Plant Science Structure, Transport, and Reproduction PLANT EVOLUTION AND DIVERSITY The following 24 slides are for general reference and not required material Do not take notes, just listen and ask questions. Kingdom Plantae Eukaryotes Possess cellulose-rich cell walls Store energy in the form of starch Photosynthesize Multi-cellular Life cycles display both haploid and diploid multi-cellular forms (alternation of generations) Origin of Plants ‘Plants’ are believed have evolved from green algae Charophyceans, a group of green algae, are the ancestors of plants Algae are… single-celled colonial multi-cellular …and do not possess… leaves vascular tissue roots flowers seeds A multi-cellular Charophycean, the nearest living relative to plants Alternation of Generations All plants undergo a life cycle that takes them through both haploid and diploid generations. The multicellular diploid plant structure is called the sporophyte, which produces spores through meiotic (asexual) division. The multicellular haploid plant structure is called the gametophyte, which is formed from the spore and give rise to the haploid gametes. The fluctuation between these diploid and haploid stages that occurs in plants is called the alternation of generations. Alternation of Generations Plant Diversity There are four main groups of plants Bryophytes : mosses and allies Filicinophytes: ferns and allies Coniferophytes: conifers Angiospermophytes: flowering plants The groups can be distinguished by morphology and methods of reproduction Plant Diversity Bryophytes Most primitive of land plants Includes mosses, liverworts, and hornworts Do not have roots Do not have vascular tissues (do not circulate internal liquids) Do not flower or produce seeds Reproduce via spores Mosses Moss Reproduction Spores, haploid cells, are produced in a capsule. Capsule develops at end of stalk Moss Facts Max. height – 0.5 m Number of known species ~ 10,000 Moss will grow wherever there is an adequate amount of moisture and sunlight. (not just the north side of a tree) Mosses prefer deciduous trees instead of conifers because conifers have more acidic bark. (that’s why you don’t see mosses on redwoods very often) Mosses cannot survive in polluted air. Like the lichens, they need a healthy atmosphere to survive Filicinophytes Commonly known as ferns Have roots, leaves, and short, nonwoody stems Have vascular tissues to circulate water and nutrients Do not flower or produce seeds Reproduce via spores Fern sorus, sporangia (2n), and spores (n) Fern gametophyte (n) Pinnate Leaves: Resembling a feather; having parts or branches arranged on each side of a common axis Simple Bi-pinnate Pinnate Tri-pinnate Ferns Fern Facts The fern was one of the first plants on Earth. Fossil fern remains, dating back 450 million years, have been found in coal beds. There are about 12,000 species in the world today. Conifers Coniferophytes: conifers Also known as gymnosperms Produce naked seeds in cones Have leaves, stems, roots, and vascular tissue Most are trees, some shrubs All are woody Leaves are reduced and waxy Conifer Life Cycle: sporophyte phase dominant Naked Seeds (no flesh like fruit) are produced in Cones Cones can be male (produce pollen) or female (contain ovules), these are all female Conifer facts Typical examples of conifers include cedars, douglasfirs, cypresses, firs, junipers, kauris, larches, pines, redwoods, spruces, and yews. Conifers are of immense economic value, primarily for timber and paper production. The division contains approximately 700 living species. The world's tallest, largest, thickest and oldest living things are all conifers. Phylogeny of Plants Angiosperms Angiosperms Flowering Plants Plant group with the most recent origin Have roots, leaves, vascular tissue Produce seeds within endosperm (fruit) Two main types – monocots and dicots Can be shrubs, vines, trees, grasses, cacti, etc. Monocot vs. Dicot Angiosperms typically belong to two general groups monocots and dicots Monocots have 1 embryonic leaf (cotyledon) include all grasses (rice, corn, wheat), palms, and many ornamentals (orchids,lilies, tulips) Dicots have 2 embryonic leaves Include beans, apples, roses, and oaks Flower Facts There are an estimated 350,000 species of angiosperms, over ¾ of the worlds plants Fossil evidence of first flowering plants dates back to 125 mya Many plants have co-evolved with insects in mutual symbiosis, ex. bees pollinate The value of angiosperms to humans are priceless, they are the source of nearly all terrestrial based food production, ex. Fruits, veggies, grains, grass for livestock Xerophytes: plants adapted