UNDERSTANDING THE STRUCTURAL AND PHYSICAL BASIS OF SELENIUM BASED SEMICONDUCTOR Professor Zainal Abidin Talib Dr. Josephine Liew Ying Chyi Professor W. Mahmood Mat Yunus INTRODUCTION Copper Selenide belongs to a family of chalcogenide materials has received great attention due to its particular photoelectrical properties and wide applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices [1-12] such as: photodetector optical filter solar cell schottky-diodes thermoelectric converter The attraction of this binary material also depends on its feasibility to use as a precursor material to incorporate indium or other elements made available and lead to formation of ternary compound such as copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2) or other multinary material for thin film solar cell application [13-17]. It has a wide range of stoichiometric compositions (CuSe, Cu2Se, Cu3Se2, Cu7Se4, Cu5Se4, CuSe2) and non-stoichiometric composition (Cu2-xSe) [8, 18] Copper selenide can be constructed into several well documented crystallographic (phases and structural) forms such as orthorhombic [17, 19-21], monoclinic [22], cubic [2124], tetragonal [17, 21], hexagonal [24-26] etc depending on their compositions form by various preparation technique [22, 27]. Tin Selenide (SnSe) Tin Selenide is a p-type (IV-VI) semiconductor with attractive electronic and optical properties [1, 28-38] which bring numerous applications such as: Photovoltaic system Radiation detector Holographic recording systems Infrared optoelectroni c devices Memory switching devices Lithium intercalation batteries Thermoelectric cooling Tin Selenide are classified as narrow-gap semiconductors (bandgap 1 – 2 eV) and are capable of absorbing major part of solar energy for photovoltaic applications[1, 28, 39, 40]. Tin monoselenide is a p-type semiconductor with an orthorhombic structure. The tin(II) selenide crystals are construct by tightly bound layers which formed by double planes with zigzag chains of tin and selenium atoms[41]. The highly layered structure, typical of all orthorhombic chlacogenide crystals, causes a strong anisotropy of physical properties of tin(II) selenide. Because of their anisotropic character, the tin (II) selenide chalcogenides becomes an attractive layered compounds, and can be used as cathode materials in lithium intercalation batteries[42]. Copper Tin Selenide (Cu2SnSe3) Ternary chalcogenide materials having a semiconductor nature are currently attracting the attention of investigators due to their outstanding optical-thermal-electrical-mechanical properties and wide variety of potential applications in the fields like [43 – 52]: Photovoltaic cell thermoelectric Heterojunction laser Non-linear optical material Electronics and optoelectronics devices The study of these materials is important since their band gap and lattice parameters can be varied by changing the cation composition, low melting temperature at around 690oC, high mean atomic weight and high refractive indices [51, 53 – 55]. Copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2) currently is one of the main compound used in photovoltaic application. However, indium are not cheap, therefore replacing indium with tin will potentially be cost-competitive as tin supply are more abundant and cheaper. Preparation of copper tin selenide system will lead to lower production cost and making supply situation more stable. NICKEL SELENIDE (NiSe) Nickel Selenide , a p-type semiconductor with a band-gap of 620nm (2.0eV) reveals significant electronic and magnetic properties. NiSe is formed from Nickel and Selenium due to the valence electronic configuration of Ni (3d84s2) and the small difference in electronegativity between Ni (χ = 1.9) and Se (χ = 2.4) IRON SELENIDE (FeSe2) • Semiconductors • Potential material for future applications in magnetoelectronics • Potential material for future applications in optoelectronic devices ZINC SELENIDE (ZnSe) • ZnSe is good candidates for applications in various optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes (LED), semiconductor laser and photodetector. • This is because of the nanometer size structure makes the electronic energy state discrete. • When the diameter of nanocrystals is decreased, the energy separation and quantum effect will be enhanced. OBJECTIVE Fabrication of selenium based semiconductor (CuSe, SnSe, NiSe2, Cu2SnSe3) in powder form (compositional analysis) and thin film (deposition condition analysis). Optical, electrical and thermal properties characterization of the Se based semiconductor. Evaluate the temperature dependence of the selenium based semiconductor from the observation of structural, electrical, optical and thermal properties changes at various temperature. IMPORTANT OF STUDIES It is evident that for the future well-being of nations, a supply of energy based on a renewable source which is economically and environmentally acceptable has to be developed. Successful production of an efficient metal chalcogenide solar cell and modules requires the coupling of fabrication techniques with a basic understanding of the devices. There is a need to develop a greater fundamental sciences and engineering basis for the selenium based semiconductor material devices and processing requirement. In this work, we have fill the information gap on literature about the fundamental study of the structural, electrical, thermal and optical studies in polycrystalline CuSe, SnSe, NiSe2, ZnSe, FeSe2 and Cu2SnSe3 material. This fundamental knowledge will guide us to find out the fabrication and design parameters, which are imposed by current technology, material specifications and irradiation conditions to maximize the solar cell efficiency. Sample Preparation Powder preparation – Chemical Precipitation Technique Pellet preparation – Moulding Thin film preparation – Thermal Evaporation Technique CuSe Powder Preparation Chemical Precipitation Method Selenium alkaline aqueous solution (12 M NaOH + 3.948 g Se) (Solution A) Stirred for 2 hours CuCl22H2O solution (solution B) Mixture stirred for 24 hours Black precipitate obtained Centrifuge and wash in distill water Dried in oven ( 70oC) for 24 hr Structural studies by XRD Pressed into pellet XRD pattern of CuSe Sample prepared at different Molarity of CuCl2.H2O Se Cu3Se2 Cu2Se CuSe 0.09 mol CuCl2.H2O Intensity (Arb. Unit) 0.06 mol CuCl2.H2O 0.05 mol CuCl2.H2O 0.04 mol CuCl2.H2O 0.03 mol CuCl2.H2O 20 25 30 35 40 Position () 45 0.02 mol CuCl .H O 2 2 50 55 60 We found that by using the concentration of 0.03 mol CuCl22H2O, the CuSe powder with high purity has been successfully produced. XRD Spectra of synthesized CuSe powder 102 8000 All the peaks obtained are well matched with the JCPDS data (File No. 34-0171) as Klockmannite, syn which belongs to the hexagonal system. 