Chirality Chirality - the Handedness of Molecules Isomers we concentrate on enantiomers and diastereomers Enantiomers Enantiomers: nonsuperposable mirror images as an example of a molecule that exists as a pair of enantiomers, consider 2-butanol OH C H H3 C CH2 CH3 Origin al molecu le HO H C CH 3 CH3 CH2 Mirror image Enantiomers one way to see that the mirror image of 2-butanol is not superposable on the original is to rotate the mirror image OH C H H3 C CH2 CH3 Original molecule 180° OH H C CH 3 CH3 CH2 Mirror image rotate by 180° about the C-OH b on d OH H3 C C CH CH 2 3 H The mirror image rotated b y 180° Enantiomers now try to fit one molecule on top of the other so that all groups and bonds match exactly OH The mirror image turn ed by 180° C CH CH 2 3 H3 C H OH The original molecule C H H3 C CH2 CH3 the original and mirror image are not superposable they are different molecules nonsuperposable mirror images are enantiomers Enantiomers Objects that are not superposable on their mirror images are chiral (from the Greek: cheir, hand) they show handedness The most common cause of enantiomerism in organic molecules is the presence of a carbon with four different groups bonded to it a carbon with four different groups bonded to it is called a stereocenter Enantiomers If an object and its mirror image are superposable, they are identical and there is no possibility of enantiomerism such an object is achiral (without chirality) An achiral molecule, consider 2-propanol notice that it has no stereocenter OH C H H3 C CH3 Origin al molecu le OH H C CH 3 H3 C Mirror image Enantiomers to see the relationship between the original and its mirror image, rotate the mirror image by 120° OH C H H3 C CH 3 Origin al molecu le 120° OH H C CH 3 H3 C Mirror image rotate by 120° about th e C-OH bond OH C H H3 C CH3 The mirror image rotated b y 120° after this rotation, we see that all atoms and bonds of the mirror image fit exactly on the original the original and its mirror image are the same Enantiomers To summarize an object that is nonsuperposable on its mirror image is chiral (it shows handedness) the most common cause of chirality among organic molecules is the presence of a carbon with four different groups bonded to it we call a carbon with four different groups bonded to it a stereocenter an object that is superposable on its mirror image is achiral (without chirality) nonsuperposable mirror images are called enantiomers enantiomers, like gloves, always come in pairs Drawing Enantiomers Following are four different representations for one of the enantiomers of 2-butanol OH C H H3 C CH2 CH3 (1) H H3 C OH C CH2 CH3 (2) H OH OH (3) (4) both (1) and (2) show all four groups bonded to the stereocenter and show the tetrahedral geometry (3) is a more abbreviated line-angle formula; although we show the H here, we do not normally show them in line-angle formulas (4) is the most abbreviated representation; you must remember that there is an H present on the stereocenter Drawing Mirror Images on the left is one enantiomer of 2-butanol on the right are two representations for its mirror image (in this case, its enantiomer) OH One en antiomer of 2-b utanol OH OH Alternative rep res entations for its mirror image The R,S System To assign an R or S configuration assign a priority from 1 (highest) to 4 (lowest) to each group on the stereocenter; orient the stereocenter so that the group of lowest priority is facing away from you read the three groups projecting toward you in order from (1) to (3) if reading the groups is clockwise, the configuration is R (Latin, rectus, straight, correct) if reading the groups is counterclockwise, the configuration is S (Latin: sinister, left) The R,S System The first step in assigning an R or S configuration to a stereocenter is to arrange the groups on the stereocenter in order of priority priority is based on atomic number the higher the atomic number, the higher the priority Atom or Grou p -I -Br -Cl -SH -OH -NH2 O -COH O -CNH2 O -CH -CH2 OH -CH2 NH2 -CH2 CH3 -CH2 H -H Reason for Priority: First Point of D ifferen ce (Atomic numbers) iodine (53) bromin e (35) ch lorine (17) su lfu r (16) oxygen (8) nitrogen (7) carbon to oxygen, oxygen, th en oxygen (6 ->8, 8, 8) carbon to oxygen, oxygen, th en nitrogen (6 ->8, 8, 7) carbon to oxygen, oxygen, th en hydrogen (6 ->8, 8, 1) carbon to oxygen (6 -> 8) carbon to nitrogen (6 -> 7) carbon to carbon (6 -> 6) carbon