Monte Carlo Demonstration of Small Animal in-vivo Functional And Anatomical Imaging With Neutrons David C. Medich, Ph.D., CHP Goals of this Presentation 1. To provide a justification as to why we could use a new clinical and biomedical imaging tool. 2. To discuss how neutrons can be used to obtain an in-vivo biological image that contains functional and anatomical information. NOTE: focus here is on a small animal model. 3. To present Monte Carlo simulated results for: 1. Basic neutron images comparing quality both with and without scatter contributions, 2. S/N ratio of different tissues and materials relative to water, 3. S/N ratio of tumors relative to their normal tissue counterpart, 4. S/N ratio of B-10 and Gd-157, to determine the concentrations needed to obtain a useful functional image in a mouse model. Current Technology Technologies such as f-MRI, PET, and SPECT have been very successful in identifying changes in tissue metabolism and function, but these technologies have limitations... Limitations: • Poor spatial resolution : fMRI (2-3mm), PET (3-5mm), SPECT (510mm), • fMRI – poor temporal resolution, • Little to no anatomical imaging info is obtained from the technology • PET – requires on-site (or close proximity) cyclotron to produce positron emitters with very short half-lives, • SPECT – isotopes produced at very limited number of foreign reactors. A temporary shutdown of one of these reactors leads to clinical isotope shortages... Possible Role of Neutrons in Functional Imaging... Neutron Radiography General Advantages: – why neutrons? • Neutrons interact directly with the atomic nucleus (unlike photons which interact with atomic electrons). • Neutrons therefore have different reaction rates for isotopes of the same element. • Neutrons also have a high dynamic range of interaction cross-sections. • neutron radiography, which our technique is based, has very high spatial resolution and efficiency. • Kardjilov, for example, used a 10 mm Gd2O2S(Tb) screen and reported a 90% detection efficiency with a spatial resolution of 25 mm.(1) 1. N. Kardjilov et al. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 651 95-99 (2011) Neutron Radiography Potential Clinical Advantages 1. Neutrons interact readily with hydrogen, and nitrogen (and to a lesser extent carbon and oxygen) compared to many other materials. • Therefore, Neutrons are very sensitive to local changes in a tissue’s H, C, O, N content. • This is important because, as we know from MRI, changes in hydrogen content enables us to anatomically differentiate and image soft tissues. 2. And, certain stable and non-toxic isotopes are much more opaque to neutrons than lead is to diagnostic x-rays! • Therefore, these isotopes could be used with neutrons as a very effective contrast agent. Advantages of Neutron Imaging Advantages of Neutron Imaging Here is a quick summary of the thermal neutron absorption in B-10 and Gd-157 as compared typical x-ray photon absorption in lead... Transmission through 10 um of shielding material and shield TVL Radiation Shielding Cross Section Transmission (10 mm) Source 0.025 eV Neutron 0.025 eV Neutron 50 keV Photon 100 keV Photon Material Gd-157 B-10 lead lead (1/cm) 7716.8 501.5 90.9 62.7 (percent) 4.5E-02 60.56 91.31 93.92 TVL ( mm) 3 46 253 367 Advantages of Neutron Imaging Identifiable Tumors Neuron Radiography X-ray Radiography Comparison of raw tumor imaging capabilities in neutron radiography and x-ray radiography: The top images demonstrate that native neutron radiography has basic tumor detection capabilities. Image From: Brown and Parks, “Neutron Radiography in Biologic Media”, Am. J. Roentg 106, 472 (1969) Advantages of Neutron Imaging Comparison between (a) histology and (b) Neutron Capture Radiography of a 70µm thick liver tissue sample with liver metastases after infusion of BPA. From: Wittig, A., J. Michel, et al. (2008). "Boron analysis and boron imaging in biological materials for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)." Critical reviews in oncology/hematology 68(1): 66-90. Advantages of Neutron Imaging X-ray Neutron ImageImage Advantages of Neutron Imaging From: Metzke et. Al. “Neutron computed tomography of rat lungs” 2011 Phys. Med. Biol. 56 (2011) N1–N10 Advantages of Neutron Imaging Potential Clinical Applications for Anatomical Imaging: 1. Both native and functional tumor detection have been demonstrated. 