH H OH b -D -G l u co p y ran o s e (b -D -G l u co s e ) trans, CH 2 O H O H + H H OH an o m e ri c carb o n O O H( b ) H HO CH 2 O H HO H OH H H an o m e ri c c arb on H O H( ) OH -D -G l u co p y ran o s e ( -D -G l u c os e ) 25-16 Haworth Projections • Six-membered hemiacetal rings are shown by the infix -pyran-. • Five-membered hemiacetal rings are shown by the infix -furan-. O Furan O Pyran 25-17 Conformational Formulas • Five-membered rings are so close to being planar that Haworth projections are adequate to represent furanoses. HO CH 2 H O H H OH O H ( ) OH H -D -Ri b of u ran o s e ( -D -R i b o s e ) HO CH 2 H O H ( b) O H H H OH H b -2-D e oxy -D -ri b o fu ran os e (b -2 -D e o xy-D -ri b o s e ) 25-18 Conformational Formulas • Other monosaccharides also form five-membered cyclic hemiacetals. • Here are the five-membered cyclic hemiacetals of Dfructose, a ketohexose. 1 CH 2 O H 1 HO CH 2 CH 2 O H O H 5 2 HO 2 OH ( ) H HO H -D -Fru cto f u ran o s e ( - D -Fru c tos e ) C= O HO H 3 H H 4 5 OH OH 6 CH 2 O H D -Fru cto s e HO CH 2 H 5 OH ( b ) O HO H 2 CH 2 O H HO H 1 b - D -Fru cto fu ran os e (b - D -Fru cto s e ) 25-19 Conformational Formulas; b to conversion • For pyranoses, the six-membered ring is more accurately represented as a chair conformation. H OH H H O HO HO H H OH H OH HO OH HO H OH H H O OH Open chain form H b-D -G l u co p y ra n o s e (b -D -G l u c o s e ) r o tate a b out C -1 to C -2 bo n d H OH H H OH HO HO H H OH H O HO H HO H OH O H H OH OH -D -G l u c o p yra n o s e (-D -G l u co s e ) 25-22 Conformational Formulas • The orientations of groups on carbons 1-5 in the Haworth and chair projections of b-D-glucopyranose are up-down-up-down-up. 6 CH O H 2 5 O H H 4 6 O H( b ) 1 H HO H H O HO OH 3 CH 2 O H 4 2 OH b -D -G l u co p y ran o s e (H aw o rth p ro je cti o n ) HO 5 3 O H( b) 2 OH 1 b -D -G l u co p y ran os e (c h ai r co n f orm ati on ) 25-23 Mutarotation Mutarotation: The change in specific rotation that occurs when an or b form of a carbohydrate is converted to an equilibrium mixture of the two. [ ] afte r [ ] M o n o s a cch a ri d e -D -g l u co s e % Pre s e n t a t M u taro tati o n Eq u i li b ri u m + 1 12 .0 + 5 2.7 36 + 1 8.7 + 5 2.7 64 -D -g a l a c to s e + 1 50 .7 + 8 0.2 28 b -D -ga l a cto s e + 5 2.8 + 8 0.2 72 b -D -gl u c o s e CH 2 O H HO HO O HO CH 2 OH O HO OH ( b ) OH b-D -G l u cop yran o s e []D 25 + 18.7 HO OH ( ) -D -G l u co p y ran o s e []D 25 + 112 25-24 Hemiacetals and Acetals, carbonyls and alcohols Addition reaction . Substitution reaction (Unstable in Acid; Unstable in base) (Unstable in Acid; Stable in base) 25-25 Glycosides, anomeric OH becomes OR, acetal formation. Glycoside: A carbohydrate in which the -OH of the anomeric carbon is replaced by -OR. • methyl b-D-glucopyranoside (methyl b-D-glucoside) CH 2 O H H CH 2 O H O OH H OH H HO + CH 3 OH H H OH H H + - H2 O g l yc os i d i c bo nd O O CH 3 H OH H HO H CH 2 O H H + H OH O H H OH H HO O CH 3 H OH b-D -G l u co p y ran os e M e th y l b -D -gl u co - M e th yl -D -gl u co - ( b -D -G l u co s e ) p y ran os i d e p yran o s i d e ( M e th y l b-D -g l u c os i d e ) ( M e th y l -D -g l u c os i d e ) 25-26 Glycosides, acetals Glycosidic bond: The bond from the anomeric carbon of the glycoside to an -OR group. Glycosides are named by listing the name of the alkyl or aryl group bonded to oxygen followed by the name of the carbohydrate with the ending -e replaced by -ide. • methyl b-D-glucopyranoside • methyl -D-ribofuranoside 25-27 N-Glycosides The anomeric carbon of a cyclic hemiacetal also undergoes reaction with the N-H group of an amine to form an N-glycoside. • N-glycosides of the following purine and pyrimidine bases are structural units of nucleic acids. O NH 2 HN O N N H U rac i l O O CH 3 HN N H Cy to s i n e O N H2 N N N H Thy m ine O N N N HN H2 N N H A d e nin e N H G u an i n e 25-28 N-Glycosides • The b-N-glycoside formed between D-ribofuranose and cytosine. NH 2 N O HO CH 2 N a b -N -gl y co s i d i c bo nd O H H H H HO OH an o m e ri c carb o n 25-29 Reactions 25-30 Reduction to Alditols, aldehyde alcohol The carbonyl group of a monosaccharide can be reduced to an hydroxyl group by a variety of reducing agents, including NaBH4 and H2/M. CHO HO HO H CH 2 O H O HO OH OH b -D -G l u c op yran o s e CH 2 O H OH H H OH H OH CH 2 O H D -G l u co s e H Na BH 4 HO OH H H OH H OH CH 2 O H D -G l u c i tol (D -S o rb i to l ) An alditol 25-31 Other alditols • Other alditols common in the biological world are: CH 2 O H CH 2 O H HO H HO H CH 2 OH H H OH H OH HO H OH H OH H CH 2 O H CH 2 O H Eryth ri to l D -M an n i tol OH H OH CH 2 OH Xy l i tol 25-32 Oxidations Oxidation can be done in several ways. Tollens reagent (Ag+(NH3)2 or Benedict’s solution (Cu2+ tartrate complex). Not synthetically useful due to side reactions. Bromine water oxidizes aldoses (not ketoses) to monocarboxylic acids (Aldonic Acids). Nitric Acid oxidizes aldoses to dicarboxylic acids (Aldaric acids). Enzyme catalyzed oxidation of terminal OH to carboxylic acid (Uronic Acid) Periodic Acid oxidizes and breaks C C bonds. Later for that. 25-33 Reducing Sugars Sugars with aldehyde (or ketone group) in solution. The group can be oxidized and is detected with Tollens or Benedicts solution. Ketone groups converted to aldehyde via tautomeric shifts (later). 25-34 Problem with Tollens 2-Ketoses are also oxidized to aldonic acids in basic solution (Tollens). CHOH CH2 OH C= O ( CHOH ) n CH2 OH A 2-ketose (1) C-O H ( CHOH ) n CH2 OH An e nediol C O OH CHO (2) CHOH ( CHOH ) n CH2 OH An aldos e Ketose to aldose conversion via keto enol tautomerism (3) CHOH ( CHOH ) n CH2 OH An aldonic acid Oxidation Reducing sugar 25-35 Oxidation to carboxylic acids 25-37 Oxidation to Uronic Acids Enzyme-catalyzed oxidation of the terminal -OH group gives a -COOH group. CHO H HO OH H CHO enzyme -catalyzed oxidation H HO OH H H OH H OH H OH H OH CH2 OH D -Glucose C O OH O HO HO OH OH C O OH D -Glucuronic acid (a uronic acid) 25-38 Oxidation by periodic acid, HIO4 or H5IO6 Periodic C C acid cleaves the C-C bond of a glycol. OH OH O - 2 H2 O + I OH OH HO OH A 1,2-diol HO P eriodic acid C C O O OH O I OH OH C O + C O H 3 IO 4 Iodic acid A cyclic periodic ester 25-40 Oxidation by HIO4 • It also cleaves -hydroxyketones H H H H C OH C O + H O 2 H C OH H 5 IO 6 H C O HO C O HO C O H R R -H y d roxy k e to n e R H y d rate d i n te rm e d i ate • and -hydroxyaldehydes. O OH H C H C OH H C OH + H2 O R -H y d ro xyal d e h y d e H C OH R H y d rate d i n te rm e d i ate OH H 5 IO 6 H C O H C O R 25-41 Examples. Identify each of the glucose derivatives. A + 4 HIO4 yielded 3 HCO2H + HCHO + OHC-CO2H B + 5 HIO4 yielded 4 HCO2H + 2 HCHO C + 3 HIO4 yielded 2 HCO2H + 2 OHC-CO2H Analysis of A: 4 moles of periodic acid used. 4 bonds broken. Products: Formic acid from –CHOH- or CHO-. Formaldehyde from CH2OHOHC-CO2H from –CHOH-CO2H H HO CO2H OH H H OH H OH 25-42 CH2OH Another example of methyl b-D-glucoside consumes two moles of HIO4 and produces one mole of formic acid, which indicates three adjacent C-OH groups. Oxidation p e ri o d i c ac i d cl e av ag e at th e s e tw o b on d s H HO HO CH 2 O H O OH 2 HIO 2 H4 IO O CH 3 M e th yl b -D -g l u co p y ran o s i d e CH 2 O H O O C OH O C H H C 5 O O CH 3 25-43 Osazones, Epimers O CHO CHOH 3 PhNHNH2 