Thermodynamics of Climate – Part 2 – Efficiency, Irreversibility, Tipping Points Valerio Lucarini Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg Dept. Mathematics and Statistics, University of Reading valerio.lucarini@uni-hamburg,de Cambridge, 12/11/2013 1 Scales of Motions (Smagorinsky) E N E R G Y F L O W FEQ®NHP FEQ®SHP 3 Energy & GW – Perfect GCM Forcing τ L. and Ragone, 2011 Total warming NESS→Transient → NESS Applies to the whole climate and to to all climatic subdomains for atmosphere τ is small, always quasi-equilibrated 4 Energy and GW – Actual GCMs L. and Ragone, 2011 Forcing τ Not only bias: bias control ≠ bias final state Bias depends on climate state! Dissipation 5 Non-equilibrium in the Earth system climate Multiscale (Kleidon, 2011) Looking for the big picture Global structural properties (Saltzman 2002). Deterministic & stochastic dynamical systems Example: stability of the thermohaline circulation Stochastic forcing: ad hoc “closure theory” for noise Stat Mech & Thermodynamic perspective Planets are non-equilibrium thermodynamical systems Thermodynamics: large scale properties of the climate system; definition of robust metrics for GCMs, data Stat Mech for Climate response to perturbations EQ NON EQ7 Thermodynamics of the CS The CS generates entropy (irreversibility), produces kinetic energy with efficiency η (engine), and keeps a steady state by balancing fluxes with surroundings (Ozawa et al., 2003) Fluid motions result from mechanical work, and re-equilibrate the energy balance. We have a unifying picture connecting the Energy cycle to the MEPP (L. 2009); This approach helps for understanding many processes (L et al., 2010; Boschi et al. 2013): Understanding mechanisms for climate transitions; Defining generalised sensitivities 8 Proposing parameterisations Energy Budget Total energy of the climatic system: E dVe dV u k P K moist static kinetic potential ρ is the local density e is the total energy per unit mass u, and k indicate the internal, potential and kinetic energy components Energy budget E P K 9 Detailed Balances Kinetic energy budget K dV 2 C( P, K ) D W WORK W C ( P, K ) Potential Energy budget 2 Q 1 H P dVQ W Total Energy Budget E dV H dSnˆ H FLUXES DISSIPATION 10 Johnson’s idea (2000) Partitioning the Domain P W dVQ dV Q Better than it seems! Q 0 Q 0 11 Long-Term averages E P K 0 Stationarity: Work = Dissipation K W W D 0 Work = Input-Output 0 P W W A different view on Lorenz Energy cycle W differential heating G ( A) conversion C ( A, K ) D dissipation D(K ) 0 12 Entropy Mixing neglected (small on global scale), LTE: Q sT Entropy Balance of the system: S dV Q T dV Q T dVs dVs Long Term average: S 0 0 Note: if the system is stationary, its entropy does not grow balance between generation and boundary fluxes 13 Carnot Efficiency Mean Value Theorem: We have 0 Hot Cold Work: Carnot Efficiency: reservoirs W 14 Bounds on Entropy Production Minimal Entropy Production (Landau): dVQ W Sin S min dVT 2 Efficiency: entropy production entropy fluctuations Min entropy production is due to dissipation: 2 S min dV T and the rest? 15 Entropy Production Contributions of dissipation plus heat transport: 2 1 1 S in dV H dV dV H Smin T T T We can quantify the “excess” of entropy production, degree of irreversibility with α: 1 dV H Smin Be 1 T Heat Transport down the T gradient increases irreversibility 16 MEPP re-examined Let’s look again at the Entropy production: S in S min 1 1 If heat transport down the temperature is strong, η is small If the transport is weak, α is small. MEPP: joint optimization of heat transport and of the production of mechanical work 17 But… Two ways to compute EP: é Ñ × H rad ù SEarth (W) = ò dV êsmat ú = 0, T û ë W ß smat æ1ö æ1ö = - Ñ × H mat × ç ÷ = Qmat × ç ÷ èT ø èT ø T e2 1 1 Sin (W) = ò dVQmat = - ò dVQrad = > 0 T T W W Direct vs Material vs Indirect Radiative 18 GCMs entropy budget All in units mW m-2K-1. Hyperdiffusion in the atmosphere and mixing in the ocean each contribute about 1 unit. A 2D formula 1 surf 1 TOA 1 S in dRnet dRnet TE TS S TE S Sinvert Sinhor EP from 2D radiative fields only Separation between effect of vertical (convection)/horizontal processes (large scale heat transport) Lower bounds on Lorenz Energy Cycle High precision, very low computational 20 cost; planetary systems? 