7000 110 5000 2000 202 108 106 1000 Orientation along (102) plane was found to be most prominent. 116 101 3000 006 4000 100 Intensity (Arb. Unit) 6000 0 20 25 30 35 40 Position (2) 45 50 55 60 EDX spectrum for synthesized CuSe powder • There are three prominent peaks corresponding to the Cu, Se and Au element. • The Au signal detected in the EDX spectrum is the results of gold coating on sample to prevent charging. • small signal of C and O observed is expected from the background environment and carbon tape holding the powder sample. • There are no other impurities elements were found by EDX spectrum. Synthesis SnSe Powder Chemical Precipitation Method Selenium alkaline aqueous solution (0.56 mol NaOH + 1.974 g Se) (Solution A) (50 ml water) Stirred for 2 hours Tin (II) complex aqueous Solution (SnCl2 + 9 g tartaric acid) (solution B) Stirred for 2 hours Mixture stirred for 24 hours Black precipitate obtained wash in sequence using membrane filter centrifuge Dried in oven ( 70oC) Structural studies by XRD Moulding into pellet Intensity (Arb.Unit) Se mol SnCl2 mol SnCl2 mol SnCl2 mol SnCl2 mol SnCl2 mol SnCl2 20 25 30 35 40 45 mol SnCl2 50 55 60 Position (2) XRD pattern of SnSe Sample prepared at different molarity of SnCl2 111 XRD Spectra of synthesized SnSe powder All the peaks obtained are well matched with the JCPDS data (File No. 32-1382) which belongs to the orthorhombic system. 8000 6000 Orientation along (111) plane was found to be most prominent. 400 The sharp peaks obtained indicate that the material produced is of high crystallinity. 402 420 511 302 411 102 2000 011 311 4000 201 Intensity (Arb. Unit) 10000 0 20 25 30 35 40 Position (2 45 50 55 60 EDX spectrum for synthesized SnSe powder Strong peaks corresponding to Sn, Se and Au element are found in the spectrum, and no impurity peaks are detected in the EDX spectrum. The elemental analysis was carried out only for Sn and Se element and the average atomic percentage of Sn:Se is 52.36 : 47.64 in the ratio range 1.1 : 1 which is nearly stoichiometry and close to the expected value of 1:1 (SnSe) in agreement with the XRD data. The Au peak observed in the EDX spectrum is due to the gold sputtering coating on the sample to prevent charging while the carbon and oxygen peaks are due to the dissolved atmospheric CO2 or carbon tape holding the powder sample. To study the effects of concentration NiCl2·6H2O in synthesizing NiSe Both mass were put together in a beaker Mass of the Se powder was weighted The autoclave were put into the oven for 180⁰C for 6 hours Mass of NiCl2·6H2O was weighted The solution were poured into the Teflon lined autoclave Ethylenediamine were added into the beaker XRD patterns of NiSe2 compound synthesized using different concentration of NiCl2·6H2O XRD Spectra of synthesized NiSe2 powder • All the peaks obtained are well matched with the JCPDS data (File No. 98-0101405), Nickel (IV) Selenide which belongs to the cubic system. • The sharp peaks obtained indicate that the material produced is of high crystallinity. Synthesis of ZnSe Compound XRD pattern of ZnSe synthesized with different ratio ZnCl2/Se XRD Spectra of synthesized ZnSe powder • All the peaks obtained are well matched with the JCPDS data (File No. 98-0091262), stilleite which belongs to the cubic system. • The sharp peaks obtained indicate that the material produced is of high crystallinity. Synthesis of FeSe2 sample 40 ml of distilled water was prepared . 3 ml of N2H4•H2O was prepared. All the starting materials were added into distilled water and stir for 3 minutes at 6 rpm. Na2SeO3 and FeCl3•6H2O was prepared. The sample was transferred into 50 ml Stainless Teflon-lined autoclave and heated up at 140°C for 12 hours. The sample was filtered with distilled water in a centrifuge for 15 times. The sample was dry in an oven at 60°C for 48 hours. The sample was weight and transferred to a sample bottle. The sample was grind with pestle and mortar into powder form. XRD patterns of FeSe2 compound synthesized using different concentration of NiCl2·6H2O The FeSe2 peaks in the entire pattern obtained can be identified as orthorhombic FeSe2 with lattice constant a=4.80 Å, b=5.78 Å, c=3.58 Å, which matched the value in the standard data (ICSD, 98-0048006). Other oxides formed are Fe3O4 (ICSD, 98-001-7319) and Fe2O3 (ICSD, 98009-6377). Schematic flow chart for the Cu2SnSe3 nanoparticles preparation Chemical Precipitation Method selenium alkaline aqueous solution Se + NaOH to produce Se2- and SeO 32 ions Stirred for 2 hours Tin (II) complex aqueous solution 0.078 mol SnCl2∙2H2O + tartaric acid Stirred for 2 hours Cu (II) tartrate complex solution (0.015, 0.030, 0.045, 0.060, 0.068, 0.075, 0.083, 0.090, 0.120 and 0.150 mol) CuCl2∙2H2O + tartaric acid Stirred for 2 hours pH control Mixture stir for 24 hours precipitate obtained Centrifuge and wash in distill water Dried in oven ( 70oC) for 24 hr Grinding powder using mortar and pestle XRD pattern of the copper tin selenide powder synthesized by controlling the concentration of copper chloride (CuCl22H2O) from 0.015 to 0.150 mol with the concentration of tin chloride (SnCl2∙2H2O) and Se fixed at 0.078 and 0.025 mol respectively Cu2SnSe3 Intensity (Arb. Unit) 12000 10000 6000 2000 0.060 mol CuCl2.2H2O 0.045 mol CuCl2.2H2O 14000 12000 10000 8000 0.120 mol CuCl2.2H2O o 