CH=NNHPh PhCHO C=NNHPh O aldose osazone osone 25-44 Use of osazone in structure determination Fischer found that (+) glucose and (+) mannose yielded the same osazone indicating that they differed only at the C2 configuration. Hence, if we know the configuration of (+) glucose we immediately have that of (+) mannose. Stereoisomers that differ in configuration at only one stereogenic center are called epimers. D-glucose and Dmannose are epimers. NNHPH CHO H HO CHO HC OH H PhHNN HO H H OH H OH H OH H OH CH2OH D glucose CH2OH HO H HO H H OH H OH CH2OH D mannose 25-45 Glucose Assay: diabetes (background) The analytical procedure most often performed in the clinical chemistry laboratory is the determination of glucose in blood, urine, or other biological fluid. 25-46 Glucose Assay The glucose oxidase method is completely specific for D-glucose. 25-47 Glucose Assay • The enzyme glucose oxidase is specific for b-Dglucose. • Molecular oxygen, O2, used in this reaction is reduced to hydrogen peroxide H2O2. • The concentration of H2O2 is determined experimentally, and is proportional to the concentration of glucose in the sample. • In one procedure, the hydrogen peroxide oxidizes otoluidine to a colored product, whose concentration is determined spectrophotometrically. 25-48 Killani-Fischer lengthening of chain As lactones Get both epimers. 25-49 Ruff Degradation shortening of chain 25-50 Fischer proof of structure of glucose Emil Fischer received the 1902 Nobel prize for determining the structure of glucose. What was available to him in 1888? •Theory of stereoisomerism •Ruff degradation •Oxidation to aldonic and aldaric acids •Killani-Fischer synthesis •Various aldohexoses and aldopentoses 25-51 Fischer proof of structure of glucose 25-52 Fischer started with the aldopentoses 25-53 Experiments on (-) arabinose Must be an OH here 25-54 Use KF to get aldohexoses Fact: Killani Fischer synthesis on (-) arabinose yielded (+) glucose and (+) mannose CHO CHO CHO HO OH HO K. F. HO + HO OH CH2OH partial structure of arabinose OH CH2OH OH CH2OH mixture of + glucose and + mannose, both of unknown structure. Which is glucose is unknown. 25-55 Aldaric acids from glucose and mannose Fact: nitric acid oxidation of either glucose or mannose yields optically active aldaric acids. This locates the OH on C4 since both aldaric acids have to be active. C4 OH on right C4 OH on left 25-56 Which is glucose?? CHO CHO HO OH HO + HO OH OH OH OH CH2OH A Which one, A or B, is glucose is determined by preparing the aldaric acids (dicarboxylic acids). CH2OH B 25-57 Final piece of data… Fact: the aldaric acid from (+)glucose is also produced by nitric acid oxidation of a different aldohexose, (+)gulose. 25-58 Where are we? We have determined the straight chain structure of (+) glucose. But certain data indicates the problem is not yet solved. Glucose does not give some reactions characteristic of aldehydes • A qualitative test, Schiff test, for aldehydes is negative. • Bisulfite addition products cannot be made Mutarotation changes specific rotation. Glucose is converted into two acetals (the methyl D-glucosides), not hemiacetals, by reaction with one mole of methanol (acid). Conclude: glucose is a cyclic hemiacetal. 25-59 Now to determine ring size. We can methylate the various OH groups, converting them into OMe. Two kinds of OH •OH at anomeric carbon •OH on backbone One of the backbone OH groups may be bonded to the anomeric carbon to form a ring. We seek to detect which one. First review characteristics of hemiacetals and acetals. 