Dark Energy, Cosmological CPT Violation and Baryo/Leptogenesis Xinmin Zhang Institute of high energy physics Outline 1) Brief review on the dark energy study; 2) Interacting dark energy and cosmological CPT violation: 3) Baryo/Leptogenesis and CMB polarization 4) Quintessino dark matter Lorentz and CPT violation: Theory: models and speculations; Evidence: none in particle physics experiments cosmology, expanding universe no antimatter (CPT violation or not) Interacting Dark Energy ====Quintessential Baryo/Leptogenesis (cosmological CPT violation) ======== Axion-like coupling Q F_\mu\nu \tilde F^\munu ===== CMB polarization = Susying, Quintessino (DM) a model for dark energy, dark matter and baryon matter Negative pressure: / a a 4 G Dark Energy: ( 3 p) 3 0 3 p 0 a w p / 1 / 3 * Smoothly distributed, (almost ) not clustering Candidates: I Cosmological constant (or vacuum Energy) T 8 G g cosmological constant problem! w p / 1 th / ob ~ 10 120 II Dynamical Field: Quintessence, Phantom, Quintom…. L 1 2 Q Q V (Q ) Q 1 2 1 2 Q V , pQ Q V 2 2 1 wQ 1 Equation of state w=p/ρ: characterize the properties of the dark energy models * Vacuum : * Quintessence: w=-1 w 1 * Phantom: w<-1 * Quintom: w across -1 Important determining the equation of state of dark energy with cosmological observations I) Parameterization of equation of state: A) w=w_0+w_1 z (for small z) B) w=w_0+w_1 z / (1+z) (used mostly in the literature) C) w=w_0+w_1 sin(w_2 ln(a)+w_3) Cosmological Parameters: II) Global analysis with II) current astronomical observational data: SN (Union2.1, SNLS3) LSS (SDSS), CMB(WMAP, …) And CAMB/CosmoMC However, difficulty with the dark energy perturbation when w across -1 ========== divergent 1 w 0 , w 0 , , , No-Go Theorem: For theory of dark energy (DE) in the 4D Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe described by a single perfect fluid or a single scalar field with a lagrangian of , which minimally couples to Einstein Gravity, its equation of state w cannot cross over the cosmological constant boundary. Examples of Quintom models: 1) Two scalar fields: 2) Single scalar with high derivatives: 3) Modified Born-Infeld action: V0 V ( ) e e , Perturbation with Quintom dark energy Here δ and θ are the density perturbation and the divergence of the fluid velocity respectively Perturbation of DE is continuous during crossing! Zhao et.al Phys.Rev.D 72,123515,2005 Our strategy to handle perturbations when w crosses -1 I. Quintessence – like perturbation II. Phantom – like perturbation III. Quintom-based perturbation Zhao et.al Phys.Rev.D 72,123515,2005; M. Li, Y. Cai, H. Li, R. Brandenberger, X. Zhang, e-Print: arXiv:1008.1684 Constraints on dark energy with SN Ia + SDSS + WMAP-1 Observing dark energy dynamics with supernova, microwave background and galaxy clustering Jun-Qing Xia, Gong-Bo Zhao, Bo Feng, Hong Li and Xinmin Zhang Phys.Rev.D73, 063521, 2006 Current status in determining the EoS of dark energy Gongbo Zhao and Xinmin Zhang Phys.Rev.D81:043518,2010 SNLS3, e-Print: arXiv:1104.1444 WMAP7 E. Komatsu et al. e-Print: arXiv:1001.4538 1) Current data has constrained a lot of the models; 2) Cosmological constant is consistent with the data; 3)dynamical models are not ruled out; quintom mildly favored; 4) Need more data to get w_0, w_a with error around O(1 %). Interacting Dark Energy (Quintessence …) * Direct coupling with ordinary matter strongly constrained by the long-range force limits * Interaction with