End of Semester Review

End of Semester Review
Fall 2011
Round 1
Ecology, biochemistry
What is immigration?
• What is emigration?
• Who helped disprove the idea of spontaneous
generation by demonstrating that maggots come
from fly eggs and NOT from meat?
• A) Francesco Redi
• B) John Needham
• C) Lazzaro Spallanzi
• D) Louis Pasteur
• A) Francesco Redi
• A hospital patient had a serious bacterial infection that required
treatment with strong anitbiotics. The patient recovered from
the infection, but experienced side effects, including oral fungal
infections and digestive problems. What is the most probable
reason for the side effects?
• A) The patient experienced an allergic reaction to the
• B) The patient had not fully recovered from the infection.
• C) The anitbiotic killed both harmful and beneficial bacteria
• D) The anitbiotic encouraged an overgrowth of beneficial
• C) The anitbiotic killed both harmful and beneficial
• Draw a Logistic Growth curve.
• When a new volcanic island forms, the pioneer species is
the first species to successfully inhabit the island. Which
organism is the most likely candidate for a pioneer
• A) A seagull hatched from an egg laid on the island
• B) A palm tree grown from a coconut that washed onto
• C) Algae spores deposited on rocks by the wind
• D) Insects larvae carried on a piece of driftwood
• C) Algae spores deposited on rocks by the wind
• Louise places 1 bacterium in a Petri dish at time 0.
The population increases exponetially, doubling
every hour, and there are no limiting factors. How
many bacteria will be in the Petri dish after 6 hrs ?
• A) 6
• B) 16
• C) 32
• D) 64
• D) 64
• A flagellated protozoan lives within the intestines of
a termite and helps it digest wood. What type of
relationship most likely exists between the protozoan
and the termite?
• A) competitive
• B) Mutualistic
• C) Parasitic
• D) Predatory
• B) Mutualistic
• Draw an exponetial growth curve.
• Which level of organization best describes a group
of living organisms and their abiotic environment?
• A) community
• B) ecosystem
• C) niche
• D) population
• B) ecosystem
• Which path best illustrates one way energy travels
through a forest ecosystem consisting of mouse owl,
plant, snake, and sun?
• A) SunPlantOwlSnakeMouse
• B) SunPlantMouseSnakeOwl
• C) PlantSunSnakeOwlMouse
• D) MouseOwlSnakePlantSun
• B) SunPlantMouseSnakeOwl
• B
• What is the maximum number of covalent bonds
that can form between a single carbon atom and 1 or
more hydrogen atoms?
• A) 1
• B) 2
• C) 3
• D) 4
• D) 4
• Jenna’s favorite breakfast food, papaya, contains
significant amounts of the enzyme papain (a
protease). What substance does papain help digest?
• A) carbohydrates
• B) fatty acids
• C) nucleic acids
• D) proteins
• D) proteins
• Breaking which type of bond would require the most
• A) covalent
• B) Electrostatic
• C) Hydrogen
• D) intermolecular
• A) Covlaent
• What are the four Macromolecules?
• Lipids
• Carbohydrates
• Proteinds
• Nucleic acids
• Which solution has the greatest concentration of
hydroxide ions (OH-)?
• A) Urine (pH 6.0)
• B) Rainwater (pH 5.5)
• C) Tomato (pH 4.0)
• D) Gastric juice (pH 2.0)
• A) Urine (pH 6.0)
• How do enzyme speed up chemical reactions?
• A) By reducing activation energy
• B) By reducing energy produced by the reaction
• C) By increasing activation energy
• D) By increasing energy producing by the reaction
• A) By reducing activation energy
Round 2
Cell structure and function, osmosis and diffusion respiration and
• Breathing heavily after running a race is your bodies
way of :
• A) Making more ATP
• B)Repaying the oxygen debt
• C) restarting glycolysis
• D) recharging the electron transport chain
• B) Repaying an oxygen debt
• Unlike photosythesis, cellular respiration occurs in:
• A) animal cells only
• B) Plant cells only
• C) All but plant cells
• D) All Eukaryotic cells
• D) ALL Eukaryotic cells
• The Starting molecule for Kreb Cycle is:
• A) Glucose
• C) Pyruvic acid
• D) Coenzyme A
• C) Pyruvic Acid
• Why do most plants appear green because
• Because they do not absorb
green light they reflect it.
• Plant cells contain both a cell wall and a cell
membrane. What is the composition of the cell wall
and where is it located in relation to the cell
• Cellulose, outside of the cell
• The light-collecting units of a chloroplast are the:
Answers: Photosystems
• Energy is released from ATP when:
• A) a phosphate group is added
• B) adenine bonds to ribose
• C) ATP is exposed to sunlight
• D) a phosphate group is removed
• D) A phosphate group is
• A scienctist add an specific antibody to the actin protein
to a prepared culture of macrophages. The macrophages
exhibit active movement before, but not after, treatment.
What is the most accurate conclusion about the function
of actin?
• A) Actin depolymerizes mircrotublar arrays
• B) Actin plays a role in the function of pseudopodia
• C) Actin disrupts cellular activities in the cytoskeleton
• D) Actin guides the movement of chromosomes in
• B) Actin plays a role in the function of pseudopodia
• Red blood cells have a salt content of 0.9%. When a
mircrobiologist places red blood cells in pure water,
osmosis occurs. What net movement of a substance
occurs in this instance of osmosis?
• A) Water molecules move out of the cells
• B) Water molecules move into the cells
• C) Salt ions move out of the cells
• D) Salt ions move into the cells
• B) Water molecules move into the cells
• Megan examines a liver cell and observes an organelle
with many smooth-sided channels. Which activity would
identify this organelle as the Golgi apparatus?