0.083 mol CuCl2.2H2O o 0.090 mol CuCl2.2H2O 2000 6000 0.150 mol CuCl2.2H2O o Se CuSe 4000 o o 0.015 mol CuCl2.2H2O * Cu3Se2 0.030 mol CuCl .2H O 2 2 Cu2SnSe3 16000 0.068 mol CuCl2.2H2O CuSe 4000 8000 SnSe Intensity (Arb. Unit) 14000 0.075 mol CuCl2.2H2O 0.068 mol CuCl2.2H2O 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 Position (2 Theta) 50 55 60 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Position (2Theta • The XRD results show that when excessive CuCl22H2O was added, the final product is a mixture of Cu3Se2, CuSe and Cu2SnSe3. • Less CuCl22H2O concentration will lead to formation of SnSe and Cu2SnSe3 mixture. • All these results indicate that the binary compounds such as CuSe and SnSe will become intermediates during the formation of product Cu2SnSe3. • 0.068 mol CuCl2.2H2O concentration has been chosen as the optimum amount to further test on the pH condition Cu2SnSe3 20000 18000 16000 Intensity (Arb. Unit) Cu3Se2 SnSe 14000 pH 0.84 pH 1.09 pH 1.30 12000 pH 1.58 10000 pH 1.65 8000 pH 1.77 6000 pH 1.90 4000 pH 3.63 2000 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 pH 6.51 55 60 Position (2) XRD pattern of copper tin selenide powder synthesized at different pH condition (pH 0.84, 1.09, 1.30. 1.58, 1.65, 1.77, 1.90, 3.63, 6.51) with 0.068 mol CuCl22H2O, 5.2 M SnCl2∙2H2O and 0.5 M Se concentration the growth solution of pH at 1.30 is the optimum acidity condition which favors the formation of Cu2SnSe3 phase without any other impurities. 220 XRD Spectra of synthesized Cu2SnSe3 powder All the peaks obtained are well matched with the JCPDS data (File No. 01-089-2879) as Copper Tin Selenide which belongs to the cubic system 111 3000 2000 311 1000 Orientation along (220) plane was found to be most prominent. 331 400 Intensity (Arb. Unit) 4000 0 20 30 40 50 Position 2 60 70 80 EDX spectrum of synthesized Cu2SnSe3 powder • The results show the prominent peaks in the EDX spectrum are attributed to Cu (34.54%), Sn (18.48%) and Se (46.97%). • The Au signal detected in the EDX spectrum is the results of gold sputtering on powder sample to prevent charging while the carbon and oxygen signal are expected due to the dissolved atmospheric CO2 or carbon tape holding the powder samples. • No other impurity elements are found in the EDX spectrum. • The calculated average atomic ratio of Cu:Sn:Se appears to be nearly stoichiometric (2.1 : 1.1 : 2.9) which is close to the expected value of (2 : 1 : 3) the nominal composition of Cu2SnSe3 as suggested by the XRD study. Methodology Evacuated ampoule + Evacuated ampoule Combination of evacuated quartz ampoule & modified rocking furnace Source material ‘A furnace for producing chalcogenide based alloy and a method for producing thereof’ by Talib, Z. A., Sabli, N., Yunus, W. M. M., Shaari, A. H. (MyIPO Paten Pending: PI2012700841) Results (Source Material) Synthesized SnSe XRD pattern of synthesized SnSe powder (before deposition) 43172 cps 2000 (111) (402) (312) (610) (420) (412) (502) (002) (102) (112) (411) (020) (011) (210) (101) (201) Intensity (Arbitary units) (311) (511) (400) 0 20 30 40 50 60 Sabli, N., Talib, Z. A., Yunus, W. M. M., Zainal, Z., Hilal, H. S., and Fujii, M. (2014). SnSe thin film electrodes prepared by vacuum evaporation: Enhancement of photoelectrochemical efficiency by argon gas condensation method. Electrochemistry, 82(1), 1-6 degrees Synthesized XRD data well matched with JCPDS data (98-002-4334) Powder can be used as source material for vacuum evaporation Results (Source Material) Synthesized Cu2SnSe3 XRD pattern of synthesized Cu2SnSe3 powder (before deposition) (002)/(131) Intensity (Arbitary units) 14000 (331)/(060) 7000 (260)/(402) (262)/ (404) (462)/(191) /(135)/(264) 0 20 40 60 80 2degrees) Synthesized XRD data well matched with JCPDS data (98-007-7744 ) Powder can be used as source material for vacuum evaporation Results (Source Material) Synthesized Cu2ZnSnSe4 XRD pattern of synthesized Cu2ZnSnSe4 powder (before deposition) (112) Intensity (Arbitary units) 14000 (220)/(024) 7000 (132)/(116) (332)/(136) (040)/(008) 0 20 40 60 Sabli, N., Talib, Z. A., Yunus, M., Mahmood, W., Zainal, Z., Hilal, H. S., and Fujii, M. (2013). CuZnSnSe Thin Film Electrodes Prepared by Vacuum Evaporation: Enhancement of Surface Morphology and Photoelectrochemical Characteristics by Argon Gas. In Materials Science Forum (Vol. 756, pp. 273-280). 80 2(degrees) Synthesized XRD data well matched with JCPDS data (98-006-7242) Powder can be used as source material for vacuum evaporation Mechanochemical solid state synthesis of Cd0.5Zn0.5Se The starting materials were high-purity cadmium (99.99%), zinc (99.99%) and selenium (99.99%) elemental powders purchased from Alfa Aesar. Mixtures at the desired atomic ratios were placed in a stainless steel grinding jar with stainless balls under an inert atmosphere. The intensive grinding the mixtures was performed in a high-energy planetary ball mill PM 100 (Retsch) with a ball-to-powder ratio of 10:1. Grinding balls of 3 mm in diameter were used. The milling time was varied from 5 to 20 hours at a speed of 500 rpm. Small quantities of the as-milled powders were removed from the grinding jar at various time intervals for microstructural and optical characterization. Pellet Sample Preparation The synthesized CuSe and Cu2SnSe3 powders were weighed in the desired amount and then placed into the 8mm diameter mould to form a pellet shape sample by using a hydraulic press (SPECAC USA, model 15011) of 3 ton pressure. The pelletization process is to force the particles into close proximity. 