NEW ASPECTS INTO THE CHEMISTRY OF COENZYME Q10 FAMILY MEMBERS (calcium binding and transporting) Rubin Gulaboski, Ivan Bogeski, Valentin Mirceski, Reinhard Kappl, Markus Hoth Rubin Gulaboski, Ivan Bogeski, Reinhard Kappl, Markus Hoth, „Benzoquinones based Antioxidants”, European Patent Office, Munich 2010, PATENT No. 09178735.8. Coenzyme Q10 is a redox mediator in the mitochondrial electron transfer chain (METC) contributing to the mitochondrial ATP production QUINONE (oxidized form) 3HC 3HC 3HC 3HC 2 3 6 5 CH3 CH3 QUINOL (reduced form) Most of the members of METC are „one-electron” mediators Reactive Oxygen Species = Mitochondrial electron transport chain is a major source of highly dangerous ROS!!! Superoxide dismutase e O2 . O2 - e .. .. . O:O . .. .. .. .. . O:O -: .. .. Oxygen Superoxide anion radical Glutathione Peroxidase Catalase - e H 2O 2 .. .. H:O:O:H .. .. Hydrogen peroxide . e OH .. .O:H .. Hydroxyl radical - H 2O .. H:O:H .. Water Structures of the most common Reactive Oxygen Species evaluated from O2 Effective „cure“ against ROS are the Antioxidants Ubiquinol-moderate antioxidant We started working on this project in 2006 Effect of Ca2+ ions to the redox process of 2-palmytoilquinonetransfer of Ca2+ across lipid membrane Structure of 2-palmytoilhydroquinone This compound can bind and transfer Ca2+ ions across biomimetic membranes Our Aim: to see whether CoQ’s have something to do with Ca2+ transfer across mitochondrial membranes Why Ca2+? Ca2+ -is one of the most important second messengers Mechanisms of Ca2+ transfer in mitochondria ??? CH3 H 3C O O O CH3 H 3C O O Coenzyme Q CH3 1 n( 2 HC-( 3 HC)C=HC-CH 2) O H 3C O CH3 O Coenzyme Q CH3 10 Experiments with Coenzyme Q1-CoQ1 -3E-05 Cyclic voltammogram of 100 µM CoQ1 in pH of 7.00 I/A -1.5E-05 -1E-20 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 -0.25 E/V -0.5 -0.75 -1 -1.25 -1.5 -3E-05 pH = 2.0 (black) pH = 2.7 (blue) pH = 3.5 (green) pH = 4.5, 7.4 and 9.2 (orange, pink and brown) I/A -1.5E-05 pH increase 0 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 -0.25 -0.5 -0.75 -1 -1.25 -1.5 E/V pH dependence of the redox process of CoQ1-the “yellow form” in the pH range from 1 to 9 CH3 H 3C CH3 O H 3C OH O O CH3 + H 3C O O Coenzyme Q CH3 1 (oxidized) 2e - + 2H CH3 + H 3C O OH Coenzyme Q CH3 1 (reduced) -2.4E-05 I/A -1.6E-05 + 2e- + 2Ca2+=? CV of 100µM CoQ-1-in pH of 7,00 (yellow native form); insensitivity to Ca2+; c(Ca2+)/mM = 0 (black); 1 (green); 10 (orange);50 (black) and 100 (rose) CoQ1-the yellow form= insensitive to Ca2+ ions -8E-06 0 8E-06 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 E/V That is, ...END OF THE STORY, or MAY BE NOT? -1.4 -0 .0 0 0 0 6 Cyclic voltammograms of CoQ1 recorded in 1 mol/L NaOH. Scans recorded after 3 min (1) 1 h (2) 3 h (3) and 24 h (4). Scan rate of 30 mV/s, c(CoQ1) = 0.075 mmol/L. Significant changes in the voltammetric responses have been observed when CoQ1 was dissolved in 1M NaOH! II I 3 m in u te s I/A -0 .0 0 0 0 2 II ' 0 .0 0 0 0 2 I' 0 .0 0 0 0 6 - 0 .0 0 0 0 8 6 0 m i n u te s II - 0 .0 0 0 0 4 I/A I 0 I I' I' 0 .0 0 0 0 4 - 0 .0 0 0 0 8 II 1 8 0 m in u t e s - 0 .0 0 0 0 4 I /A I 0 I' 0 .0 0 0 0 4 I I' -0.00008 24 hou rs II I /A -0.00004 0 II' 0.00004 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 E / V -0.6 -0.8 -1 UV-Vis spectrum of 10 µM CoQ1 recorded in kinetic mode in 1 M NaOH -3E-05 I/A -2E-05 -1E-05 100 µmol/L CoQ-1 in pH of 7. Black curve-yellow form of CoQ1 Red curve-CoQ1 firstly dissolved in NaOH for 0 1E-05 0.6 0.4 0.2 1E-15 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 E/V Comparison of the cyclic voltammograms of CoQ1 directly dissolved in pH of 7.00, and of CoQ1 initially dissolved in 1 M NaOH for 45 min and retitrated afterwards to pH of 7.00 pH increase Effect of pH to the redox processes of CoQ1. In this situation CoQ1 was in contact with 0.1 M NaOH for 60 minutes Next logical task: DETERMINE the MECHANISM and the STRUCTURE of the New Benzoquinone Product Electron Paramagnetic resonance-EPR-suitable technique for structure evaluation by the radical species (many quinones form radicals when dissolved in alkaline media) Simulated EPR spectrum of the CH3 radical EPR spectrum of CoQ1 after reduction with half-equimolar amount of NaBH4 in pH of 7.00 EPR spectrum of CoQ1 obtained in 0.1 M NaOH but without using any reductant!! CH2 Nine-line EPR spectrum od parent CoQ1 corresponds to presence of one CH3 and one CH2 group in the structure I NEXT STEP to determine the structure-NMR EXPERIMENTS NMR spectrum of CoQ1 in D2O Protons of O-CH3 CoQ1-5 minutes in NaOD retitrated afterwards to Protons of O-CH3 pD of 7.00 Signal from the protons of METHANOL Protons of O-CH3 CoQ1-10 minutes in NaOD Retitrated afterwards to pD of 7.00 Signal from the protons of METHANOL Protons of O-CH3 CoQ1-25 minutes in NaOD Retitrated afterwards to pD of 7.00 Signal from the protons of METHANOL Protons of O-CH3 CoQ1-60 minutes in NaOD Retitrated afterwards to pD of 7.00 Signal from the protons of METHANOL Where METHANOL does come from, when CoQ is dissolved in alkaline media? -from the methyl group? or -from the METHOXY O-CH3 group? By using methyl benzoquinone derivatives we found that the methyl group CAN NOT BE CLEAVED from the aromatic ring!!! Tetramethyl benzoquinone 2-methyl-benzoquinone (duroquinone) CH3 CH3 O H 3C O H 3C O O - ???? CH3 + H 3C O O CH3 C o enzym e Q 1 2O H - H 3C O - + 2C H 3O H O O -d e m e th y la te d C o e n z y m e Q (2,3-dihydroxo-5-methyl-6-isoprenyl-benzoquinone) 1 Ratio of the signal of Methanol vs Methoxy groups from NMR experiments of CoQ1 in NaOD Color of solutions of Benzoquinones with 2 OH groups in its structure Color of solutions of Benzoquinones with 1 OH group in its structure Benzoquinones with 2-OH groups are able to bind earth-alkaline cations in ratio 1:2 Benzoquinones with 1-OH group are NOT able to bind (at least not strongly) earth-alkaline cations New product is able to bind Ca2+ ions in stochiometric ratio 1:2 (L:M2+) concentration of Ca2+ increase New form of CoQ-1, sensitivity to Ca2+ ions The slope of 59mV indicates a complex of a type 1:2 (L to M) Dependence of the mid-peak potential of the cyclic voltammograms of new form of CoQ1 on the logarithm of Ca2+ concentration CH3 CH3 O H 3C O H 3C O O - CH3 + H 3C O O CH3 C o enzym e Q 1 2O H - H 3C O - + 2C H 3O H O O -d e m e th y la te d C o e n z y m e Q 1 EXPERIMENTS with Coenzyme Q10-CoQ10 Native CoQ10 is absolutely insoluble in water, but... it can be dissolved in NaOH...and it can be transformed into a new form in presence of OH- anions