Otto-von-Guericke Digital Communication Systems Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) International Master Studies in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Prof. Dr. A.S. Omar Tariq Jamil Saifullah,Khanzada, FET,IESK, Omar Unversity of Magdeburg , Germany Khanzada 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 1 Otto-von-Guericke Outline Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Objectives • Contents • Course Details • Communication Systems & Basic Concepts • Introduction to OFDM and its concept 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 2 Otto-von-Guericke Objectives Uni-Magdeburg In order to comprehend learning Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Digitize and Code Information Signals • Transmit Digital Signals over different types of Channels • De-noise and Decode received Digital Signals • Characterize Communication Channels 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 3 Otto-von-Guericke Contents Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) •Sampling and Source Coding •Base-Band Techniques (DM, ADM, PCM, DPCM) •Pass-Band Techniques (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM, MSK, GMSK) •Wideband Techniques (SS-DS, SS-FH, CDMA, WCDMA, OFDM) •Noise Reduction Techniques •Terrestrial, Mobile and Satellite Communication Networks 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 4 Otto-von-Guericke Course Details Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Teaching Lecture and exercises Prerequisites Bachelor in Electrical Engineering or related studies Probability and Random Processes Weight Compulsory module for the Master Course “Electrical Engineering and Information Technology” Exam Written test at the end of the course Credit points 4 Credit points = 120 h (42 h time of attendance and 78 h autonomous work) Work load 2 hours/week - lecture 1 hours/week - exercises Autonomous work Post processing of lectures, Preparation of exercises and exam Responsibly Lectures Exercises Location & Time Lectures (Every Tuesday 9:15-10:45 Building 22a, Room 04) Exercises (Every Alternate Thursday 9:15-10:45 Building 05, Room 313) 4/8/2015 3:56 PM Uni-Magdeburg Prof. Dr. A.S. Omar M. Eng. Tariq J.S. Khanzada 5 Otto-von-Guericke Useful literature Textbook Uni-Magdeburg Textbook Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Digital Communication, 4th Ed. John Proakis, MCGraw Hill 2000 Textbook website Additional Books Introduction to Digital Communication, Rodger E. Zeimer and Roger L. Peterson, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001. Communication Systems (4th ed.), A. B. Carlson Digital Communications, by Bernard Sklar, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001 Communication Systems , Simon Haykin, 4th Ed. Wiley, 2001, ISBN 0-471-17869-1 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 6 Otto-von-Guericke Excercises & Resources Uni-Magdeburg Exercises Theoritical problems about the topics covered in lectures Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Implementation of concepts in programming language of the choice Recommonded tool Matlab, C++, Java Some Learning Web Resources 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 7 Otto-von-Guericke Communication Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Device transfer information from one location (time) to another location (time) Digital: Smoke, Morse Code Telegraph Analog: Commercial Radio, TV Digital: Data, Computer, HDTV 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 8 Otto-von-Guericke Communication Systems Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Systems communicate in order to share information. To communicate means to pass information from one place to another. It is more convenient to convert information into a signal. Your concern as a communication engineer is with the transmission and reception of these signals. 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 9 Otto-von-Guericke Components of Communication System Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Block diagram of Communication System Source Transmitter Channel (distortion) Receiver Destination Noise 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 10 Otto-von-Guericke Types of Communication Systems Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Point to Point: Telephone, Fax • Point to Multipoint: Broadcast (Radio, TV) • Simplex: One Way • Duplex: Two Ways 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 11 Otto-von-Guericke Design Consideration Uni-Magdeburg Cost/Performance Trade Off Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Cost Performance Data Rate Power Bit Error Probability Transmission Range Bandwidth Fault Tolerance Adaptive to Environment Complexity Security Anti Jamming Capability Low Probability of Interception 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 12 Otto-von-Guericke Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 13 Otto-von-Guericke Digital Communication System Uni-Magdeburg •Source are converted into a sequence of binary digits which is called information sequence Represent the source by