Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales

Western University
Friday, April 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Niayesh Afshordi
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
“Friday the 13th is a date considered to be bad luck in Western superstition.”
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Introduction: Cold Dark Matter (CDM)
Why phase space of CDM haloes is hierarchical
Too big to Fail? A Tale of Small Scale
Bound Structures & CDM detection
Future Prospects for dark matter astronomy
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Roya Mohayaee (IAP, Paris)
Ed Bertschinger (MIT)
Kathryn Zurek (U-Michigan)
Louis Strigari (Stanford)
Shant Baghram (U-Waterloo/PI)
NA, Mohayaee, Bertschinger: Phys.Rev.D79:083526,2009
NA, Mohayaee, Bertschinger: Phys.Rev.D81:101301, 2010
Baghram, NA, Zurek: Phys.Rev.D84:043511,2011
Baghram, NA, Strigari: in preparation
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Introduction: Cold Dark Matter (CDM)
Why phase space of CDM haloes is hierarchical
Too big to Fail? A Tale of Small Scale
Bound Structures & CDM detection
Future Prospects for dark matter astronomy
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Dark Matter is Collisionless
• Bullet Cluster
Baryons (X-ray)
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Matter (lensing)
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Dark Matter is Cold
Zaldarriaga & Tegmark 2002
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Indirect Detection
• Dark Matter can annihilate to
– photons (Fermi)
– electrons/positrons (PAMELA/Fermi/WMAP…Planck)
– Neutrinos (IceCube)
Springel, et al. 08
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Directional DM detection
• Solar system is moving towards the Cygnus
constellation in the Milky Way, at 220 km/s
 We should see a DM wind coming from Cygnus, which
distinguishes it from any other background
250 km/s
Sciolla et al 2008
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
WIMPs: from gravity to detection
• Gravitational evidence for DM comes from potential:
d3x ρ(x)/|x-x’|
• Direct detection: ρ(x) at solar system
• Indirect detection (annihilation): d3x ρ(x)2
WIMP detection is much more sensitive to DM substructure:
Boost = <ρ2>/<ρ>2-1
Boost to annihilation signal (indirect detection)
(e.g., Taylor & Silk 2003)
Variance for direct detection
(e.g., Stiff, Widrow, & Frieman 2001)
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Introduction: Cold Dark Matter (CDM)
Why phase space of CDM haloes is hierarchical
Too big to Fail? A Tale of Small Scale
Bound Structures & CDM detection
Future Prospects for dark matter astronomy
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Hierarchy in the Phase space
• CDM is really cold
– vCDM ~ 10-11c
• Phase space density remains constant in lieu of collisions
(Liouville’s Theorem):
– At CDM freeze out:
– Within our Galaxy:
 Most of the phase space is empty!
 Structures on all scales
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Hierarchical Micro-Structure of the
Phase Space
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Three types of phase structures
• Bound
et al. 2003
in real/phase space)
• Tidal debris (cluster in
initial conditions)
• Fundamental discreteness
Kuhlen, Diemand, et al.
NGC 3923
 analogous to galaxy shot noise
(NA, Mohayaee, Bertschinger 2009; Vogelsberger & White
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Correlation Functions quantify
Phase Space Correlation Function
Large Scale Structure
Projected Correlation Function
Masjedi, et al.
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Introduction: Cold Dark Matter (CDM)
Why phase space of CDM haloes is hierarchical
Too big to Fail? A Tale of Small Scale
Bound Structures & CDM detection
Future Prospects for dark matter astronomy
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Too Big to Fail Problem?
 Subhalos in Λ𝐶𝐷𝑀 are dynamically can not host the most luminous dwarf
satellites of Milky Way: (Too big to fail?)
(Michael Boylan-Kolchin, James S. Bullock, Manoj Kaplinghat, arXiv :1103.0007)
Aquarius simulation: high resolution simulation of 6 Milky- way type halo
Baghram, NA, & Strigari, in prep.
Afshordi, Perimeter
of Shant
Baghram: http://pirsa.org/12040110/
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Tricks of the Trade!
*Binning in the Energy and Angular momentum
*Non- smooth phase-space density
Number of binning = number of free parameters
 Now we can rewrite the observable density of stars, by plugging the
phase space density function definition as :
 Marginalize over fab’s
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Introduction: Cold Dark Matter (CDM)
Why phase space of CDM haloes is hierarchical
Too big to Fail? A Tale of Small Scale
Bound Structures & CDM detection
Future Prospects for dark matter astronomy
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Bound Substructures
• Small sub-haloes become
resilient to tidal stripping
• Stable clustering hypothesis:
# of pairs at small physical separation remains
constant (Davis & Peebles 77)
• We extend this to the phase
• Unlike the halo model,
captures the full hierarchy: subhaloes, sub-sub-haloes, etc. (also much
fewer parameters)
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
sub-haloes and stable clustering
• Stable clustering in phase space can be used
to describe bound subn-halo hierarchy
Boost » 106 (½crit,0/½)
Kuhlen, Diemand, et al.
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Standard deviation of linear overdensity on
mass scale M
NA, et al. 2010
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
DM annihilation profile:
stable clustering vs. simulations
Annihilation Luminosity (<r)
smooth halo
Bound substructure
+tidal cut-off
Springel, et al. 08
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Massaging the tidal stripping
prescription …
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
sub-haloes in Direct Detection!
• Temporal auto-correlation of DM detection in
several years…
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Dark Matter Astronomy?
• From bound subhaloes:
Boost = O(1) = density variance
@ solar radius
• Local DM wind may
NOT come from the
direction of Cygnus!
• Phase space correlation
will be probed by
directional DM
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Hansen et al. 2005, Vogelsberger et al. 2009, Kuhlen et al. 2010
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Dark Matter subhaloes
may even impact Pulsar Timing
Hertzberg, Siegel, Fry 2007
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
log(Pulsar residual power spectrum)
log(Pulsar residual power spectrum)
Dark Matter subhaloes
may even impact Pulsar Timing
Doppler Effect
Shapiro Delay
Baghram, NA, & Zurek, 2011
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
• CDM has lots of structure on small scales:
– Boost in DM annihilation
– Time dependence in direct detection signal
– Rich structure for directional DM detection
– Potentially detectable Pulsar Timing residuals
• Correlation Function in Phase Space is a
Powerful tool ( stable clustering)
• Measuring Dark Matter masses from stellar
kinematics is a tricky business
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012
Tales of Dark Matter on Small Scales
Two Cautionary Notes…
• What about baryons?
– They can enhance CDM structures through
adiabatic contraction, or destroy them via
gravitational collisions/heating
– Real haloes are almost certainly more
• Why not just extrapolate simulations?
– Simulations are NOT scale-free  tidal limit
– Neither is CDM over 10 orders of magnitude!
Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute/U-Waterloo
Western University, Apr. 13, 2012