International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Hyperfine structure of 85,87Rb and 133Cs atoms in superfluid helium Development of new laser spectroscopy project using superfluid helium stopper Takeshi Furukawa Nishina-Center, RIKEN Collaborator Y. Matsuo1, A. Hatakeyama2, T. Ito3, K. Fujikake3 T. Kobayashi1, and T. Shimoda4 1Nishina-Center, RIKEN, 2Dept. Appl. Phys., Tokyo Univ. of Agr. Tech., 3Dept. Phys., Meiji Univ. 4Dept. Phys., Osaka Univ. International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Contents 1) Our New laser spectroscopy project ・Double resonance method in He II Laser spectroscopy & optical detection Optical pumping in He II ( 2) Measurement data in the development ・Long atomic spin relaxation time in He II ・hyperfine resonance spectrum of 85,87Rb and 133Cs in He II ・determination of nuclear magnetic dipole moment ・hyperfine anomaly in He II 3) Summary and future prospect International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Overview of Our Method Development : laser spectroscopy for short-lived RI atoms OROCHI project (tentative) Optical RI-atom Observation in Condensed Helium He II liquid RI atom purpose Systematical measurement of unknown hyperfine structures in exotic RI atoms Laser RI beam Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) effective stopping & trapping of RI atoms wavelength separator & photon detector using superfluid helium as a stopper & trap from “DRAEMON” vol. 22, by FUJIKO, F. Fujio International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Nuclear Laser Spectroscopy Contaminated atoms: no absorbing laser light → observe only objective atoms !! Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) photon He II absorb & emit photons cyclically → detect much photons/atom Laser (typically ~ 105-108 photons /sec) → good statistic !! Scattered laser photon absorption spectra in He II : largely broadened & blue-shifted. RI beam wavelength : λatoms laser suppress the detection of scattered laser light feasible to achieve optical pumping of various atomic species i.e.) In, Tl, …. International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Double Resonance Method Purpose: measure the hyperfine structure of RI atom LIF intensity expected spectrum microwave frequency Polarized atoms : Can not absorb circularly polarized laser light. LIF Intensity ∝ 1 - Pz International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Spin relaxation in He II To polarize the atoms : spin relaxation time is important long spin relaxation time in He II has been measured. feasible to achieve optical pumping 133Cs atoms in He II extremely longer than optical pumping time T. Furukawa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 095301 (2006) International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Experimental Setup Measurement of the hyperfine splitting in Cs, Rb atoms CsI Cs Cs International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Double resonance peak in He II Hyperfine resonance measurement :stable 133Cs, 85,87Rb measured spectrum using double resonance method ν133Cs= 9.2580915 (4) GHz ν85Rb= 3.05802 (10) GHz A85Rb = 1.01702(2) GHz A133Cs = 2.312 76(2) GHz (Preliminary) (Preliminary) ν87Rb= 6.87652 (10) GHz A87Rb = 3.43517(4) GHz (Preliminary) International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Hyperfine Structure in He II Hyperfine coupling constant A He II (GHz) 133Cs DA/A (%) H (> H) H’ 2.31276 (2) 2.2981579 0.635 (1) 85 Rb Vacuum (GHz) Pressurized by helium 87 0.505 (2) 3.43517 (4) 3.4173413 0.522 (1) 1.01702 (2) 1.0119109 Calcuration from hyperfine coupling constant mI85Rb (mN) 85D87 This work (from AHeII) 1.357 84 (1) mN 0.331 7 (7) % literature value 1.353 351 5 mN 0.348 7 (3)% difference 0.331 7 (7) % 4.8 (2) % In He II electron nuclei Enable to obtain the nuclear information efficiently!! International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - for RI Beam Experiment to confirm the feasibility of our project measure the LIF photons from RI atoms Wavelength plate Wavelength plate Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Lens Optical filter Lens estimated lower limit of the beam intensity to measure:only 10 cps International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - Conclusion We are now developing successfully… OROCHI project (tentative) Optical RI-atom Observation in Condensed Helium measure the hyperfine structure of exotic RI atoms 133Cs, 85,87Rb hyperfine splitting in He II ・deduce nuclear moment with 1% accuracy ・deduce hyperfine anomaly with 5% accuracy * Nuclear spin can be also determined with rf-resonance ~Next plan~ + RI beam experiment (plan: in next year) + Optical pumping of various elements (In, Tl, Ca, ….) Goal : measurement of In, Tl isotopes International Nuclear Physics Conference 2007 - Jun. 4 - ふろく Additional OHP Zeeman sublevels of 85,87Rb 85Rb 高さの比 =6636/22370 =0.297 同位体比=27.85/72.15 = 0.386 →rfパワーが違うため? 