2. Possible identification of early-stage osteosarcoma in both trabecular and compact cortical bone. 3. Ability to image near or through metallic implants or pacemakers. • Also could assess blood flow around an aneurism embolization coil or vascular stent. • And assess the status and function of mechanical and cosmetic implants. More importantly, when combined with a neutron-opaque imaging agent, neutron imaging could be an excellent alternative to current functional imaging modalities (i.e. Neutron Functional Imaging)... Functional Neutron Imaging We are investigating B-10 and Gd-157 labeled contrast agents to provide high contrast between diseased and normal tissue and with spatial resolutions orders of magnitude better than PET, SPECT, or f-MRI. • We call our technique Contrast Enhanced Neutron Imaging (CENI) • In addition to high spatial resolution in functional imaging, CENI also could offer anatomical information • CENI would not use any radioactive materials. • • • • No need to inject radioactive materials into patient. No reliance on foreign nuclear reactors for SPECT isotopes. No need for on-site cyclotrons for PET isotopes. Lower patient radiation exposures. Functional Neutron Imaging A Picture is worth a Thousand Words... Depiction of how spatial resolution affects the ability to identify disease. Here, an ischemia is located on the distal end of a mouse heart which is represented at spatial resolutions of 30mm, 250mm, and 2mm. NOTE: UML is in the process of upgrading its CCD radiography camera. The resolution of the new camera system (so far) appears to be around 80 mm. Problems with Biological Imaging So, why haven’t we been using this ! Previous biological imaging research with neutrons found that the image quality obtained when imaging biological organisms thicker than ~1 mm is extremely poor . A Neutron also pose a greater biological risk to tissue relative to an x-ray photon • concern exists that biological neutron radiography could lead to potentially high radiation exposures to the patient… Ultimately, many of the interesting interaction mechanisms between neutrons and tissue also cause difficulties when trying to obtain a good biological image... • We will show that neutron energy selection is very important... • And, that the interaction mechanism with hydrogen causes problems for biological imaging of large objects. Neutron Energy Selection Most neutron imaging systems use thermal neutrons but, to image large biological objects, we will require energetic neutrons. Neutron Transmission (%) 100 0.025 eV Neutron Transmission 2 MeV Neutron Transmission I am focusing my research on small animal functional imaging using thermal neutrons. Why? 1. Present tech. can’t functionally image small animals! 10 1 2. The mouse is the most studied, characterized, and cheapest bio-model to use (also the quickest to obtain results due to life-span). 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 5 10 15 20 25 Tissue Thickness (cm) 30 35 40 3. This also is the easiest way to being implementing CENI. Problems with Biological Imaging A) Neutron Radiograph of a Mouse cranium using a 16:1 cadmium coated bucky-grid. B) X-ray radiography image of the same mouse cranium. The grid ratio used to form this image was not specified but is assumed to be 16:1. Let us examine closely the neutron interaction with hydrogen… Image From: Brown and Parks, “Neutron Radiography in Biologic Media”, Am. J. Roentg 106, 472 (1969) Neutron Scatter with Hydrogen… Comparison of X ray and Thermal Neutron Interaction Probabilities... Photon Cross Section Neutron Cross Section 1e+5 1e+5 Photon Absorption Cross Section with Water Photon Scatter Cross Section with Water 1e+4 1e+3 Cross Section (barns) Cross Section (barns) 1e+3 1e+2 1e+1 1e+0 1e-1 1e-2 1e+2 1e+1 1e+0 1e-1 1e-2 1e-3 1e-3 1e-4 1e-4 1e-5 0.001 Neutron Absorption