8mm 4.5mm 8mm 38mm 38mm 5mm 6mm 30mm 8mm Pellet mould with 8 mm diameter 30mm Thin Film Deposition Vacuum Chamber substrate holder Pressure monitor Molybdenum/ tungsten filament shutter glass Sample to be deposited AC Power Supply High vacuum created by diffusion pump backed by rotary pump Thermal Evaporation System (Edwards Auto 306 Vacuum Coating) Methodology Install argon gas supply & nozzle to flow argon Heater (setting with thermocouple to note the temperature) Substrate (1.5cm X 2.5cm, ITO/glass) Boat (Molybdenum/ tungsten) Copper rod 14 cm Electrodes (Copper) :connected to high current, low voltage needle valve valve Chamber pressure gauge moisture trap Sonic nozzle ( jet dia. 0.5mm) To diffusion pump system Argon gas cylinder Hypothesis 1 After collision (3) Higher retained kinetic energy Sn and Se are expected to react Cu (Atomic weight: 63.546) Zn (Atomic weight : 65.409) Sn (Atomic weight : 118.71) Se (Atomic weight : 78.96) Ar ; inert gas Propose: Argon gas injection system Before collision (1) Compound (atoms/ions) Higher argon gas volume heats at same temp; atoms have same mean kinetic energy (Ek = 3/2 kT) After collision (2) Lighter atoms (Cu, Zn) have higher speed due to Ek = 1/2 mV2; Higher speed more collisions with Ar atoms lose kinetic energy Hypothesis 2 (Cu,Zn): SnSe Pure SnSe thin film e- CB VB Compound: SnSe (50:50) More carriers e - e- CB Impurity level VB Compound Cu2ZnSnSe4: (25:12.5:12.5:50) Annealing process For the heat treatment process, the CuSe and Cu2SnSe3 film were placed on the quartz boat and heated with gas N2 (1cc/min) by using furnace. The annealing process was carried out at a temperature raised from room temperature 26 oC to 100 oC, 200 oC, 300 oC, 400 oC at an increasing rate (2 oC/min). Upon reaching the required temperature, it was maintained for 3 hours. The temperature was then natural cooling to room temperature for 24 hours. Methodology XRD (PanAnalytical X’pert PRO PW3040) FESEM, EDX and TEM Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (JOEL JSM-6700F) Transmission Electron Microscope (Hitachi H7100 TEM) Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) (LEO 1455 VP SEM ) Schematic Diagram for Low Temperature Two Probe Measurement System Voltmeter Current source Temperature controller Argon gas Rotary pump Liquid nitrogen Argon gas vacuum Variable temperature optical cryostat Two probe system Schematic Diagram for Low Temperature Photoflash Technique Temperature controller argon gas Preamplifier Liquid nitrogen rotary pump Argon gas vacuum sample Signal Ref Oscilloscop e photodiode Thermocoupl e Camera flash Variable temperature optical cryostat Laser flash NETZSCH (LFA 457) Microflash for high temperature thermal diffusivity measurement Microstructure Analysis using AFM (Quesant Q-Scope 250) The characterization of surface morphology of the CuSe thin films was studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique (Quesant Q-Scope 250) in tapping mode at ambient temperature. Ellipsometer Technique (ELX-02C) Ellipsometer measures the change of polarization upon reflection or transmission. The ellipsometer mechanics consists of a transmitter unit (He-Ne laser – 632.8 nm) and a receiver unit (polarising prism) fixed at the end of adjustable arms. Ellipsometry is an indirect method, i.e. in general the measured Ψ and Δ cannot be converted directly into the optical constants of the sample, a model analysis must be performed. Using an iterative procedure (least-squares minimization) unknown optical constants and/or thickness parameters are varied, and Ψ and Δ values are calculated using the Fresnel equations. The calculated Ψ and Δ values, which match the experimental data best, provide the optical constants and thickness parameters of the sample Fiber Optic Spectrophotometer The optical studies of CuSe film analyzed using Ocean Fiber Optics Spectrophotometer. The transmittance spectra in the region 300nnm – 800nm has been collected and optical parameters such as optical absorption coefficient and optical band gap has been evaluated. Structural Analysis X-Ray Powder Diffraction 108 202 116 110 006 106 300K 100 101 102 In-situ XRD pattern of synthesized CuSe powder at 100 – 300 K 50 55 The structure was stable at the temperature range 100K – 398 K where no additional or unassigned peaks are observed Intensity (Arb. Unit) 275K 250K 225K 200K 175K 150K 125K 100K 20 25 30 35 40 45 Position (2 Theta) 60 In-situ XRD pattern of synthesized CuSe powder at 298 – 473 K. Cu Se At temperature started from 423 K, an additional peak is observed at 2 = 45.38 which corresponding to d-spacing value of 1.99 Å. This peak was identified to the standard pattern of stoichiometric Cu2Se called bellidoite (JCPDS 29-0575). 116 202 110 106 006 2 108 473K 100 101 102 Pt / CuSe Intensity (Arb. Unit) 448K 423K 398K 373K 348K 323K 298K 20 25 30 35 40 45 Posistion (2 Theta) 50 55 60 TGA and DTG curve for synthesized CuSe powder at heating rate 10 K/min 105 700 K 70 -0.035 -0.040 65 -0.045 657 K 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Temperature, T (K) 1100 1200 20000 15000 10000 5000 the decomposition behaviour is attributed to the formation of Cu2Se products due to the release of elemental Se. CuSe (JCPDS File No. 34-0171) 202 116 -0.030 311 75 108 -0.025 Cu2Se (JCPDS File No. 03-065-2982) 220 80 25000 110 -0.020 106 TG DTG 200 -0.015 85 006 -0.010 90 111 -0.005 102 324 K 465 K 100 101 weight loss, (%) 95 Phase transformation from CuSe to Cu2Se structure as the synthesized CuSe powder annealed at 653 K in N2 for 12 hours Intensity (Arb. Unit) 0.000 Derivative weight loss, dm/dt (%/min) 0.005 548 K 100 50 55 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 Posistion (2 ) 60 Intensity (Arb. Unit) 420 402 511 302 411 311 011 400 102 300 K 201 111 In-Situ XRD pattern of synthesized SnSe Powder at 100 K – 300 K 275 K 250 K 225 K 200 K 175 K 150 K 125 K 100 K 20 30 40 Position (2 Theta) 50 60 Intensity (Arb. Unit) Pt The structure was stable from low temperature 100K until high temperature 473 K where no additional or unassigned peaks are observed. 420 402 511 302 102 411 Pt 311 011 111 400 473K 201 In-Situ XRD pattern of synthesized SnSe Powder at 298 K – 473 K 448K 423K 398K 373K This indicates that the sample powder is stable and contains no impurities. 