IEP Annual Review Instructions

Spring 2013
Letters and Prior Written Notice
Annual Review meetings must be held BEFORE (but as close as
possible) to the anniversary date of the current IEP.
You will schedule meetings for the students who are currently on your
caseload (includes HB and expelled).
 Use the Annual Review Documentation form for students who have
been expelled. They will not have an IEP written until their request
for re-enrollment is approved. This form is on the website. ( List of
expelled students included)
Psychological Services will send letters/PWN for Recommendations
for Change in LRE and Manifestations.
Coordinate your meetings with a representative from Psych. Services
for Reevaluation Review meetings. Teachers will send the invitations
and PWN. Remember to add the Psych. Services Rep. to the invitation.
(Check your folder for re-eval list)
Please contact psychological services early to schedule these
Letters and PWN cont.
The first letter must be sent (mailed or by student) at
least 10 days prior to the meeting.
It must include:
 Invitation letter
 Invitation response form
 PWN prior to meeting (on the website)
 Procedural Safeguards booklet
 A second notice must be sent approximately 3 days
prior to the meeting.
Letters and PWN cont.
All AR meetings must have the following attendees to
meet legal requirements:
( principal or whomever designated by principal)
 Regular education teacher(IS can sit in as regular
 Special education teacher
Guidance cannot serve as the regular education
Document any information regarding the meeting on
the student’s contact sheet (ex. If a teacher sits in for
another teacher, this must be documented.)
Letters and PWN cont.
The meeting should be held according to schedule regardless
of whether the parent attends. Committee members who attend
should sign the IEP.
If the parent does not attend, send the Follow-up letter and
PWN with a copy of the IEP within 10 days of the meeting
date. The follow-up PWN is on the website.
If the parent is in attendance, you must give them the PWN
follow-up and a copy of the IEP.
If the parent does not agree with the IEP, and a resolution
cannot be reached, contact Psychological Services for a
rescheduled meeting.
Excent Directions for Letters
Choose Process – Meeting Letters
Complete all items under Purpose and Attendees tabs.
Remember that Parental Consent must be obtained prior to
inviting an outside agency representative. (This form was sent
to schools earlier)
Mark that the primary reason for meeting is to conduct an
annual review of your child’s IEP.
Mark discuss transition services. (if turning 13 – DOB on or
before 6/4/01)
You may need to mark review existing evaluation data and
develop a reevaluation review plan. (see list in folder)
Excent Directions Cont.
Add the date of your 1st (10 days prior) and 2nd (3
days prior) contact attempts. Add student name
under “Dear” (13 and older).
Remember to SAVE and mark Form Completed.
Choose the PRINT icon. Select Invitation Letter.
Select FINAL to remove “draft” from the printed
See Excent Directions on the Website for more information
or call T. Grant – 5485.
IEP Team Members to Invite:
LEA Representative (Required)
Regular Education Teacher (Required)
Special Education Teacher (Required)
Related Services Teachers/Therapists
Student (will turn 13 and older)
Guidance (can be LEA or Transition Rep.)
Transition Representative (Career Center Rep. – Tessa Moore,
Voc. Rehab. Reps. – Trisha Miller/Andrea Witt)
School Nurse (students receiving medication, etc. at school)
IEP Team Members to Invite cont.
Foster parents, Legal Guardians, Surrogate Parents (Connie
Maxwell – Sue Sheriff /Karen Banks, Cooper-Nixon
Cottage at CMCH –Chrystal Champion/Karen Banks,
Bowers-Rodgers Home –Jerri Alexander)
ELL Translators – Use available persons in your building 1st
or contact: (Spanish letters are on the website)
 Lane Riley:
 Dana Gonzalez:
Remember to include other special services personnel such as:
Vision, Hearing, Speech, OT, PT (if students required these
services). Please try to schedule meetings that involve these
therapists on days they are at your school.
If a service is being discontinued, remove it from
the IEP.
