nEDM @ PSI Searching for the electric dipole moment of the neutron Lepton Moments 2014 Craigville 07/22/2014 P. Schmidt-Wellenburg The collaboration Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 2 34 • • • • 14 Institutions Eight countries / 14 institutions 48 Members 11 PhD students PSI in Switzerland Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 3 34 Outline Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 4 34 Introduction • How do we search for the nEDM? Status at PSI • The UCN source • Statistical sensitivity Neutron/mercury gyromagnetic ratio • Magnetometry • Preliminary Results The measurement technique Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 Measure the difference of precession frequencies in parallel/anti-parallel fields: Δ 2 d n E E 2 μ n B B Best nedm limit: 2.9×10-26ecm Baker et al., PRL97(2006) for dn<10-26 5 34 ωL≈30Hz for B0=1μT Δω < 60 nHz The Ramsey technique Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 6 34 nRF Ramsey resonance curve Spin “down” neutron... Apply /2 spin flip pulse... B0↑ t 2s B0↑ + Brf Free precession at ω L Second /2 spin flip pulse. T t B0↑ Sensitivity: T B0↑ + BrfN E 𝜎 𝑓 = Visibility of resonancet Time of free precession Number of neutrons Electric field strength 2s ℏ 2𝛼𝑇𝐸 𝑁 Ultracold neutrons (UCN) Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 σ dn 1 T N & systematic effects Gravity 102 neV/m V V F Nb 350 neV Strong VF Storage properties are material dependent 350 neV ↔ 8 m/s ↔ 500 Å ↔ 3 mK 7 E. Fermi & W.H. Zinn(1946), 34 Storable neutrons (UCN) Y. B. Zeldovich, Sov. Phys. JETP (1959)389 Magnetic ∼60 neV/T Overview Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 8 34 Introduction • How do we search for the nEDM? Status at PSI • The UCN source • Statistical sensitivity Neutron/mercury gyromagnetic ratio • Magnetometry • Preliminary Results PSI UCN source 34 Main shutter Neutron guide to experiments 1m Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 9 UCN storage volume Protons 590 MeV 2.2 mA Golub, R. & Pendlebury, J. M PLA (1975)133 Anghel, et. al NIMA (2009) 272 UCN convertor (solid D2 @ 5K) Spallation target En~MeV D2O moderator Neutrons thermalized to 25 meV UCN source performance 34 Standard operating Pulse Norm Pulse UCN Counts /s Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 10 VAT • 30 UCN/cm3 at beam exit (~550 000 UCN/25 liter) Cascade Detector VAT 1m glass tube UCN - NiMo coating - Stainless steel flanges - shutter DLC coated The nEDM spectrometer Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 11 34 34 Polarization • Optimize product 𝛼 𝑁 14000 Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 12 N (after 30s storage) Filling UCN Simultaneous spin detection Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 13 34 ~20% increase in sensitivity (for 2014) Storage life time Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 14 34 • Chamber made of dPS insulator ring and DLC electrodes • Two exp fit: ts~30s tf ~180s • Max no. UCN measured after 180s storage: 10 500 Transversal depolarization Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 15 34 Best @ PSI T2(B0↓) : 1158 ± 94s T2(B0↑): 836 ± 63s 2013: T2(B0↓/B0↑)~600s → Excellent magnetic field homogeneity Neutron EDM sensitivity Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 16 34 σ 2α T E N RAL/Sussex/ILL* PSI 2013 best avg best avg 8.8 8.3 12 10.3 14 000 14 000 10 500 6 500 Tfree 130 130 200 180 Tduty 240 240 340 340 Α 0.68 0.51 0.62 0.57 ~0.75 𝜎/d (10-25ecm) 2.0 2.8 1.5 2.8 <2 E-field Neutrons ~7500 2013 data taking: 3266 cycles 25 days Stopped by switch break down 2013 accumulated sensitivity 6×10-26 * Best nedm limit: Baker et al., PRL97(2006) Overview Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 17 34 Introduction • How to search for the nEDM? Status at PSI • The UCN source • Statistical sensitivity Neutron/mercury gyromagnetic ratio • Magnetometry • Preliminary Results The measurement technique Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 