Cross Section with Hydrogen Neutron Scatter Cross Section with Hydrogen 1e+4 1e-5 0.01 0.1 Photon Energy (MeV) 1 1e-8 1e-7 1e-6 1e-5 1e-4 1e-3 1e-2 1e-1 1e+0 1e+1 Neutron Energy (MeV) While photoelectrons will not degrade image quality, scattered neutrons will strongly degrade image quality… Research Hypotheses Hypothesis #1: The limitations observed with biological neutron radiography predominately are due to the inability to adequately remove hydrogen scattered neutrons from image formation (anatomical imaging). Hypothesis #2: That 10Boron and 157Gadolinium have sufficiently high absorption cross-sections for use as a non-radioactive contrast agent for functional neutron imaging studies (functional imaging). Scatter vs. Image Quality We tested our first hypothesis through a series of basic computer simulations using the MCNP5 radiation transport program. • MCNP5 is a software package developed by Los Alamos National Laboratories. • It is used to model coupled neutron / photon / electron transport through material and their resulting interactions. • Images were formed using the FIR Radiography fluence tally. • We included S(,) transport corrections for the thermal motion (vibration/rotation) of hydrogenous molecules. Scatter vs. Image Quality First: We performed a simple Monte Carlo contrast analysis of four major tissues and materials common in medical imaging to see if we could natively differentiate anatomical tissues with neutron biological imaging (non-optimized). muscle bone adipose water Scatter vs. Image Quality • We analyzed muscle, cortical bone, adipose tissue, water, and air contrast from thermal neutrons (0.025 eV) . • Two images were obtained: one with neutron-scatter contributions to image formation and one without neutron scatter contributions. • We used an image resolution of 1mm2 • Each material was modeled as being a rectangle with a thickness of 1 cm. • No special image processing was done on the resulting image. Scatter vs. Image Quality RESULTS: 1 Scatter vs. Image Quality Neutron Transmission 1000 Air (~800%) 100 Bone (104%) 10 Muscle Tissue (5.4%) Adipose Tissue (2.1%) 1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Water 2 3 4 5 position Resulting contrast differences between muscle, bone, adipose tissue, water, and air under conditions of complete neutron scatter removal. Scatter vs. Image Quality Next: We simulated (again using MCNP5) a basic arm phantom consisting of: muscle, bone, and an added bonefracture. Representation of the Monte Carlo simulated phantom. Scatter vs. Image Quality • We modeled muscle, bone, and a bone fracture: • Muscle OD=5cm, • bone OD=2cm, • Fracture 1mm thick through bone center. • Again, (non-optimized) images were simulated in MCNP environment both with-and without image contributions from scattered neutrons • Again, used a receptor grid resolution of 1mm2 (not all that important) • Again, no special image processing was done on the resulting image. Scatter vs. Image Quality A: Scatter Included B: Scatter Removed Comparison of images formed with scattered neutron contributions and without… Scatter vs. Image Quality Neutrons of various energies Scatter removed… Scatter vs. Image Quality Neutrons of various energies Scatter included… Tissue Contrast: S/N Most recently, we used MCNP to quantify the neutron fluence needed to obtain a suitable signal to noise ratio in a small animal model for functional and anatomical imaging. Our goal is to quantify object tissue and tracer contrast (and, to an extent the dose equivalence delivered per image). We analyzed: • Different anatomical tissues contrasts relative to water. • Tumor cell contrast vs. their normal cell counterpart. • The required boron-10 concentration in tissue needed to act as a suitable contrast agent in functional imaging. • The required gadolinium-157 concentration in tissue needed to act as a suitable contrast agent in functional imaging. Tissue Contrast: S/N Note: the dose equivalence from neutrons of fluence 0 also is presented as a benchmark. This value was obtained using the 10CFR20 flux to dose conversion factors. Tissue Contrast: S/N For this experiment, we simulated a basic 3 cm thick phantom in the MCNP code (similar to the thickness of a large mouse); the Monte Carlo methodology used was similar to that used for the other studies... 