CLONING: NEW FRONTIERS OF ANIMAL REPRODUCTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGY Dr. Gatot Ciptadi Lab. Of Genetics and Animal Breeding Fac of Animal Sci., UB LSIH-UB Introduction somatis oosit sperma BIOTEKNOLOGI REPRODUKSI MAMPU MENYELAMATKAN SUMBER GENETIK HEWAN LANGKA GT Basic technique for nuclear transfer (cloning) 1. Cryopreservation (Freezing) Seeding, Stepwise, Direct, Vitrification 2. Embryo transfer (ET) Superovulation Collection of embryos (Flushing) Evaluation of embryos Synchronization of estrus 3. In vitro fertilization (IVF) Collection of oocytes from ovaries In vitro maturation In vitro fertilization In vitro culture 4. Micromanipulation Sperminjection (ICSI; IVM, Activation, IVC) Clone (Nuclear transfer) IVM, IVF, IVC Enucleation, Nuclear injection Fusion, Activation Gene transfer ( vector, Electropolation) Gene transfer (Injection into zygotes) Cloning Techniques Desection of morula and blastocyst (Embryo) Deaggregation (Isolation) of blastomeres (Embryo) Clone Micromanipulation Nuclear transfer Micromanipulation +Gene transfer 1. Desection of morula and blastocyst (Embryo) 2. Deaggregation (Isolation) of blastomeres (Embryo) • DREAMS SOMETIMES COME TRUE ! Bioteghnology has the possibility to be revived a scare and an extinct animal (Film Jurasic Park) • The birth of the clone animals is great influencing the frontier of research of animal reproductive biotechnology • Why ? • Somatic cell (deferentiated) was reprogramed back to embryonal stage and resulted in normal offsprings. Bioteknologi Reproduksi: Sumbangan KLONING Pada Ilmu Pengetahuan GT GT Summary Recipient oocytes Invitro maturation Enucleation Donor cell Nuclear transfer In vitro culture Activation Culture of Cloned embryos Surrogate mother pig ET Nuclear trasfer Recipient oocytes Donor cell derived from miniature pigs Activation In vitro Maturation of oocytes Passages of somatic cells Surrogate mother of miniature pigs Synchronization of estrus Selection of M2 Introduction of Extraneous gene Enbryo transfer Production of transgenic piglets Enucleation Xenotransplatation Introduction of donor cell Production of human protein Nuclear transfer procedure to produce reconstructed embryo: inject donor cell in the perivittelin space of enuclated oocyte • the performed fusion cell is performed • intracytoplasmic direct nuclear injection (IDNI) • activated artificially TECHNICAL ASPECT: TN Non enucleated Enucleated IDNI Enucleation Seleksi Sel Donor Ukuran sel 1 2 3 4 A 1. Besar, B 2. Sedang, Sel Hidup… / Mati… 3. Kecil: 22.16 % 4.Abnormal Tanpa Aktivasi Aktivasi tunggal DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TECH. IN REPROD ANIMAL 1 1997 Birth of dolly (1 st animal cloning using somatic cells) 2 1998 Birth of cows: Charlie/George: ( serum albumin) Specific protein for human blood aglutination 3 2000 Pig cloning (transgenic) for organ transplantation (human), 4. 2001 Inter species nuclear trasnfer (Yak to Bos Taurus) advantages: non conventional product of livestock: -Genetic quality improvement -Biopharmacies -Organ Transplantation (Biomedic industry) -Genetic concervation of endangered animals Genetic Consideration and Constraints of Gen Manipulation???: No. Persilangan Fertilitas Keunggulan F1 Jantan Betina 1. BantengX Zebu - + Laju pertumbuhan 2. Keledai Xkuda - + Kerja + ketahanan 3. Sapi x Yak - - BB/Power/Susu 4. Bos taurusxB. Indicus + + Daging 5. Entog X Itik ? ? Daging /pertb. Catatan: •Bukan penghasil bibit •Secara teknis memungkinkan, tetapi •Tujuan utama bukan genetik . Have a nice dream……… Dr. Tanaka H. CONCLUSSION: Result from IVM, IVF, IVG of germ cell are promising What Further research: ?