18 34 Measure the difference of precession frequencies in parallel/anti-parallel fields: Δ 2 d n E E 2 μ n B B Statistical accuracy of a magnetometer correcting for a change in B should be better than the neutron sensitivity per cycle: δf n 1 2π α T N 1 1μ H z B 1μ T 0 δB 4 0 0fT Mercury co-magnetometer τ = 140s B0 ≈ 1μT Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 PM polarization cell ¼ wave plate linear polarizer Hg lamps HgO source 19 34 • Average magnetic field (volume and cycle) • σB ~ 400 fT • τ > 100 s without HV • s/n ~ 500 without HV Mercury co-magnetometer UCN precession chamber PMT polarization chamber circular polarizer unit 253.7 nm UV light, circularly polarized Hg source 20 34 50m • • • Fourth harmonic generator (IR→VIS→UV) Toptica TA FHG (20 mW @ 254 nm) 50 m away from the nEDM setup ( M. Fertl, PhD-Thesis 2013 ) Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 Goal: Measure magnetic field drifts via optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance (ODMR) with 199Hg atoms Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 Sensitivity improvement from ~400fT → <100fT 21 34 ( M. Fertl, PhD-Thesis 2013 ) Hg laser readout Frequency ratio R = fn/fHg Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 • There are two drawbacks using the HgM as field monitor: • Center of mass offset • Non-adiabaticity 𝛾Hg ≈ 8 Hz/μT 2𝜋 34 UCN 𝛾n ≈ 30 Hz/μT 2𝜋 𝑣Hg ≈ 160 m/s vs. 𝑣UCN ≈ 3 m/s CsM - array + further sys. 22 199Hg 𝑅= 𝑓UCN 𝑓Hg 𝛾n 𝜕𝐵 Δℎ 𝐵2 ⊥ = 1∓ + ∓ 𝛿Earth + 𝛿Hg−lightshift 𝛾Hg 𝜕𝑧 𝐵0 𝐵0 2 Cesium gradiometer Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 23 34 Monitoring of vertical magnetic gradients • • • • Six HV CsM Ten ground CsM Stabilized laser PID phase locked DAQ ±120kV 1 2 … 6 7 … 15 16 Gradients from CsM Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 24 34 • Field parameterized by 9 parameters (2nd order) • The parameters are adjusted to 12 magnetometers readings using least squares • Residuals are about 30 pT (500 pT using only linear model) • Jackknife procedure to estimate the error on the gradient G Extracting R Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 25 34 𝑁up =𝑁0 1 − 𝛼 cos 𝐾 Run 6043 Χ2/dof = 1.3 𝑓 RF − 𝑅 𝑓 Hg 4𝑡 𝐾 = 2𝜋 𝑇 + 𝜋 𝑓Hg R vs gradient Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 26 34 B0 up B0 down 𝑅= 𝑓UCN 𝑓Hg 𝛾n 𝜕𝐵 Δℎ 𝐵2 ⊥ = 1∓ + ∓ 𝛿Earth + 𝛿Hg−lightshift 𝛾Hg 𝜕𝑧 𝐵0 𝐵0 2 Frequency ratio R = fn/fHg Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 • There are two drawbacks using the HgM as field monitor: • Center of mass offset • Adiabatic vs Non-adiabatic field sampling 𝛾Hg ≈ 8 Hz/μT 2𝜋 34 𝛾n ≈ 30 Hz/μT 2𝜋 UCN 𝑣Hg ≈ 160 m/s vs. 𝑣UCN ≈ 3 m/s CsM - array + further sys. 27 199Hg 𝑅= 𝑓UCN 𝑓Hg 𝛾n 𝜕𝐵 Δℎ 𝐵2 ⊥ = 1∓ + ∓ 𝛿Earth + 𝛿Hg−lightshift 𝛾Hg 𝜕𝑧 𝐵0 𝐵0 2 Field maps Transversal fields Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 28 34 UCNs: 199Hg: Adiabatic regime Non-adiabatic regime • Mapping with fluxgate and vector cesium magnetometer • -20<z<20, -10<r<30, Δφ = 5° 𝑅= 𝑓UCN 𝑓Hg 𝛾n 𝜕𝐵 Δℎ 𝐵2 ⊥ = 1∓ + ∓ 𝛿Earth + 𝛿Hg−lightshift 𝛾Hg 𝜕𝑧 𝐵0 𝐵0 2 Earth rotation correction Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 29 34 δ E arth f E arth γ n f E arth γ Hg fn fHg 5 .3 1 0 sin λ 6 B0up λ 𝑅= 𝑓UCN 𝑓Hg 𝛾n 𝜕𝐵 Δℎ 𝐵2 ⊥ = 1∓ + ∓ 𝛿Earth + 𝛿Hg−lightshift 𝛾Hg 𝜕𝑧 𝐵0 𝐵0 2 Vector light shift in 199Hg Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 Atomic energy levels are influenced by the interaction with light Spin dependent part can be by modeled as effective magnetic field (which only alters the Larmor frequency of the Hg atoms, not of the UCN) Effective magnetic field depends on: • Light intensity • Light polarization • Light frequency • Light beam alignment B0 Beff BLS All four parameters have to be under control for reliable calculations. 