1. Various target tissues (and materials) were modeled in a water phantom with tissue thicknesses varied between: 0.1mm & 10mm. These target tissues studied included: a) b) c) d) e) f) Adipose Muscle Soft Tissue Bone (cortical) Water air Tissue Contrast: S/N 2. Also, tumor cell types were compared to their normal cell counter-parts at various target thicknesses (0.1-10mm): a) b) c) d) Carcinoma to soft tissue Melanoma to skin / soft tissue Sarcoma to muscle tissue Squamous lung to normal lung tissue 3. Lastly, B-10 and Gd-157 concentrations were simulated as contrast agents in a water phantom. Again, target tissues were modeled between 0.1mm and 10 mm. a) [B-10]: Concentrations of B-10 simulated were: 10, 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 2000 mg / g. b) [Gd-157]: Concentrations of Gd-157 simulated were: 1, 5, 10, 30, 50, 80, 100, 200 mg / g. Side Note: What Can I “See”? Background (1 sigma) S/N = 2, S/N = 2 S/N = 5 S/N = 1 K=1 : K=2: K=3 : K=4 : K=5 : Probabilities of exceeding K: 15.9% chance of background exceeding limit 2.3% chance of background exceeding limit 0.13% chance of background exceeding limit 3E-3% chance of background exceeding limit 3E-5% chance of background exceeding limit 1 * (background & signal) 2 * (background and signal) 3 * (background and signal) Note: S/N = 5 required for single pixel contrast (Rose Criteria) Tissue Contrast RESULTS: Differentiation of Tissue vs. Water Signal To Noise Ratio between Tissue and Water: Flux = 5E6 n/cm2. HE = 0.05 mSv (5 mrem) Target tissue thickness (mm) tissue type 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 3 5 Adipose Air Bone Muscle Soft tissue 1.3 6.7 4.0 0.1 0.1 2.7 21.3 13.3 0.4 0.4 4.0 34 24 0.7 0.6 5.3 55 33 1.0 0.8 6.7 84 51 1.5 1.2 20 377 194 4.5 3.5 32 984 426 7.5 5.9 7 10 43 55 2248 7072 798 1808 10.6 15.3 8.2 11.6 Tissue Contrast Signal To Noise Ratio between Tissue and Water: Flux = 2E7 n/cm2. HE = 0.2 mSv (20 mrem) Target tissue thickness (mm) tissue type 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 3 Adipose Air Bone Muscle Soft tissue 2.7 13.3 8.0 0.3 0.2 5.3 42.6 26.7 0.9 0.7 8.0 74.6 48.0 1.5 1.2 11 109 67 2 2 13 168 101 3 2 40 754 389 9 7 5 7 10 64 85 117 1970 4496 14144 853 1596 3617 15 21 31 12 16 23 Tissue Contrast Signal To Noise Ratio between Tissue and Water: Flux = 1E8 n/cm2. HE = 1mSv (100 mrem) Target tissue thickness (mm) tissue type 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 Adipose Air Bone Muscle Soft tissue 6.0 29.8 17.9 0.7 0.5 11.9 95.4 59.6 2.0 1.6 17.9 166.9 107.3 3.3 2.7 24 244 149 5 4 30 375 226 7 5 3 5 7 10 89 143 191 261 1687 4404 10054 31627 870 1907 3570 8087 20 34 47 68 16 26 37 52 Tumor Contrast RESULTS: Differentiation of Tumor vs. Normal Tissue S/N - Tumor to Normal Cell Type: Flux = 5E6 n/cm2. HE = 0.05 mSv Target tumor thickness (mm) tumor type 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 3 5 7 10 Carcinoma/soft Melanoma/soft Sarcoma/muscle Squamous/lung 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.3 2.3 2.3 0.3 0.9 3.9 3.9 0.6 1.5 5.5 5.5 0.8 2.2 8 8 1 3 25 25 3 9 43 43 6 16 63 63 8 23 95 95 11 33 Tumor Contrast S/N - Tumor to Normal Cell Type: Flux = 1E8 n/cm2. HE = 1.0 mSv Target tumor thickness (mm) tumor type 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 3 5 7 10 Carcinoma/soft Melanoma/soft Sarcoma/muscle Squamous /lung 3.5 3.5 0.5 1.4 10.4 10.4 1.6 4.1 17.5 17.5 2.6 6.9 24.6 24.6 3.6 9.7 35 35 5 14 110 110 15 42 192 192 26 72 280 280 36 102 427 427 50 149 Boron Contrast RESULTS: Contrast from Various Boron-10 Concentrations S/N for Boron-10 Concentration: Flux = 5E8 n/cm2, HE = 5.1mSv [B-10] (ug/g) 10 50 100 300 500 700 0.3 0.1 0.6 1.3 4.0 6.6 7.9 0.5 0.2 1.0 2.2 6.6 11.0 13.2 1000 2000 9.3 13.2 15.4 22.0 Borated water thicknesses (mm) 0.7 1 3 5 0 0 1 2 1 2 6 10 3 4 13 22 9 13 39 65 15 22 65 107 18 26 78 128 22 31 31 44 91 128 149 209 7 2 15 30 90 148 177 10 3 21 43 127 208 