What is Evolution?
changes in living organisms and their genes over time
We KNOW based on evidence and observations
explains how modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms
Evolution explains BOTH
unity of life similarities between all living things
diversity of life wide variety of different creatures on Earth
Regents Biology
All creatures have common characteristics
How did we get G R SNERRT?
DNA – codes for _______________
Proteins are made of _______________
Amino acids are coded for by ________
The 3 bases are called _________
Codons are translated using the “Universal” code - works for ALL living things!!!!!!!
Regents Biology
DIVERSITY - variation BOTH within a population and the wide variety of living things
(remember classification – 6 Kingdoms)
Sexual Reproduction
Two parents contributing genes
In Meiosis – crossing over
New combinations of parents genes
sometimes beneficial -
Regents Biology
Traits that help an individual survive – may not know it’s beneficial
Physical – color, structure
Behavioral – instincts, courtship
Biochemical/physiological – enzymes, sweating, internal characteristics
Born with adaptations – are NOT chosen
GENES determine adaptations
(remember genotype determines phenotype)
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Regents Biology
What determines survival?
Natural Selection
traits that help individuals survive
survive predators
survive disease
compete for food
compete for territory
traits that help individuals reproduce
attracting a mate
compete for nesting sites
successfully raise young
Earlier ideas on Evolution
evolution by acquired traits
creatures developed traits during their lifetime
give those traits to their offspring
in reaching higher leaves giraffes stretch their necks & give the acquired longer neck to offspring
not accepted as valid
Regents Biology
Charles Darwin
British naturalist
Voyage of the HMS Beagle
Stopped in the
Galapagos Islands
Proposed a way how evolution works
natural selection
Regents Biology
Voyage of the HMS Beagle
Stopped in Galapagos Islands
500 miles off coast of Ecuador
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Darwin found: many unique species
Different shells on tortoises on different islands
Darwin asked:
Is there a relationship between the environment
& what an animal looks like?
Regents Biology
The finches cinched it!
different beaks are
Darwin found: inherited variations
The differences
serve as adaptations between species of finches were associated with the different food they
for food
A flock of South reproduce
QuickTime™ and a
Photo - JPEG decompressor
American finches are needed to see this picture.
finch were stranded on the
Galapagos… over time nature selected for different species with different beaks
Regents Biology
Darwin’s finches
Darwin’s conclusions
variations in beaks
differences in beaks in the original flock
adaptations to foods available on islands
natural selection for most fit
over many generations, the finches were selected for specific beaks & behaviors
offspring inherit successful traits
accumulation of winning traits: both beaks & behaviors
separate into different species(speciation)
Regents Biology
Overproduction – not all offspring will survive
Variation – (3 sources) differences in adaptations (3 types)
Competition – “struggle for survival”
Environment (nature) determines which adaptations are the “fittest”
Best adapted survive and reproduce – pass on the “fit” genes to next generation
3 Types of Selection
1. Stabilizing
2. Directional
3. Disruptive
Niche – organism’s role or “job” in an ecosystem ex: predator/prey, habitat, relationships with other organisms, when it is “active”
ONLY ONE (1) species may occupy a niche at a time total overlap results in
“extinction” of the less fit from that ecosystem
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Stabilizing Selection
Favors the average – decreases variation
Extremes are selected against
Example – spiders - too big: can be easily seen by predators; too small: can’t compete for web building sites
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Directional Selection
Favors one extreme or the other
Example – finch beaks – small or large food; also peppered moths
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Witness to Evolution
Peppered Moth
2 types: dark vs. light
Regents Biology
Peppered moth
Peppered moth
Why did the population change?
early 1800s = pre-industrial England
low pollution
lichen on trees = light colored bark
late 1800s = industrial
factories = soot coated trees
killed lichen = dark colored bark
mid 1900s = pollution controls
clean air laws
Regents Biology return of lichen = light colored bark
Disruptive Selection
Favors BOTH extremes at the same time
Leads to speciation – two separate species forming to fill different niches
ONLY one species can occupy a given niche in an ecosystem (increased competition leads to narrower niches)
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Relationship between species (beaks) & food
Regents Biology
Other Evidence supporting evolution
1. Fossil record
shows change over time
2. Anatomical record
comparing body structures
homology & vestigial structures
embryology & development
3. Molecular record
comparing protein & DNA sequences
4. Artificial selection
human caused evolution
Regents Biology
1. Fossil record
Layers of rock contain fossils
new layers cover older ones
creates a record over time
fossils show a series of organisms have lived on Earth
Link between birds and reptiles
Link between land and sea animals
→ supports the idea of a common ancestor
Regents Biology
What do we know?