an efficient number of binary digits Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) •Efficiently converting the source into a sequence of binary digits is a process, which is called source encoding of data compression •Channel encoder adds some redundancy into binary information sequence that can be used for handle noise and interference effects at the receiver. •Digital modulator maps the binary information sequence into signal waveforms. •Communication channel is used to send the signal from the transmitter to the receiver. Physical channels: the atmosphere, wireless, optical, compact disk,…. •Digital demodulator receives transmitted signal contains the information which is corrupted by noise •Cannel decoderattempts the reconstruct the original information sequence from knowledge of the code used by channel encoder. •Source decoder attempts the reconstruct the original signal from the binary information sequence using the knowledge of the source encoding methods. •The difference between the original signal and the reconstructed signal is measured of the distortion introduced by the digital communication system •Estimate what was send, aiming at the minimum possible probability of making mistakes 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 14 Otto-von-Guericke Communication Channels and their Characteristics Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Physical Channel Media magnetic-electrical signaled wire channel modulated light beam optical (fiber) channel antenna radiated wireless channel acoustical signaled water channel • Virtual Channel magnetic storage media • Noise Characteristic thermal noise (additive noise) signal attenuation phase distortion multi-path distortion • Limitation of Channel Usage transmitter power receiver sensitivity channel capacity (such as bandwidth) Uni-Magdeburg 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 15 Otto-von-Guericke Communication Channels and their Characteristics Uni-Magdeburg Additive Noise Channel Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) where α is the attenuation factor, s(t) is the transmitted signal, and n(t) is the additive random noise process. • Called Additive Gaussian noise channel if n(t) is a Gaussian noise process. 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 16 Otto-von-Guericke Overview of Wireless Systems Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Guglielmo Marconi invented the wireless telegraph in 1896 – Communication by encoding alphanumeric characters in analog signal – Sent telegraphic signals across the Atlantic Ocean • Communications satellites launched in 1960s • Advances in wireless technology – Radio, television, mobile telephone, communication satellites • More recently – Satellite communications, wireless networking, cellular technology 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 17 Otto-von-Guericke Broadband Wireless Technology Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Higher data rates obtainable with broadband wireless technology – Graphics, video, audio • Shares same advantages of all wireless services: convenience and reduced cost – Service can be deployed faster than fixed service – No cost of cable plant – Service is mobile, deployed almost anywhere 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 18 Otto-von-Guericke Limitations and Difficulties of Wireless Technologies Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Wireless is convenient and less expensive • Limitations and political and technical difficulties inhibit wireless technologies • Lack of an industry-wide standard • Device limitations – E.g., small LCD on a mobile telephone can only displaying a few lines of text – E.g., browsers of most mobile wireless devices use wireless markup language (WML) instead of HTML 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 19 Otto-von-Guericke Electromagnetic Signal Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Function of time • Can also be expressed as a function of frequency – Signal consists of components of different frequencies 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 20 Otto-von-Guericke Time-Domain Concepts Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Analog signal - signal intensity varies in a smooth fashion over time – No breaks or discontinuities in the signal • Digital signal - signal intensity maintains a constant level for some period of time and then changes to another constant level • Periodic signal - analog or digital signal pattern that repeats over time – s(t +T ) = s(t ) -< t < + • where T is the period of the signal • Aperiodic signal - analog or digital signal pattern that doesn't repeat over time • Peak amplitude (A) - maximum value or strength of the signal over time; typically measured in volts • Frequency (f ) – Rate, in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz) at which the signal repeats 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 21 Otto-von-Guericke Time-Domain Concepts Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Period (T ) - amount of time it takes for one repetition of the signal – T = 1/f • Phase () - measure of the relative position in time within a single period of a signal • Wavelength () - distance occupied by a single cycle of the signal – Or, the distance between two points of corresponding phase of two consecutive cycles 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 22 Otto-von-Guericke Sine Wave Parameters Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • General sine wave – s(t ) = A sin(2ft + ) • Figure 2.3 shows the effect of varying each of the three parameters – (a) A = 1, f = 1 Hz, = 0; thus T = 1s – (b) Reduced peak amplitude; A=0.5 – (c) Increased frequency; f = 2, thus T = ½ – (d) Phase shift; = /4 radians (45 degrees) • note: 2 radians = 360° = 1 period 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 23 Sine Wave Parameters Otto-von-Guericke Time vs. Distance Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • When the horizontal axis is time, as in Figure 2.3, graphs display the value of a signal at a given point in space as a function of time • With the horizontal axis in space, graphs display the value of a signal at a given point in time as a function of distance – At a particular instant of time, the intensity of the signal varies as a function of distance from the source 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 25 Otto-von-Guericke Frequency-Domain Concepts Uni-Magdeburg • Fundamental frequency - when all frequency components Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) of a signal are integer multiples of one frequency, it’s referred to as the fundamental frequency • Spectrum - range of frequencies that a signal contains • Absolute bandwidth - width of the spectrum of a signal • Effective bandwidth (or just bandwidth) - narrow band of frequencies that most of the signal’s energy is contained in 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 26 Otto-von-Guericke Frequency-Domain Concepts Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Any electromagnetic signal can be shown to consist of a collection of periodic analog signals (sine waves) at different amplitudes, frequencies, and phases • The period of the total signal is equal to the period of the fundamental frequency 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 27 Otto-von-Guericke Relationship between Data Rate and Bandwidth Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • The greater the bandwidth, the higher the information-carrying capacity • Conclusions – Any digital waveform will have infinite bandwidth – BUT the transmission system will limit the bandwidth that can be transmitted – AND, for any given medium, the greater the bandwidth transmitted, the greater the cost – HOWEVER, limiting the bandwidth creates distortions 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 28 Otto-von-Guericke Data Communication Terms Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Data - entities that convey meaning, or information • Signals - electric or electromagnetic representations of data • Transmission - communication of data by the propagation and processing of signals 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 29 Otto-von-Guericke Examples of Analog and Digital Data Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Analog – Video – Audio • Digital – Text – Integers 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 30 Otto-von-Guericke Analog Signals Uni-Magdeburg • A continuously varying electromagnetic wave that may be Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) propagated over a variety of media, depending on frequency • Examples of media: – Copper wire media (twisted pair and coaxial cable) – Fiber optic cable – Atmosphere or space propagation • Analog signals can propagate analog and digital data 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 31 Otto-von-Guericke Digital Signals Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • A sequence of voltage pulses that may be transmitted over a copper wire medium • Generally cheaper than analog signaling • Less susceptible to noise interference • Suffer more from attenuation • Digital signals can propagate analog and digital data 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 32 Analog Signaling Digital Signaling Otto-von-Guericke Reasons for Choosing Data and Signal Combinations Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Digital data, digital signal – Equipment for encoding is less expensive than digital-to-analog equipment • Analog data, digital signal – Conversion permits use of modern digital transmission and switching equipment • Digital data, analog signal – Some transmission media will only propagate analog signals – Examples include optical fiber and satellite • Analog data, analog signal – Analog data easily converted to analog signal 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 35 Otto-von-Guericke Analog Transmission Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Transmit analog signals without regard to content • Attenuation limits length of transmission link • Cascaded amplifiers boost signal’s energy for longer distances but cause distortion – Analog data can tolerate distortion – Introduces errors in digital data 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 36 Otto-von-Guericke Digital Transmission Uni-Magdeburg • Concerned with the content of the signal Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Attenuation endangers integrity of data • Digital Signal – Repeaters achieve greater distance – Repeaters recover the signal and retransmit • Analog signal carrying digital data – Retransmission device recovers the digital data from analog signal – Generates new, clean analog signal 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 37 Otto-von-Guericke About Channel Capacity Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Impairments, such as noise, limit data rate that can be achieved • For digital data, to what extent do impairments limit data rate? • Channel Capacity – the maximum rate at which data can be transmitted over a given communication path, or channel, under given conditions 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 38 Otto-von-Guericke Concepts Related to Channel Capacity Uni-Magdeburg • Data rate - rate at which data can be communicated (bps) Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Bandwidth - the bandwidth of the transmitted signal as constrained by the transmitter and the nature of the transmission medium (Hertz) • Noise - average level of noise over the communications path • Error rate - rate at which errors occur – Error = transmit 1 and receive 0; transmit 0 and receive 1 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 39 Otto-von-Guericke Spread-Spectrum • Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • • • Uni-Magdeburg Spread-spectrum techniques are methods by which energy generated in a particular bandwidth is deliberately spread in the frequency domain, resulting in a signal with a wider bandwidth. These techniques are used for a variety of reasons, including the establishment of secure communications, increasing resistance to natural interference and jamming, and to prevent detection Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is a modulation technique. As with other spread spectrum technologies, the transmitted signal takes up more bandwidth than the information signal that is being modulated. The name 'spread spectrum' comes from the fact that the carrier signals occur over the full bandwidth (spectrum) of a device's transmitting frequency. Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) is a method of transmitting radio signals by rapidly switching a carrier among many frequency channels, using a pseudorandom sequence known to both transmitter and receiver. Code division multiple access (CDMA) describes a communication channel access principle that employs spread-spectrum technology and a special coding scheme (where each transmitter is assigned a code). By contrast, time division multiple access (TDMA) divides access by time, while frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) divides it by frequency. CDMA is a form of "spreadspectrum" signaling, since the modulated coded signal has a much higher bandwidth than the data being communicated. 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 40 Otto-von-Guericke Introduction to OFDM Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing; Part of xDSL, IEEE 802.11a standards Improves Data rates, such as 56Mbps in IEEE 802.11a 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 41 Otto-von-Guericke OFDM Concept Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) The information bit stream of high data rate r is Subdivided into M bit blocks that are mapped onto symbols of a lower transmission rate rs = r / M Time Domain Freq Domain Bit stream rs M Each Symbol has Duration Ts and separated by guard intervals of duration Tg Ts Tg 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 42 Otto-von-Guericke OFDM Concept Uni-Magdeburg • OFDM as multicarrier system uses Discrete Fourier Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Transform/Fast Fourier Transform (DFT/FFT) • Sin(x)/x spectra for subcarriers • Available bandwidth is divided into very many narrow bands ~2000-8000 for digital TV ~48 for Hiperlan 2 • Data is transmitted in parallel on these bands 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 43 Otto-von-Guericke How are Signals transmitted in parallel without interference? Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) First three Subcarriers Uni-Magdeburg • Each subcarrier has a different frequency • Frequencies chosen so that an integral number of cycles in a symbol period • Signals are Orthogonal mathematically 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 44 Otto-von-Guericke How is data carried on the Subcarriers? Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) •Data is carried by varying the phase or amplitude of each subcarrier QPSK, 4-QAM, 16-QAM, 64-QAM Two possible subcarrier values 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 45 Otto-von-Guericke What is Multipath? Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • More than one transmission path between transmitter and receiver BS D ire ct p at h • Received signal is the sum of many versions of the transmitted signal with varying delay and attenuation MS L 1 h( , t ) = l 0 g l (t ) h( , t ) g l (t ) (t l ) Chnnel Impulse Response = Path Gain delay l = Time of path l 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 46 Otto-von-Guericke Symbol Generation in MultiPath Uni-Magdeburg i = Symbol Iindex Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) N = no of SubCarriers N 1 xn(i ) sm(i ) e j 2nm N l = multipath index , 0 n N 1 m 0 Sample of ith xn(i ) = nth OFDM Symbol sm = L 1 yn hn(l ) xnl wn hn(0) xn hn(1) xn1 ..... hn( L1) xn L1 wn l 0 Trnsmitted Symbol on mth Sub carrier (l ) = n h wn = Complex Random variable for lth path of channel Additive White Guassian Noise at time n 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 47 Otto-von-Guericke Effect of Multipath on received Baseband Signal Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Received signal at any time depends on a number of transmitted bits •Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) •Need equalizer to recover data 4/8/2015 3:56 PM Overlapping the delayed multipath signal with the following symbols causes Inter-Symbol-Interference ISI. 48 Otto-von-Guericke ISI gets Worse as Data Rate Increases Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) ISI covers more symbol periods • Equalizer becomes too complicated 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 49 Otto-von-Guericke Dealing with ISI in OFDM Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) OFDM is the most powerful technique to combat ISI because of the long symbol duration Symbol duration GI FFT Interval ISI is almost completely eliminated using a guard interval Extract a portion of an OFDM symbol at the end and append it to the beginning to maintain the subcarriers orthogonal. 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 50 Otto-von-Guericke Cyclic Prefix Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Each Symbol is Cyclically Extended Some loss in efficiency as cyclic prefix carries no new information 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 51 Otto-von-Guericke Cyclic Prefix: Comparision Uni-Magdeburg To combat the time dispersion: including ‘special’ time guards in the symbol transitions CP functions: •It acomodates the decaying transient of the previous symbol •It avoids the initial transient reachs the current symbol CP T Tc Including the Cyclic Prefix Without the Cyclic Prefix Symbol: 8 periods of fi Initial transient Channel: h(n)=(1) –n / n n=0,…,23 Loss of orthogonality Symbol: 4 periods of fi Symbol: 8 periods of fi Passing the channel h(n) CP Passing the channel h(n) Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) copy Decaying transient Initial transient remains within the CP The inclusion of a CP maintains the orthogonality Final transient remains within the CP Symbol: 4 periods of fi 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 52 Otto-von-Guericke ICI effect on one Subcarrier Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) •Received signal in one symbol period is not a sinusoid •Causes InterCarrier Interference (ICI) 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 53 Otto-von-Guericke ICI Elimination Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • ORTHOGONALITY : Sub Carrier Orthogonality eliminates the ICI (Time-Invariant Channels) ICI (Time-Variant Channels) Additional Signal Processing at receiver side is required to eliminate ICI ….necessitate continuous monitoring of the Channel 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 54 Otto-von-Guericke Cyclic Prefix: Multipath Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Tg >> τc τc Guard time Tg is chosen longer than the Channel Delay Spread τc eliminates Inter Symbol Interference, Tg >> τc If multipath delay τc is less than the Cyclic Prefix • No InterSymbol or InterCarrier Interference • Amplitude may increase or decrease 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 55 Otto-von-Guericke OFDM System Model Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Transmitter .....Bit Stream Coding / Interle aving QAM / PSK Modul ation IFFT P/S GI D/A RF Front End Channel AWGN OFDM Reciever 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 56 Otto-von-Guericke Modulation Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) •Varying the complex numbers at the IFFT input results modulation of in the subcarriers 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 57 Otto-von-Guericke Spectrum of Received Signal Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) •Multipath fading causes frequencies to be attenuated some •Fading is approximately constant over narrow band •This is corrected in the receiver 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 58 Otto-von-Guericke Amplitude and Phase Change Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) •Multipath delay causes change in amplitude and phase of each subcarrier •Change depends on subcarrier frequency •Corrected complex subcarrier in receiver by multiplication one per 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 59 Otto-von-Guericke