流變學之簡介與應用 An Introduction to Rheology and Its Applications Complex Fluids & Molecular Rheology Lab., Department of Chemical Engineering 達方電子課程講義 08/20/2011 課程大綱 I. 流變現象與無因次群分析 II. 基礎量測系統與功能 III. 流變儀基本操作說明 Principal References: “Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids: Volume 1 Fluid Mechanics” by R.B. Bird et al., 2nd Ed., Wiley-Interscience (1987); N. J. Wagner, J. F. Brady, Physical today, October 2009 Scope of Rheology Mini-symposia organized in the 「2004 世界流變會議」 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 計算流變 流體的不穩性 泡沫、乳液、界面活性劑 食品、生物材料 材料加工 微結構模擬 奈料科技、微流體 非牛頓流體力學 9. 融熔高分子 10. 高分子溶液 11. 流變量測、實驗方法 12. 固體、複合物 13. 懸浮物、膠體 14. 應用流變、一般論文 8. A rheologist should be familiar with the following subjects 輸送現象 統計力學 高分子物理 膠體科學 分子動態理論 什 麼 是 流 變 (Rheology)? Rheology is the science of fluids. More specifically, the study of Non-Newtonian Fluids Y 流體 牛頓流體 - 水、有機小分子溶劑等 黏度η為定值 非牛頓流體 - 高分子溶液、膠體等 Small molecule Macromolecule V ● V Newton’s law of viscosity V yx V Y Deformable 黏度不為定值 (尤其在快速流場下) I. 流 變 現 象 與 無 因 次 群 分 析 非牛頓流體的三大特徵 特徵時間與無因次群分析 非牛頓流體的特徵 非牛頓黏度 (Non-Newtonian Viscosity) - Shear Thinning p Flow curve for non-Newtonian Fluids 牛頓流體 (甘油加水) 非牛頓流體 (高分子溶液) 正向力差的效應 (Normal Stress Differences) - Rod-Climbing 牛頓流體 (水) 非牛頓流體 (稀薄高分子溶液) 記憶效應 (Memory effects) - Elastic Recoil - Open Syphon Flow Time-dependent effects (搖變性) Thixotropy behavior Anti-thixotropy behavior A decrease (thixotropy) and increase (anti-thixotropy) of the apparent viscosity with time at a constant rate of shear, followed by a gradual recovery when the motion is stopped The distinction between a thixotropic fluid and a shear thinning fluid: A thixotropic fluid displays a decrease in viscosity over time at a constant shear rate. A shear thinning fluid displays decreasing viscosity with increasing shear rate. 非 牛 頓 流 體 的 不 穏 定 性: 黏 彈 性 效 應 “The mountains flowed before the Lord” [From Deborah’s Song, Biblical Book of Judges, verse 5:5], quoted by Markus Reiner at the Fourth International Congress on Rheology in 1963 De Elastic force tflow Viscous force or We = (Re 103 for all cases) - 描述非牛頓流體行為之程度 : 流體的特徵或 “鬆弛” 時間 tflow : 流動系統的特徵時間 : 剪切速率 De 0 0.2 牛頓流體 (葡萄糖漿) 3 1 收 縮 流 道 非牛頓流體 (0.057% 聚丙烯醯胺/葡萄糖 溶液) 8 典型製程之流場強度範圍 Lubrication High-speed coating Rolling Spraying Injection molding Pipe flow Chewing Extrusion Sedimentation 105 103 101 101 (s-1 ) 103 105 107 Typical viscosity curve of a polyolefin- PP homopolymer, melt flow rate (230 C/2.16 Kg) of 8 g/10 minat 230 C with indication of the shear rate regions of different conversion techniques. [Reproduced from M. Gahleitner, “Melt rheology of polyolefins”, Prog. Polym. Sci., 26, 895 (2001).] Secondary Flows and Instabilities Secondary flow Newtonian Fluids Non-Newtonian Fluids Secondary Flow Primary Flow Secondary flow around a rotating sphere in a polyacrylamide solution. [Reporduce from H. Giesekus in E. H. Lee, ed., Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Rheology, Wiley-Interscience, New York (1965), Part 1, pp. 249-266] Secondary Flow Primary Flow Melt instability Sharkskin Melt fracture Photographs of LLDPE melt pass through a capillary tube under various shear rates. The shear rates are 37, 112, 750 and 2250 s-1, respectively. [Reproduced from