Chapter 6 A Tour of the Cell CAMPBELL AND REECE Cell Theory All living organisms are made of cells Cells are the smallest unit of structure & function in living organisms All cells come from other cells Microscopes 1665: Hooke sees cell walls Anton van Leewenhoek made best lenses of his day pond water: animalcules Light Microscopy light goes through specimen and is refracted by glass lenses so image is magnified as it is projected toward eye magnification: ratio of image size to real size resolution: a measure of clarity , the minimum distance 2 pts can be separated & seen as 2 pts (can’t do better than 200 nm) contrast: accentuate pts in different parts of specimen Light Microscopy Electron Microscopy TEM beam e- thru specimen SEM beam e- across surfaces Size Range of Cells Cell Fractionation Common to all cells 1. cytosol 2. ribosomes 3. DNA 4. plasma membrane Compare & Contrast Prokaryotic Cell DNA concentrated in nucleoid smaller simpler (-) internal membranes older asexual reproduction Eukaryotic Cell DNA in nucleus larger more complex (+) internal membranes asexual or sexual reproduction Images Prokaryotic Nucleoid Eukaryotic Nucleus Cell Size Limitations Prokaryotic Cell Details Eukaryotic Cell Details: Plant Cell Eukaryotic Cell Detail: Animal Cell Nucleus contains most of the DNA 5 microns across on average enclosed by dbl membrane: nuclear envelope Chromatin Nucleolus Nucleus Nucleolus Ribosomes rRNA & proteins carry out protein synthesis free ribosomes or ribosomes embedded in membrane polysomes: string of ribosomes Ribosomes Polysomes Anatomy of a Ribosome The Endomembrane System includes all membranes in cell nuclear envelope Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus vesicles, vacuoles lysosomes plasma membrane The Endomembrane System functions: synthesis of proteins (ribosomes in membrane) transport of proteins into membranes & organelles (or out of cell) movement of lipids detoxification of poisons all membranes “related” either by proximity or by transfer of membrane segments via vesicles The Endomembrane System Endoplasmic Reticulum >50% of membrane in a cell “endoplasmic” means within the cytoplasm” “reticulum” means little net made of network of tubules & sacs Endoplasmic Reticulum cisternae spaces contiguous with nuclear envelope RER & SER Contiguous RER ribosomes on outer surface of membrane most proteins made shipped out of cell as polypeptide grows (into cisternae) it folds into its 2’ then 3’ structure most secretory proteins are glycoproteins so that carbohydrate attachment is done by enzymes in RER membrane RER protein made for use in cytosol kept separate from those meant for export transport vesicles carry new secretory protein/glycoprotein away from RER Secretory Vesicles SER functions: lipid synthesis metabolism of carbohydrates detoxification of drugs & poisons storage of Ca++ SER cells with lots SER: endocrine glands synthesize steroid hormones ovaries, testes, adrenals hepatocytes detoxify by adding –OH, increases solubility cleared by kidneys alcohol, drug abusers (legal or not) have increased amts of SER in their hepatocytes (also increases drug tolerance) Detox by SER SER Stores Ca++ in Muscle Fibers Golgi Apparatus receives, sorts, packages, ships also does a little modifying of proteins extensive in cells that secrete made of flattened membranous sacs with a curve (has directionality cis & trans) internal space = cisternae Golgi Apparatus Golgi Apparatus ER products modified on trip thru Golgi cisternae membrane has unique “team”of enzymes that moves from cis to trans modifies the monomers in carb part of glycoproteins modifies phospholipids destined for membrane makes some macromolecules: polysaccharides Golgi Apparatus Golgi Apparatus Vesicles when leave trans vesicles have molecular ID tags that indicates where they are going vesicles have receptor proteins on external surface that “recognize” where vesicle is supposed to dock (other organelles, plasma membrane) Lysosomes membranous sac filled with hydrolytic enzymes digests macromolecules use acidic pH made in RER Golgi cytosol Lysosome Functions digest food vacuoles ingested by phagocytosis in protists or by macrophages (WBCs that ingest bacteria or debris and recycle nutrients in them) autophagy: hydrolytic enzymes in lysosomes recycle cell’s own organic material in worn out organelles Lysosomes Lysosmes Lysosomal Storage Diseases autosomal recessive diseases lack a functioning hydrolytic enzyme whatever that enzyme would have chemically broken down builds up in lysosome (called a residual body) lysosomes fill up interferes with cell functions example: Tay Sachs disease lipid-digesting enzyme malfunction affects neurons Vacuoles are large vesicles from ER or Golgi solution inside different from cytosol due to its selectively permeable membrane Types: food vacuoles contractile vacuoles remove excess water in plant cells act like lysosomes storage bins Large Central Vacuoles in Plant Cells develops by coalescence of smaller vacuoles solution inside it called cell sap Endosymbiont Theory early ancestor of eukaryotic cells engulfed an oxygen-using nonphotosynthetic prokaryotic cell = mitochondrion over time prokaryotic cell became an endosymbiont (a cell living w/in another cell) some time later some or 1 of these engulfed a photosynthetic prokaryotic cell and developed same relationship = chloroplast Endosymbiosis Theory Mitochondria in nearly all cells, 1- 10 microns # correlates with metabolic activity of cell dbl membrane inner membrane folded (cristae) & divides mitochondria into 2 separate inner compartments (intermembrane space & matrix) matrix contains enzymes for cellular respiration, DNA, ribosomes intermembrane has