Advantages Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) High Spectral Efficiency Simple Implementation Tolerant to ISI 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 60 Otto-von-Guericke Applications of OFDM Uses of OFDM Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) OFDM was exploited for the following applications • Wideband Data Communications over Mobile Radio FM Channels • High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Lines (HDSL; 1.6 Mbps) • Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines (ADSL; up to 6 A4bps) • Very-High-Speed Digital Subscriber Lines (VDSL; 100 Mbps) 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 61 Otto-von-Guericke Problems with OFDM High Peak-to-Average Power Uni-Magdeburg • High Peak to Average Power Ratio…caused by the constructive Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) interference between many carriers… may occur at few time instants within the symbol duration. • OFDM signal is sum of many separate sinusoids • In worst case may all add constructively • High peaks occur rarely 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 62 Otto-von-Guericke Problems with OFDM Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Due to PAPR necessity of having very wide linearity dynamic-range for the power amplifiers at the transmitter RF stage 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 63 Otto-von-Guericke Problems with OFDM Frequency Offset Sensitivity Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Individual subcarriers have sin(x)/x spectrum • Large sidelobes result in sensitivity to frequency offset • Subcarriers no longer orthogonal • Tight specifications on local oscillators 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 64 Otto-von-Guericke Problems with OFDM ICI in Time Variant Channels Uni-Magdeburg Non-orthogonality in time view 1 0.5 Magnitude 0 -0.5 -1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 18.87 time Non-orthogonality in frequency view Amplitude Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • OFDM is sensitive to frequency offsets and phase noise • Doppler shifts cause ICI Frequency 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 65 Otto-von-Guericke Solutions to ICI Channel Estimation Techniques Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Channel Estimation Techniques are applied to overcome ICI • The estimated channel transfer function ( regularly updated by sending pilots signals) is used to recover the ICI free signal at the receiver 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 66 Otto-von-Guericke Solutions to Peak-to-Average Power Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • Clipping the peaks • Coding to avoid the peaks • Peak windowing • Predistort the signal to compensate for the amplifier nonlinearity • But most of them are unable to achieve large rduction in PAPR with low complexity These Techniques FAIL when the Channel Characteristics Change considerably within the Symbol Duration 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 67 Otto-von-Guericke A BETTER SOLUTIONAN ALTERNATIVE PROPOSED TECHNIQUE Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) The Alternative Technique maintains the Major Advantages of OFDM Keeping global OFDM Signal Structure Transmitting Symbol duration Ts separated by guard intervals Tg being longer than Maximum Channel Delay Spread τc to eliminate ISI SLTDM: Global OFDM structure Guard Time … … … Sub-Symbol 4/8/2015 3:56 PM Delay Spread Symbol Time … … … No ISI 68 Otto-von-Guericke PROPOSED TECHNIQUE Different with OFDM Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) OFDM : Uni-Magdeburg Maps a data block onto corresponding Symbol using FD SLTDM : uses Time Division Multiplexing Scheme … suggests Symbol Level Time Division Multiplexing Techn SLTDM The bit of M-bit block would be firstly Scrambled Then subdivided into N equal Sub-Blocks, that would be mapped onto N SubSymbols Sub-Symbol 1 ... Symbol N PSK / QAM fo PSK / QAM fo Delay : fo Delay 2*Ts/N : PSK / QAM 4/8/2015 3:56 PM Ts/N : fo Delay (N-1)*Ts/N Same Carrier fo 69 Otto-von-Guericke PROPOSED TECHNIQUE Model of SLTDM Uni-Magdeburg Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) Symbol Level TDM .....bit Stream Coding / Interle aving Sub Symbol Seperation S/P QAM / PSK Modul ation P/S GI D/A Sub Symbo l Time Division Multiplexing Scheme … RF Front End Channel suggests Symbol Level Time Division Multiplexing Technique SLTDM AWGN SLTDM Reciever 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 70 Otto-von-Guericke PROPOSED TECHNIQUE Expected ISSI and its Resolution Uni-Magdeburg To be Done Institute for Electronics, signal Processing and Communication (IESK) • The problem of ISSI (Inter Sub Symbol Interference) would occur • ISSI can be eliminated, if enough information about the Channel Characteristics is available to the receiver • These can be gained using well known Channel Characterizing and Channel Estimation Techniques SLTDM benefit : All symbol have the same Envelop WaveForm Can lead to very moderate PAPR If the Sybmol Envelop WaveForm is properly designed 4/8/2015 3:56 PM 71