10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION

10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
1. Nuclear Fusion is the
joining of two atomic nuclei
of smaller masses to form a
single nucleus of larger mass.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
2. Nuclear fusion produces
greater amounts of energy
than nuclear fission.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
3. Temperatures over a
million degrees must be
reached (called a
thermonuclear reaction).
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
4. Nuclear Fusion occurs on
the sun and other stars.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
5. In the sun, hydrogen nuclei
fuse to form helium nuclei.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
6. 1% of the mass of the
atom is converted into
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
7. Occur in the plasma phase
of matter.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
8. Nuclear fusion reactions
cannot be contained by
anything known or invented
as of yet.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
9. Produces less radioactive
waste than nuclear fission.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION
10. Possible raw materials
are less rare than those for
nuclear fission.
10 facts about NUCLEAR FUSION