348K 323K 298K 20 30 40 Position (2Theta) 50 60 Annealing at 1173 K destroys the SnSe lattice (peaks of SnSe disappear in the sample) and leads to formation of SnO2 and Sn phases in the presence of oxygen and release of free selenium followed the reaction in eq. (5.9) [56, 57]: 70000 (c) 400 (b) 002 Sn Sn 220 211 200 111 101 110 Sn Sn 50000 SnSe powder annealed at 873 K (JCPDS: 48-1224) 40000 30 502 601 610 420 511 302 411 501 102 311 Position (2 Theta) 50 420 511 221 402 411 40 302 0 20 2SnSe + 3O2 = SnO2 + Sn + 2SeO2 SnSe powder (JCPDS: 48-1224) 102 10000 (a) SnO2 311 20000 011 011 111 111 400 201 210 30000 201 210 Intensity (Arb. Units) 60000 SnSe powder annealed at 1173 K (JCPDS: 01-077-03448) 60 Intensity (Arb. Units) 331 400 311 111 220 In-Situ XRD pattern of synthesized Cu2SnSe3 Powder at 100 K – 300 K. 300 K 275 K 250 K 225 K 200 K 175 K 150 K 125 K 100 K 20 30 40 50 Position 2 60 70 80 400 * * 331 * Pt 311 111 220 In-Situ XRD pattern of synthesized Cu2SnSe3 Powder at 298 K – 523 K. 523 K Intensity (Arb. Units) 498 K 473 K 448 K 423 K 398 K 373 K 348 K 323 K 298 K 20 30 40 50 Position 2 60 70 80 The Cu2SnSe3 structure was very stable at the temperature range 100K – 523 K where no additional or unassigned peaks are observed (b) 111 10000 220 11000 Cu2SnSe3 powder annealed at 753 K (a) 3000 331 Cu2O 400 Cu2O 311 Cu2SnSe3 powder 1000 400 311 2000 331 4000 Sn2O3 220 5000 Cu2O 200 6000 Cu3Se2 Cu3Se2 7000 Sn2O3 Cu2O 8000 111 Intensity (Arb. Units) 9000 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Position (2 Theta) Comparison between the as-synthesized Cu2SnSe3 powder with the annealed Cu2SnSe3 powder 80 some additional characteristic peaks attributed to the Cu3Se2 (JCPDS: 03-065-1656), Cu2O (JCPDS: 01-077-0199) and Sn2O3 (JCPDS: 25-1259) phase are observed after the Cu2SnSe3 powder annealed at 773 K. Additional peaks present in Figure 5.35 are caused by the recrystallization and oxidation of the material at higher annealing temperature [58]. Morphology SEM result for Synthesized CuSe powder Fig (a-d) shows the SEM micrograph of the CuSe powder at 50000 ×, 20000 ×, 10000 × and 2500 magnification which showed particles rod-like shape. It is observed that the smallest grain size is of the order of 37 nm. (a) (c) (b) (d) The big islands are formed by the agglomeration of smaller grains with length in the range of 40 - 240 nm. • Rod like shape particles • highest count of diameter size range in 30-40 nm range • average diameter size distribution of 54.1 nm 60 No. of counts 50 40 30 20 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-100 100-200 200-300 Diameter size range (nm) 80 10.0 70 8.0 60 6.0 Lg D 50 4.0 40 2.0 30 0.0 14 FESEM image and particle size distribution histogram of synthesized CuSe powder. Mean Crystallite Size, Lg (nm) 0 12.0 Dislocation DensityD x 10 (lines/m ) 10 90 2 20 -2.0 50 20 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Temperature, T (K) mean crystallite size obtained from XRD at temperature range of 100 – 473 K 15 No. of counts 100 10 5 0 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Diameter size range (nm) TEM image and particle size distribution histogram of synthesized CuSe powder • rod-like shape particles • highest count of diameter size range in 30-40 nm • average size distribution of 35.2 nm. SEM result for Synthesized SnSe powder SnSe powder showed particles with granules, sheet-like and agglomerate slightly. (a) (c) The SEM micrograph confirm the layered structure growth of the SnSe synthesis using chemical precipitation method. It is observed that the average grain size of the small spherical grains is 29.14 nm. (b) (d) 35 30 No. of counts 25 20 15 10 5 0 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 Diameter size range (nm) • flake-like or plate-like structure is built up by the interconnected network or overlapping of nanorod of the SnSe particles which agglomerates together and link to layered semiconductor. • the highest count of diameter size is in 40-50 nm range • average diameter size distribution of (50.6 1.2) nm. 48 FESEM image and particle size distribution histogram of synthesized SnSe powder Mean crystallite size, Lg (nm) 46 14 12 No. of counts 10 44 42 40 38 36 8 34 100 6 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature, T (K) 4 2 0 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 Diameter size range (nm) TEM image and particle size distribution histogram of synthesized SnSe powder 80-90 90-100 • dispersion leads to the breakup of the flake-like or layered-like structure network into individual nanorod particles. • highest count of particle size range in 40-50 nm • average size distribution of (48.5 2.8) nm SEM results for synthesized Cu2SnSe3 powder Fig. (a-d) shows the SEM micrograph of the Cu2SnSe3 powder at 50000 ×, 20000 ×, 10000 × and 2500 magnification which show particles with granules like shape. (a) (c) It is observed that the average grain size of the small spherical grains is 36 nm. The grains are well defined, spherical, of almost similar size, which indicates that the powder produced from the precipitation technique was homogenous and uniform. (b) (d) • powder is homogeneous, spherical in shape and slightly agglomerate. • the highest count of diameter size range as (30 -40) nm • average diameter size distributions as 36.3 nm. 100 No. of counts 80 60 40 20 40 3.0 35 2.5 30 2.0 25 1.5 20 1.0 0 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 FESEM image and particle size distribution histogram of synthesized Cu2SnSe3 powder 15 Mean Crystallite Size, Lg (nm) Diameter size range (nm) Lg 15 0.5 2 D 40 10 100 35 Dislocation Density, D x 10 (lines/m ) 20-30 200 300 400 500 0.0 600 Temperature, T (K) No. of counts 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 Diameter size range (nm) TEM image and (b) particle size distribution histogram of synthesized Cu2SnSe3 powder 50-60 • homogeneous distribution of the small spherical nanoparticles • The highest count of diameter size range is obtained to be in between 20-30 nm • the average size distribution being of 23.0 nm. Electrical Properties Electrical conductivity as a function of temperature for CuSe in bulk form Electrical conductivity, (S/cm) 1050 reduction in Hall mobility due to phonon scattering 1000 950 region I 900 variable range hopping 850 800 50 100 150 200 250 300 • the decrease of electrical