Students who plan to exit with a certificate rather than a
diploma prior to age 21 must have an IEP completed as if
the student plans to return. (even if he/she participates in
graduation, he/she is eligible to return until age 21.)
Students who exit due to reaching age 21 or graduating
with a high school diploma must have a Transition
Summary of Performance. Please use the form in Excent.
Please forward your questions to the contact
teacher at each school regarding specific details:
Trish Bridges- ECC, GEC, GHS (SC)
Cindy Britt- TMD, PMD
Brent Calvert- GHS (RES) , EHS
Teri Jaeger- WST, SPR
Melissa Latham- BRW, WFD
Susan Nickles- HOD, MAT, PIN
Aimee Sanders- MER, LAK
Susan Weeks- NSD, RICE
Christie Bell- All Speech
An IEP is a legal document
You may not cross out, scratch through, or use white out on the
document. To make corrections on the printed copy, draw ONE
line through the word(s) to be deleted, then write the correction
above, and initial the change.
The IEP you bring to the meeting is a draft. The team will
discuss and make revisions as needed.
Every blank must be completed on the IEP.
All revisions must be made in EXCENT and must match the
version sent to Psych. Services.
IEP cont.
During the annual review, you must review progress toward
the existing IEP goals. (most recent progress report)
Allow enough time for the meeting to discuss and explain all
components of the new IEP.
Conduct the ESY review for each student.
Each person in attendance should sign Section X. Any
changes of attendees should be documented on the
contact sheet. A supplemental statement must be signed by
OT/PT/Speech/Nurse if they do not attend and attached
to the IEP. This form is on the website.
Section I: Cover Page
Verify that student/parent identification is correct. Contact Terese Grant
@ 5485 to change information or for Excent assistance.
 School Year – 2013-2014
 Grade – grade for next school year
 Mark – Excluding Summer Months
 Date of IEP Meeting – (document on contact sheet if different from
Invitation Letter because of a change)
 Anticipated Annual Review – one year minus one day from IEP
meeting date.
 IEP Initiation Date – August 20, 2013
 IEP Ending Date – June 4, 2014
 Anticipated date for 3-year reevaluation
 Language: Make sure language is listed. If not, contact Terese
Section I: Cover Page cont.
Transition (for students who will turn 13 next school year –
DOB on or before 6/4/01)
Complete ALL transition information in Section I.
Age of Majority must be selected YES for student who will
turn 17 or older (DOB on or before 6/4/97). NA for all
See Directions for Compliant Transition IEPs on the
website for assistance.
Diploma/Certificate – Choose a type of exit document. If
State High School diploma – a 4 digit Anticipated Year of
Graduation is required.
Transition Reminders
In the Post Secondary Goal box on the cover page,
be sure to use the words “will attend” when
referring to college or “will receive on the job
training” if not going to college.
A second sentence must be written stating they will
work as _________.
Example: Johnny will attend a two year technical
college and earn a degree in criminal justice. He
will work in the law enforcement field.
Section II:
The Narrative and Present Levels of Performance serve as the
foundation for the IEP.
All other services listed in the IEP must be justified by and linked
to this section.
The Narrative(TOP) should describe the student’s academic and
functional performance in the educational environment, and must
include how the student’s disability affects his/her involvement in
the general curriculum.
Present levels should be written in measurable, observable terms
that can be understood by all people involved with the student’s
The Narrative: The Part at the Top-No
Data Should Be listed Here!!
Suggested Format:
 Academic Strengths ( List Reading, Math, Writing with
 Academic Needs ( List Reading, Math, Writing with Headings)
 Functional Strengths
 Functional Needs ( If you address needs here you must
address on the IEP with goal or services)
 Behavior ( If child has BIP)
 Transition ( If applicable)
 Accommodations( MUST BE JUSTIFIED HERE and Above)
 Participation in General Curriculum( Do not specify self
contained/extended / resource just say special ed teacher or
special ed room)
 Counseling
 Other Related Services-Transportation, Nursing, OT, PT, etc.)
