Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Le Chatelier's Principle • In 1884, the French chemist Henri Le Chatelier suggested that equilibrium systems tend to compensate for the effects of stress or changes. • When a system at equilibrium is disturbed, the equilibrium position will shift in the direction which tends to minimize, or counteract, the effect of the disturbance. – If the concentration of a reactant is increased, the equilibrium position shifts to use up the added reactants by producing more products. – Reaction between Fe3+ and thiocyanate(SCN-) results in iron(III) thiocynate, Fe(SCN)2+, a red complex, which represents an example of Le Chatelier’s Principle Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) (colourless) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) (red) Determining an Equilibrium Constant Le Chatelier's Principle Changes in Concentration Consider the system at equilibrium Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) (colourless) • • Fe(SCN)2+(aq) (red) Increasing concentration of Fe3+(aq) or SCN-(aq) • results in the equilibrium position moving to the right • use up some of the additional reactants and producing more Fe(SCN)2+(aq) • solution will become darker red (more Fe(SCN)2+). Decreasing concentration of Fe3+(aq) or SCN-(aq) • results in the equilibrium position moving to the left • produces more Fe3+(aq) and SCN-(aq). • the solution will become less red as Fe(SCN)2+(aq) is consumed. Determining an Equilibrium Constant Le Chatelier's Principle Equilibrium constant Keq Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) (colourless) Keq = Fe(SCN)2+(aq) (red) [Fe(SCN)2+]eq [Fe3+]eq [SCN-]eq • How do we measure concentrations? – Absorption of light – Applying Beer’s Law • absorption of light at a specific wavelength is proportional to the concentration of a solution Absorption of light by atoms and molecules Transmission = ratio of transmitted light/incident light = I/Io Beer’s Law Absorption = amount of light absorbed by solution = log Io/I = el*l*c Beer’s Law Transmission = I/Io Absorption = -log T = log Io/I Beer’s Law A= el * l * c = k * c A= absorption of light l = length of light path c = concentration el= molar absorptivity or molar absorption coefficient k = el * l = absorption constant Determining an Equilibrium Constant Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) (colourless) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) (red) Experimental • Measure absorbance of a series of solutions with different known concentrations of the complex ion, Fe(SCN)2+ Problem • Changing concentration of reactants changes concentration of complex product: Fe(SCN)2+ is participant in reaction! Solution • Use excess of one of the reactants, so the other reactant becomes limiting • Use excess SCN-, then Fe3+ is limiting reactant • [Fe(SCN)2+]formed = [Fe3+]initial Analysis Determining absorption constant k 1. Measure samples in spectrophotometer at 450 nm (absorption maximum for Fe(SCN)2+) 2. Plot absorption vs. [Fe(SCN)2+]formed 3. Determine absorption constant k = slope of curve 4. Use A = k * c, or c = A/k Analysis Determining Equilibrium Constant K 1. 2. 3. Measure A450 nm of samples with different concentrations of reactants Calculate [Fe(SCN)2+], [Fe3+]i, [Fe3+]eq, [SCN-]i and [SCN-]eq - [Fe3+]i = [SCN-]i = 0.0025 M x 1.0 mL/7.0 mL = 3.6 x 10-4 M - [Fe(SCN)2+] = A/k - [Fe3+]eq = [SCN-]eq= [Fe3+]i - [Fe(SCN)2+] = 3.6 x 10-4 M – A/k = X M Keq = [Fe(SCN)2+]eq/[Fe3+]eq [SCN-]eq = Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Part 1: Experimental - Determining k in Beer’s Law Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) Step 1: make a dilution of 0.0025 M Fe(NO3)3 to 0.0001 M [0.0025 M x (4.0 mL/100 mL)] - Use a 5-mL Mohr pipet to add 4.0 mL of 0.0025 M Fe(NO3)3 to a 100-mL volumetric flask - Add 0.1 M HNO3 until exactly 100 mL. Mix - Rinse the pipet with this solution - Add the specified amounts from the table below to 5 numbered test tubes Test Tube No Diluted Fe(NO3)3 (mL) (0.0001 M) 1M KSCN (ml) 0.1 M HNO3 (mL) Total Volume (mL) Concentration [Fe(SCN)2+] 1 1.0 5.0 4.0 10.0 0.0001 M × (1.0 mL/ 10 mL) =1.0× 10-5 M 2 2.0 5.0 3.0 10.0 3 3.0 5.0 2.0 10.0 4 4.0 5.0 1.0 10.0 5 5.0 5.0 0 10.0 Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) Part 1: Analysis - Determining k (absorption constant) Test Tube No [Fe(SCN)2+] 1 1.0× 10-5 M 2 3 4 5 Absorption Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) Part 1: Analysis - Determining k (absorption constant) Absorption Plot [Fe(SCN)2+] vs Absorption • [Fe(SCN)2+] on X-axis • Absorption on Y-axis • Slope = k = absorption constant Line of best fit k = slope = Abs/[Fe(SCN)2+] [Fe(SCN)2+] Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) Part 2: Experimental - Determining equilibrium constant Kc Test Tube No 0.0025 M Fe(NO3)3 (mL) 0.0025 M KSCN (mL) 0.1 M HNO3 (mL) Total Volume (mL) 6 1.0 1.0 5.0 7.0 7 1.0 1.5 4.5 7.0 8 1.0 2.0 4.0 7.0 9 1.0 2.5 3.5 7.0 10 1.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 11 2.0 1.0 4.0 7.0 12 2.0 1.5 3.5 7.0 13 2.0 2.0 3.0 7.0 14 2.0 2.5 2.5 7.0 15 2.0 3.0 2.0 7.0 Total Vol. 5 10 20 Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) Part 2: Experimental - Determining equilibrium constant Kc Test Tube No Absorption Test Tube No 6 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 Absorption Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) Part 2: Analysis - Determining equilibrium constant Kc Test Tube Starting [Fe3+] Starting [SCN-] Equilibrium [Fe(SCN)2+] Equilibrium [Fe3+] Equilibrium [SCN-] Kc 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Average Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) Part 2: Analysis - Determining equilibrium constant Kc Calculation of concentration Tube 6: • starting [Fe3+] = [SCN-] • [Fe(SCN)2+] = Absorption/slope = Abs/k • Equilibrium [Fe3+] = [Fe3+]i - [Fe(SCN)2+]e = • Equilibrium [SCN-] = equilibrium [Fe3+] • Equilibrium constant K = [Fe(SCN)2+]e / [Fe3+]e [SCN-]e Exp 14B: Determining an Equilibrium Constant Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) Fe(SCN)2+(aq) Part 2: Analysis - Determining equilibrium constant Kc Calculation of concentration Tube 7: • starting [Fe3+] • starting [SCN-] • [Fe(SCN)2+] = Absorption/slope • Equilibrium [Fe3+] = [Fe3+]i - [Fe(SCN)2+]e • Equilibrium [SCN-] = [SCN-]i - [Fe(SCN)2+]e • Equilibrium constant K = [Fe(SCN)2+]e / [Fe3+]e [SCN-]e • Next Week Oct 29 Exp 14B: Full lab report including graph for all the results Exp 15: The Relative Strength of Some Acids Lab preparations – Read background and procedure – Protocol – Chemicals: HCl, H3PO4, NaH2PO4, CH3COOH, NH4NO3 , Al(NO3)3 , Zn(NO3)2 • Prelab assignment