GENE THERAPY AN INTRODUCTION Agustina Setiawati, M.Sc., Apt 2 sks 12 kali pertemuan USIP 40%, UAS 40%, Tugas/Kuis 20% DEFINITION Terapi gen merupakan teknik yang digunakan untuk membenarkan gen yang rusak yang menyebabkan terjadinya suatu penyakit What’s gene therapy? I. Imagine that you accidentally broke one of your neighbor's windows. Stay silent: no one will ever find out that you are guilty, but the window doesn't get fixed. II. Repair it with some tape: not the best long-term solution. III. Put in a new window: not only do you solve the problem, but also you do the honorable thing. So, if a flawed gene caused our "broken window," can you "fix" it? What are your options? . I. II. III. Stay silent: ignore the genetic disorder and nothing gets fixed. Try to treat the disorder with drugs or other approaches: depending on the disorder, treatment may or may not be a good long-term solution. Put in a normal, functioning copy of the gene: if you can do this, it may solve the problem! DOGMA CENTRAL DNA EUKARIOT Eukaryotic Transcription Cytoplasm DNA Transcription RNA RNA Processing mRNA G Nucleus G AAAAAA Export AAAAAA Disease that was cured by Gene Therapy 10 11 Pendekatan Terapi Gen Memasukkan gen normal pada lokasi non-spesifik Menghapus fungsi gen abnormal terapi antisense Memperbaiki fungsi gen abnormal melalui reverse-mutasi yg selektif What is reverse mutation? Mutasi - mjd + Mutant, inactive + +- + WT, active Mutate + to +- -+ WT, active WT ? active Same site revertant different site revertant Prinsip Kerja Terapi Gen? 1. Penelitian awal : menyisipkan gen normal ke dalam genom utk menggantikan gen yg rusak/abnormal 2. Molekul pembawa (vektor) membawa gen terapetik ke dalam sel target pasien. 3. Vektor yg paling umum adalah VIRUS, yg dapat memasukkan DNA/RNA ke dalam sel manusia Keuntungan Terapi Gen 1. Memampukan manusia mempunyai anak tanpa ‘konsepsi’ 2. Menyembuhkan penyakit berbahaya tanpa menimbulkan rasa sakit. 3. Mencegah penyakit genetik berdasarkan sex/gender 4. Meningkatkan ‘penerimaan’ organ hasil transplantasi Kelemahan terapy gen Keamanan- resiko efek genetik detrimental Berbahaya karena menimbulkan 'genetic reductionism' Type of Human Gene Therapy 1. Somatic Gene Therapy In vivo & Ex vivo 2. Germline Gene Therapy SOMATIC GENE THERAPY “ Transfer material genetic to the body cells except germline” GERMLINE GENE THERAPY “ Involve genetic modification of germ cells” Any question? THANK YOU