Ravinder Reddy, PhD Professor of Radiology & Director of CMROI, Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Outline Nuclear spin relaxation T1 and T2 ▪ Spectral density ▪ Defining equations, Frequency dependence T1ρ relaxation Definition and pictorial illustration ▪ Defining equation, Frequency dependences ▪ Methods of measurement ▪ Contributing mechanisms and image contrast Chemical exchange, D-D interaction, relaxation Applications in the study of collagen rich tissues CMROI Slide 2 Thermal equilibrium? How is the thermal equilibrium established? dMz/dt = -(Mz-Mo)/T1 dMxy/dt = -(Mxy)/T2 Bo =0 CMROI Bo = 1.5T Slide 3 T1 and T2 wo 60 MHz CMROI Slide 4 T2 Process Fluctuating fields (Hz) which perturb the energy levels of the spin states cause transverse magnetization to dephase E=Bo Observed line = 1/2 = 1/T2* 1/T2* = 1/T2 + Bo/2 CMROI Slide 5 Relaxation Mechanisms Motion of nuclear magnetic moments generates fluctuating magnetic fields H= iHx +jHy+kHz M= iMx + jMy +kMz (magnetization vector) Interaction between them (H x M)= i(HyMz-HzMy)+j(HzMx-Hx Mz) +k(HxMy-HyMx) Hx,y ----> T1 and T2 relaxation Hz ----> T2 relaxation -----> T1>T2 CMROI Slide 6 Fluctuating fields and spectral densities z Fluctuating fields have zero average: <Bx(t)> = 0 Mean square fluctuating field <Bx2(t)> ≠0 CMROI x Bo Bx My y Slide 7 Correlation time Comparison of field at any one time point t with its value at t+ If ‘’ is small compared to the timescale of the fluctuations, then the values of the field at the two time points tend to be similar. If ‘’ is long, then the system loses its memory. CMROI Slide 8 Fluctuating fields How rapidly do the fields fluctuate? Autocorrelation function of the field (convolution of a function with itself) defined as: G(t) = <Bx(t) Bx(t+τ)>≠ 0 CMROI It tells us how self similar a function is Slide 9 Autocorrelation function G(t) An exponential form is assumed: G(t)= <Bx2> exp(-|t|/tc) G(t) is large for small values of t, and tends to zero for large values of t. ‘c’ is known as correlation time of the fluctuations. It indicates how long it takes before the random field changes sign. CMROI Slide 10 Spectral density J(ω) Spectral density function(SDF) is defined as the 2 FT of G(t): ∫ J( ) = 2 o ∞ G(t) exp{-i t} For G(t)= <Bx2> exp(-|t|/c) The spectral density is given J( ) = 2 <Bx2> c/(1+ 2 c 2) Normalized SDF: J( 0) = c/(1+ 2 c 2) If tc is short then the SDF is broad and vice versa Levitt, Spin dynamics CMROI Slide 11 Spectral density As the solution gets more viscous the number of molecules with high frequency components decreases. J( ) Viscosity of Tissues vary significantly. Biological tissues have different T1s. SDF also varies with temp. o CMROI log( ) Slide 12 Rotational Motion CMROI Slide 13 Dipole-dipole relaxation For spins-1/2, the important relaxation mechanism is through space dipolar coupling: Rotational correlation time τc 1/T1= (3/10)b2{J(ωo)+ 4J(2ωo)} 1/T2= (3/20)b2{3J(0)+ 5J(ωo)+ 2J(2ωo)} ▪ b= (μohγ2/4πr3) J(ωo)= τc/{1+ (ωoτc)2} CMROI Slide 14 T1 and T2 Variation of relaxation time of protons in water as a function of correlation time at a resonance frequency of 100 MHz (1/ o = 10-8 s) o c < 1, T1=T2 o c ≥ 1, T1>T2 CMROI Slide 15 Frequency range probed T1 probes molecular motional processes in MHz range To measure the processes in <MHz to kHz experiments at Bo fields corresponding to <MHz Implies low SNR and compromised