CMPUT429_MP3 - Webdocs Cs Ualberta

Directory-based Cache
Large-scale multiprocessors
Directory contents
• for each memory block, the directory shows:
– is it cached?
– if cached, where?
– if cached, clean or dirty?
• full directory has complete info for all blocks
– n processor coherence => (n+1) bit vector
• cache line, L
• home node, j: every block has a fixed “home”
• directory vector: a bit vector, V
– really, V(L)
– bit 0 set if dirty, reset if clean
– bit i set => block is cached at processor i
The easy cases
• read hit (clean or dirty), or
• write hit (dirty)
– no directory action required – serve from local
Handling read misses at processor i
• read miss => send request to home node, j
– L is not cached, or cached and clean => send it to
processor i, set bit i in vector
– L is cached and dirty => read owner from vector
– if cached on the home node, write back to memory,
reset dirty bit, send data to i, set bit i
– if cached elsewhere, j asks owner to write back to
home node memory, resets dirty bit on receipt, then j
sends line directly to i, home node sets bit i
Handling write misses at processor i
• i sends the request for block L to the home node, j
• if L is not cached anywhere, j sends L to i and sets
bits 0 and i
• if L is cached and clean, j sends invalidation to all
sharers, resets their bits, sends L to i, and sets bits 0
and i
• if L is cached and dirty, it can only be dirty at one
– if L is cached at the home node, write back to memory,
invalidate L in cache j, clear bit j, send data to i, set bits 0
and i
– if L is cached at node k, request a write back from k to
home node memory, clear bit k, send data to i, set bits 0
and i
Handling write hits at processor i
• if clean, same process as write miss on a clean
line – except data does not need to be
forwarded from j to i. So: invalidate, reset bits,
and set bits 0 and i
• if dirty, it can only be dirty in one cache – and
that must be cache i – just return the value
from the local cache
Replacement (at any processor)
• if the line is dirty, write back to the home
node and clear the bit vector
• if the line is clean, just reset bit i
– this avoids unnecessary invalidations later
Directory organization
• Centralized vs. distributed
– centralized directory helps to resolve many races, but
becomes a bandwidth bottleneck
– one solution is to provide a banked directory
structure: associate each directory bank with its
memory bank
– but: memory is distributed, so this leads to a
distributed directory structure where each node
holds the directory entries corresponding to the
memory blocks for which it is the home
Hierarchical organization
• organize the processors as the leaves of a logical
tree (need not be binary)
• each internal node stores the directory entries for
the memory lines local to its children
• a directory entry indicates which of its children
subtrees are caching the line and whether a nonchild subtree is caching the line
• finding a directory entry requires a tree traversal
• inclusion is maintained between level k and k+1
directory nodes
• in the worst case may have to go to the root
• hierarchical schemes are not used much due to high
latency and volume of messages (up and down the
tree); also the root may become a bottleneck
Format of a directory entry
• many possible variations
• in-memory vs. cache-based are just two
• memory-based bit vector is very popular:
invalidations can be overlapped or
• cache-based schemes incur serialized
message chain for invalidation
In-memory directory entries
• directory entry is co-located in the home node
with the memory line
– most popular format is a simple bit vector
– with 128 B lines, storage overhead for 64 nodes is
6.35%, for 256 nodes 25%, for 1024 nodes 100%
Cache-based directory entries
• directory is a distributed linked-list where the
sharer nodes form a chain
– cache tag is extended to hold a node number
– home node only knows the ID of the first sharer
– on a read miss the requester adds itself to the head
(involves home and first sharer)
– a write miss requires the system to traverse list and
invalidate (serialized chain of messages)
– distributes contention and does not make the home
node a hot-spot, and storage overhead is fixed; but
very complex (IEEE SCI standard)
Directory overhead
• quadratic in number of processors for bit vector
– assume P processors, each with M bytes of local
memory (so total shared memory is M*P)
– let coherence granularity (memory block size) = B
– number of memory blocks per node = M/B = number
of directory entries per node
– size of one directory entry = P + O(1)
– total size of directory across all processors
= (M/B)(P+O(1))*P = O(P2)
Reducing directory storage overhead
• common to group a number of nodes into a
cluster and have one bit per cluster – for
example, all cores on the same chip
• leads to useless invalidations for nodes in the
cluster that aren’t sharing the invalidated
• trade-off is between precision of information
and performance
Overflow schemes
• How can we make the directory size independent
of the number of processors?
– use a vector with a fixed number of entries, where
the entries are now node IDs rather than just bits
– use the usual scheme until the total number of
sharers equals the number of available entries
– when the number of sharers overflows the directory,
the hardware resorts to an “overflow scheme”
• DiriB: i sharer bits, broadcast invalidation on overflow
• DiriNB: pick one sharer and invalidate it
• DiriCV: assign one bit to a group of nodes of size P/i;
broadcast invalidations to that group on a write
Overflow schemes
• DiriDP (Stanford FLASH)
– DP stands for dynamic pointer
– allocate directory entries from a free list pool maintained
in memory
– how do you size it?
– may run into reclamation if free list pool is not sized properly at
boot time
– need replacement hints
– if replacement hints are not supported, assume k sharers
on average per memory block (k=8 is found to be good)
– reclamation algorithms?