conductivity can be explained by the reduction in Hall mobility, due to the influence of region II impurity, defect scattering, lattice scattering or surface scattering [10, 59 – 61]. • the increase of the electrical conductivity with the temperature can be explained as a consequent of thermal activation of the electrons which gained thermionic enough energy to jump emission across the depletion layers at the crystallite boundaries which act as potential barriers for 350 400 450 500 conduction electrons [62, 63]. Temperature, T (K) Hall mobility and carrier sheet densities as a function of temperature for CuSe in bulk form 1E21 100 • -2 2 Hall mobility, H (cm / Vs) Nc 1E20 10 Carrier sheet density, Nc (cm ) -2.52 T • The Hall mobility of the CuSe pellet decreases from (92.9 0.9) to (5.61 0.06) cm2/Vs as the temperature increased from 100 to 300 K The impurities or defects inside the polycrystalline compound will develop space charge polarization with the large concentration of the charge carrier and subsequently induced trapping or localization process which decrease the electrical conductivity [64]. 1E19 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature, T (K) • • the carrier sheet density of the CuSe pellet increase from (2.54 0.03) 1019 to (3.08 0.03) 1019 cm-2 with increasing temperature which corresponds to the behaviour normally observed in a non-degenerate semiconductor trend. This behaviour can be explained by the usual impurity concentration in which the excitation of conduction electrons occurs from impurity centres [65]. Thermionic Emission • 10.00 9.95 9.90 Ea = (46 1/2 ln (T ) 9.85 4) meV 9.80 • 9.75 9.70 9.65 9.60 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 1000/T ln (T1/2) versus (1000/T) at 349- 449 K for CuSe in bulk form • The temperature dependence of the conductivity in the higher temperature range (349- 449 K) follows the thermionic emissions over the grain boundary potential model and obeys Seto’s [66, 67] extended version of the Petritz model using equation: Ea T o exp kT The linearity of the plots reveals that thermally-assisted thermionic emission over the grain boundary potential contributes to the conduction mechanism and the grain boundary scattering of charge carriers is more predominant in the samples investigated. It is believed that the small value of activation energy in the this temperature region is the energy required to overcome the grain boundary potential in this polycrystalline materials The hopping conduction mechanism should dominate at low temperatures since the electrons do not have sufficient energy to cross the potential barrier through thermionic emission. According to Mott, variable range hopping is expected to be predominant at the lowest temperature as electron can hops to the nearest neighbouring empty site or move to a more energetically similar remote site and leads to conductivity–temperature dependence follows equation [68, 69]: To 1 / 4 T ho exp T Variable Range Hopping 9.45 9.40 1/2 ln (T ) 9.35 9.30 9.25 9.20 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 -1/4 T 0.30 0.31 0.32 -1/4 (K ) ln (T1/2) versus (T-1/4) at 99 - 214 K for CuSe in bulk form the linear variation observed between 99 – 214 K with a good fit to the conductivity–temperature data indicates that the possible conduction mechanism at these temperatures can be described by Mott’s [67, 70] variable range hopping law. Electrical conductivity as a function of temperature for SnSe in bulk form • 2.5 Electrical conductivity, (S/cm) 2.0 • 1.5 • variable range hopping 1.0 thermionic emission 0.5 0.0 100 200 300 400 Temperature, T (K) 500 600 The electrical conductivity is found to increase slowly in the temperature range 100 K-396 K followed by a drastically increase above 420 K. The nature of response exhibits the ordinary semiconducting behaviour of the material throughout the temperature range. The substantial increase in electrical conductivity of the SnSe pellet is mainly determined by the carrier sheet density of the sample which depict the carrier sheet density of the SnSe pellet follows an exponential temperature dependence of a typical semiconductors. Hall mobility and carrier sheet densities as a function of temperature for SnSe in bulk form 10000 1E14 • • T 1000 1E13 -7.15 2 Hall mobility, H (cm / Vs) -2 1E15 Carrier Sheet Density, Nc (cm ) 100000 1E12 H 100 Nc 1E11 10 1E10 1 1E9 0.1 100 150 200 Temperature, T (K) 250 300 • the mobility decreases as the temperature increased from 100 to 300 K. In polycrystalline semiconductors the transport of carrier is driven by scattering mechanism at intercrystallite boundaries, rather than by intracrystallite characteristics. Based on the grain boundary trapping theory, the decrease of mobility and steep rise of the carrier is due to the total carrier depletion of the grains which able to capture and therefore immobilize free carriers [71, 72]. Thermionic Emission • 4.0 3.5 ln (T) 1/2 3.0 Ea = (0.44 2.5 0.03) eV 2.0 • 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1000/T ln (T1/2) versus (1000/T) at 396- 526 K for SnSe in bulk form. 2.6 The variation of ln (T1/2) with inverse temperature is found to be fit linearly in the temperature range from 396 to 526 K for the SnSe pellet indicating that the conduction in this system is through the thermally assisted thermionic emissions over the grain boundary potential model [66, 67]. Conductivity in SnSe pellet increases exponentially with temperature indicating the heat induced energy which overcome the barrier at the grain boundaries within the sample. Variable Range Hopping 0.5 • 0.0 -0.5 • ln (T) 1/2 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 • -2.5 -3.0 -3.5 -4.0 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 -1/4 T 0.29 0.30 0.31 -1/4 (K ) ln (T1/2) versus (T-1/4) at 113 – 243 K for SnSe in bulk form The linear dependence of the ln (T1/2) vs. T-1/4 can be interpreted as hopping transport phenomena. The possible conduction mechanism at these temperatures ranges may be due to a wide range of localization and variable range