Partition Liquid Chromatography Principles of Separation Liquid-Liquid Extraction Liquid-liquid extraction: Partition of a solute between two nonmiscible liquid phases Partition coefficient K C sup C inf To totally extract the desired solute K must be either very large or very small Principles of Separation Partition Chromatography Static representation (dynamic in reality) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone n Mobile phase Solute molecules Stationary phase Each solute partitions in the two phases according to its own K = according to its relative affinity for the two phases K C stationary C mobile Principles of Separation Interactions Solute SP MP Principles of Separation Partition Chromatography The equilibrium is respected in the whole column Each zone is called a « theoretical plate » K must not be too large otherwise the retention is too long (too much affinity for the stationary phase) K C stationary C mobile K must be large enough for the solutes to be a little retained in the stationary phase otherwise no separation is possible (too much affinity for the mobile phase) For a separation to occur: K ≠ K If K > K, remains longer in the column than Principles of Separation Retention of the solute depends on: - The nature of the solute - The nature of the stationary and mobile phases - The relative affinity of the solute for SP and MP - The specific surface area of the stationary phase (more SP = more interactions) - The temperature (can influence the thermodynamic equilibrium K) Retention does not depend on: - The geometrical parameters of the column (length, internal diameter…) - The particle diameter of the SP - The flow rate - The amount of solute injected Principles of Separation Separation depends on: - The nature of the solutes - The nature of the stationary and mobile phases - The relative affinity of the solutes for SP and MP - The specific surface area of the stationary phase (more SP = more interactions) - The temperature (can influence the thermodynamic equilibria K1 and K2) Separation does not depend on: - The geometrical parameters of the column (length, internal diameter…) - The particle diameter of the SP - The flow rate - The amount of solute injected Principles of Separation SP is a liquid Separation is based on relative solubilities in MP and SP Normal Phase-partition was first described but Reversed Phase-partition is now more common NP RP Polar Stationary Phase Non Polar Mobile Phase Non Polar Stationary Phase Polar Mobile Phase NPLC-Partitioning Polar interactions Acidic HO HO Dipole O N≡C Basic H N H Si H H O Si O Si H O O Si O Si O O CYANO Si O O Si H Si DIOL Si O O O O H O Si O AMINO Si O RPLC-Partitioning Polymers: PS-DVB Hydrophobic interactions Alkyl chains from C1 to C30 London forces London forces + π-π interactions Si H H O Si O Si H O O Si O Si C8 O O Si O O Si H Si C18 Si O O O O H O Si O PHENYL Si O RPLC-Partitioning OctaDecyl-Siloxane phases (ODS) A great variety of stationary phases None of them is identical to the other!! Example ODS phases PEG 300 PEG 300, 24.61% (w/w) methanol on different C18 columns Trathnigg et al., J. Chromatogr. A, 1128 (2006) 39-44 Partitioning First step is to determine which mode to use, NP or RP? If sample is water insoluble or non polar, use NP If sample is water soluble or not soluble but polar, use RP MP is never a single solvent, always a blend of two or more hexane CCl4 THF acetonitrile methanol Optimum polarity is obtained by mixing solvents water Mobile phase Not all solvents are usable MeOH, ACN, THF, H2O are the most widely used in RPLC HXN, CH2Cl2, iPrOH are the most widely used in NPLC All are low viscosity available in high purity not too expensive UV transparent miscible in each other Mobile phase Determining the optimum RP solvent blend Start with a single solvent and water Adjust the % of water from 0% on up until the best separation is obtained (optimum k for peaks of interest) Create blends using each of the other solvents and water that have the same polarity Evaluate each solvent for improvements in peak shape or movement of selective peaks A mix of any of the blended solvents is then evaluated for optimum resolution Possible elution gradient (similar to T gradient in GC) Mobile phase elution gradient -Total analysis time is reduced - overall resolution is improved - better peak shapes are possible - improved sensitivity Requires a compatible detector Total flow rate is held constant Only the proportion of the solvents are changed Example: carbohydrate analysis, NPLC CH2OH O H H H OH H OH OH CH2OH CH2OH H OH glucose O H O H OH OH H H H H OH O H OH H H OH OH Maltose = di-glucose CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH H CH2OH O O H H OH O H H H OH CH2OH O H OH H O OH H O H OH OH OH OH H OH H H H OH OH Maltotriose fructose oligosaccharides H OH Example: carbohydrate analysis, NPLC Carbohydrates in beer Typical chromatogram for separation of five carbohydrates (1) fructose (2) glucose (3) maltose (4) maltotriose (5) maltotetraose Spherisorb NH2 (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 μm) ACN-H2O gradient elution, 1 mL/min Detection: ELSD Beer sample Noguetra et