to hydrogen (6 -> 1) hydrogen (1) The R,S System Example: assign priorities to the groups in each set (a) -CH2 OH and -CH2 CH2 OH O (c) -CH2 OH and -CH2 CH2 COH (b) -CH2 CH2 OH and -CH2 NH2 (d) -CH2 NH2 O and -CH2 COH The R,S System Example: assign priorities to the groups in each set (a) -CH2 OH and -CH2 CH2 OH -CH2 OH -CH2 CH2 OH Higher priority Lower priority O (c) -CH2 OH and -CH2 CH2 COH O -CH2 OH -CH2 CH2 COH Higher priority Low er priority (b) -CH2 CH2 OH and -CH2 NH2 -CH2 CH2 OH -CH2 NH2 Lower priority Higher priority (d) -CH2 NH2 O and -CH2 COH O -CH2 NH2 -CH2 COH Higher priority Low er priority The R,S System example: assign an R or S configuration to each stereocenter OH (a) C H H3 C CH2 CH3 2-Bu tanol H2 N H (b) C H3 C COOH Alanin e The R,S System example: assign an R or S configuration to each stereocenter 1 (a) 3 H3 C OH C 4 R H CH2 CH3 2 (R)-2-Butan ol R 1 4 H2 N H (b) R C 2 H3 C COOH 3 (R)-Alanine R The R,S System Because enantiomers are different compounds, each must have a different name here are the enantiomers of the over-the-counter drug ibuprofen H CH3 COOH The in active enantiomer of ib uprofen H3 C H HOOC The active enan tiomer the R,S system is a way to distinguish between enantiomers without having to draw them and point to one or the other The R,S System returning to our original three-dimensional drawings of the enantiomers of ibuprofen 4 3 3 H CH3 1 2 COOH R (R)-Ibuprofen (the in acti ve en antiomer) H3 C H4 1 2 HOOC S (S)-Ibuprofen (the acti ve enenti omer) Chirality in Biomolecules a molecule and its enantiomer or one of its diastereomers elicit different physiological responses as we have seen, (S)-ibuprofen is active as a pain and fever reliever, while its R enantiomer is inactive the S enantiomer of naproxen is the active pain reliever, but its R enantiomer is a liver toxin! H3 C H HOOC H3 C H HOOC OCH3 (S)-Ib uprofen (S)-N aproxen Stereocenters A molecule with n stereocenters has a maximum number of 2n stereoisomers a molecule with one stereocenter, 21 = 2 stereoisomers (enantiomers) are possible for a molecule with two stereocenters, a maximum of 22 = 4 stereoisomers (two pair of enantiomers) for a molecule with three stereocenters, a maximum of 23 = 8 stereoisomers (four pairs of enantiomers) is possible and so forth Fischer Projection Formulas Fischer Projection: show configuration of chiral molecules in two-dimensional representation Vertical bonds are directed away Horizontal bonds are directed toward you OH H H3CH2C H OH CH2CH3 H OH CH2CH3 Enantiomers & Diastereomers 2,3,4-Trihydroxybutanal O * * HOCH2 -CH-CH-CH OH OH two stereocenters; 22 = 4 stereoisomers exist Two Stereocenters 2,3,4-trihydroxybutanal CHO CHO H C OH HO C H H C OH HO C H CH2 OH CH2 OH (a) (b) A p air of enantiomers (Erythreose) CHO CHO H C OH HO C H HO C H C OH H CH2 OH CH2 OH (c) (d) A pair of en antiomers (Threos e) diastereomers: stereoisomers that are not mirror images (a) and (c), for example, are diastereomers Meso Compounds Meso compound: an achiral compound possessing two or more stereocenters tartaric acid two stereocenters; 2n = 4, but only three stereoisomers exist COOH COOH H C OH HO C H H C OH HO C H COOH COOH A meso compound (plane of symmetry) COOH COOH H C OH HO C H HO C H C OH COOH H COOH A pair of enantiomers Stereoisomers example: mark all stereocenters in each molecule and tell how many stereoisomers are possible for each OH (a) CH2 =CHCHCH2 CH3 HO (d) HO (b) CH3 CH3 (e) OH (c) NH2 OH COOH NH2 OH O OH OH (f) NH2 Stereoisomers example: mark all stereocenters in each molecule and tell how many stereoisomers are possible for each solution: OH (a) CH2 =CHCHCH2 CH3 * 21 = 2 HO * COOH HO NH2 (d) 21 = 2 OH O OH (b) CH3 CH3 21 = 2 * * (e) * 22 = 4 (c) OH * * OH NH2 2 2 =4 * OH (f) * NH2 22 = 4 Three Or More Stereocenters how many stereocenters are present in the molecule on the left? how many stereoisomers are possible? one of the possible stereoisomers is menthol assign an R or S configuration to each stereocenter in menthol OH 2-Is op ropyl-5-meth ylcyclohexanol OH Menthol Three Or More Stereocenters R * * * OH 2-Is op ropyl-5-meth ylcyclohexanol 23 = 8 possible stereoisomers S R OH Menthol Stereoisomers The 2n rule applies equally well to molecules with three or more stereocenters H H3 C H3 C * HO * * * * * * * Cholesterol h as 8 stereocenters; 256 s tereoisomers are poss ible H3 C H H HO H H H Th is is th e stereoisomer found in human metabolism