enzymes that make ATP Mitochondrion Structure Chloroplasts a plastid dbl membrane separates inside 2 parts 3-6 microns in green parts of plants (chlorophyll) thylakoids: inner membrane folds in disc- shapes: 1 stack of discs = granum fluid in inner folds = stroma Plastids group of plant organelles other examples: 1. amyloplast colorless in roots & tubers stores starch 2. Chromoplast 1. pigments that give fruits & flowers their colors Peroxisomes specialized metabolic compartment with 1 membrane contain enzymes that remove H atoms from various molecules to O2 H2O2 H2O2 2 H2O by enzymes in liver peroxisomes functions: break down fatty acids in hepatocytes detoxify alcohol, poisons Glyoxysomes specialized peroxisomes in fat-storing tissues of plant seeds contain enzymes that start catabolism of fatty acids sugars seed uses these sugars for energy to plant Cytoskeleton organizes the structure & activities of a cell 3 types: 1. Microtubules 2. Microfilaments 3. Intermediate Filaments Functions of the Cytoskeleton 1. mechanical support 2. maintain cell shape 3. provides anchor for organelles & cytosol enzymes 4. cell motility Cytoskeleton & Cell Motility involves interaction between cytoskeleton & motor proteins both work with plasma membrane to move cell make flagella or cilia move muscle fiber contraction migration of neurotransmitter vesicles to axon tips Motor Protein Animation html Types of Cytoskeleton Assembly of Microfilaments tml Cell Surface Projections Formed by Cytoskeleton .html Microvilli html Cytoskeleton Animation es/videos/ Microtubules in all eukaryotic cells hollow rods 25 nm across, 200 nm – 25 microns long made from a globular protein: tubulin, a dimer (made of 2 subunits) Microtubules Assembly of Microtubules html Microtubule Functions shape & support cell (compression-resistant role) serve as tracks other organelles with motor proteins can move along guide secretory vesicles from Golgi plasma membrane in mitotic spindle to separate chromosomes in animal cells: microtubules made in centrosome Centrioles pair w/in each centrosome each made of 9 sets of triplet microtubules only in animal cells Micrograph of Centrioles .html Cilia locomotor appendage on some cells move fluid over surface are usually many on cell surface 0.25 microns across & 2 – 20 microns long move like oars (alternating power /recovery strokes) generate force perpendicular to cilium’s axis Cilia & Flagella Structure locomotor appendage share common structure with cilia: 9 doublets of microtubules in ring with 2 single microtubules in center then covered with plasma membrane Cilia & Flagella Structure dyneins: large motor proteins extending from one microtubule doublet to adjacent doublet ATP hydrolysis drives changes in dynein shape so cilia or flagella bend Flagella & Cilia Animation http://biology- Microfilaments are really actin: globular protein that links with others into chains, which twist helically around each other, forming microfilaments in all eukaryotic cells function: bears tension many found just inside plasma membrane (support cell shape) which gives cytosol gellike consistency just inside plasma membrane make up core of microvilli Microfilaments with myosin (another contractile protein) make muscle fibers contract Amoeboid movement (pseudopods) Intermediate Filaments 8 – 12 nm across tension bearing not assembled/disassembled like microtubules & microfilaments made of proteins, one is keratin line interior of nuclear envelope, axons support framework of cell shape Intermediate Filaments Extracellular materials made by cell but put into extracellular space: Cell Wall Extracellular Matrix Cell Junctions Plant Cell Walls functions: protection maintains shape prevents excessive uptake of water Details exact chemical composition varies from species to species all have microfibrils made of cellulose Plant Cell Wall Basic Design Plant Cell Walls secreted by cell membrane young plant cell secretes primary cell wall: thin, flexible middle lamella: lies between primary cell walls of adjacent cells made of pectin: glues adjacent cells togeher Plant Cell Walls when cell stops growing either: 1. secrete hardening substances into primary wall 2. secrete a secondary wall between plasma membrane & primary cell wall has strong & durable matrix wood is mostly secondary cell wall Primary & Secondary Cell Walls Extracellular Matrix (ECM) in animals main ingredient: glycoproteins collagen embedded in proteoglycans (protein with many carbohydrates attached) 40% of all the protein in human body is collagen ECM fibronectin: ECM glycoprotein binds to cell- surface receptor proteins called integrins integrins: span plasma membrane transmitting signals from ECM microfilaments on inner border of plasma membrane ECM Cell Junctions 1. plasmodesmata: perforations in plant cell walls lined with plasma membrane, filled with cytoplasm cytosol flows from cell to cell plasma membranes of adjacent cells contiguous Plasmodesmata Cell Junctions in Animal Cells 3 main types 1. Tight Junctions plasma membranes of adjacent cells tightly pressed against each other bound together by proteins form continuous seal around cell example: tight jcts around skin cells make skin water proof Tight Junctions Cell Junctions in Animal Cells 2. Desmosomes function like rivets fastens cells together anchored in cytoplasm by intermediate filaments example: attach muscle cells to each other Desmosomes Cell Junctions in Animal Cells 3. Gap Junctions cytoplasmic channels from 1 cell to another made of membrane proteins that surround a pore open to ions, sugars, a.a. necessary for communication between cells like cardiac muscle and in animal embryos Gap Junctions Cell Animation /movie-flash.htm