

Future Large Liquid Scintillator Experiments

For Geonu Studies and Much More

23 March 2013

John Learned

Univ. of Hawaii

Presentation at Neutrino Geosciences,

Takayama, 23 March 2013

JGL at Geonu 2013 1

Where do Neutrinos come from?

We can study most of these with a deep ocean instrument!

Nuclear Reactors

(power stations, ships)


Particle Accelerator

Earth’s Atmosphere

(Cosmic Rays)

Earth’s Composition



13 April 2009 John Learned at Cornell


(star collapse)

SN 1987A



Soon ?

Big Bang

(here 330

/cm 3 )

Indirect Evidence


A large deep underwater detector can address almost all of these neutrino sources!

Many of them simultaneously. Low and high energy searches do not interfere. Nor do searches for rare phenomena such as supernovae and proton decay.

Such an instrument is not just one experiment yielding one number, but will supply a huge variety of results (and PhDs) and can engage a large scientific community.

This is true in geology as well as particle physics and astrophysics

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 3

Geology Involvement

Studies to decide on locations for detector:

Ocean bottom cores, region studies

Development of pile and other models

Best possible regional calculations

Studies on spectra expected:

Close examination of U/Th decay chains and beta decays

Pressure effects?

Improvement of earth models:

Tuning various models with working groups

Crucial temperature and seismic studies in less know regions?

Sharpening community focus on earth heat issues

Engaging the whole Geo Community in a project touching many specialities

Seeking lateral variation and possible explanations, hidden reservoirs

We need a large multidisciplinary team to put this all together , not just physicists.

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 4

23 March 2013

The Road to Geonu Science

Know we need great mass detectors > kiloton scale -> megaton scale

Only (presently) viable technology is large tanks of liquid scintillator

Difficult to resolve mantle from crust at continental locations

Best to be far from nuclear reactors = mid-ocean

Need to be deep to avoid background (>3km)

Ocean offers potential for relocation to multiple sites

We can start with what we have now, all technology exists

Challenges to do even better and go further than just “local” geonu rate:

Better scintillator (output, water based, attenuation length)

New optical detectors, better coverage and time resolution


K40 nus from the earth?

JGL at Geonu 2013 5

Large Electron Anti-Neutrino Experiments*

Continuing Experiments

KamLAND 1 kT LS 2 kmwe 1 MeV

1 MeV Borexino

Near Term


SK (w/Gd?)



0.4 kT LS

1kT LS+


3 kmwe

4 kmwe

H2O+Gd 2 kmwe

600kT H2O+?

1.5 kmwe(?)



20kT LS

5kT LS


LBNE Homestake 17kT Lar



1.5 kmwe

? kmwe

3 kmwe

0 or 4 kmwe

1kT H2O+Gd 0.3 kmwe

10kT LS 2-5 kmwe

1 MeV

4 MeV

6 MeV

1 MeV

1 MeV

1 MeV

100 MeV?

4 MeV

1 MeV

* Neglecting MINOS and NOVA, INO and MiniBOONE detectors, not relevant to this discussion on MeV electron anti-neutrinos.

(And also to keep the list manageable… herein.)

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 6

Rough Physics Domains of Large Nuebar Experiments

Physics KL

Reactor Mon ☻☻


SNO+ SK w/

☻ ☻




RN50 LENA Hstk


☻☻☻ ☻ ☻☻

Watch Hano

☻☻ ☻☻☻



Geonu Det.




CR nus



SN nus

Relic SN nus

No Nu








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* Assuming 37 kT and deep

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 7

Locations for Present & Possible Geonu Experiments

SNO+ LENA Baksan









Color indicates U/Th neutrino flux, mostly from crust

John Learned at Cornell 13 April 2009 8

Simulated Geoneutrino Origination Points

50% within 500km

25% from Mantle


Assumes homogeneous mantle & no core source

13 April 2009 John Learned at Cornell

In Mid-Ocean

70% Mantle

30% Other

Sanshiro Enomoto


13 April 2009

Why we need Geonu measuements in the deep ocean to measure the Mantle Contribution

Crust Only



16-18 typical

12-39 extreme mantle

Steve Dye 10 John Learned at Cornell

With a deep ocean detector we could resolve a

Single Reactor Source at CMB

resolution to few km 10 sample simulated 1 yr runs

13 April 2009

1 GW source observed by 100 kT detector

John Learned at Cornell can be cleaned up


What Next for Geonus?