R. H. Moynihan, “The Flow at Polymer and Metal Interfaces”, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech., Blackburg, VA, 1990.] [Retrieved from the video of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (University of Wales Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2000)] Taylor-Couette flow for dilute solutions Taylor vortex R1 R2 [S. J. Muller, E. S. G. Shaqfeh and R. G. Larson, “Experimental studies of the onset of oscillatory instability in viscoelastic Taylor-Couette flow”, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 46, 315 (1993).] Flow visualization of the elastic Taylor-Couette instability in Boger fluids. [http://www.cchem.berkeley.edu/sjmgrp/] II. 基 礎 量 測 系 統 與 功 能 剪切流與非剪切流 流變儀夾具選擇與應用 基礎流變量測模式與功能 典型均勻流場 Two standard types of flows, shear and shearfree, are frequently used to characterize polymeric liquids (b) Shearfree (a) Shear vx y Steady simple shear flow vx yx y; vy 0; vz 0 Shear rate Streamlines for elongational flow (b=0) Elongation rate x 2 vy y 2 vz z vx The Stress Tensor y x z Shear Flow Elongational Flow Total stress tensor* Stress tensor yx p xx p yx p yy 0 0 0 p zz 0 p xx p 0 0 0 p yy 0 Hydrostatic pressure forces Shear Stress : yx First Normal Stress Difference : xx yy Second Normal Stress Difference : yy zz Tensile Stress : zz xx 0 p zz 0 流 變 儀 夾 具 與 流 場 特 性 (a) Shear Pressure Flow: Capillary Drag Flows: Concentric Cylinder (b) Elongation Cone-andPlate Uniaxial Elongation (b 0, 0): Moving Parallel Plates 適 用 流 場 強 度 與 濃 度 範 圍 (a) Shear Concentrated Regime Homogeneous deformation:* Cone-andPlate Nonhomogeneous deformation: (b) Elongation Dilute Regime 103 Concentric Cylinder Parallel Plates Capillary 102 101 100 Moving clamps 101 102 103 104 γ (s-1 ) 105 (s-1 ) For Melts & High-Viscosity Solutions *Stress and strain are independent of position throughout the sample 基 礎 黏 度 量 測 Concentric Cylinder W1 R1 Assumptions : (1) Steady, laminar, isothermal flow (2) v R1W1 only and vr vz 0 R2 (3) Negligible gravity and end effects H (4) Symmetry in , 0 FIG. Concentric cylinder viscometer Shear rate : WR 1 1 R2 R1 Shear -rate dependent viscosity ( ) : (homogeneous) T ( ) 2 R12 H where the torque acting on the surface of the inner cylinder T is : T r r R1 (2 R1H ) R1 R1 , R2 : Radii of inner and outer cylinders W1: Angular velocity of inner cylinder H : Height of cylinders T : Torque on inner cylinder Cone-and-Plate Instrument Assumptions : (1) Steady, laminar, isothermal flow (2) v (r , ) only; vr v 0 (3) 0 0.1 rad ( 6 ) (4) Negligible body forces (5) Spherical liquid boundary (From p.205 of ref 3) Shear rate : Shear - rate dependent viscosity ( ) : W0 0 (homogeneous) W0 : Angular velocity of cone 0 : Cone angle R: Radius of circular plate FIG. 1.3-4. Cone-and-plate geometry 3T0 ( ) 2 R3W0 The first normal stress difference coefficient 1 ( ) : 2F 1 ( ) R 2 2 2 R r T : Torque on plate T 0 0 F: Force required to keep tip of cone in contact with circular plate 2 2 drd Uniaxial Elongational Flow Hencky strain : max tmax ln ( Lmax L0 ) L0 : Initial sample length Lmax : Maximum smaple length The Normal Stress Difference : zz rr F (t ) A(t ) F (t ): Total force per unit area exerted by the load cell A(t ): Instantaneous corss - sectional area of the sample z r The Transient Elongational Viscosity : ( zz rr ) 0 F (t ) A0 e 0t 0 0 : Elongation rate A0 : Initial cross - sectional area of the sample Device used to generate uniaxial elongational flows by separating Clamped ends of the sample 典型剪切流量測模式 I. 