DESIGN & MENGELOLA JASA M WELLY NAILIS, SE MM 11-1 Every business is a service business. Does your service put a smile on the customer’s face? UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 2 ServQual Management Urgensi Kualitas Jasa SURVIVE “Bagaimana konsumen menetukan pilihan produk yang akan dibelinya?” UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 3 Who is our customer ? Profit / Benefit = Value – Cost UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 4 Categories of Service Mix Pure tangible good Tangible good with accompanying services Hybrid Major service with accompanying minor goods and services Pure service UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 5 3 Additional P’s PEOPLE PRODUCT PRICE 4P’s PLACE PROCESS PROMOTION PHYSICAL EVIDENCE UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 6 Service Model Service Quality Customer Satisfaction Profits Customer Loyalty UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 7 The Service Experience Performance Standards National Westminster Bank • $5 for a poor greeting • $50 for a non-response on a loan by 5 p.m. the next day Stew Leonard’s Store Norwich, CT 1. The customer is always right. 2. If the customer is ever wrong, reread rule one. UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 8 The Service Experience Performance Standards L.L. Bean • The customer is the most important aspect of business and the focus of the company • The customer is not dependent on us • Interactions should profit both the customer and the company • The customer is not someone to argue with UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 9 The Service Experience Get Management Close to Customers UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 10 ServQual Management Profit / Benefit = Value – Cost Value yang diberikan pelanggan diukur berdasarkan keandalan (reliability), ketahanan (durability) dan kinerja (performance) terhadap bentuk fisik, pelayanan karyawan perusahaan, dan citra produk/jasa. Cost yang dikelurkan pelanggan diukur berdasarkan jumlah uang, waktu dan energi, dan biaya psikologis produk/jasa. UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 11 Quality ? Menurut America Society for Quality Control, kualitas adalah keseluruhan ciri-ciri dan karakteristik dari suatu produk/jasa dalam hal kemampuannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang telah ditentukan atau bersifat laten UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 12 SERVQUAL (Service Quality) Dikembangkan oleh Parasuraman, Zeithaml, dan Berry dalam serangkaian penelitian mereka dalam 6 sektor jasa: Reparasi, Peralatan Rumah Tangga, Kartu Kredit, Asuransi, Sambungan Telpon Jarak Jauh, Perbankan Ritel, dan Pialang Sekuritas. UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 13 SERVQUAL (Service Quality) SERVQUAL dibangun atas perbandingan dua faktor utama yaitu persepsi pelanggan atas layanan yang nyata mereka terima (perceived service) dengan layanan yang sesungguhnya diharapkan/diinginkan (expeced service). Service quality dapat didefinisikan sebagai seberapa jauh perbedaan antara kenyataan dan harapan atas layanan yang mereka terima/peroleh UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 14 Customer Satisfaction Expected service > performance = unsatisfied customer Expected service = performance = ok Expected service < performance = satisfied customer UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 15 Managing Expectations UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 16 Customer Satisfaction 1 in 4 unhappy customers switch 1 in 27 unhappy customers complain UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 17 Customer Satisfaction Happy customers tell 4 people Unhappy customers tell 20 people UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 18 Customer Satisfaction It is easier and five times cheaper to keep a customer than to gain a new one UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 19 Customer Satisfaction Benefits of Customer Satisfaction Positive word-of-mouth Customers purchase frequently Insulation from price competition Attract better employees UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 20 Customer Satisfaction Common Mistakes Customer service as cost rather than an investment Failure to link customer satisfaction to the bottom lines UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 21 Dimensi Kualitas Pelayanan (SERVQUAL) UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 22 Service Quality Bukti Fisik yaitu kemampuan suatu perusahaan dalam menunjukan eksistensinya kepada pihak eksternal. Yang meliputi fasilitas fisik (gedung, mesin dll), perlengkapan dan peralatan yang dipergunakan (teknologi), serta penampilan pegawainya UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 23 Service Quality Keandalan yaitu kemampuan perusahaan untuk memberikan pelayanan sesuai yang dijanjikan secara akurat dan terpercaya UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 24 Service Quality Ketanggapan yaitu kemampuan untuk membantu dan memberikan pelayanan yang cepat (responsif) dan tepat kepada pelanggan, dengan penyampaian informasi yang jelas. UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 25 Service Quality Jaminan dan kepastian yaitu pengetahuan, kesopansantunan, dan kemampuan pegawai menumbuhkan rasa percaya para pelanggan kepada perusahaan. Terdiri dari beberapa komponen antara lain komunikasi (communication), kredibilitas (credibility), keamanan (security), kompetensi (competence), dan sopan santun (countesy). UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 26 Service Quality Empathy, yaitu memberikan perhatian yang tulus dan bersifat individu atau pribadi yang diberikan kepada para pelanggan dengan berupaya memahami keinginan konsumen. UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 27 Service Quality The value of a loyal customer The longer we keep a customer, the more we make UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 28 Service Quality Gaining a new customer requires Advertising Promotions But new customers often have little loyalty UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 29 Customer Strategies Remember Customers Send greeting cards, etc. Communicate firm’s genuine care for their well-being UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 30 Customer Strategies Maintain Perspective Maintain a customer-oriented frame of mind Use mission to reinforce firm’s priorities to employees UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 31 Customer Strategies Build Trusting Relationships Protect confidential information Tell the truth, always Provide customers with full information UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 32 Customer Strategies Monitor Service Delivery Process Proactively seek customer feedback Proper Training and Installation Train customer to use what they have purchased UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 33 Customer Strategies Be There Don’t hide when a customer returns a product The personal touch UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 34 Customer Strategies Offer Service Guarantees Reinforce customer loyalty Build market share Force improved delivery system Performance standards UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 35 G a m b a r 1 . M o d e l K u a lit a s J a s a ( G a p M o d e l) K o m u n ik a s i d a r i m u lu t k e m u lu t K e b u tu h a n p e rso n a l P e n g a la m a n m a s a la lu J a s a ya n g d ih a r a p k a n G ap5 J a s a ya n g d ir a s a k a n P e n ya m p a ia n ja s a M a n a je m e n ( P en yed ia p ela ya n a n ) G ap 1 K o m u n ik a s i e k te r n a l G ap 3 P e n ja b a r a n ja s a G ap 4 G ap 2 P e rse p si m a n a je m e n K e t: = k e s e n ja n g a n y a n g d i u k u r d a l a m p e n e l i ti a n S u m b e r : Z e i th a m l , V a l e r i e , P a r a s u r a m a n , L . B e r y ( 1 9 9 0 ) “ D e liv e r in g Q u a lity S e r v ic e b a la n c in g c u s to m e r P e r c e p tio n a n d E x p e c ta tio n ” , N e w Y o r k P r e s s , p . 4 6 UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 36 G rafik D iagra m C artesius Y = K ep en tin gan K u ad ran A K u ad ran B K u ad ran C K u ad ran D Y 0 X X = K epua sa n Sum ber : H usein U m a r, 2 0 0 0 : R iset P em a sa ra n da n P erila k u K onsum en UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA 37 Dissatisfaction Alternative Acts Seek redress d irectly From bu sin ess firm s T ak e som e from of p u blic T ak e som e action D evid e to stop bu yin g Prod u ct or bran d or B o yscott seller D issatisfaction occu rs T ak e n o action T ak e leg al action to O btain redress T ak e som e form of p rivate action UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA C om p lain to bu sin ess Private,or g ov ern m en t ag en cies W arn frien d s abou t th e prod u ct an d /or seller 38