25-60 Hemiacetals and Acetals, carbonyls and alcohols Addition reaction . Substitution reaction (Unstable in Acid; Unstable in base) (Unstable in Acid; Stable in base) 25-61 Methylation to find ring size. The observed 4 carbon and 5 carbon dicarboxylic acids indicate free OH was on C5. 25-62 Conformation of the pyranose ring. Ring flips can occur. Generally the conformation with large groups equatorial dominate. Generally the CH2OH should be made equatorial 25-63 Extreme case: a-D-Idopyranose 25-64 disaccharides Sucrose, table sugar Maltose, from barley Lactose, milk sugar 25-65 Sucrose, table sugar Table sugar, obtained from the juice of sugar cane and sugar beet. -1, b-2 bond 25-66 Lactose The principle sugar present in milk, 5 – 10%. 25-67 Maltose From malt, the juice of sprouted barley and other cereal grains. 25-68 Structure Determinatin of (+) Maltose Experimental Facts C12H22O11 Positive for Tollens and Fehlings solution, reducing sugar Reacts with phenylhydrazine to yield osazone, C12H20O9(NNHC6H5)2 Oxidizes by bromine water to monocaboxylic acid. Exists in two forms which undergo mutarotation. Consistent with two aldoses linked together with one hemiacetal group. 25-69 More data….. Maltose undergoes hydrolysis with aq. acid or maltase to yield two D (+) glucose units. Two glucose units joined together: glucose – acetal linkage (glucoside) – glucose – hemiacetal. Maltase hydrolysis is characteristic of glucosides. Conclude something like 25-70 How to proceed….. Label the rings and label the free OH groups. Next Slide 25-71 Hydrolysis products Used in hemiacetal link. Not the reducing aldohexose unit (not the carboxylic acid). Point of attachment to the other glucose unit. This glucose derivative was the “free” CHO unit, the Structure on next reducing slide. sugar. 25-72 Maltose 25-73 Starch Starch is used for energy storage in plants • It can be separated into two fractions; amylose and amylopectin; each on complete hydrolysis gives only D-glucose. • Amylose: A polysaccharide composed of continuous, unbranched chains of up to 4000 D-glucose units joined by -1,4-glycosidic bonds. • Amylopectin: A highly branched polymer of D-glucose; chains consist of 24-30 units of D-glucose joined by 1,4-glycosidic bonds and branches created by -1,6glycosidic bonds. 25-74 Glycogen Glycogen is the reserve carbohydrate for animals. • Like amylopectin, glycogen is a nonlinear polymer of D-glucose units joined by -1,4- and -1,6-glycosidic bonds bonds. • The total amount of glycogen in the body of a wellnourished adult is about 350 g (about 3/4 of a pound) divided almost equally between liver and muscle. 25-75 Cellulose Cellulose: A linear polymer of D-glucose units joined by b-1,4-glycosidic bonds. • It has an average molecular weight of 400,000 g/mol, corresponding to approximately 2800 D-glucose units per molecule. • Both rayon and acetate rayon are made from chemically modified cellulose. 25-76 Acidic Polysaccharides Hyaluronic acid: An acidic polysaccharide present in connective tissue, such as synovial fluid and vitreous humor. 25-77 Acidic Polysaccharides Heparin • Its best understood function is as an anticoagulant. • Following is a pentasaccharide unit of heparin. 25-78 An example….. A synthetic polysaccharide is composed of three monosaccharides units in the following order: (D-glucpyranose) – (L-fructofuranose) – (Daltropyranose). The linkages between the units and the structures of the individual D units are given below where the wavy lines are used to avoid specifying configuration. Add all substituents to the rings and show the linkages between the units. You must show stereochemistry clearly. 25-79 Solution Now L fructose Now Now thethe 2,6 b ano 25-80 mer First the D glucose… Now the b 1,4 Now linkD-Altrose