hopping conduction in the localized states [67, 70]. At lower temperature, the localized states conduction gradually becoming predominant due to the fact that the probably of thermal release of the carriers from the localized states near the mobility edge becomes rapidly smaller and charge carrier is more likely to hop to a neighbor site in the distribution [73]. Electrical conductivity as a function of temperature for Cu2SnSe3 in bulk form • Electrical conductivity, (S/cm) 750 reduction in Hall mobility due to phonon scattering 700 • 650 region I 600 region II 550 variable range hopping thermionic emission • 500 100 200 300 400 Temperature, T(K) 500 600 A decrease in conductivity observed for the Cu2SnSe3 pellet in region I (99 – 375 K) follow the Hall mobility results closely The increase of the electrical conductivity in region II indicates the carriers within these polycrystalline material obtain sufficient energy to cross the potential barriers at the grain boundaries. The increase of carrier sheet density resulted from the reduction of the intergrain barriers above 375 K also increase the conductivity [72]. Hall mobility and carrier sheet densities as a function of temperature for Cu2SnSe3 in bulk form 3 2.5E20 • 1.5E20 Region I 1E20 Nc 1 -0.72 T 150 200 250 • 5E19 Region II 100 -2 -2.05 T 2 Hall mobility,H (cm /Vs) 2 Carrier sheet density, Nc (cm ) 2E20 300 Temperature, T (K) • • • The carrier sheet density increases as the temperature • increased from 100 to 300 K. At higher temperature (200 – 300 K), the increase of carrier sheet density can be explained by a usual impurity concentration in which the excitation of conduction electrons occurs from impurity centres [65]. Further temperature decrease down to 100 K leads to an exponential decrease of the carrier sheet density due to freezing of electrons to the shallow level impurities. The Hall mobility of the Cu2SnSe3 compound decreases as the temperature increases from 100 to 300 K attributed to the increased scattering due to the influence of impurity, defect scattering, lattice scattering, neutral or ionized impurity scattering and grain boundary scattering or surface scattering [10, 59 – 61, 74, 75]. The temperature dependence of Hall mobility fit the classical scattering mechanism at region I indicating that acoustic lattice scattering is a dominant effect in the carrier transport from 125 to 200 K. At region II, it is believed that the presence of grain boundaries in polycrystalline material explained according to Seto’s grain boundary trapping theory will affect the results of the temperature dependence mobility for Cu2SnSe3 pellet [66]. Thermionic Emission 9.7 • the variation of conductivity as a function of temperature in higher temperature range (375 – 523 K) is explained by the polycrystalline nature of the Cu2SnSe3 pellet with existence of potential barriers at grain boundaries followed the model of thermionic emissions across grain boundary barrier conduction [66, 71, 76, 77]. • The conductivity of these polycrystalline Cu2SnSe3 pellet depends sensitively on the grain boundaries such as the potential barriers and space charge region that are built up around them. 9.6 1/2 ln (T ) 9.5 Ea = (54 3) meV 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 1000/T ln (T1/2) versus (1000/T) at 375- 523 K for Cu2SnSe3 in bulk form 2.7 Variable Range Hopping 9.20 • The ln (T1/2) vs. T-1/4 plots in Figure fit linear for the temperature range of (148 - 328 K) which obeys the Mott’s T-1/4 law propose the occurrence of variable range hopping conduction as the most suitable conduction mechanism for explaining the conduction process in this temperature range. • In the hopping conduction, electron can hops to the nearest neighbouring empty site or move to a more energetically similar remote site according to Mott [78]. 9.15 1/2 ln (T ) 9.10 9.05 9.00 8.95 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 -1/4 0.27 0.28 0.29 -1/4 T (K ) (T-1/4) at 148 ln (T1/2) versus – 328 K for Cu2SnSe3 in bulk form Thermal Properties Thermal diffusivity and reciprocal thermal diffusivity measurement as a function of temperature on CuSe pellet 0.013 180 • 0.012 0.011 • 2 Thermal Diffusivity, (cm /s) 160 140 0.010 120 1/ 2 0.008 1/ (s/cm ) 0.009 100 0.007 • 0.006 80 • 0.005 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature, T (K) lattice heat transfer (intrinsic scattering) is dominant in 100 – 350 K 400 450 500 Thermal diffusivity decreased from 1.20 10-2 to 6.01 10-3 cm2/s as temperature increased from 100 to 473 K. increase of phonon scattering (as phonons pass through the sample, they are scattered by the heavier atom which contributed by the carriers in the compound, grain boundaries as well as other phonons) decrease in the mobility of free charge carrier as shown in Hall mobility results Phonon scattering can be separate into temperature dependent intrinsic scattering factor and temperature independent extrinsic scattering factor Thermal diffusivity and reciprocal thermal diffusivity measurement as a function of temperature on SnSe pellet • 0.0040 650 600 • 2 region III 550 region II 0.0030 500 450 0.0025 1/ 350 0.0020 2 400 1/ (s/cm ) Thermal Diffusivity, (cm /s) 0.0035 • region I 300 0.0015 250 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Temperature, T (K) lattice heat transfer may be dominant in this three temperature range 500 550 • thermal diffusivity results decrease from 3.80 10 -3 to 1.60 10 -3 cm2/s as the temperature increased from 100 to 523 K increase of phonon scattering (as phonons pass through the sample, they are scattered by the heavier atom which contributed by the carriers in the compound, grain boundaries as well as other phonons) decrease in the mobility of free charge carrier as shown in Hall mobility results (scattering process and phonon collisions decrease the mobility of charge carriers and subsequently decrease the thermal diffusivity) Phonon scattering can be separate into temperature dependent intrinsic scattering factor and temperature independent extrinsic scattering factor Thermal diffusivity