248 20 7 41 85 246 394 463 204 286 286 394 528 709 Yellow: B-10 concentration presently used in 10BPA BNCT Red: B-10 boron-carbide nanoparticle concentration used by Mortensen for BNCT Boron Contrast S/N for Boron-10 Concentration: Flux = 1.5E9 n/cm2, HE = 15.3 mSv [B-10] (ug/g) 10 50 100 300 500 700 1000 2000 0.3 0.2 1.1 2.2 6.8 11.4 13.7 16.0 22.9 0.5 0.3 1.8 3.7 11.4 19.0 22.9 26.7 38.1 Borated water thicknesses (mm) 0.7 1 3 5 0 1 2 3 3 4 11 18 5 7 22 37 16 23 68 112 27 38 113 186 32 46 135 222 37 53 157 257 53 76 222 362 7 4 25 52 156 257 306 353 495 10 6 36 74 221 360 429 495 683 20 11 71 147 426 683 802 914 1228 Yellow: B-10 concentration presently used in 10BPA BNCT Red: B-10 boron-carbide nanoparticle concentration used by Mortensen for BNCT Gadolinium Contrast RESULTS: Contrast from various Gd-157 concentrations S/N for Gd-157 Concentration: Flux = 5E8 n/cm2, HE = 5 mSv [Gd-157] (ug/g) 1 5 10 30 50 80 100 200 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 1.7 2.8 4.5 5.7 11.4 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.9 2.8 4.7 7.5 9.5 18.9 Gd-water thicknesses (mm) 0.7 1 3 5 0.1 0 0 0 0.6 1 3 4 1.3 2 5 9 3.9 6 17 28 6.6 9 28 46 10.6 15 45 74 13.2 19 56 92 26.5 38 111 181 7 1 6 13 39 65 103 128 248 10 1 8 18 55 92 145 180 345 Yellow: Gadolinium concentration presently for Gd-DTPA MRI 20 7 41 85 246 394 463 528 709 Gadolinium Contrast S/N for Gd-157 Concentration: Flux = 1.5E9 n/cm2, HE = 15.3 mSv [Gd-157] (ug/g) 1 5 10 30 50 80 100 200 0.3 0.0 0.4 0.9 2.9 4.9 7.9 9.8 19.7 0.5 0.1 0.7 1.5 4.9 8.2 13.1 16.4 32.8 Gd-water thicknesses (mm) 0.7 1 3 5 0.1 0 0 1 1.0 1 4 7 2.2 3 9 16 6.8 10 29 48 11.4 16 49 81 18.3 26 78 128 22.9 33 97 160 45.9 65 192 314 7 1 10 22 67 112 179 222 429 Yellow: Gadolinium concentration presently for Gd-DTPA MRI 10 1 15 31 96 159 252 312 597 20 11 71 147 426 683 802 914 1228 Dose Eqvt. for 0.3 mm contrast Summary: Dose Required for 0.3mm slice identification for various S/N Ratios (B-10) B-10: Dose Equivalence (mSv) to obtain S/N Ratio for 0.3mm slice concentration (ug/g) 10 50 100 300 500 700 1000 2000 1 585 13 3 0.33 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.03 2 2339 52 12 1.3 0.47 0.32 0.24 0.12 S/N = 3 5262 117 27 2.9 1.05 0.73 0.54 0.26 4 9355 208 49 5.2 1.87 1.30 0.95 0.47 5 14617 324 76 8.2 2.92 2.03 1.49 0.73 Dose Eqvt. for 0.3 mm contrast Summary: Dose Required for 0.3mm slice identification for various S/N Ratios (Gd-157) Gd-157: Dose Equivalence (mSv) to obtain S/N Ratio for 0.3mm slice concentration (ug/g) 1 5 10 30 50 80 100 200 1 7168 79 18 2 1 0.25 0.16 0.04 2 28673 318 72 7 3 0.99 0.63 0.16 S/N = 3 64515 715 161 16 6 2.23 1.42 0.35 4 114693 1271 287 29 10 3.97 2.53 0.63 5 179208 1986 448 45 16 6.20 3.96 0.99 Conclusions 1. With proper scatter-removal, neutrons can obtain usable anatomical information in a mouse model a) This information would be complementary to that obtained using x-ray, CT, and MRI. b) All tissue types can be imaged with this technique and with minimal radiation exposure to the mouse c) CENI also has been shown to be able to natively differentiate tumors from their normal cell counterpart! Conclusions 2. More importantly, neutrons can be used with B-10 or Gd-157 to obtain metabolic and functional imaging information in a mouse model: a) Our technique would have spatial resolutions better than 10x that presently obtained with PET/SPECT and fMRI. b) It would require quantities of B-10 and Gd-157 that are biologically safe and in quantities used in present medical procedures. c) CENI can be used with any type of functional imaging study presently performed. d) From a safety perspective, CENI also is expected to provide lower (or at least equivalent) radiation exposures since no radioactive materials are used. Acknowledgements I wish to thank my collaborators: Dr. Andrew Karellas Director of Radiological Physics Professor of Radiology University of Massachusetts Medical School Dr. Peter Gaines Assistant Professor of Biology University of Massachusetts Lowell And my research assistants, who have or are working on this project: • Blake Currier • Daniel Cutright, Ph.D. Questions?