Advanced Drift Diffusion Device Simulator for 6H and 4H-SiC MOSFETs MOSFET Device Simulation MOSFET Device Structure Semiconductor Equations Poisson Equation: 2 n p N q D N A n J n q R G t Electron current continuity equation: q Hole current continuity equation: q Electron current equation: J n qnn q(nDn ) Hole current equation: J p qp p q( pD p ) p J p q R G t Mobility Models Oxide Low field mobility: Matthiessen's rule 1 LF 1 B 1 SP 1 SR 1 Electron Flow C Bulk LF = Low Field Mobility B = Bulk Mobility SP = Surface Phonon Mobility Electron Surface Phonon SR = Surface Roughness mobility Trap Surface Roughness Fixed Charge C = Coulomb Scattering Mobility High Field Mobility: High field mobility: 1 Total 1 LF 1 vsat E || Screened Coulomb Scattering Mobility Screened Coulomb Potential: e 2 1 qsc r V (r ) e 4 r H 2D 2D Matrix Element: Fermi’s Golden k k 2 H 2 D z, zi 2 Ek Ek Rule: 2 2 e 2 exp z zi q2 D qsc 2 q22d qsc2 N2 D zi 1 k dk k k 1 cos d 2 z, zi 4 k 0 0 Scattering Rate: Screened Coulomb Scattering Mobility: m*e3 N2 D zi F z, zi 2 C 16 kBTe 1 F z, zi 2 exp 2 qsc2 8m*k BTe sin 2 1 q q 2 sc 2 sc 2 8m k BTe sin * 2 z zi 2 d e 2 N inv qsc SiC Z avg k BT ID-VGS at Room Temperature -6 x 10 1e-5 5 1e-7 ID (A) ID (A) 4 3 2 1 0 -5 0 VGS 5 10 (Volts) 15 1e-10 0 Circles : Simulated Points Line: Experimental data 5 VGS (Volts) 10 15 Occupied interface trap density Negatively charged interface traps: Ec Qit qN it q D E f E dE it n Eneutral Dit = Interface traps density of states Dita E Ditmid Ditedge E Ec exp a f(E) is the probability density function. f E 1 E Ec 1 Nc 1 exp 2 ne k BT Interface Trap Density of States 14 10 Dit (cm-2eV-1) 1e14 13 Donor Acceptor 10 12 10 2.5e11 11 10 0 Neutrality Point 1 E (eV) 2 3 Figure . Interface trap density of states for 4H-SiC: Constant distribution in midgap and an exponential rise near the band edges. Mobility Variation with Depth 5 5 10 10 4 4 10 Mobility (cm2/Vs) Mobility (cm2/Vs) 10 3 10 uB uSP uSR uC uTotal 2 10 2 uB uSP uSR uC uTotal 10 1 10 0 50 100 150 z (Angstroms) 200 250 VGS = 2V. Less Screening. Coulomb Mobility dominates 0 50 100 150 z (Angstroms) 200 250 VGS = 14V. Lots of Screening. Coulomb Mobility effect only very close to interface. Surface Roughness mobility dominates Current Density Variation with Depth 400 VGS = 2V VGS = 4V VGS = 6V VGS = 8V VGS = 10V VGS = 12V VGS = 14V 350 300 Jn (A/cm 2) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 z (Angstroms) 100 120 Peak of the current density is some distance away from the interface Nit – VGS and Ninv – VGS at RmT 14 10 Nit & Ninv (cm-2) 12 10 10 10 8 Ninv 10 Nit 6 10 0 5 10 VGS (Volts) 15 Fixed Oxide Charge Density ~ 1.45e12 cm-2 Screened Coulomb Scattering Mobility • Coulomb scattering decreases rapidly with increase in depth inside the semiconductor • Oxide charges located away from the interface have less effect on Coulomb scattering • Screening is directly proportional to the inversion layer charge density • Scattering rate is inversely proportional to electron temperature (energy) • Scattering rate is directly proportional to the density of oxide charges and occupied interface traps Future Work • Implement oxide charging - interface trap charging model in simulator • Implement a robust surface roughness mobility model • High temperature high power simulations • Modeling of different Power MOSFET structures