Microfilament Motors QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Text and image sources are included using the notes function of this file Skeletal (Striated) Muscle Z + - - + + - - + + + Sliding filament contraction M Z animation AFM Myosin II Structure Control by Troponin/Tropomyosin Ca++ The Swinging Lever Arm + ATP Minus ->ADP+Pi - Pi, ADP Plus Muscle Myosin (II) animation Plus Minus animation Making its moves Minus Plus GFP-Myosin in a Cardiomyocyte QuickTime™ and a Cinepak decompressor are needed to see this picture. video Stress-Mediated Orientation The Myosin Family Tree (24 and growing) Myosin Alignments From the Fold (the Ur-Motor?) Quick Time™ and a TIFF (Uncompress ed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Myosin class Animals Fungi Dictyostelium I X X X II X X X III X IV Apicom plexans Kinetoplastids X * V X VI X ? VII X ? X VIII ? X X IX X X * XI XII Plants Myosin Classes X * XIII * XIV X XV X XVI * XVII * XVIII X XIX * XX * XXI X XXII X XXIII X XIV X X = present * = limited Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gene Myosin Involved in class function Mutant phenotype MYO1 class II cell division myo1=forms cell chains MYO2 class V polarized growth myo2 = can't bud MYO3 class I endocytosis myo3,5 double mutant defective in endocytosis MYO4 class V cell fate myo4 = mother/daughter mating type switching defective MYO5 class I endocytosis myo3,5 double mutant defective in endocytosis 39 myosins in the human genome, and counting! Myosins Everywhere! QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. video In Vitro Motor Assays QuickTime™ and a Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. Myo IXb is a plusend directed motor Myo II (because the polarity marked microfilament, red at the plus end, moved in a minus-end direction over the motor) video MyoMotors, Inc. Differential localization Myosin I Myosin II Myo V Stepping out Melanosome Rab27 Melanophilin 37 nm per step Plus 74 nm per stride 37nm A flip-book animation Barbed-end myosins move in plus-end directions Pointed-end myosins move in minus-end directions Running in reverse Myosin VI has an insertion in the converter region that changes its lever arm Myo VI and Myo V QuickTi me™ and a T IFF (Uncom pressed) decom pressor are needed to see t his pic QuickTi me™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Can you hear me now? Myosin VI localization Myosin Mutations Create Deafness Normal stereociliary bundles in the cochlea Myosin XVa-GFP are disorganized in a Myosin VIIa waltzer mutant 5 um Phosphoinositide lipid binding domains MyoX-GFP QuickTime™ and a Sorens on Video 3 dec ompres sor are needed to s ee this pic ture. video microfilaments