30 34 Hg lightshift measurement 34 ppm 1.5 -1.5 1.5 ppm Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 31 • Change of light intensity 30% / 70% • Change of relative angle B-field / light beam 𝑅= 𝑓UCN 𝑓Hg 𝛾n 𝜕𝐵 Δℎ 𝐵2 ⊥ = 1∓ + ∓ 𝛿Earth + 𝛿Hg−lightshift -1.5 𝛾Hg 𝜕𝑧 𝐵0 𝐵0 2 Result (submitted to PLB) 34 γn Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 32 γHg Error budget Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 33 34 Conclusion Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 34 34 • The UCN source delivers sufficient statistics for data taking, potential improvements are being identified • The nEDM experiment is taking data, operational reliability has been improved during shutdown 2014 • As a test of magnetic field control we have measured the most precise gyromagnetic ratio of mercury-199 and neutron. • We expect with 300 data-days until 2016 a statistical sensitivity of σ ≲10-26 e⋅cm Thank you for your attention. Ort, Datum Philipp SchmidtWellenburg Measurements on beam West-1 34 UCN Counts /s Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 36 Standard operating Pulse Norm Pulse detector 1 Cascade UCN detector Cs OPM Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 37 34 Servo Vector cesium magnetometer Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 38 34 Cs vector magnetometer 34 By Bz Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 39 75 fT |B| 400 fT Bx 10 – 20 pT Analysis of a run Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 40 34 The analysis: Ramsey Fit Cut on cycles with residuals larger than 3 (10 %) N N Typical χ2=1.5 A a N N Mercury frequency UCN depolarization Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 41 34 Measurement of frequency ratio R as function of vertical gradient revealed unexpected polarization behavior and non-linearity for large gradients. Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 Sensitivity improvement from ~400fT → ~100fT 42 34 ( R&D for n2EDM, tested in nEDM ) Hg laser readout Gravitationally enhanced depolarization Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 • Ultracold neutrons with different energies average differently over the storage volume • UCN with low energies, will depolarize faster: 43 Figures from: P. G. Harris et al, PRD89, 016011(2014) 34 → contribute less to the average field measurement, → frequency changes non-linear B E B0 B z hcm E Side remark: nEDM sensitivity Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 44 34 𝜎 𝑑n = ℏ 2𝛼𝐸𝑇 𝑁 RAL/Sx/ILL* E-field Neutrons PSI 2012 PSI 2013 best avg best avg best avg 8.8 8.3 8.33 7.9 12 10.3 10 500 6 500 14 000 14 000 9 000 5 400 Tfree 130 130 200 200 200 180 Tduty 240 240 360 360 340 340 α 0.6 0.453 0.65 0.57 0.62 0.57 𝜎/d (10-25ecm) 2.3 3.0 2.3 3.5 1.5 2.8 2013 data taking: 3266 cycles 25 days Stopped by switch break down 2013 accumulated sensitivity 6×10-26 *Best nedm limit: Baker et al., PRL97(2006) Magnetic fields 34 BT Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 45 B0 Gradients from CsM Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 46 34 • Field parameterized by 9 parameters (next-to-linear) • The parameters are adjusted to 12 magnetometers readings using least squares • Residuals are about 30 pT (500 pT using linear model) • Jackknife procedure to estimate the error on the gradient G fn/fHg vs gz Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 47 34 Earth rotation correction Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 34 λ 48 B0up The pseudo magnetic field Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 49 34 𝑓UCN 𝑓Hg 𝛾n 𝜕𝐵 Δℎ 𝐵2 ⊥ 𝑏5 = 1∓ + ∓ 𝛿Earth ± 𝛾Hg 𝜕𝑧 𝐵0 𝐵0 2 𝐵0 𝑅u = 3.8424642 21 𝑅d = 3.8424648 22 𝑅u − 𝑅d 𝑏5 = 𝐵0 = 0.08 ± 0.56 pT 𝑅u + 𝑅d A new limit Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 50 34 𝑔S 𝑔P 𝜆2 < 2.5 × 10−27 gSgP 2 4:8 1027 HV performance 34 HV (kV) Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 51 +160 -160 • Best HV performance 144 kV → 12.0 kV/cm • Average E-Field while data taking: 10.3 kV/cm Hg co-magnetometer Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg Lepton Moments 2014, 0721-07/24/14 52 34 Extract B field from Larmor frequency and correct UCN frequency (lamp data) 1.5 pT 16 h