contrast T1ρ measures low frequency processes while performing the measurements at high Bo T1ρ dispersion can be measured at the constant B0 CMROI Slide 16 What is T1ρ? Z X o Y 1 ~kHz 60 MHz CMROI Slide 17 T1ρ : Spin-locking /2 TSL 1 Rot, CE, DD • • Redfield, Phys Rev. 98 (1955) CMROI time Spin locking RF pulse prevents normal T2 relaxation process due to dipolar interaction etc. T is primarily determined by the presence of low frequency motions Slide 18 T1ρ relaxation and dispersion For a fixed 1, collect an image (or FID) as a function of TSL Sig (TSL)= A exp(-TSL/T )+c (/2)x (TSL)y Relaxation CMROI T variation as a function of 1 is known as T dispersion (/2)x (/2)-x (/2)-x R e R e a d a d (TSL)y Dispersion Slide 19 Mechanisms that contribute to T1ρ dispersion Rotational motion of a fraction of water bound to proteins Exchange of protons on macromolecules with bulk water Scalar relaxation Exchange of -OH, -NH, NH2 with bulk water CMROI Non averaged residual dipolar interaction (RDI) Diffusion through field gradients Slide 20 Mechanisms for T1ρ Relaxation Bo θ A Molecular Rotation CMROI Chemical Exchange B r Residual dipole-dipole Diffusion through Magnetic Field Gradients Slide 21 Relaxation rates in biological tissues +RDI +RDI b= fraction of bound water, C= diffusion contribution e= water proton exchange time, r= rotational correlation time B= ( oh2/4r3)2 CMROI Slide 22 T1ρ and chemical exchange CMROI Slide 23 Chemical Exchange Solute Pool (with exchangeable proton) Water Pool O H O ksw kws CMROI H H O H H H O O H H O H H H H O H H H O H H Slide 24 Chemical exchange and T1ρ CMROI GABA amine protons Exchange rate ~1.5kHz Slide 25 Quantify spin-exchange from T1ρ MRI Readout Readout CMROI Slide 26 GABA: Exchange of Amine protons and T1ρ GABA CMROI Slide 27 GABA CEST and T1ρ CMROI ~18% ~36% Slide 28 Spin exchange in cartilage and T1ρ CMROI Slide 29 Aggrecan and Proteoglycans HA Core protein Glycosaminoglycans (GAG) G1 G2 Keratan sulfate rich sections G3 Chondroitin sulfate rich sections G1 G2 Fixed Negative Charge (FCD) G3 COO- HO O O O NHCOCH3 O OH CMROI CH2OSO3 - OH Slide 30 Chondroitin Sulfates Chondroitin-4sulfateCH2O COO - O O H - NHCOCH 3 O H H Chondroitin-6sulfateCH2OSO3 COO O H O - H O O O O H CMROI O O3SO O O H H O O H H H - H O H O H NHCOCH 3 H H O Slide 31 CS phantom images Regatte et al, JMRI, 17(2003) CMROI Slide 32 T1ρ Maps of Cartilage Specimen 256 ms Articular Surface Subchondral Bone 0ms Normal Enzymatically Degraded Akella et al, MRM,46(2004) CMROI Slide 33 T1r imaging of chondromalacia Preliminary results from an osteoarthritic subject diagnosed (arthroscopically) with grade I chondromalacia in the lateral facet of the patella. The left hand side figure shows the 3D Tr relaxation map of the patellar cartilage. The color scale shows a volume rendered representation of Tr relaxation times. CMROI Slide 34 T1ρ and dipolar interaction Bo θ A CMROI B r Slide 35 Static dipolar interaction Spins with no D-D interaction Without spin-lock During spin-lock ωD CMROI Slide 36 Dipolar interaction CMROI H= A(1-3 cos2θ)[3Iz2-I(I+1)] ‘θ’ is the angle between the main Bo field and the dipolar vector Dipolar interaction broadens the resonance lines Variation in orientation and content of collagen leads to different degree of line broadening in cartilage zones B0 Slide 37 Arrangement of collagen in cartilage Superficial Middle Radial Calcified CMROI