al., J. Chromatogr. A, 1065 (2005) 207-210 Example: homologous series, RPLC 15 homologous n-alkylbenzenes, linear gradient of MeOH in H2O on ODS P. Jandera, J. Chromatogr. A, 845 (1999) 133-144 Example: homologous series, RPLC 30 homologous oligostyrenes, linear gradient of dioxane in n-heptane on silica gel P. Jandera, J. Chromatogr. A, 845 (1999) 133-144 Example: anti-diabetic sulfamide drugs Pharmaceutical conterfeiting RPLC chromatograms of standard mixture, Pingtangan capsules, Zhiwuyidaosu capsules, Gliclazide tablets Alltima C18 (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 μm) MeOH- pH 3 phosphate buffer (70:30), 1 mL/min UV-detection 1 2 3 4 5 Yao et al., J. Chromatogr. B, 2007 (in press) 6 LC-MS coupling Studied from 1974 Most important difficulties: Important quantity of solvent to eliminate Fragile molecules Wide range of polarity and molecular weight of analytes LC-MS coupling Electrospray Ionisation (ESI) + - - + + - +- -+ + + Capillary 3-5 kV Drop containing the ions ++ -- + +-+-+-+ + -+-+-+-- + + During the evaporation of the solvent, th electric field inside the drop increases and ejects the ions (electrostatic repulsion) LC-MS coupling Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation (APCI) Solutes Solute Ions [M+H]+ Solvent Molecules Heated Nebuliser are formed N2 + Liquid + + N2 + + + Formation of an aerosol Vaporisation of the solvent and sample + Charge transfer and collision Corona needle Solvent molecules are ionised LC-MS coupling Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation (APCI) Electrospray ( ESI ) 1.000 EI / CI Molecular Weight 100.000 Non-Polar APCI Polar Example LC-UV / MS: penicillin in urine 100 % UV 268nm 13 100 MS - SIM m/z 333 + m/z 349 % 0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Time Example LC-ESI-MS: vitamins analysis LC/ESI-SIR chromatogram of a 0.2 mg/L standard mixture. (1) Taurine (2) nicotinic acid (3) Nicotinamide (4) pantothenic acid (5) pyridoxal; (6) Pyridoxine (7) hippuric acid (8) Thiamine (9) Biotin (10)Riboflavin (11)ascorbic acid (12)folic acid Chen et al., Analytica Chimica Acta, 569 (2006) 169-175 Example LC-ESI-MS: vitamins analysis (1) Taurine (2) nicotinic acid (3) Nicotinamide (4) pantothenic acid (5) pyridoxal; (6) Pyridoxine (7) hippuric acid (8) Thiamine (9) Biotin (10)Riboflavin (11)ascorbic acid (12)folic acid Example LC-ESI-MS: vitamins analysis LC/ESI-SIR chromatogram of a multivitamin tablet sample. (1) Taurine (2) nicotinic acid (3) Nicotinamide (4) pantothenic acid (5) pyridoxal; (6) Pyridoxine (7) hippuric acid (8) Thiamine (9) Biotin (10)Riboflavin (11)ascorbic acid (12)folic acid Chen et al., Analytica Chimica Acta, 569 (2006) 169-175 Example LC-APCI-MS: Phenolic acids in industrial wastewater Example LC-APCI-MS: Phenolic acids in industrial wastewater Column: Porous Graphitic Carbon (10 x 2.1 mm, 5 μm) Mobile Phase: Gradient elution with A- MeOH-ACN-Formic acid 0.2M (40:40:20) and B- THF, flow rate 1 mL/min Detection : APCI, negative mode Organic molecules are "embraced" by the carbon chains of the stationary phase Unlike the typical organic target molecule peptides and proteins adsorb to the stationary phase often by multi-point attachment In contrast to bulk water, hydrophobic surfaces are covered by a shell of highly ordered water molecules. The chromatograms show the effect of varying the organic solvent concentration in isocratic experiments. Note that no concentration is capable of eluting all four components in the same run Classical" hydrophobic organic molecules are sensitive to the carbon chain length, while more or less identical results are obtained for proteins and larger peptides, regardless of the carbon chain length This picture shows hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts on the surface of lysozyme. The most hydrophobic parts are dark red, the less hydrophobic lighter red. The most hydrophilic parts are shown in dark blue, while the less hydrophilic parts are lighter blue Purification by partitioning the sample between two liquid phases. The distribution is controlled by the difference in polar properties of the respective phases Reversed Phase Chromatography utilises solubility differences between the sample components by a continuous re-partitioning mechanism The adsorption of hydrophobic molecules is a reversible reaction whose equilibrium is controlled by the salt concentration The desorption curve is shifted to the right with increasing net hydrophobicity Partitioning Stationary phase Bonded silica Polar ligands Normal-Phase LC « Classical Partition Chromatography » Non polar ligands Reversed-Phase LC Between NP and RP, the elution order will be somewhat reversed but not exactly, other factors must be considered Mixed stationary phases May have both bonded ligands Partitioning In RP, polarity of the solvent determines how long the solutes are retained (k) Snyder classed solvents according to acidic, basic, dipole characters Proton acceptor MeOH THF H2O Proton donor dipole Partitioning Temperature T has a minimal effect on the separation It allows obtaining thiner peaks = higher resolution High temperatures require resistant columns Particular vs. monolithic