Section II: Narrative
This narrative(TOP) describes a holistic picture of the
student. It should include both strengths and
weaknesses. ( No Data)
 Address counseling services here. If counseling is not
needed: Counseling services are not required for this
student to benefit from his/her educational program.
 Address need for accommodations/modifications
Section II: Narrative
Academic Achievement – core academic areas such as: reading,
language, math, written expression. It shows the results of current
performance based on assessments and compares the student to nondisabled peers.
Functional Performance – relates to anything NOT related to the core
academic areas that impedes the student’s attainment of
goals/objectives or limits access/progress through the general
curriculum such as: study skills, organization, behavior, transition,
hearing, vision, etc.
Section II: Present Levels( Bottom)
This is where the specific findings from
assessments(Data) should be listed from which you
write goals/objectives.
Ex. Reading MAP score of ___shows functioning on ____
grade level compared to ____ of his/her grade level
peers. CBM shows reading ___ wpm with ____ errors.
Comprehension CBM score ____%
Each Area of Assessment listed in this section under
present levels will appear automatically later in the
IEP form in the services section.
Please list in the same order that was listed above in
the Narrative.(Separate Reading and Writing)
Select whether the area will be addressed by
special education, related services, or both.
Section III: Accommodations, Modifications and
Supplementary Services
Accommodations – changes in how a student accesses
and/or demonstrates learning. They DO NOT change the
level or content of the curriculum. Ex. Small group, copies of
notes, additional time to complete assignments, etc.
Modifications – changes in what the student is expected to
learn or demonstrate. Ex. Identifying sub-skills in content for
instruction, changing mastery levels, etc.
Section III cont.
Any accommodations, modifications, and/or
supplementary services MUST be supported by
the student’s needs described in Section I and II of
the IEP. Accommodations must be listed and
justified in the narrative. Please make sure they
match the narrative.
Never use “as needed” in the statement in this
Never use a specific program or person’s name as
the service provided.
Section IV: Goals/Objectives
Goals must be developed for ALL areas of need documented in
Section II. ( Present Levels- Bottom)
Goals and objectives are required for students eligible for
alternative assessment. (SC-Alt)
Goals – describe the target of student outcome/results. They must
be measurable, observable, attainable within a 12 month period.
They should specifically address a weakness (from present levels)
to be improved.
Choose whether the goal is a related service. Instructional, and/or
transition goal.
Type the location of services where the goal will be
Goals- must be written carefully to be compliant, especially academic goals.
Academic goal “guide”By annual review, when presented with a (grade) probe, (student)
will demonstrate improvement in (skill/strand) (improvement criteria)
on (three) consecutive data collection dates as measured by curriculum
based measures.
** Data provided in all goals must match data in present levels(Bottom)!!
Ex. If present levels state that the student scored an average of 75% on
a third grade geometry probe, the goal should look like this:
“By annual review, (when presented with a fourth grade probe) John
will show improvement in Geometry from 75% accuracy on a third grade
level to 75% on a fourth grade level on three consecutive data collection
dates as measured by curriculum based measures.”
Functional Goals
Functional goal “guide”If a student is on task an average of 50%
of the time:
“By annual review, Jane will increase her
amount of time on task from 50% to 80% when
observed on at least three occasions in various
classes as measured by time-sampling data
collection and teacher observation.
Transition Goals
Transition goal “guide”- must include a percentage
By annual review, John will progress toward
his employment postsecondary goal by
researching career information and options in
law, security, corrections, and public safety on at
least four occasions throughout the year and
creating a brochure or essay, scoring at least
80% accuracy as measured by teacher created
Section V: Special Education/Related
Special Education Services –
 Click on the arrow at the end of the Areas of Service box. Choose an
area (address each).
 Use the drop down box for all areas . Do not Type the service/ We will
not get funds if you type.
 Select direct or indirect service
 Type a description of the direct and/or indirect service to be provided.
