Post-Routing BEOL Layout Optimization for Improved TimeDependent Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB) Reliability Tuck-Boon Chan and Andrew B. Kahng VLSI CAD LABORATORY, UC San Diego VLSI CAD Laboratory, UC San Diego -1- Outline TDDB Reliability Our work: reducing TDDB Margin – Signal-aware TDDB Analysis – Post-routing Layout Optimization Experimental Results and Conclusions -2- Motivation Time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) – A dielectric forms a conductive path between the interconnects due to electrical stress chip functional error! Breakdown time, tf α exp (-γEm) [Zhao11] Electric field (E) across dielectric is increasing [ITRS2011] E increases linearly tf reduces, TDDB risk TDDB reliability limits (1) wire density and/or (2) max. voltage -3- Via-to-Wire Spacing is Critical Dielectric btw. via and wire is most susceptible to TDDB Small spacing is further reduced by mask misalignment between via and wire Smaller spacing higher electric field shorter lifetime -4- Our Work (1) A chip-level TDDB reliability model – Enable signal-aware TDDB analysis -5- TDDB Model Dielectric breakdown time is modeled as a Weibull distribution [Bashir10] Failure probability Fij(t) = 1 – ( exp(-t/nij )β ) Weibull shape factor Characteristic lifetime nij = A exp(-γ(V/Sij)m ) Supply voltage Spacing -6- Chip Level TDDB Reliability Apply Poisson area-scaling law to estimate chip failure rate Fchip(t) = 1 – ( exp(-t H-1 G)β ) [Bashir10] G = Σij [ αij exp(-t γ(V/Sij)m) (Lij)1/β ] Stress factor: probability of interconnects being stressed viai Sij wirej Lij -7- Signal-Aware Analysis Typical TDDB analysis assumes interconnects are under “DC stress” too pessimistic! Obtain stress factors by running cycle-accurate logic simulation too slow Proposed method: Use state probability from vector-less logic simulation much faster -8- Our Work (2) Post-route layout optimization – Shift wire edges around vias to increase via-towire spacing – Negligible effect on circuit timing Does not require additional design iterations Applicable at post-route or mask writing -9- Post-Routing Layout Optimization Inputs TDDB analysis and layout optimization flow Design Netlists State probability Signal-aware analysis (optional) Original Layout Calculate TDDB reliability Layout optimization Alternative layout implementation Original layout + Marker layers Modified layout -10- Defining Segments for Perturbation via Define movable edges for layout optimization wire TDDB critical region Shift this edge to increase spacing Shift this edge to preserve wire width Overlapped region -11- Shifting Wire Edges Shift wire edge to increase via-to-wire spacing Shifting is not applied if it violates via enclosure rule -12- Experiment Setup 4 Benchmark circuits Synopsys 32nm library 160nm metal pitch Analyze TDDB on M2, M3 & M4 Layout Parameters Values TDDB Model Parameters Values Min. wire spacing 80nm β 1.0 Min. wire width 80nm ɣ 49 (nm/V)0.5 Min. via-to-wire spacing 80nm m 0.5 Via width 70nm V 1.0V Via-to-wire spacing variation 5nm H 1.6 х 1019 snm Max. wire edge shift 4nm (5%) Wire segment width 95nm -13- Layout Optimization Results Layout optimization ~110% lifetime Signal-aware analysis ~200% lifetime -14- Timing Impact of Layout Optimization 40% of nets are modified ΔR per net < 0.3 Ω, ΔC per net < 0.1 fF, Average gate-worst Δdelay = 0.012ps, – Add total ΔC at driver’s output pin Average wire-worst Δdelay = 0.012ps – Add total ΔC at receivers’ input pin – Add total ΔR at driver’s output pin Δ Res. (Ω) Δ Cap. (fF) Max. Max. Max. Avg. Max. Avg. 8.0k 0.088 0.046 0.793 0.017 0.969 0.018 29k 9.4k 0.143 0.083 0.615 0.007 0.600 0.007 MPEG2 10k 3.4k 0.144 0.056 1.578 0.012 1.580 0.012 SPARC_ECU 15k 7.0k 0.246 0.076 0.649 0.011 1.090 0.011 Average 17k 7k 0.155 0.065 0.909 0.012 1.060 0.012 Total nets Opt. nets AES 14k JPEG Gate-wost Δ Delay (ps) Wire-worst Δ Delay (ps) -15- Conclusions TDDB is a reliability issue for BEOL – Limits pitch scaling and/or supply voltage Signal-aware TDDB analysis 2X chip lifetime Post-routing layout optimization +10% chip lifetime with negligible impact on timing -16- Thank you! -17- References [Achanta06] R. S. Achanta, J. L. Plawsky and W. N. Gill, "A Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown Model for Field Accelerated Low-k Breakdown Due To Copper Ions”, AIP Applied Physics Letters 91 (23) 2006, pp. 234106-1 - 234106-3. [Bashir10] M. Bashir and L. 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