제 4 주차 강의 4주차 교과서 3장 1-3주차 산업공학, 산업 발전 역사, IE 인재의 모습 교과서 1-2장 제조 프로세스 1 교재 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 3 Operation Analysis 4 Manual Work Design 5 Workplace, Equipment and Tool Design 6 Work Environment Design 7 Cognitive Work Design 8 Workplace and System Safety 9 Implementation 10 Time Study 11 Performance Rating and Allowances 12 Standard Data 13 Predetermined Time Systems 14 Work Sampling 15 Indirect and Expense Work 16 Standard Follow-up 17 Wage Payment 18 Training and Management Practice 2 Methods, Standards, and Work Design 12th Edition Niebel/Freivalds Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 개선 체크 리스트 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Operation Purpose Part Design Tolerance and Specifications Material Manufacture Sequence and Process Setup and Tools Material Handling Plant Layout Work Design 4 1. Operation Purpose 3정 5S 황삭, 정삭 Spray Paint를 위한 jig 설계 대형 치차 가공 – 일교차, 온도차 고려 베어링 구입 후 조립 vs 셋트 구입 C&H Sugar Co. 의 사례 5 2. Part Design 부품의 수를 줄이라, DfX DfM, DfA, … 서류양식의 디자인 Drawing Stress Material: Fatigue Failure, Creeping 6 3. Tolerance and Specifications 1.설계 차이: Drilling vs. EDM 2. Reaming 3. Shrink fit 4. Inspection: Spot, Lot by Lot Sampling, 100% 5. Cost considerations 8 4. Material 9 Material Value Engingeering(2차세계대전 중) 기능/가격 = 가치 Finding better material Cost Function: (SS clad on Al.) Easier to process Nano-material (Graphene) 10 5. Manufacture Sequence and Process Chip hauler, floor sweeper, Grind-DrillDeburr, Screw machine, 절삭유 11 6. Setup and Tools Group Technology: 설계 및 제조 Part Classification and Coding GT Layout Lehigh 대학 Mikell Groover 교수 자료 12 설계: Opitz code 제조: GT 분류 7. Material Handling 15 •The best handled part is the least handled part •10 Principles of Material Handling: Unit Load, Terminal Time, Mechanization, Automation, … •병원: Williamson Turn Stand, Hoyer-type Lift,… •104쪽의 Fork Lift Truck 분석 : 무시하라(무의미) 단, 회전거리, 반경 등은 중요한 요소이다 8. Plant Layout Process(Functional) Layout versus Production(straight-line) Layout R. Muther교수의 SLP(Systematic Layout Planning) Lehigh 대학 Mikell Groover 교수 자료 19 From –To (Travel ) Chart Relationship Chart A: Absolutely necessary E: Especially important I: Important O: Ordinary U: Unimportant X: Not desirable 사무실 Layout 사례 대안 ( Alternatives) 간의 비교 Computer Aided Layout •CRAFT •CORELAP •ALDEP •SPIRAL •FactoryPLAN, FactoryFLOW 9. Work Design 27 Check list