Elaboration Elaboration extends our knowledge about an association to see if it continues or changes under different situations, that is, when you introduce an additional variable. This is sometimes referred to as a control variable because you are seeing if the original relationship changes or continues when you control for (hold the effects of) a new variable. When you introduce one control variable the process is sometimes called first-order partialling. You can continue to add multiple variables, called second-order, third-order, and so on, for more elaborate models, but interpretation can get complex at that point especially if each of those variables has numerous values or categories. The original bivariate association is the zero-order relationship. Voting in Election * Race of Respondent Crosstabulation Voting in Election voted did not vote not eligible refused Total Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Race of Respondent white black other 893 101 38 71.2% 62.0% 50.7% 69.2% 337 56 27 420 26.9% 34.4% 36.0% 28.2% 19 5 10 34 1.5% 3.1% 13.3% 2.3% 5 1 6 .4% .6% .4% 1254 163 75 1492 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Chi-Square Tests Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases Total 1032 Value 54.646a 33.994 27.663 6 6 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .000 .000 1 .000 df 1492 a. 4 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .30. Voting in Election * Race of Respondent * Married ? Crosstabulation Married ? yes Voting in Election voted did not vote not eligible refused Total no Voting in Election voted did not vote not eligible refused Total Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Count % within Race of Respondent Race of Respondent white black other 531 39 17 Total 587 76.6% 67.2% 42.5% 74.2% 151 17 15 183 21.8% 29.3% 37.5% 23.1% 7 2 8 17 1.0% 3.4% 20.0% 2.1% 4 4 .6% .5% 693 58 40 791 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 362 61 21 444 64.5% 58.7% 60.0% 63.4% 186 39 12 237 33.2% 37.5% 34.3% 33.9% 12 3 2 17 2.1% 2.9% 5.7% 2.4% 1 1 2 .2% 1.0% .3% 561 104 35 700 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Chi-Square Tests Married ? yes no Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 6 6 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .000 .000 1 .000 791 4.865b 3.926 6 6 .561 .687 2.027 1 .155 Value 75.921a 39.848 34.205 df 700 a. 5 cells (41.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .20. b. 5 cells (41.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .10. Multiple Correlation multiple correlation (R) is based on the Pearson r correlation coefficient and essentially looks at the combined effects of two or more independent variables on the dependent variable. These variables should be interval/ratio measures, dichotomies, or ordinal measures with equal appearing intervals, and assume a linear relationship between the independent and dependent variable. Similar to r, R is a PRE when squared. However, unlike bivariate r, multiple R cannot be negative since it represents the combined impact of two or more independent variables, so direction is not given by the coefficient. Multiple R2 tell us the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable that can be explained by the combined effect of the independent variables Regression Uncovering which of the independent variables are contributing more or less to the explanations and predictions of the dependent variable is accomplished by a widely used technique called linear regression. It is based on the idea of a straight line which has the formula Y= a + bX Y is the value of the predicted dependent variable, sometimes called the criterion and in some formulas represented as Y' to indicate Y-predicted; X is the value of the independent variable or predictor; a is the constant or the value of Y when X is unknown, that is, zero; it is the point on the Y axis where the line crosses when X is zero; and b is the slope or angle of the line and, since not all the independent variables are contributing equally to explaining the dependent variable, b represents the unstandardized weight by which you adjust the value of X. For each unit of X, Y is predicted to go up or down by the amount of b. the regression line which predicts the values of Y, the outcome variable, when you know the values of X, the independent variables. What linear regression analysis does, is calculate the constant (a), the coefficient weights for each independent variable (b), and the overall multiple correlation (R). Preferably, low intercorrelations exist among the independent variables in order to find out the unique impact of each of the predictors. This is the formula for a multiple regression line: Y' = a + bX1 + bX2 + bX3 + bX4 …. + bXn The information provided in the regression analysis includes the b coefficients for each of the independent variables and the overall multiple R correlation and its corresponding R2. Assuming the variables are measured using different units as they typically are (such as pounds of weight, inches of height, or scores on a test), then the b weights are transformed into standardized units for comparison purposes. These are called Beta (b) coefficients or weights and essentially are interpreted like correlation coefficients: Those furthest away from zero are the strongest and the plus or minus sign indicates direction. Model Summary Model 1 R .294a Adjusted R Sq uare .080 R Sq uare .086 Std. Error of the Estimate 4.754 a. Predictors: (Constant), Size of Place in 1000s, Hours Per Day Watching TV, Respondent's Sex, Hig hest Year of School Completed ANOVAb Model 1 Reg ression Residual Total Sum of Squares 1299.940 13740.066 15040.007 df 4 608 612 Mean Square 324.985 22.599 F 14.381 a. Predictors: (Constant), Size of Place in 1000s, Hours Per Day Watching TV, Respondent' s Sex, Highest Year of School Completed b. Dependent Variable: Age When First Married Sig . .000a Coefficientsa Model 1 (Constant) Highest Year of School Completed Hours Per Day Watching TV Respondent's Sex Size of Place in 1000s Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error 22.204 1.094 Standardi zed Coefficien ts Beta t 20.290 Sig . .000 .307 .062 .202 4.978 .000 2.360E-02 .088 .011 .267 .790 -2.112 5.474E-05 .392 .000 -.210 .011 -5.384 .283 .000 .777 a. Dependent Variable: Age When First Married Sex: 1=Male, 2=Female SN In Words: Respondents who marry at younger ages tend to have less education and are female. Those who marry later tend to have more education and are male.