 Location – Type a location of the service to be provided. This needs to
match with the goal.
 Length/Frequency – many will be daily or weekly. If the goal does not
require a specific length, Hit space bar to leave it blank. Speech is
only area that needs minutes. All others should only say daily.
Direct/Indirect time – this is the TOTAL time in minutes for all services
Section V cont.
Related Services – any related services to be provided must have goals unless
the service does not have an instructional purpose such as: nursing or
 Click on the arrow at the end of the Areas of Service box (Same as Special
 Use the drop down box for all areas. Special Ed will not receive funding.
 Specify direct/indirect service.
 Location - select where the service will be provided.
 Length/Frequency - the amount of time to be addressed through
direct/indirect services.
 You need to go to Power School to ensure that they don’t have a medical
alert. Click on the box and make sure that you include any nursing services
and the services provided and this must be in the narrative. We will lose
funding if this is not checked.
Please check on Powerschool or with your school Nurse to ensure
your students do not receive nursing services
If Nursing Services is listed as a Related Service on the IEP, you must specifically describe the service to
be provided. The service must be related to the student’s disability and/or necessary in order for the
student to benefit from special education and/or access the general curriculum. The nurse must be invited
to attend the IEP meeting. If the nurse is unable to attend, he/she must sign a Supplemental Statement
form to be attached to the completed IEP.
If the service is considered to be routine or maintenance, goals and objectives are not required. If the
service is instructional (ex: the student being taught to check his/her glucose level), a present level and a
goal are required.
Some appropriate sample statements applicable to various situations are listed below:
(Name of Student) will receive medication daily as prescribed by a licensed physician and provided by the
parent for conditions related to his/her disability.
(Name of Student) will receive health interventions by the school nurse as prescribed by a licensed
physician for emergency health conditions related to his/her disability.
(Name of Student) will receive tube feeding times daily and suctioning as prescribed by a licensed
(Name of Student) will be catherized
times daily as prescribed by a licensed physician.
If you specify in the Related Services description that a nurse will provide the services, a nurse must do it.
A general statement on the IEP (for example, providing first aid services, should the student get injured on
the playground) is not appropriate.
Counseling services must be addressed on each IEP. Refer to the following directions to document that
counseling services have been considered and whether counseling will be provided at school.
If a child has a BIP, they must have counseling services.
If it is determined that counseling services are required to assist the student to benefit from special education
and have access to the general education curriculum it must be listed as a Related Service. If the counseling
services involve any type of instructional activity (e.g., learning to control his or her behavior, learning study
skills and/or organizational management strategies, learning appropriate social behavior skills) goals,
objectives, and present levels of performance are required. The amount of counseling services must be
stated. For location, it is suggested that you put Counseling Room or Classroom. Do not specify Guidance
Office. A student with discipline issues that often result in him/her being removed from the classroom for
“time out” or suspension is an example of one type of student that would fit in this category. Do not list
counseling services provided by an agency outside the school district on the IEP, unless the representative who
will provide the services is present as a member of the IEP team.
If a counseling service is needed as a preventive measure (e.g., to prevent current behavioral issues from
becoming problems that may interfere with learning in the future) it should be listed as a Supplementary
Service. On the Supplementary Services screen type the following description: Counseling service is not
necessary at this time for this student to be able to benefit from special education or to access the general
curriculum but is being provided as a preventive measure. For location, put counseling room or classroom and
indicate the frequency.
If counseling service is not required to assist the student to benefit from special education; it is not needed as
a preventive measure; or routine counseling services that are provided to all students are not required to
meet a particular need for this student, you will enter the following:
In the Academic and Functional Strengths and Needs section you are asked to provide a description or other
desired information regarding Related Services for this student. In this block, you should type: Counseling
services are not required for this student to benefit from his/her educational program.
Section VI: Testing
See Testing Matrix (in your folder)…
Refer to specific testing information provided on
the special services website.