present in the organic phase Coenyzme Q10 in presence of 1 M NaOH 5 µM Coenyzme Q10 in presence of 1 M NaOH and retitrated to pH of 7.0 after 3 weeks The membrane-bound enzyme Cytochrome P450 does the same Effect of Ca2+ to the voltammetric response of CoQ10 in presence of CYP450 in pH of 7.40 O O H 3C H 3C - O + O CH3 O CH3 2OH 3 OH - CYP450 R 2CH + - O R O O 2. Stabilization of the CH3-cleaved CoQ10 products in water O O H O - CH3 O H - + O CH3 O R H 2O - O - R H O O H O 3. Reduction of the CH3-cleaved CoQ10 product and binding of -O O - - + - O 2e R CH3 O 2Ca 2+ - O R O - + - 2+ -O CH3 O CH3 O Ca Ca2+ O -O R -O Ca 2+ Experiments with CoQ10 embedded in organic membrane in presence of organic Hydroxide to show whether the new form of CoQ10 can transfer Ca2+ ions across biological membranes Ca2+ out Lipid membrane CoQ10 embedded + electrode OH- WT+Ca+Cyt WT+Ca 1.8 Ratio (340/380) 1.2 0.6 0 0 30 60 90 Time (min) 120 150 180 105% Mitochondrial Ca 2+ influx (slope in %) *** 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% Mito WT Mito CoQ10 KO Experiments with wild types of mitochondria and knockout mitochondria depleted of CoQ10 in absence and in presence of CYTP450. Effect of Ca2+ ions. SUMMARY Plenty of CoQ family members are present in the living systems The chemistry and most of the functions of the native forms of Coenzyme Q family members are mainly portrayed in the features of the 2e-/2H+ redox reaction (electron and proton transfer) that leads to reversible transformation of the quinone to quinol forms. If the Coezyme Q structures are in contact with high concentration of OH- ions or CYP450 enzymes, quite different quinonic forms can be obtained. CYP450 and NaOH can both induce scission of the both O-CH3 (methoxy) groups in the structure of the Coenzyme Q family members, thus creating so called „O-demethylated“ quinones that bear charge of „2-“. These new Coenzyme Q structures formed in alkaline media (or in presence of CYP450) are more polar than their parent compounds, while also having much stronger antioxidative features. The inherent properties of the new Coenzyme Q structures to bind the earth-alkaline cations upon their reduction classify these compounds as potential facilitators for transferring of metal ions across biological membranes. -3E-05 I/A -2E-05 -1E-05 0 1E-05 0.6 0.4 0.2 1E-15 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 E/V -1 -1.2 -1.4 Main people involved in this project A. in Homburg I. Bogeski M. Hoth Bernd Morgenstern Barbara Kutzky R. Kappl Richi Kohler D: MKD B. Saarbrücken C. UNi K‘Lautern Prof. Hermann ACKNOWLEDGMENT also to Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Prof. Mirceski Experiments with Coenzyme Q10-CoQ10 Solubility of CoQ10 in water is bellow 10 pM!!! Impossible to perform experiments in water media! CoQ10 studied voltammetrically in Thin-film voltammetry set-up Electron conductor, graphite electrode droplet of org. Organic water solution of an immiscible electroactive solvent compound CoQ10 + 2eCoQ10 CoQ102H+ H+ OH- H+ OH- H+ Cat2+ Liquid-Liquid interface Cat2+ 2An- -E/V NADH -0.2 _ CoQ Complex III 0.0 _ Complex IV 0.2 _ The processes in the mitochondrial electron transfer chain are driven by the differences in the standard redox potentials of the contributors