Slide 38 Effect of RDI on MRI of cartilage T2 Signal is insensitive to small changes in PG Produces “laminar” appearance Difficult to interpret image contrast and maps CMROI How do we reduce its effect? Slide 39 Parallel to B0 - Images T2 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 KHz 2 KHz B0 Akella et al, MRM,46(2004) CMROI Slide 40 Effect of spin-lock pulse on RDI T2 250 Hz T2 = 32 ms T = 62 CMROI 500 Hz T = 76 1 KHz T = 86 2 KHz T = 109 Slide 41 Profile plots (|| to B0) T1 -2 kHz T2 T1 -500 T1 -250 Articular surface Bone 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Pixel Number T2 CMROI 250 Hz 500 Hz 2 KHz Slide 42 Profile plots (magic angle) T1 -2 kHz T2 T -500Hz Articular surface 0 5 10 Bone 15 20 25 30 35 Pixel number CMROI Slide 43 T1ρ dispersion parallel 54.7o Akella et al, MRM,46(2004) CMROI Slide 44 Reducing laminar appearance T2 weighted image T1ρ weighted image (500Hz) 1/T = (1/T )ex+ (1/T )rot + (1/T )RDI+.. CMROI Slide 45 T1ρ and Sodium MRI of Intervertebral Disc Healthy 26 yo male T map CMROI Sodium map Symptomatic 24 yo male T1rho scale bar in ms Sodium scale bar in mM T map Sodium map Slide 46 T1ρ dispersion in Myocardial Infarct ν1 = 0 Hz ν1 = 2 kHz Field Artifacts Proton Dipole-Dipole Coupling in Collagen Chemical Exchange On/Off Amide and Hydroxyl Molecular Rotation of Water Protons CMROI Slide 47 B1-dependent relaxation times T2-weighted infarction scar T1ρ-weighted 0 1 2 B1 (kHz) CMROI Slide 48 T1ρ Dispersion CMROI Slide 49 T1ρ dispersion and Tumor A and B: T2 and T1ρ weighted C and D: T2 and T1ρ maps CMROI Comparison of the T2 and T1 relaxation time constants (in ms) between MDA-MB-468 (N=2, open symbols and dashed lines) and more metastatic MDAMB-231 tumors (N=3, solid symbols and solid lines). Slide 50 T1ρ pulse sequence developments Original: T1ρ pulse cluster pre-encoded to a 2D single slice readout 3D SLIPS sequence: Enables 3D T1ρ map in <10 minutes CMROI Addressed issues of Bo and B1 inhomogeneity SL-SSFP: new pulse sequence with reduced SAR for T1ρ MRI @ 7T Slide 51 T1ρ Imaging- Pulse Sequence FREQ PHASE SLICE (/2) (/2)x (/2) (/2)-x SLP 1H CMROI RF TSL Slide 52 SLIPS pulse sequence Enables Rapid T1 mapping 3D T1 mapping (30 slices) in about 10 min Newer version ----> ~5 min CMROI Slide 53 B1 and ΔBo insensitive spin-lock cluster Witchey et al, JMR 186 (2007) CMROI Slide 54 SL-SSFP pulse sequence Witschey et al, MRM, 2009 CMROI Slide 55 T1ρ Characteristics Sensitive to processes at or around the time scale ~ 1/ω1. Low frequency (Hz-kHz) molecular motions can be probed at high Bo. Applying spin-lock pulse: Reduces B0 inhomogeneities, susceptibility and diffusion-related signal loss Increases dynamic range of MRI signal Ability to measure and minimize ▪ spin-exchange ▪ exchange dependent pH changes ▪ dipolar coupling effects sensitive to small changes in macromolecular content CMROI Slide 56 Acknowledgements Work was supported by NIH grants: R01-AR045242 (RR) R01-AR045404 (RR) R01-AR051041 (RR) RR02305 (RR) Arthritis Foundation (RR) Wyeth Research (RR) OA Spine (AB) • • CMROI Ari Borthakur Walter Witschey Andy Wheaton Dharmesh Tailor Erik Shapiro Eric Mellon Michael Wang Feliks Kogan David Pilkinton Anup Singh Victor Babu Harris Mohammad Kejia Cai H. Ralph Schumacher J. Bruce Kneeland Hari Jess Haran H. Lonner Mark JesseElliott Khurana Jay Udupa Slide 57 Thank you! Thanks for your patience CMROI Slide 58