• The stronger the intermolecular forces of the compound, the higher the boiling point of the compound because it will take more energy to break the bonds.
• It therefore follows that the stronger the intermolecular forces, the less volatile the compound will be, which means that its vapor pressure will be low.
• Compounds with high vapor pressure want to turn to gas or vapor. Compound with low VP don’t want to convert to vapor easily unless more energy is added.
• Therefore compounds with LOW VP have High
Boiling Points because their intermolecular forces are stronger) and compounds with HIGH VP have
LOW Boiling points (because their intermolecular forces are weaker).
• Strong Intermolecular forces High Boiling
Points compounds have LOW VAPOR
PRESSURE and are LESS VOLATILE (don’t evaporate easily)
• Weak Intermolecular forces LOW Boiling
Points compounds have HIGH VAPOR
PRESSURE and are MORE VOLATILE (evaporate easily)