Past, Pilot, and Proposed I. PAST Over one weekend in Boston, we conducted medical, nutritional, genetic, neurological, speech/language, laboratory, and psychological examinations in 33 adults with classic galactosemia. Supported by Parents of Galactosemic Children, Inc (Galactosemia Foundation) And New England Genetics Collaborative RESULTS Full Scale IQ 88 (range: 55-122) Tremor 46% Employed 79% Married or living with partner 27% Anxiety (Currently or in the past) 52% Depression (Currently or in the past) 39% Low bone density 24% SPEECH Reduced tongue strength Decreased phonation duration Reduced articulation Dysarthria Apraxia of speech 73% 64% 12% 24% 9% FERTILITY & REPRODUCTION WOMEN Primary ovarian insufficiency 100% Average age of menarche 15 years Pregnancy 1 Births 1 MEN Average age of puberty Fathered children 13 years 2 NUTRITION Low calcium intake 80% Low vitamin D intake 75% Normal height for males & females Normal body mass index (BMI) 58% Underweight 13% (females only) Overweight 25% females/24% males Obese 13% females/6% males WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW BEFORE Adult Phenotype height is well within average range Speech issues resolve 46% had tremor Few men engage in sexual relationships and father children Underlying deficit may be motor No genotype/phenotype correlation Older subjects no worse than younger subjects II. PILOT STUDY Specific aims Assess the relevance of neuroimaging and electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements in adults with galactosemia in explaining the pathogenesis and timing of neurocognitive impairments and neurological symptoms in galactosemia. To determine if there is evidence for a right hemispheric developmental deficit in galactosemia. Supported by The Galactosemia Foundation and, in part, by New England Genetics Collaborative. METHODS 10 Adults with galactosemia (5 males/5 females) Neuroimaging Study – MRI Structural DTI Functional MRI (fMRI) EEG Neuropsychological Evaluation Neurological Assessment III. PROPOSED STUDY Specific aim #1 Recruit 2,200 subjects with hereditary galactosemia from North America and Europe over a five year period of time. Specific aim #2 Perform comprehensive phenotyping on 150 adult subjects with galactosemia. Specific aim #3 Establish a data coordinating center for an International Galactosemia Research Consortium and Galactosemia Bio-repository at the Manton Center for Orphan Disease Research at Children's Hospital Boston Specific aim #4 Perform whole genomic DNA sequencing on 10 subjects with Q188R/Q188R genotype and severe neurological complications and on 10 subjects with Q188R/Q188R genotype and STAY TUNED!