穩態剪切流 Exp a: Steady Shear Flow Non-Newtonian viscosity η of a low-density polyethylene at several Different temperatures The first and second normal stress The shear-rate dependent viscosity η coefficients are defined as follows: is defined as: 2 yx ( ) yx xx yy 1 ( ) yx yy zz 2 ( ) yx2 Relative Viscosity: rel s : Solution viscosity s : Solvent viscosity Master curves for the viscosity and first normal stress difference coefficient as functions of shear rate for the low-density polyethylene melt shown in previous figure Intrinsic Viscosity: s [ ] lim c0 c s c: Mass concentration Intrinsic viscosity of dilute polystyrene Solutions, With various solvents, as a function of reduced shear rate β II. 小振幅反覆式剪切流: 黏性與彈性檢定 Exp b: Small-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow The shear stress oscillates with frequency , but is not in phase with either the shear strain or shear rate Shear Stress : yx A() 0 sin(t ) Shear rate: yx (t ) 0 cos t Shear strain: yx (t ) 0 sin t Oscillatory shear strain, shear rate, shear stress, and first normal stress difference in small-amplitude oscillatory shear flow It is customary to rewrite the above equations to display the in-phase and out-of-phase parts of the shear stress Storage modulus yx G() 0 sin t G() 0 cos t Loss modulus Storage and loss moduli, G’ and G”, as functions of frequency ω at a reference temperature of T0=423 K for the low-density polyethylene melt shown in Fig. 3.3-1. The solid curves are calculated from the generalized Maxwell model, Eqs. 5.2-13 through 15 III. 拉 伸 流 黏 度 量 測 與 特 徵 Shearfree Flow Material Functions For Uniaxial Elongational Flow (b 0, 0): Zero - elongation- rate elongational viscosity 0 zz xx ( ) : Elongational viscosity : Elongation rate Elongation viscosity and viscosity for a polystyrene melt as functions of elongation rate and shear rate, respectively Zero - shear - rate viscosity 0 Elongational Stress Growth Function H. Munstedt, J. Rheol. 24, 847-867 (1980) 導電銀漿流變性質的鑑定 1. Steady-state Viscosity 2. First normal stress difference 3. Linear viscoelasticity 4. Creep recovery The Viscosity Curves of Steady Shear Flow 1e+6 1e+6 1e+5 1e+5 1e+4 1e+4 Viscosity ( Pa s ) Viscosity ( Pa s ) A 1e+3 1e+2 1e+1 1e+3 1e+2 1e+1 PP 25(TEK) 1e+0 0.0001 0.001 0.01 PP 25(TEK) 0.1 1 10 100 1e+0 0.0001 1000 0.001 0.01 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 435-2 1e+6 1e+6 1e+5 1e+5 1e+4 1e+4 Viscosity ( Pa s ) Viscosity ( Pa s ) 0.1 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) C 1e+3 1e+2 1e+1 1e+3 1e+2 1e+1 PP 25(TEK) PP 25(TEK) 1e+0 0.0001 B 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) 10 100 1000 1e+0 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) The Stress Curves of Steady Shear Flow A 10000 B 10000 PP 25(TEK) PP 25(TEK) Stress ( Pa ) 1000 Stress ( Pa ) 1000 100 10 0.0001 100 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 10 0.0001 1000 0.001 0.01 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) C 435-2 10000 