derivative Goldstone theorem: Spin-dependent force == cosmological CPT violation, a unified model of DE and Baryo(Lepto)genesis: Quintessential Baryo/Leptogenesis Quintessential Baryo/Leptogenesis M.Li, X.Wang, B.Feng, X. Zhang PRD65,103511 (2002) De Felice, Nasri, Trodden, PRD67:043509(2003) M.Li & X. Zhang, PLB573,20 (2003) L int c Q M nB g bT 6 b 3 [ In thermo equilibrium Cohen & Kaplan nb b T JB O( gb 2 b 2 E (E 2 m ) 2 m ) ] c 3 T s 1/ 2 g b Q T dE [ 1 exp[( 1 E b ) /T ] 2 6M 2 45 2 g T 3 nB / s 15 c 4 2 g b Q g MT The value of depends on the model of Quintessence Cosmological CPT violation! 1 1 exp[( E b ) / T ] ] Leptogenesis Anomaly for CMB Cosmological CPT violation: predicting <TB> and <EB> Q f (R) Hong Li et al Bo Feng, Hong Li, Mingzhe Li and Xinmin Zhang Phys. Lett. B 620, 27 (2005); Bo Feng, Mingzhe Li , Jun-Qing Xia, Xuelei Chen and Xinmin Zhang Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 221302 (2006) Current status on the measurements of the rotation angle \delta\alpha=-2.33 \pm 0.72 \delta\alpha= -0.04 \pm 0.37 deg With WMAP7+B03+BICEP with WMAP7+B03+BICEP+QUaD Interacting DE, Cosmological CPT violation and CMB test Baryo/Leptogenesis Anomaly Equation CMB polarization and CPT test Cosmological CPT violation: strength ~ O( H ), unobservable in the laborary experiments CMB: travelling around O(1/H), so accumulated effect ~ O(1) observable ! Relevant papers 1) Probing CPT Violation with CMB Polarization Measurements. Jun-Qing Xia, Hong Li, Xinmin Zhang, e-Print: arXiv:0908.1876 2)Testing CPT Symmetry with CMB Measurements: Update after WMAP5. Jun-Qing Xia, Hong Li, Gong-Bo Zhao, Xinmin Zhang, Astrophys.J.679:L61,2008 3)Testing CPT Symmetry with CMB Measurements. Jun-Qing Xia, Hong Li, Xiu-lian Wang, Xin-min Zhang, Astron.Astrophys.483:715-718,2008 4)Cosmological CPT violation, baryo/leptogenesis and CMB polarization. Mingzhe Li, Jun-Qing Xia,, Hong Li, Xinmin Zhang, Phys.Lett.B651:357-362,2007 5)Searching for CPT Violation with Cosmic Microwave Background Data from WMAP and BOOMERANG. Bo Feng,, Mingzhe Li,, Jun-Qing Xia, Xuelei Chen,, Xinmin Zhang Phys.Rev.Lett.96:221302,2006. 6) Testing the Lorentz and CPT Symmetry with CMB polarizations and a nonrelativistic Maxwell Theory. Yi-Fu Cai, Mingzhe Li, Xinmin Zhang, JCAP 1001:017,2010. 7)$CPT$ Violating Electrodynamics and Chern-Simons Modified Gravity. Mingzhe Li, Yi-Fu Cai, Xiulian Wang, Xinmin Zhang, Phys.Lett.B680:118-124,2009 8)Cosmological CPT violating effect on CMB polarization. Mingzhe Li, Xinmin Zhang, Phys.Rev.D78:103516,2008. Sources of the CMB polarization for the B-mode: i)Tensor perturbation; ii)CPT violating effect; iii)Lensing ……. Quintessino As Dark Matter •If susying the Quintessence: Quintessence: Q Squintessence: σ Quintessino: (X. Bi, M. Li and Zhang) q Similar to : Axion, Saxion, Axino Majoron, Smajoron, Majorino (R. Mohapatra and Zhang) •If is lighter than , could serve as Dark matter •Susying the following interaction (H: SU(2) doublet) gives gives * Prediction: long-lived charged particle: Summary 1) Current status on constraints on dark energy: a) Cosmological constant fits data well; b) Dynamical model not ruled out; 2) Interacting DE with derivative couplings ==== cosmological CPT violation =====Quintessential Baryo/Leptogenesis 3) Cosmological CPT violation tested with CMB CMB photon travelling over the distance around the observed universe, provides the most sensitive test to CPT! (anomalous Axion string effect ?)