4-box model of entropy budget EP & Co from 2D radiative fields only High precision, very low res needed Poleward transport 1 2 3 4 Fluid Vertical transport Surface 2-box × 2-box 21 Results on IPCC GCMs Sinvert TE< > E T TE< Sinhor L., Ragone, Fraedrich, 2011 Hor vs Vert EP in IPCC models Warmer climate: Hor↓ Vert↑ Venus, Mars, Titan 22 PlaSim: Planet Simulator Spectral Atmosphere moist primitive equations on levels Vegetations (Simba, V-code, Koeppen) Sea-Ice thermodynamic Oceans: LSG, mixed layer, or climatol. SST Terrestrial Surface: five layer soil plus snow Model Starter and Graphic User Interface Key features • portable • fast • open source • parallel • modular • easy to use • documented • compatible MoSt – The Model Starter Snowball Hysteresis Swing of S* by ±10% starting from present climate hysteresis experiment! Global average surface temperature TS Wide (~ 10%) range of S* bistable regime -TS ~ 50 K d TS/d S* >0 everywhere, almost linear L., Lunkeit, Fraedrich, 2010 W SB 26 Thermodynamic Efficiency d η /d S* >0 in SB regime Large T gradient due to large albedo gradient d η /d S* <0 in W regime System thermalized by efficient LH fluxes η decreases at transitions System more stable Similar behaviour for total Dissipation η=0.04 Δθ=10K 27 Entropy Production d Sin/d S* >0 in SB & W regime Entropy production is “like” TS… but better than TS! Sin is about 400% benchmark for SB vs W regime Sin is an excellent state variable System MUCH more irreversible in W state (Bejan) 28 Generalized Sensitivities CO2 concentration ranging from 50 to 1750 ppm no bistability! Efficiency 0.002 Energy Cycle W 0.06W m2 L., Lunkeit, Fraedrich, 2010 EP S 0.0004Wm-2K -1 in Irreversibility 0.7 29 d) 100 ppm CO2 Heating Patterns 1000 ppm CO2 3 KE @ Surface 1000-100 ppm Differences Temperature LH Heating 3 Bringing it together… Parametric Analysis of Climate Change Structural Properties of the system (Boschi, L., Pascale 2012) η Upper Manifold S* S* Lower Manifold CO2 CO2 32 Bringing it together… Parametric Analysis of Climate Change Structural Properties of the system (Boschi, L., Pascale 2012) TS Upper Manifold S* S* Lower Manifold CO2 CO2 33 Bringing it together… Parametric Analysis of Climate Change Structural Properties of the system (Boschi, L., Pascale 2012) Smat Upper Manifold S* S* Lower Manifold CO2 CO2 34 A 3D picture 35 Is there a common framework? Going from a 1D to a 2D parameter exploration we gain completeness, we lose focus Necessarily so? Can find an overall equivalence between the atmospheric opacity and incoming radiation perturbations Concept of radiative forcing… If so, we gain some sort of universality 36 Parametrizations EP vs Emission Temperature 37 Parametrizations Dissipation vs Emission Temperature 38 Parametrizations Efficiency vs Emission Temperature 39 Parametrizations Heat Transport vs Emission Temperature 40 Now we change the LOD Will we recover similar relations? 41 Temp vs EP 42 Temp vs Efficiency 43 Temp vs Transport 44 45 Phase Transition Width bistability vs length year (L. et al. 2013) Fast rotating planets cannot be in Snowball Earth46 Planetary Atmospheres Vast range of planetary atmospheres Rotation rate - Orbital Phase lock Atmospheric opacities/ incoming radiation Thermodynamics habitable super-Earths? Conclusions Unifying picture connecting Energy cycle to EP; Snow Ball hysteresis experiment Mechanisms involved in climate transitions; Analysis of the impact of [CO2] increase Generalized set of climate sensitivities Simplified 2D formula for studying GCMs Many challenges ahead: Analysis of GCMs performance Thermodynamics of celestial bodies Basic macroscopic thermodynamics Next: Entropy Production & Coarse Graining (20/11) 48 Tipping Points & EVT (25/11) Bibliography Boschi R., S. Pascale, V. Lucarini: Bistability of the climate around the habitable zone: a thermodynamic investigation, Icarus (2013) Held, I.M., The Gap between Simulation and Understanding in Climate Modeling. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 86, 1609–1614 (2005) Johnson D.R., Entropy, the Lorenz Energy Cycle and Climate, 659-720 in General Circulation Model Development: Past, Present and Future, D.A. Randall Ed. (Academic Press, 2002) Kleidon, A., Lorenz, R.D. (Eds.) 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