Hopping transport and the “Coulomb gap triptych” in nanocrystal arrays Brian Skinner1,2, Tianran Chen1, and B. I. Shklovskii1 1Fine Theoretical Physics Institute University of Minnesota 2Argonne National Laboratory 2 September 2013 UMN MRSEC Electron conduction in NC arrays Conventional hopping models: Each site has one energy level: . filled or empty. energy μ coordinate In nanocrystal arrays: Each “site” is a NC, with a spectrum of levels: Conductivity is tuned by: – spacing between sites – insulating material – disorder in energy/coordinate – Fermi level μ Energy level spectrum is tailored by: – size – composition – shape – surface chemistry – magnetism – superconductivity – etc. Electron conduction in NC arrays energy μ coordinate Conductivity reflects the interplay between individual energy level spectrum and global, correlated properties. Experiment: semiconductor NCs CdSe NCs, diameter 2 nm – 8 nm [Bawendi group, MIT] [talk by Philippe Guyot-Sionnest] [talk by Alexei Efros] 15 nm [JJ Shiang et al, J. Phys. Chem. 99:17417–22 (1995)] Experiment: metallic NCs precise control over size/spacing: tuneable metal/insulator transition: range of shapes: cubes stars rods wires hollow spheres core/ shell [Aubin group, ESPCI ParisTech] [Kagan and Murray groups, UPenn] [Talapin group, Chicago] Experiment: magnetic NCs Co / CoO NCs Fe3O4 NCs [H. Zeng et. al., PRB 73, 020402 (2006)] [H. Xing et. al., J. Appl. Phys. 105, 063920 (2009)] Experiment: superconductor NCs superconductor/insulator transition tuned by B-field or insulating barrier [Zolotavin and Guyot-Sionnest, ACS Nano 6, 8094 (2012)] [talk by Philippe Guyot-Sionnest] Experiment: granular films Disordered Indium Oxide Indium evaporated onto SiO2 [Belobodorov et. al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 79, 469 (2007)] [Y. Lee et. al., PRB 88, 024509 (2013)] [talk by Allen Goldman] Model of an array of metal NCs Uniform, spherical, regularlyspaced metallic NCs with insulating gaps insulating gaps Large internal density of states: spacing between quantum levels δ0 metallic NCs Model of an array of metal NCs High tunneling barriers a << d Tunneling between NCs is weak: G/(e2/h) << 1 d electron wavefunction a Single-NC energy spectrum A single, isolated NC: e- Coulomb self-energy: Ec = e2/2C0 E ground state energy levels: Ec Ef g1(E) Single-NC energy spectrum A single, isolated NC: Coulomb self-energy: e- Ec = e2/2C0 + E ground state energy levels: 2Ec Ef g1(E) Single-NC energy spectrum Multiple-charging: Coulomb self-energy: - Ec = e2/2C0 Single-NC energy spectrum Multiple-charging: e- Coulomb self-energy: Ec = e2/2C0 -2 → (2e)2/2C0 E 2Ec ground state energy levels: Ef each NC has a periodic spectrum of energy levels g1(E) Same spectrum that gives rise to the Coulomb blockade Density of Ground States Disorder randomly shifts NC energies: +e E -e Ec Ef g1(E) +e -e -e +e E Ef g1(E) “Density of ground states” (DOGS): distribution of lowest empty and highest filled energies across all NCs Hamiltonian and computer model • Simulate a (2D) lattice of NCs with random interstitial charges δq (-Qmax, Qmax) • Search for the electron occupation numbers {ni} that minimize the total energy qi = (δq)i - eni • Calculate DOGS by making a histogram of the single-electron ground state energies at each NC: • Calculate resistivity ρ as a function of temperature T by mapping the ground state arrangement to a resistor network DOGS - results Main features: 1. g(E) vanishes near E = 0 2. g(|E| > 2) = 0 3. Perfect symmetry Distribution is universal at sufficiently large disorder The Coulomb gap E+ E- in 2D Efros-Shklovskii conductivity: Typical hop length: 1/ 2 rhop 4 ~ 2 e k BT Absence of deep energy states Usual situation: Here: (lightly-doped semiconductors) g1(E) small disorder, w1: w1 E No deep energy states for any value of disorder. Absence of deep energy states Usual situation: Here: (lightly-doped semiconductors) g1(E) small disorder, w1: E w1 large disorder, w2 : Coulomb gap is less prominent E w2 No deep energy states for any value of disorder. E 2Ec Here, deep states are not possible: E+ EfE Ei+ = Ei- + 2Ec g1(E) “Triptych” symmetry [orthodoxy-icons.com] Ei+ = Ei- + 2Ec DOGS is completely constrained by symmetry and Coulomb gap. g(E) is invariant in the limit of large disorder. Miller-Abrahams resistor network ... i Rij j Rjk ... Rik Rjl ... Ril k Rkl l ... ρ is equated with the minimum percolating resistance. Variable-range hopping rate of phononassisted tunneling: D’ 2r E exp k BT ξ = localization length ξ ~ a D’/d >> a Variable-range hopping rate of phononassisted tunneling: i D’ 2r E exp k BT Rij ξ = localization length j 2r Eij Rij exp k BT Efros-Shklovskii conductivity low T ρ(T) is largely universal at sufficiently large disorder higher T (T*)-1/2 T* 2 DkBT Ec Model of an insulating array of superconductor NCs Model of an insulating array of superconductor NCs Uniform superconducting pairing energy, 2Δ Weak Josephson coupling J ~ Δ ∙ G/(e2/h) << Ec heavily insulating, with decoherent tunneling Focus on the case where Δ and Ec are similar in magnitude # pairs in NC i pairing energy [Mitchell et. al., PRB 85, 195141 (2012))] Single-electron energy spectrum An isolated NC with Cooper pairing (and an even number of electrons): Coulomb self-energy: e- Ec = e2/2C0 E Ec single electron density of ground states: Ef g1(E) Single-electron energy spectrum An isolated NC with Cooper pairing (and an even number of electrons): Coulomb self-energy: Ec = e2/2C0 e- Binding energy of pair: 2∆ + E Ec single electron density of ground states: Ef g1(E) Ec+2Δ Pair energy spectrum Can also have hopping of pairs: Coulomb self-energy: 2e- (2e)2/2C0 = 4Ec +/- 2 E pair density of ground states: Ef 4Ec g2(E) DOGS - results singles pairs 4(1 – Δ) Δ = 0: e 2e Δ = 2Ec: e √2e Δ = Ec: 2(Δ – 1) Miller-Abrahams network for singles and pairs i j • ρ1 is the percolating resistance of the singles network. • ρ2 is the percolating resistance of the pair network. Effective charges in hopping transport ES hopping: ln * 2 D' ln( / 0 ) T* 2 DkBT Ec Effective charges in hopping transport Slope gives ES hopping: ln * 2 D' ln( / 0 ) T* 2 DkBT Ec TES C e2 Effective charges in hopping transport Slope gives ES hopping: TES C e2 e* = 2e e* = √2e e* = e ln * 2 D' ln( / 0 ) T* 2 DkBT Ec Magnetoresistance Superconducting gap is reduced by a transverse field: single e- hopping is gapped pair hopping is gapped [Lopatin and Vinokur, PRB 75, 092201 (2007)] ( For example, Zeeman effect: 0 1 ( B / Bc ) 2 ) 1.5 1 Δ/Ec increasing magnetic field: 0.5 0 Conclusions E energy •In NC arrays, single-particle spectrum and global correlations combine to determine transport = coordinate •For metal NCs, the “Coulomb gap triptych” is a marriage between the Coulomb blockade and the Coulomb gap [PRL 109, 126805 (2012)] Disorder-independent transport e* = 2e •For superconducting NCs, the gap changes the “effective charge” for hopping [PRB 109, 045135 (2012)] Thank you. e* = √2e e* = e Reserve Slides Publications metal NCs: Tianran Chen, Brian Skinner, and B. I. Shklovskii, Coulomb gap triptych in a periodic array of metal nanocrystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 126805 (2012). superconducting NCs: Tianran Chen, Brian Skinner, and B. I. Shklovskii, Coulomb gap triptychs, √2 effective charge, and hopping transport in periodic arrays of superconductor grains, Phys. Rev. B 86, 045135 (2012). semiconductor nanocrystal arrays: Brian Skinner, Tianran Chen, and B. I. Shklovskii, Theory of hopping conduction in arrays of doped semiconductor nanocrystals, Phys. Rev. B 85, 205316 (2012). 2D and 3D DOGS - metal 2D: 3D: 2D and 3D DOGS - SC 2D: 3D: Disorder +e +e +e Disorder Some impurities are effectively screened out by a single NC +e -e +e +e -e Disorder +qA -qA +e -qB +qB -e +e +e -e Some impurities are effectively screened out by a single NC Others get “fractionalized” Disorder +qA -qA +e -qB -e + qB -e +e +e Some impurities are effectively screened out by a single NC Others get “fractionalized” -e Result is a net fractional charge on each NC Tunneling conductance intra-NC density of states: tunneling conductance: Electron energy spectrum of a semiconductor nanocrystal Electron energy spectrum has two components: 1) quantum confinement energy: 1D 1P 1S ΔEQ Electron energy spectrum of a semiconductor nanocrystal Electron energy spectrum has two components: Ec 2) electrostatic charging energy: total Coulomb self-energy: 5e2/κD U(Q) = Q2/κD 3e2/κD energy to add one electron: e2/κD Ec = U(Q - e) - U(Q) 0 -e2/κD -3e2/κD -5e2/κD Ec = (e2 - 2Qe)/κD Random doping of NCs D d D’ Regular lattice of equal-sized NCs Donor number Ni is random: Electron energy spectrum of a single nanocrystal no donors E N=1 E N=2 E N=3 E N=5 N=9 E E 1D 1P ... EQ1S 1S ... Typical case: ν = 5, ΔEQ = 5 Ec N=0 N=1 N=4 N=5 N=6 N=9 E E E E E E 1D ... ... 1P 1S N = 10 E Typical case: ν = 5, ΔEQ = 5 Ec N=0 N=1 N=4 N=5 N=6 N=9 E E E E E E E +1 +2 N = 10 1D -2 -1 ... ... 1P 1S Density of states: ν = 5, Δ = 5 e2/κD 1P 1S 1D