10000 PP 25(TEK) PP 25(TEK) Stress ( Pa ) Stress ( Pa ) 1000 1000 100 100 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) 10 100 1000 10 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) A A The 1st Normal Stress Curves of Steady Shear Flow 6000 3000 6000 PP 25 PP CP 25(TEK) 25-4 4000 2000 1000 Normal Stress ( Pa ) Normal Normal Stress Stress (( Pa Pa )) 4000 2000 0 0 -2000 -1000 -4000 -2000 -6000 -3000 -8000 -4000 0.001 0.0001 PP PP25(TEK) 25 2000 0 -2000 -4000 -6000 0.01 0.001 0.010.1 0.1 1 1 10 10 100 100 -8000 0.0001 1000 1000 0.001 0.01 Shear Rate Shear Rate (( 1/s 1/s )) 10 100 1000 1000 PP 25 PP 25(TEK) 800 PP 25 25(TEK) PP 600 2000 Normal Stress ( Pa ) Normal Stress ( Pa ) 1 435-2 6000 0 -2000 -4000 400 200 0 -200 -6000 -8000 0.0001 0.1 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) C 4000 B -400 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) 10 100 1000 -600 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Shear Rate ( 1/s ) 10 100 1000 A B PP 25(TEK) PP 25(TEK) 1e+6 10000 1e+5 10000 1e+3 1e+4 1000 G' ; G'' ( Pa ) 1000 Complex Viscosity Pa s ) 1e+4 G' ; G'' ( Pa ) Complex Viscosity Pa s ) 1e+5 1e+3 100 1e+2 1e+2 1e+1 0.01 100 0.1 1 10 1e+1 0.01 100 10 0.1 Angular Frequency ( 1/s ) 10 100 Angular Frequency ( 1/s ) C 435-2 10000 1e+5 1e+3 100 Complex Viscosity 1e+2 Storage Modulus G' 1e+4 1000 G' ; G'' ( Pa ) G' ; G'' ( Pa ) 1000 10000 1e+4 Complex Viscosity Pa s ) 1e+5 Complex Viscosity Pa s ) 1 1e+3 100 1e+2 Loss Modulus G'' 1e+1 0.01 10 0.1 1 Angular Frequency ( 1/s ) 10 100 1e+1 0.01 10 0.1 1 Angular Frequency ( 1/s ) 10 100 A 0.0006 Strain , ( 1 ) 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 0.0002 0.0001 0.0000 0 200 400 600 Time , t ( s ) 800 1000 III. 流 變 儀 基 本 操 作 說 明 流變儀初始化 Torque校正(空氣校正) 夾具選擇 系統選擇 Steady Shear Flow 量測 G’ & G’’ 量測 流 變 儀 初 使 化 初始化 在初始化之前,需注意meas. System和meas. Cell是否為實驗的夾具和系統, 如果要更改,更改部分請詳見3. 夾具的選擇、4. 系統的選擇。 Torque 校 正 Configuration Torque 校正,即對空氣校正,每次實驗前必做 溫控系統 選擇設定 Torque校正 選擇所需夾具,開始校正 完成後,按OK即可 夾 具 的 選 擇 Edit Measuring Systems 選擇所需夾具 可更變所選夾具之 Css、Csr 值 1.夾具之Css、Csr值,可參照原廠設定,或是經過自行校正後所得之值 2.完成後,按OK即可。 系 統 之 選 擇 Meas. Cell 系統選擇於此畫面作更改即可 Steady Shear Flow 量 測 Template Manager 於起始畫面,開啟新檔 Group Type of Workbook 先選擇所要量測之類型,再選擇量測種類 首先,選擇Group中的Standard Templates for Rotational Tests,再選 擇所屬之Flow & Viscosity Curve /Yield Fluid,即完成。 1.Setup Rheometer 2.Edit Time Setting 3.Edit Meas. Profile 依所標示順序做設定 1.Setup Rheometer 1. 2. 3. 1.再次確認夾具、系統是否正確,亦可於此更改 2.CC系統無須Zero Gap,CP、PP 在每次實驗前皆須要Zero Gap Zerp Gap完成後即可放上欲量測樣品,調整轉子高度即可。 3.溫控設定 2.Edit Time Setting Data數量 Data時間間隔 量測時間 於此設定所要量測之時間間隔、長度,Data數量 3.Edit Meas. Profile Profire 將量測方式更改為Const. Shear Rate Set Variable Unit Initial 於此可更改量測之變數、大小 Profire 將量測方式更改為Const. Shear Rate 1. 2. 1.上述動作完成後,即可開始量測。 2.編輯檔案名稱,開始量測。 Example Constant Shear Rate下,Time對Shear Rate圖。 於此,可點擊座標,更改、新增座標(變數、單位) Axis Variable Group Unit 於此可編輯作標之變數、單位 G’ & G’’ 量 測 此與先前介紹一樣,首先,選擇Group中的Standard Templates for Oscillatory Tests,再選擇所屬之Frequency Sweep /FS,即可。 1.Setup Rheometer 1. 2. 3. 此處與Steady Shear Flow一樣 2.Edit Time Setting Meas. Points 設定量測Data數量 3.Edit Meas. Profile 1. Unit 2. Amplitude 1.變更Amplitude單位 2.設定Amplitude大小 3.設定Frequency範圍 3. Frequency 1. 2. 完成後,即可開始量測並且編輯檔案名稱 Example 同Steady Shear Flow,此處可編輯座標變數、單位