Creatures have changed over time
Fossil Record
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2. Homologous structures
Structures that come from the same origin
homo- = same
-logous = information
Forelimbs of human, cats, whales, & bats
same structure
on the inside
same development in embryo
different functions
on the outside
evidence of common ancestor
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2. Anatomical strucures
The same bones under the skin
limbs that perform different functions are built from the same bones
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Vestigial organs
Structures on modern animals that have no function
remains of structures that were functional in ancestors
evidence of change over time
some snakes & whales have pelvis bones & leg bones of walking ancestors
eyes on blind cave fish
human tail bone
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Human vestigial organs
1. a_________________
2. t________ b_______
3. w_______ t_________
No longer have a function or are necessary – may have had a function at one time
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Comparative embryology
Development of embryo tells an evolutionary story
similar structures during development all vertebrate embryos have a “gill pouch” at one stage of development
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3. Biochemical Evidence
Compare DNA base sequences and chromosome banding patterns
3. Biochemical Evidence
Compare amino acid sequences and 3-D structure in proteins number of amino acids different from human 1
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4. Artificial selection
We know natural selection can change a population?
we can recreate a similar process
“evolution by human selection”
Humans create the change over time
“descendants” of the wolf
Video – Evolution in Action – Silver
Regents Biology
But don’t be fooled by these…
Analogous structures
look similar
on the outside
same function
different structure & development
on the inside
different origin
no evolutionary relationship
Convergent evolution led to mimicry
Why do these pairs look so similar?
Monarch male Viceroy male poisonous edible
Which is the moth vs. the bee?
Regents Biology fly bee moth bee
For examples of Natural Selection –
1. ID variation in the population
2. ID type of variation (adaptation)
3. ID source of variation
4. ID selecting agent (e___________)
5. individuals with advantageous variations – survive;
6. THEN they get to reproduce
7. State which variation increases and which variation decreases
Regents Biology
Artificial Selection gone bad!
Unexpected and often dangerous consequences of artificial selection
Antibiotic resistance Bacteria
(and herbicide) resistance
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Regents Biology
Insecticide resistance
Spray the field, but…
insecticide didn’t kill all individuals
Insecticide did NOT cause the resistance – it’s the selecting agent
resistant survivors reproduce
resistance is inherited
insecticide becomes less & less effective
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Regents Biology
Antibiotic Resistance
Regents Biology
REVIEW - Evidence of Evolution
1. Fossils
2. Comparative Anatomy
h______________ structures
3. Comparative Biochemistry
________ and p___________
4. Artificial Selection
i____________ and a_______________
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Time Frame for Evolution
Punctuated Equilibrium
Periods of stability followed by periods of rapid change (speciation) OR extinction due to rapidly changing environment
Adaptations must already exist in population
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Time Frame for Evolution
Slow, continual change due to a more stable environment
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Alive today
Period of stability
Change in environment
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Common Ancestor
Recent or now
Evolutionary Time Frame
Evolution is caused by changes in the environment
Natural – caused by nature
Artificial – caused by humans
Ex: pesticide and antibiotics
Evolution is faster with organisms with short life cycles AND lots of offspring
Examples – insects and bacteria
Regents Biology
Natural Selection - Summary
Adaptations – 3 types: p_________, b________, ph________________
Born with – determined by genes
Variation – 3 sources: s____, c_______ o____, m________; NOT e___________
Competition – struggle for resources (food, shelter, mates) to s_________________
“Fittest” or best adapted are selected for by s___________ a_________ in the e_______________
If “fit” – reproduce and pass on g______
Gene pool evolves (NOT the individual) from selection – 3 types: s___________, d_____________, d____________
Regents Biology
Summary – One more time
1. Overproduction –
WAY too many offspring are produced
2. Variation –
3 sources -
Adaptations – DO NOT get to Choose
3 types -
Regents Biology
Summary - Continued
3. Selection – selecting agent
Natural – environment
Artificial – human
→ “fittest” survive
4. Reproduction
Pass on “fit” genes
→Over time “fit” genes increase
→ gene pool of a population changes
That is EVOLUTION!!!!!
Regents Biology
Study Guide
Vocab, vocab, vocab!!!!!!!
Evolution – unity and diversity – p.___
Darwin – Galapagos – p.____
Natural Selection – p. ____
Variation in adaptations – 3 types, 3 sources
Survival of fittest – 3 types of selection – p._
Evidence of Evolution – 4 pieces – p. ____
Time Frame for Evolution – 3 theories – p. ____
Regents Biology