Introduction: The microbial world, Classification, Taxonomy, Nomenclature Objectives To understand the broad classification of microbes as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, viruses, and prions To know the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes To discuss the basis of bacterial taxonomy To have an overview of the morphology,staining and lifecycles of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminthes To outline the immune response for protection against microbial invasion Three Domains All living organisms can be classified into one of three major groups called domains Bacteria Archaea Eukarya } = Prokaryote = Eukaryote Bacteria & Archaea Both have same shape, size & appearance Major differences exist in their chemical composition Archaea lack peptidoglycan means "ancient" because use ancient energy mechanisms Grow in harsh environments e.g high salt, very high temp Classes of infectious organisms Eukaryotes Arthropods (insects, ticks & mites) Helminthes (worms) Fungi Protozoa Prokaryotes Archaea Bacteria Viruses Prions Prokaryotes Vs. Eukaryotes Features of cells Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Size 0.3-2µm 2-20µm Chromosome Single, circular Multiple Nucleus No nuclear envelope; no nucleoli Membrane bound; nucleoli present Membrane bound organnelles Not present Present Ribosomes 70S ribosomes (50S & 30S subunits) 80S ribosomes (60S & 40S subunits Cell wall Unique chemical components, peptidoglycan Not present (except in plant cells), no peptidoglycan Plasma membrane No carohydrates; most lack sterols Carbohydrates & sterols present Mitochodria Cytoskeleton & Chloroplasts No Yes Chloroplast only in plant & algae Domain Kingdom Phyla Class Order Family Genus Species Microbial taxonomy is commonly called prokaryotic taxonomy. The widely accepted prokaryotic taxonomy is Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, first published in 1923 by the American Society for Microbiology. Bacterial Naming Adopts the species and generic names Species: Genus (plural: Genera) basic unit of classification collection of strains with common characteristic group of bacterial organisms having in common several structural, biochemical & physiological traits Group of species make up the genus Every organism is identified by its genus and species The generic name is the first name and starts with a capital letter The species name is the second name and starts with a small letter Example: genus Staphylococcus Staphylococcus species aureus epidermidis Bacterial classification - mixture of characteristics Macroscopic Microscopic Aerobic, Anaerobic, Microaerophilic Reproduction: Shape: cocci, rods, curved, or spiral Staining properties Respiration Colonies: color, size, shape, smell Haemolytic/ non-haemolytic Special growth requirements Sporing, non-Sporing Biochemical characteristics Fermentation of sugars Production of enzymes Antigenicity Molecular (Genotype) Microscopic Size, shape and configuration of the organisms cocci, rods, curved, or spiral Ability to retain the Gram stain gram-positive or gram-negative Gram-negative bacilli Gram-positive cocci Classification of Bacteria True bacteria Spirochaetes Mycoplasmas Riickettsiae & Chlamydiae Filamentous bacteria PROKARYOTES Diagrammatic structure of a bacterium Comparison of Eukaryotic microbes Fungi Protozoa Helminths Single or Single celled Multicellular Cell organization multicellular Source of energy Organic compounds Organic compounds Organic compounds derived from host Size Microscopic or macroscopic Microscopic Macroscopic Fungi Diverse group of saphrophytic organisms getting nutrients from dead organic matter Two basic forms: Filamentous, mold-like: Consist of threads(mycelia) that Yeast cells e.g. Candida elongate and branch Example: Mold & mushrooms Yeast-like, single cells, round Divide by budding, larger than bacteria Example: Candida Fungal mould Parasites Classification Parasites Protozoa pseudopods, sporozoites flagellates, ciliates Helminths (Worms) Platyhelminths Nemathelminths (Flat worms) (round worms) Cestoda (Tape worms) Trematoda (Flukes) Protozoa Single-celled eukaryotes, larger than bacteria Some are motile with flagella Can have 2 forms during the lifecycle: Trophozoite- larger form, metabolically active, motile, dividing Cyst- smaller form, metabolically inactive, not dividing, can survive harsh conditions Some Protozoa (unicellular) of medical importance Amoeboids (Pseudopods) Entamoeba histolytica Entamoeba coli) Ciliates (cilia) Zooflagellates (flagella) Balantidium coli Trichomonas vaginalis Giardia lamblia Leishmania tropica Sporozoa (no locomotion) Plasmodium Toxoplasma gondii Cryptosporidium E. coli (trophozoite) E. histolytica (trophozoite) Iodine stained wet preparation Showing: Cysts of Entamoeba coli and Entamoeba histolytica E. coli cyst (more than 4 nuclei) E. histolytica cyst (4 nuclei) Protozoa: Flagellates Giardia lamblia : Transmitted by faeco-oral route Has a two life cycle stages: Flagellated trophozoite & Cyst Trichomonas vaginalis : Sexually transmitted One life cycle stage: Flagellated trophozoite PROTOZOA Ring stage of P. falciparum (malaria parasite) Leishmania : Amastigote form inside macrophages Helminths – worms Largest and multicellular Most have 3 stages in lifecycle: Egg Larva Adult Helminths Nematehelminths (Nematodes or round worms) E.g. Ascaris Platyhelminths (flat worms Cestodes e.g. Tape worm Trematodes (Flukes) e.g. Schistosoma Viruses No cellular structure, not living cells Obligate intracellular pathogens Viruses must enter host cells to multiply & cause disease Genome has DNA or RNA surrounded by protein capsid coat Defense against microbes Innate immunity Inborn, non-specific Adaptive immunity Acquired, specific, Immunological memory