Any accommodations/modifications that are
recommended must be based on the needs
addressed in Section II and is required during
daily instruction.
See testing presentation…
Section VIII: Special Factors
Answer each question by marking YES or NO:
 Assistive Technology Services/Devices- Mark yes if the
need is described in Section II. DO NOT name a specific
piece of equipment or methodology. Address amount
and location needed.
 Behavior
 Braille
 Communication Needs
 Evaluation
 Strengths/Concerns
Section VIII cont.
Extended School Year – Consideration for ESY must be discussed
annually. Based on this consideration, there are only 2 choices
available for Annual Review meetings:
 The IEP team considers the student’s need for ESY by
completing an ESY form and determines the student does not
require these services (NO further action is needed)
 The IEP team considers the student’s need for ESY by
completing an ESY form and determines the student does
require these services. The ESY Addendum is
developed at this meeting. Please request an ESY
Addendum template from Terese Grant: 941-5485
Section IX: Least Restrictive
Environment (LRE)
Mark the areas in which the student WILL NOT participate in
the general education curriculum. All areas checked must be
explained in Section II to support non-participation.
For middle school Resource, please mark “other” not “Elective”.
Calculate the time. Hours per week spent in the general
education environment and in the special education
environment. The % of time for LRE will automatically calculate
when you TAB after each time entry. (See handout for % of
time on the website)
Be sure the hours spent in both add up to the student’s total
school day – not just the student’s instructional day.
Make sure that a placement option has been selected in the
correct age group ( Ages 6-21 and Ages 3-5).
If a student will be six on or by Dec. 1, go ahead and put them in
the Ages 6-21 LRE option.
Section X: Signature Page
Signature page – ALL people in attendance at the meeting
should sign in BLUE INK, including the parent. This documents
participation in the meeting. The parent/ guardian, or age of
majority student also signs at the bottom of the IEP.
 If OT/PT/Speech/Nurse does not attend and their
services are listed on the IEP, they must sign a
supplemental statement form and attach it to the IEP.
 Required signatures – LEA, Special Education teacher,
Regular Education teacher
If the parent does not attend, send a follow-up letter and
PWN along with a copy of the IEP home within 10 days of
the meeting (document on
the contact sheet).
Audit Procedures
Use the IEP Checklist/Audit form to self audit all of
your IEPS. (make copies as needed)
Your assigned compliance team member must
audit 2 of your IEPs. The first scheduled meeting
and one other.
It is a good idea to self-audit before sending to
your compliance team member.
Checking Out
All IEPS and related documents must be brought to
Instructional Services Center (ISC) in person by
(4:00 pm) Friday June 7, 2013.
You will be checked out by ISC personnel.
A sign-up check out list will be sent to your contact
teacher by Tuesday, April 30.
Check out…
When you come to ISC to check out, you will bring all
paperwork with you. NO additional COPIES…
This order please:
 Supplemental Statement (if applicable)
 BIP (If applicable)
 Letters
 PWN (Prior and follow-up)
 Parent Contact Sheet
 Medicaid release/Perm. To Invite Agency/Age of
Majority/other forms
Check Out
The following forms will also be turned in at checkout:
 Alt. Assessment list
 Mini-bus list
 Final ESY list
 Nursing Services list
 Caseload LRE snapshot list
 8 graders only: Special Education Services and
Course of Study Options forms
 Parent Participation form (Full names, listed in ABC order)
 Addendums for 2012-13 not previously turned in
 SRA students folders for 5th and 8th graders
Additional Folder Materials
GWD District 50 2013-2014 School Year Calendar
HS only: Age of Majority information
If applicable: Speech/OT/PT recommendations
If Applicable: Reevaluation list
Burton Center list (if applicable)
8th graders only: Special Education Services and
Course of Study Options forms
Questions? Contacts…
If you have questions, please contact your compliance
team member by email.
We will send out a question/answer memo to everyone
after all trainings have been completed.
Thanks for all you do!