周波数比 =1815/2720 ≒ 2/3 理論比 = gF=3/gF=2 ≒ 2/3 →未知の核種の核スピン同定が可能! 87Rb Pressure effect in HeII Hyperfine coupling constant HeII (GHz) vacuum (GHz) HeII/vacuum ratio 2.31276(2) 2.29815794 1.00635(1) 85 1.01702(2) 1.01191092 1.00505(2) 87 3.43517(4) 3.41734131 1.00522(1) 133Cs Rb A=mI<H>/I・J Difference of <H> in He II Compressed atom by surrounding helium Affect to the orbital of valence eveltrons VCs>VRb < 1% increase ΔCs>ΔRb Pressurized by helium H’H(> H) Determination of 85Rb moment Deduce m 85 Rb I g 85Rb moment with 85 Rb 85 Rb I I 87Rb moment as reference 85 Rb A 85 Rb 87 Rb I g I 87 Rb 1.35784(1) m N A ( g I87 Rb I 87 Rb 2.751818(2)mN ) 85 Rb m 1.357782(1)mN Use A value in vacuum: I literature value: mI85 Rb 1.3533515 (8)mN ・possible to determine the moment with 1% accuracy ・difference (~0.3%) ← caused by hyperfine anomaly electron nuclei Effect of the distribution of nuclear magnetization Hyperfine anomaly in He II Considering hyperfine anomaly… m 85 Rb I g 85 Rb 85 Rb I I 85 Rb A 1 85 Rb 87 Rb I g I 87 Rb A (185D87 ) In HeII 85 D87HeII 0.3317(7)% In vacuum 85 D87vacuum 0.3487% ) hyperfine anomaly ~5% difference In vacuum Due to the deformed electron distribution by the pressure of surrounding He ?? In HeII Hyperfine Interaction Hyperfine Interaction W(F, mF)= A・K/2 + B・{3K(K+1)/4 –I(I+1)J(J+1)}/{2(2I-1)(2J-1)IJ} [K=F(F+1)-I(I+1)-J(J+1)] A=m<B>/IJ B=eQ<V> I:nuclear spin, J:electronic angular momentum, m: nuclear magnetic dipole moment, eQ: nuclear electric quadrupole moment, <B>:magnetic field produced by the electrons <V>:electric field gradient produced by the electros Measure the constant A, B of isotope mX and nX mmX AmX ImX mnX = A I nX nX eQmX BmX = eQnX BnX Effect of surrounding He atoms ① Blue-Shifted absorption spectrum in He II ② Broadened ( Bubble model absorption Energy Deform absorption emission emission Deform Bubble radius Energy levels in the ground state and excited state as a function of bubble radius. Excitation Spectrum in He II ① Blue-Shifted absorption spectrum in He II ② Broadened ( by the pressure of surrounding He atoms atomic spectra in He II Intensity (arb.unit) 133Cs emission:peak ~892 nm, width ~3 nm (in vacuum: 894.347nm) absorption:peak ~876 nm, width ~15 nm absorption≠emission Wavelength (nm) Optical Merit in He II ① Blue-Shifted absorption spectrum in He II ② Broadened ( In vacuum In He II Laser Need many laser lights! Detector Excitation with only single laser light wavelength: lLIF llaser suppress the detection of scattered laser light Feasible to acheve optical pumping Optical Pumping Optical pumping method (in the case of alkali atoms J=1/2) atom laser B P1/2 σ+ D1 Line S1/2 σ+ X After the polarizing of atoms… Decrease LIF intensity (Laser Induced Fluorescence, LIF) m = -1/2 m = +1/2 LIF Intensity ∝ 1 - Pz Optical Pumping of Metastable Mg atoms 21 Mg atomic energy diagram Observable resonance line (Assume I = 5/2) 3s3p 3P2 F=9/2 ⇔ F=7/2 [h.f.s = (9/2)A + (27/40)B] F=7/2 ⇔ F=5/2 [h.f.s = (7/2)A + (7/40) B] ( 3s3p 3P1 F=7/2 ⇔ F=5/2 ) Optical Pumping of Al atoms 3s23p 2P1/2,3/2 ⇔ 3s24s 2S1/2 transition LIF intensity(a.u.) 27Alの原子準位図 ・3s23p 2P1/2,3/2,mF>+3の準位 →円偏光(σ+)を吸収不可能 特定の磁気状態に原子状態が集中 = 偏極生成可能!! 350 355 360 365 370 Wavelength(nm) 2 問題点:基底状態(3s 3p 2P1/2,3/2)の偏極緩和時間 2P :電子軌道が非対称→緩和しやすい 3/2 2P :電子軌道が球対称→緩和しにくい 1/2 →2P1/2では偏極生成可能? Relaxation in the Dark Method Measure the relaxation time →“Relaxation in the dark” method detect the photons only from the “spin relaxed” atoms Timing chart Spin relaxation time in He II Dark period後のLIF強度 偏極ゼロ時のLIF強度 Measured LIF intensity Demerits in Optical Detection Problems in laser spectroscopic study of RI atoms ・stopping & Trapping efficiency ・possible elements B.G. count of stray light In He II・・・ Introduced to condenced helium → observe all of the stopped atoms high trapping efficiency Laser RI Beam Stopped & trapped Using the characteristic spectrum of atoms in He II →Subtract the problems Interaction with surrounding He Scientific Motivation Unstable nuclei near the drip-line ・low-yield ・high-contamination ・small-polarization ) Laser spectroscopy & optical detection of RI atoms Optical pumping in He II Difficult to measure !!!! ex)b-NMR method detector Polarized RI nucleus stopper detector Signals from RI Measure the hyperfine structure Determination of nuclear moments Scientific Motivation 目標:短寿命不安定核の系統的核モーメント測定法開発 Nuclear moments Nuclear structure however… Unstale nuclei near the drip-line ・low yield ・low purity ・small polarization Difficult to measure!! ex)b-NMR method detector Polarized RI nucleus stopper detector Signals from RI そこで… 『Laser spectroscopy of stopped RI atoms in HeII』 に着目 Conclusion 超流動ヘリウム中でのレーザー・マイクロ波二重共鳴法 安定核133Cs, 85,87Rbの超微細構造を測定 ・核モーメントを1%以下の精度で決定可能 RF共鳴を用いれば核スピンも決定可能 理論的には電気四重極モーメントも同時に測定可能 ・hyperfine anomaly効果も数%の精度で決定可能 真空中の値と~5%のズレ → 核内核子の密度分布に対する新しい情報? ~Next Plan~ ・HeIIの影響について考察 ・不安定核ビームを用いた測定 ・Al, Mg原子の光ポンピング