and reciprocal thermal diffusivity measurement as a function of temperature on Cu2SnSe3 pellet 0.0044 340 2 320 region II 0.0040 300 0.0038 0.0036 280 1/ 2 1/ (s/cm ) Thermal Diffusivity, (cm /s) 0.0042 0.0034 260 region I 0.0032 240 0.0030 0.0028 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 220 600 Temperature, T (K) lattice heat transfer may be dominant in this three temperature range • the thermal diffusivity value decreases from 4.18 10-3 to 2.97 10-3 cm2/s when the temperature increased from 100 to 523 K. • increase of phonon scattering (as phonons pass through the sample, they are scattered by the heavier atom which contributed by the carriers in the compound, grain boundaries as well as other phonons) • decrease in the mobility of free charge carrier as shown in Hall mobility results (scattering process and phonon collisions decrease the mobility of charge carriers and subsequently decrease the thermal diffusivity) Effect of annealing process CuSe film Optical band gap and refractive indices of CuSe film as a function of annealing temperature Electrical Conductivity of CuSe film as a function of annealing temperature 6500 2.70 5000 Grain size increase (reduction of grain boundary scattering) 4500 4000 3500 2.60 3.320 Optical Band Gap, Eopt (eV) 5500 3.340 Formation of new phase (Cu2Se) 3000 350 400 450 500 2.40 3.280 2.30 550 600 650 3.260 2.20 3.240 2.10 3.220 2.00 3.200 700 250 Annealing Temperature (K) Cu2Se 673 K Cu2Se 20000 Cu2Se 15000 573 K 10000 473 K Cu2Se Cu2Se 473 K 5000 350 400 373 K 300 K 0 20 25 450 500 550 600 650 700 Unsaturated defects in the localized state are gradually removed. The reduction number of unsaturated defects decreases the density of localized states in the band structure Cu2Se 373 K 300 Annealing Temperature, T (K) 25000 Intensity (Arb. Unit) 300 3.300 nr 2500 250 Eopt 2.50 Refractive Indices, nr Electrical Conductivity, (S/cm) 6000 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 2(Degree) XRD pattern of CuSe film annealed at various temperature Effect of annealing process SnSe Thin Film Electrical Conductivity of SnSe film as a XRD pattern of SnSe films annealed at function of annealing temperature various temperature 0.12 14000 • formation of new phase • (SnO2) • grain growth drastically 0.08 0.06 12000 Intensity (Arb. Unit) Electrical Conductivity, (S/cm) 0.10 0.04 decrease in grain size 0.02 SnO2 SnO2 673 K 10000 SnO2 SnO2 8000 573 K 6000 473 K 4000 SnO2 SnO2 SnO 373 K 2000 300 K 0.00 0 20 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Annealing Temperature, T (K) As- 373 K 650 700 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Position (2 Theta) AFM images 473 K 573 K 673 K 60 Optical band gap and refractive indices of SnSe film as a function of annealing temperature 2.8 Eopt for the annealed SnSe film is obtained based on the direct allowed transition mechanism. sharp change of Eopt may be connected to partial convertion of tin selenide film to tin oxide film 1.350 2.6 2.4 Eopt, indirect 2.2 Eopt, direct 1.250 1.200 1.8 1.150 1.6 1.4 1.100 1.2 1.050 1.0 0.8 250 14000 SnO2 12000 Intensity (Arb. Unit) n 2.0 Refractive Indices, nr Optical Band Gap, Eopt (eV) 1.300 SnO2 673 K 10000 8000 573 K 6000 473 K 4000 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Annealing Temperature, T (K) 650 1.000 700 SnO2 SnO2 SnO2 SnO 373 K 2000 300 K 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Position (2 Theta) This behaviour may be attributed to the removal of water vapour or defect level from the SnSe film after annealing process . SnO2 During annealing, unsaturated defects in the localized state are gradually removed. The reduction number of unsaturated defects decreases the density of localized states in the band structure and consequently decreased the the nr 60 Effect of annealing process Cu2SnSe3 Thin Film Electrical Conductivity of Cu2SnSe3 film as a function of annealing temperature XRD pattern of Cu2SnSe3 film annealed at various temperature 4500 3500 673 K increase in grain size improvement of crystallinity 311 4000 2000 Intensity (Arb. Unit) Electrical Conductivity, (S/cm) 111 220 2500 3000 2500 573 K 1500 473 K 1000 373 K 500 300 K 2000 250 0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Annealing Temperature, T (K) Asdeposited 373 K 650 700 20 AFM images 473 K 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Position (2 Theta) 573 K 673 K 60 Optical band gap and refractive indices of Cu2SnSe3 film as a function of annealing temperature 2.40 2.200 2.38 2.100 2.000 2.34 1.900 2.32 1.800 2.30 1.700 Eopt, direct 2.28 n 2.26 1.600 2.24 1.500 2.22 250 Refractive Indices, nr Optical Band gap, Eopt (eV) 2.36 the change of the average grains into effectively larger grains 1.400 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Annealing Temperature, T (K) During annealing, unsaturated defects in the localized state are gradually removed. The reduction number of unsaturated defects decreases the density of localized states in the band structure and consequently decreased the the nr The increase of surface roughness at the Cu2SnSe3 films interface contributed to the increased surface optical scattering and optical loss which might lead to decrease of the nr REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Loferski, J.J. J. Appl. Phys., 1956. 27(7): 777-784. Kainthla, R.C., Pandya, D.K., Chopra, K.L. J. Electrochem. Soc., 1982. 129(1): 99-102. Lakshmikumar, S.T., Rastogi, A.C. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 1994. 32(1): 7-19. Grozdanov, I. Synth. Met., 1994. 63(3): 213-216. Li, B., Xie, Y., Huang, J., Qian, Y. Ultrason. Sonochem., 1999. 6(4): 217-220. Bhuse, V.M., Hankare, P.P., Garadkar, K.M., Khomane, A.S. Mater. Chem. Phys., 2003. 80(1): 82-88. Dhanam, M., Manoj, P.K., Prabhu, R.R. J. Cryst. Growth, 2005. 280(3-4): 425-435. 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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Education and Universiti Putra Malaysia for their financial support through (FRGS 5524428), (RUGS 9341400) and (Geran Putra 9433966) Thank you