Measure gross fluxes from crust and mantle

Discover or set limits on georeactors.

Better earth models

Explore lateral homogeneity

Use directionality for earth neutrino tomography

Follow the science….

13 April 2009 John Learned at Cornell 12

JGL at Geonu 2013 23 March 2013

Applied Neutrinos!

Program to Study Long Range Reactor Monitoring and Detection

 Working with colleagues at UH, NGA and IAI in US.

 Studies using all available neutrino tools:

 Hypothetical large detectors (100kT class)

 Assume availability of new photodetectors (LAPPDS of the like)

 Use oscillations fully in analysis

 Calculate full backgrounds including earth model and detector depth

 Use full Max Liklihood, with Bayesian statistics

 Test importance of directional detection (obvious answer: very big boost)

 Conclusions: Works better than we had guessed… big paper in press in

Physics Reports. Will show some pictures here.


23 March 2013

First, testing out new technology for precise antineutrino detection at UH

mTC Idea

Do imaging with (100 ps) fast timing, not optics (time reversal imaging).

Small portable 2.2 liter scintillating cube,

Boron doped plastic.

4 x 6 MCP (x64 pixels each) fast pixel detectors on surrounding faces

Get neutrino directionality.

Reject noise on the fly.

~10/day anti-neutrino interactions

(inverse beta decay signature) from power reactor (San Onofre).

2.2 liter

JGL at Geonu 2013 14

mTC Virtues

• Small size avoids positron annihilation gammas which smear resolution (X o

~42 cm).... gammas mostly escape, permitting precise positron creation point location.

• Fast pixel timing (<100ps) and fast pipeline processing of waveforms rejects background in real time.

• Having many pixels plus use of first-in light permits mm precision in vertex locations.

• Neutrino directionality via precision positron production and neutron absorption locations.

• No need for shielding (unlike other detectors, except very close to reactor

• Feasible even in high noise environment, near reactor vessel, at surface (eg. in a truck).

Plan to take to reactor summer 2013

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 15

23 March 2013

Snapshot of the Fermat Surface for a Single Muon-likeTrack


Huygens wavelets

JGL at Geonu 2013

Incoherent sum coincident with

Cherenkov surface:

Not polarized!

J. Learned arXiv:0902.4009v1


Time Reversal Image Reconstruction

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 Figure by Mich Sakai 17

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 18

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 19

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013

Fitting the

Positron Streak


23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 21

Reactor Rate versus Range

66 kT water based detector, no cuts.

300 MWth Reactor

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 22

Where the Reactors Live

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 23

Table of Backgrounds & Rates

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013

Lasserre and friends


Smart integration of geonus illustration

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 25

Crust and Mantle versus Range

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 26

Where Comes the Geonus?

Account for oscillations and energy smearing

One lesson of the study: oscillations are very important tool.


23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 27

Geonu and Reactor Spectra

location off Spain ~300km to nearest reactor

Geonus rule!

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 28

Seeking a Reactor:

Where Comes the Background?

Sum of backgrounds

Spectrum of backgrounds

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 29

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 30

Finding a Reactor and Power Output

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 31

13 April 2009

Future Geonu Dreams: Directional Sensitivity

Directional information provides:

・ Rejection of backgrounds

・ Separation of crust and mantle

・ Earth tomography by multiple detectors

Good News:

・ Recoiled neutron remembers direction

Bad News:

・ Thermalization blurs the info

・ Gamma diffusion spoils the info

・ Reconstruction resolution is too poor

Wish List:

・ large neutron capture cross-section

・ (heavy) charged particle emission &

・ good resolution detector (~1cm)

John Learned at Cornell 32

Increased angular resolution buys a lot

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 33

Hanohano a mobile deep ocean detector

Measure electron antinus for:

Results from DARPA funded study, employing

Makai Ocean Engineering for preliminary design and feasibility study.