to grow in dry environments Spines instead of leaves, to reduce transpiration Thick stems store water Very thick cuticle prevents water loss Wide, shallow root network absorbs occasional rain fall Xerophytes: cacti Plant Structure Plant Structure Angiosperms may take on a wide variety of morphologies and adaptations Species are distinguished primarily by flower characteristics Areas of focus: Basic Features Leaf Characteristics Vascular system (stem and root) Generalized Flower Basic Features Flower: reproduction Fruit: seed dispersal Leaf: energy absorption Bud: growth site Vascular tissue: water and nutrient transport Ground tissue: basic support Root system: water and mineral absorption acts as anchor The Leaf Site of photosynthesis, highest concentration of chloroplast in plant CO2 enters, and H2O exits, through stomata Stoma – opening in epidermis Guard cell – swells or shrinks to close or open stoma Vessels bring water to cells, and transport sugar away to rest of plant Leaf Parts Mesophyll – ground tissue Spongy – bottom part of leaf, air pocket allow for gas exchange Palisade – top layers of cells, tightly packed to absorb maximum amount of sunlight Cuticle – waxy coating prevents water loss, thicker on upper epidermis Vascular Tissue Specialized cells form tubes to allow movement of solution Xylem: Transports water and minerals up from the roots Phloem: Transports sugar down from the leaves where it was made Xylem Technically ‘dead’: no nucleus, cell membrane, organelles, cytoplasm, etc. Modified cell wall containing lignin for increased strength Tracheids: Long, thin cells with high surface area to volume ratio; highly porous Vessel Elements: Larger diameter and shorter, lower surface to area ratio than tracheids; highly porous Phloem Composed of cells known as sieve tube cells and companion cells Sieve tubes lacked nucleus, ribosomes, and vacuole Companion cells maintain functioning of sieve cells and transport carbohydrates into tubes Vascular Cells Dicot Stem Cross Section Ground Tissue: Pith – interior to cambium Cortex – exterior to cambium Epidermis Prevents water loss, can be specialized to become root hairs or create cuticle Vascular Bundle Cambium: actively dividing tissue, gives rise to both xylem and phloem Dicot Root Roots Absorb minerals (nitrogen, phosphorous) by active transport Water follows by osmosis because root has high solute concentration Roots can be used to store energy in tubers Stele: the vascular tissue of the root Pericycle: the tissue immediately surrounding stele, gives rise to lateral branch roots Dicot Root Cross Section Root Hairs: extensions of epidermis, function in water and mineral absorption by significantly increasing surface area Water Absorption Water moves toward vascular tissue by osmosis Apoplastic Water moves through cell walls, but not through cells Symplastic Water moves directly through cells Casparian Strip A band of modified cell wall that separates the outer cortex from the stele Prevents passive flow of water and materials into stele Forces water and materials to exit apoplast (cell wall) and enter symplast (cellular cytoplasm) The shape of root systems vary between species Special Modifications Bulbs Stem Tubers Storage Roots Tendrils Plant Growth Plants exhibit two primary methods of growth Primary – elongation from terminal or auxiliary shoot or root tips Secondary – lateral growth of cambium Tissue capable of active cell division is termed ‘meristematic’ Primary Growth of Shoot Meristem Terminal bud Auxiliary bud A Root Branch: note apical meristem Secondary Growth: division in the cambium Secondary Growth causes thickening of plant girth Meristems The actively dividing tissue of plants Apical: located at end of branch or root Elongating Includes auxiliary bud Lateral: located within existing stems, branches, or roots. Widening Tissue known as the cambium Phototropism The growth of the shoot toward a light source Increased elongation of specific ground tissue caused by plant hormone auxin Phototropism and Auxin Auxin is released from apical meristem Auxin is released asymmetrically In higher concentrations on side of plant away from light source Auxin Polar Transport: auxins carrier found only on lower membranes of cells unidirectional hormone movement Acid Growth Hypothesis: Auxin increases cell wall acidity, causing cell to expand Auxin and Cell Elongation - Acid Growth Hypothesis 1. Auxin increases the activity of proton pumps 2. The cell wall becomes more acidic 3. Expansin proteins (activated by low pH) cause cell wall fibers to loosen. 4. Turgor pressure causes cell to expand Acid Growth Hypothesis