The simplest ORGAN ORGANS ORGANS - have one or more FUNCTIONS and composed of SEVERAL TISSUES ROOTS are the simplest FUNCTIONS of ROOTS ANCHORAGE FUNCTIONS of ROOTS ABSORBING and CONDUCTING Water and Nutrients FUNCTIONS of ROOTS FOOD STORAGE Taproots Fascicled roots FUNCTIONS of ROOTS FOOD STORAGE in Cortex FUNCTIONS of ROOTS All ROOTS are for: Anchorage Absorbing and Conducting Nutrients Food Storage Some can REPRODUCE by root cuttings CLASSIFICATION of ROOTS Based on ORIGINATION PRIMARY SECONDARY ADVENTITIOUS CLASSIFICATION of ROOTS Based on TYPE of ROOT SYSTEM Taproot Fibrous Fascicled ROOT ANATOMY Region of Maturation (Differentiation) Region of Elongation Meristem Region Quiescent Zone Root Cap ROOT ANATOMY Dicots ROOT ANATOMY Monocots ROOT ANATOMY Secondary or Lateral root generation ROOT PHYSIOLOGY Water and Nutrient CONDUCTION is comprised of THREE ACTIONS ROOT PRESSURE CAPILLARITY TRANSPIRATION ROOT PHYSIOLOGY ROOT PRESSURE OSMOSIS Pathway A – Intercellular Spaces Pathway B – Root Hairs ROOT PHYSIOLOGY ROOT PRESSURE Casparian Strip ROOT PHYSIOLOGY CAPILLARY ACTION (or Capillarity) Adhesion Cohesion ROOT PHYSIOLOGY TRANSPIRATIONAL PULL (or Transpiration) As WATER EVAPORATES or DIFFUSES from the surface of a leaf, and as cells replace water , the continuous loss of water PULLS it up through plant SPECIALIZED ROOTS and ASSOCIATIONS PROP ROOTS CLIMBERS PNEUMATOPHORES SPECIALIZED ROOTS and ASSOCIATIONS EPIPHYTES CONTRACTILE ROOTS PARASITIC ROOTS ROOT ASSOCIATIONS MYCORRHIZAL Associations ”Fungus Root” MUTUALISTIC fungus/plant relationship Helps absorb WATER and NUTRIENTS for PLANT Plant provides SUGARS for FUNGUS ROOT ASSOCIATIONS MYCORRHIZAL Associations ROOT ASSOCIATIONS BACTERIAL Associations MUTUALISTIC bacterial/plant relationship BACTERIA absorbs NITROGEN from atmosphere, and converts it into AMMONIUM (NH4-) a NUTRIENT for PLANTS PLANT provides SUGARS for BACTERIA