• A) Digestion of macromolecules and old organelles
• B) Detoxificaiton of poisionous molecules within the cell
• C) Harvesting of energy from organic molecules to make
• D) processing and packaging of cellular materials prior to
• D) processing and packaging of cellular materials
prior to export
• By what process does a sodium ion exit the cell
through the plasma membrane?
• A) Active transport
• B) Exocytosis
• C) Facilitated Diffusion
• D) Osmosis
• A) Active transport
• A Paramecium lives in an environment that is hypotonic to
its cytoplasm. How does the Paramecium maintain
homeostasis under these conditions?
• A) It expels water using contractile vacuoles
• B) It expels excess water using the sodium-potassium
• C) It absorbs additional water through osmosis
• D) It absorbs additional sodium through facilitated
• A) It expels water using contractile vacuoles
• Which process generates most of the ATP produced
during cellular respiration?
• A) Electron transport chain
• B) Fermentation
• C) Glycolysis
• D) Krebs cycle
• A) Electron Transport Chain
• While investigating yeast respiration, a researcher
detects ethanol in the yeast culture. Which
molecules does the yeast culture also contain?
• A) Lactic acid and ATP
• B) Oxygen and lactic acid
• C) Carbon dioxide and ATP
• D) Oxygen and carbon dioxide
• C) Carbon dioxide and ATP
• The presence of which structure indicates that cells
are NOT photosynthetic bacteria?
• A) Cell wall
• B) Chloroplast
• C) DNA
• D) Ribosomes
• B) Chloroplast
Round 3
Mitosis and meiosis, Genetics, DNA/RNA, Evolution
• What combines with sugar and a phosphate group to
form a nucleotide?
• A) Amino acid
• B) Deoxyribose
• C) Glycerol
• D) Nitogenous Base
• D) Nitrogenous Bases
• DNA and RNA have many structual
similarities.Which structure in DNA and RNA is
• A) Prine bases
• Be) Pyrimidine bases
• C) Type of sugar
• D) Attached protein
• A) pruine bases
• The mRNA sequence ACU codes for the amino acid
Thr. A mutation occurs, and the resulting mRNA
sequence is AUU/ What amino acid will replace
• A) Val
• B) Met
• C) Ile
• D) Ala
• C) Ile
• Which is the RNA sequence for a section of protein
composed of Val-Glu-Ser?
• Which type of evolution exemplifies biological
• A) size of individuals
• B) size of population
• C) gene pool of a population
• D) outward appearance of individuals
• C) Gene pool of a population
This would be an example of a
____________ in DNA
• Mutation
• Which criterion is NOT necessarily true of a trait
that has evolved through natural selection?
• A) It is heritable
• B) It varies among individuals
• C) It increases individuals’ life spans
• D) It influences individuals’ reproductive success
• C) It increases individuals life spans
• When comparing 2 populations of animals, which
statement most likely indicates that they are the
same species?
• A) They produce fertile offspring
• B) They inhabit the same general area
• C) Their outward appearance is similar
• D) They consume the same type of diet
• A) They produce fertile offspring
• What characteristic of early autotrophs gave them
an advantage over early heterotrophs?
• A) The ate heterotrophs
• B) they produced spores
• C) They made their own food
• D) They reproduced asexually
• C) They made their own food
In humans, pigmented skin is dominant to nonpigmented skin(albinism). What is the genotype of an
individual with albinism?
• A) carrier
• B) Heterozygous
• C) Homozygous Dominant
• D) Homozygous recessive
• D Homozygous recessive
AA or Aa
• C) Aa
• One of her daughter are affecting meaning they are
(XaXa)and one son meaning he would have these
alleles (XaY) So the mother had to give them each at
least one of the recessive alleles since she had two
children which didn’t show the trait and she herself
doesn’t show it so she has to have a dominant allele.
• A punnett square shows all of the following
• A) all possible results of a genetic cross.
• B) the genotypes of the offspring.
• C) the alleles in the gametes of each parent.
• D) the actual results of a genetic cross.
• A trisomy of chromosome 21 causes what
• A) Albinism
• B) Dwarfism
• C) Down Syndrome
• D) Color blindness
• C) Down Syndrome
• Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a sex-linked recessive
trait that afects the nervous system. In one family, the
father, mother, daughter, and elder son do not have ALD,
While the younger son has ALD. Who must be a carrier
of the ALD allele?
• A) Father
• B) Mother
• C) Daughter
• D) Elder Sone
• B) Mother
In humans, red-green color blindness
is a recessive, se-linked trait. The
chromosomes and alleles associated
with color blindness are represented
in this chart
Which child could NOT be
born to these parents: a
female (XBXb) and a
A) color-blind daughter
B) Color-blind son
C) Daughter with normal
D) Son with normal vision
• A) color-blind daughter
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease in which excess mucus
accumulates in the lungs and digestive system of affected
individuals. Males and females must inherit 2 alleles with
the mutation to have the disease. What is the mode of
inheritance of cystic fibrosis?
• A) Autosomal dominant
• B) Autosomal recessive
• C) Sex-linked dominant
• D) Sex-linked recessive
B) Autosomal recessive
• What phase of the cell cycle does the cell spend
most of it’s time in?
• Interphase
• As a cell becomes larger it’s:
• Volume increases faster than its surface area
• What is a tumor?
• A mass of cancer cells
• What is the purpose of mitosis?
• To produce 2 cells, each with a complete set of
• http://www.wiusd.org/wpcontent/uploads/2010/03/img-what-is-downsyndrome.jpg
• http://wisciblog.com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/02/down-syndrome.png
• http://www.daviddarling.info/images/cystic_fibrosi
• http://www.pinupsart-n-style.com/images/almondeyes.jpg