Particle physics (hierarchy, mixing parameters)

10 kiloton liquid scintillation

Up to ~100 kt possible

Deploy and retrieve from barge

Remote reactor monitoring for antiproliferation.

And lots more science…

13 April 2009 John Learned at Cornell 34

Hanohano Engineering Studies

Makai Ocean Engineering

Studied vessel design up to 100 kilotons, based upon cost, stability, and construction ease.

Construct in shipyard

Fill/test in port

Tow to site, can traverse Panama Canal

Deploy ~4-5 km depth

Recover, repair or relocate, and redeploy Barge 112 m long x 23.3 wide

Deployment Sketch

13 April 2009

Descent/ascent 39 min

John Learned at Cornell 35

Addressing Technology


Scintillating oil studies in lab

P=450 atm, T=0 ° C

Testing PC, PXE, LAB and dodecane

No problems so far, LAB favorite… optimization needed

Implosion studies

Design with energy absorption

Computer modeling & at sea

No stoppers

Power and comm, no problems

Optical detector, prototypes OK

Need second round design

Implosion signals from empty sphere and a sphere with 30% volume filled with foam


















30% Foam filled (4105m)

Empty (4280m)

Time (seconds)

John Learned at Cornell 13 April 2009

20m x 35m fiducial vol.

1 m oil

2m pure water


2 Candidate

Off-shore Nuclear

Power Reactor Sites for Physics

San Onofre, California- ~6 GW th

Maanshan, Taiwan- ~5 GW th

13 April 2009

Can do unique studies of neutrino properties 50-60 km out from reactors.

John Learned at Cornell 37

Summary of Expected Results

Hanohano- 10 kt-1 yr Exposure

Neutrino Geophysics- near Hawaii

Mantle flux U geoneutrinos to ~10%

Heat flux ~15%

Measure Th/U ratio to ~20%

Rule out geo-reactor if P > 0.3 TW

Neutrino Oscillation Physics- ~55 km from reactor

Measure sin 2 (θ


) to few % w/ standard ½-cycle

Measure sin 2 (2θ


) down to ~ 0.05 w/ multi-cycle

Δm 2

31 to less than 1% w/ multi-cycle

Mass hierarchy w/multi-cycle & no near detector; insensitive to background, systematic errors; complementary to Minos, Nova

Much other astrophysics and nucleon decay too….

13 April 2009 John Learned at Cornell 38

Additional Physics/Astrophysics

Hanohano will be biggest low energy neutrino detector (except for maybe LENA)

Supernova Detection: special ν e ability

Relic SN Neutrinos

GRBs and other rare impulsive sources

Exotic objects (monopoles, quark nuggets, etc.)

Long list of ancillary, non-interfering science, with strong discovery potential

Broad gauge science and technology, a program not just a single experiment.

13 April 2009 John Learned at Cornell 39

Other Applications for a large deep-water neutrino detector

Long Baseline with accelerators ~ 1 GeV

Hanohano with Tokai Beam (between Japan and Korea)?

LENA with CERN beam??

New LBNE Experiment with Fermilab Beam??

Nucleon Decay (high free proton content) view details of decays such as Kaon modes

Particle Astrophysics (low mass WIMPS,…)

+ All the low energy physics (geonus, reactor studies, monitoring, solar neutrinos…..) unimpeded !

23 March 2013 JGL at Geonu 2013 40

What now?

JGL at Geonu 2013 23 March 2013

 We are ready to plan for a large deep ocean neutrino detector

 To study geology

 And much else

 We need a large interdisciplinary and multinational team to pull this off

 Many areas of expertise needed

 Please consider how you can help