• pick a random cache line and invalidate it
Overflow schemes
• DiriSW (MIT Alewife)
– trap to software on overflow
– software maintains the information about sharers
that overflow
– MIT Alewife has directory entry of five pointers plus a
local bit (i.e. overflow threshold is five or six)
• remote read before overflow takes 40 cycles and after
overflow takes 425 cycles
• five invalidations take 84 cycles while six invalidations take
707 cycles
Sparse directory
• Observation: total number of cache lines in all
processors is far less than total number of
memory blocks
• Assume a 32 MB L3 cache and 4 GB memory: less than 1%
of directory entries are active at any point in time
• Idea is to organize directory as a highly
associative cache
• On a directory entry “eviction” send invalidations
to all sharers or retrieve line if dirty
When is a directory useful?
• before looking up the directory you cannot decide
what to do - even if you start reading memory
• directory introduces one level of indirection in every
request that misses in processor’s cache
• snooping is preferable if the system has enough
memory controller and router bandwidth to handle
broadcast messages; AMD Opteron adopted this
scheme, but target is small scale
• directory is preferable if number of sharers is small
because in this case a broadcast would waste
enormous amounts of memory controller and router
• in general, directory provides far better utilization of
bandwidth for scalable MPs compared to broadcast
Extra slides (not covered in class)
• more details about directory protocols (mostly
to do with implementation and performance)
on the following slides for those interested
Watch the writes!
• frequently written cache lines exhibit a small
number of sharers; so small number of
• widely shared data are written infrequently;
so large number of invalidations, but rare
• synchronization variables are notorious:
heavily contended locks are widely shared and
written in quick succession generating a burst
of invalidations; require special solutions such
as queue locks or tree barriers
• interventions are very problematic because they
cannot be sent before looking up the directory;
any speculative memory lookup would be useless
• few interventions in scientific applications due to
one producer-many consumer pattern
• many interventions for database workloads due
to migratory pattern; number tends to increase
with cache size
Optimizing for sharing
• optimizing interventions related to migratory sharing
has been a major focus of high-end scalable servers
– AlphaServer GS320 employs few optimizations to quickly
resolve races related to migratory hand-off
– some research looked at destination or owner prediction
to speculatively send interventions even before consulting
the directory (Martin and Hill 2003, Acacio et al 2002)
– another idea was to generate an early writeback so the
next request can find it in home memory instead of
coming to the owner to get it (Lai and Falsafi 2000)
Path of a read miss
• assume that the line is not shared by anyone
– load issues from load queue (for data) or fetcher accesses
icache; looks up TLB and gets PA
– misses in L1, L2, L3,… caches
– launches address and request type on local system bus
– request gets queued in memory controller and registered
in OTT or TTT (Outstanding Transaction Table or
Transactions in Transit Table)
– memory controller eventually schedules the request
– decodes home node from upper few bits of address
– local home: access directory and data memory
– remote home: request gets queued in network interface
Path of a read miss
• from the network interface onward
– eventually the request gets forwarded to the router
and through the network to the home node
– at the home the request gets queued in the network
interface and waits for scheduling by the memory
– after scheduling, the home memory controller looks
up directory and data memory
– reply returns through the same path
Correctness issues
• serialization to a location
– schedule order at home node
– use NACKs creating extra traffic and possible livelock
– or smarter techniques like back-off (NACK-free)
• flow control deadlock
– avoid buffer dependence cycles
– avoid network queue dependence cycles
– virtual networks multiplexed on physical networks
Virtual networks
• consider a two-node system with one incoming and
one outgoing queue on each node
Virtual channels
Physical network
• single queue is not enough to avoid deadlock
– single queue forms a single virtual network
Virtual networks
• similar deadlock issues as multi-level caches
– incoming message may generate another message
e.g., request generates reply, ReadX generates reply
and invalidation requests, request may generate
intervention request
– memory controller refuses to schedule a message if
the outgoing queue is full
– same situation may happen on all nodes: deadlock
– one incoming and one outgoing queue is not enough
– what if we have two in each direction? One for
request and one for reply
– what about requests generating requests?
Virtual networks
• what is the length of the longest transaction in
terms of number of messages?
– this decides the number of queues needed in each
– one type of message is usually assigned to a queue
– one queue type connected across the system forms a
virtual network of that type e.g. request network, reply
network, third party request (invalidations and
interventions) network
– virtual networks are multiplexed over a physical network
• sink message type must get scheduled eventually
– resources should be sized properly so that scheduling of
these messages does not depend on anything
– avoid buffer shortage (and deadlock) by keeping reserved
buffer for the sink queue
Three-lane protocols
• quite popular due to simplicity
– let the request network be R, reply network Y,
intervention/invalidation network be RR
– network dependence (aka lane dependence) graph
looks something like this
Performance issues
• latency optimizations
– overlap activities: protocol processing and data
access, invalidations, invalidation acknowledgments
– make critical path fast: directory cache, integrated
memory controller, smart protocol
– reduce occupancy of protocol engine
• throughput optimizations
– pipeline the protocol processing
– multiple coherence engines
– protocol decisions: where to collect invalidation
acknowledgments, existence of clean replacement