Industrial Lasers for Welding Ing. M. Muhshin Aziz Khan Facts About Laser: Laser Basics Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Laser is essentially an optical amplifier that Generates and Amplifies Stimulated Emission Laser Components Lasing Medium: • Properties of Laser Coherent (synchronized phase of light) Collimated (parallel nature of the beam) Monochromatic (single wavelength) High intensity (~1014W/m2) Provides appropriate transition and Determines the wavelength (it must be in a metastable state) Pump: Provides energy necessary for population inversion Optical Cavity: Provides opportunity for amplification and Produces a directional beam (with defined length and transparency) Facts About Laser: Laser History Facts About Laser: Laser Material: Energy Levels of Atomic or Molecular System E1 Ground State Laser Transition Excitation Laser operation takes place via transitions between different energy levels of an atomic or molecular system Highly excited TwoFor material with Two-Level system State Level Energy Absorption and stimulated processes 2° Excited State neutralize one another. E 3 Population 1° Excited State +The material becomes transparent. E2 Inversion Ground State Population inversion is impossible Facts About Laser: Laser Material: Energy Levels of Atomic or Molecular System Ground State Laser Transition Population Inversion Highly excited State Fast Decay FourLevel Excitation Highly excited State Fast Decay Metastable State Laser Transition Excitation ThreeLevel Higher Metastable State Population Inversion Natural Depopulation Lower Metastable State Ground State Facts About Laser: Optical Pumping: Population Inversion More atoms or molecules are in a higher energy state Nonequilibrium distribution of atoms among the various energy level of atomic system Process producing population inversion is called Pumping Energy needed for population inversion is supplied by optical excitation with light source Flash lamps (Pulsed laser), Arc lamp (CW Laser), Semiconductor Diode Excitation by electron collisions and resonant transfer of energy (Gaseous) Is population inversion by thermal excitation possible!!??!! According to Boltzmann Ratio N2 N1 exp ( E 2 E1 ) KT Where E2 > E1 Is population inversion a necesary condition for laser operation!!??! Amplification by I(z) stimulated emissiona Light with intensity passing through increases the Intensity according to N laser medium with densities of atoms 1 -(gz) I(0) exp and NI(z) and lower energy levels 2 in=higher 1 2 c ln 2 2N Absorption by atoms in2 Level 1 g to 2 according decreases the Intensity 4 f f = I(0) exp-(σz) of light through the Net I(z) effect of passage 1 material 2 2 c ln 2 1 N 1 2 c 2 ln 2 2 1 I ( z ) I ( 0 ) exp 4 f 2 f N 2 N 1 z 4 f f Facts About Laser: Optical Cavity: Mirror Configuration Resonator cavity is formed by placing mirrors at the ends of the active medium The mirrors are perpendicular to the axis along which the laser light travels Mirror configurations are system judged on two Acts as Positive feedback criteria Provides amplification and Stability directionality to a laser beam via Light rays bouncing back and forth oscillation between mirrors will be re-entrant. The resonant cavity generally is much Filling of the active medium by light longer than it’s width Spatial profile defined by the light rays fills all the volume of the active medium Stability Diagram for laser resonators consisting of two mirrors Condition for stability of a resonator D D 0 1 1 1 R1 R2 Facts About Laser: Optical Resonator: Mirror Configurations Possible Mirror Configurations Plane paraller and Confocal Mirror Configurations Both mirror configurations have marginal or delicate stability Plane parallel mirrors have good filling whereas confocal mirrors offers poor filling of active medium For plane parallel mirrors, allignment is really crucial. However, for confocal mirrors even if the configuration is not exactly perfect, the light rays will still be reentrant. Long-radius mirror configuration is most often used in modern comercial lasers It falls within a region of good stability Beam spatial profile fills active medium reasonably well Facts About Laser: Optical Resonator: Gain Laser gain and losses Oscilation Condition: Gain ≥ Losses Laser turn-on and gain saturation Optical loss in resonant cavity r1 and r2 : mirror loss/coupling loss Due to non-unity reflectivity on the mirrors Loss is Independent of cavity length exp(-2αL) ~ 1-2αL : distributed loss/internal loss Due to absorption/scattering in the cavity material Loss is proportional to cavity length Gain decreases as output power increases • Saturation Facts About Laser: Laser Efficiency Output versus input power for an optically pump power Slope efficiency (or differential efficiency) The slope of the curve obtained by plotting the laser output versus the pump power. Facts About Laser: Laser Quality and Its Effect Beam Quality Effects of Beam Quality A measure of Lasers’ capability to be ☺ propagated with low divergence and ☺ focused to a small spot by a lens or mirror Beam Quality is measured by M2 or BPP (Beam Product Parameter, mm.mrad) Ratio of divergence of actual beam to a theoretical diffraction limited beam with same waist diameter M2= 1; Ideal Gaussian Beam, perfectly diffraction limited Value of M2 tends to increase with increasing Smaller focus at constant aperture and focal length laser power Longer working distance at constant aperture A higher power density by a smaller spot size and spot diameter with the same optics, or Smaller aperture (‘slim optics’) at constant The same power density at lower laser power focal diameter and working distance Facts About Laser: Primary Adjustable Parameters and Their Effects Primary Controllable Parameters Laser Beam Energy Output Characteristics (i) Voltage (ii) Pulse Duration Laser Focus Characteristic (iii) Laser Beam Diameter Change in Voltage Change in Pulse Duration Increased pulse duration results in deeper and wider melting Change in Voltage and Pulse Duration Increased voltage results in deeper physical penetration with less melting due to physical pressure Change in Beam Diameter Simultanous increase in voltage and pulse duration results in deeper melting Increased beam diameter results in shallow soft penetration and wide, but soft melting Facts about lasers for welding Laser Characteristics, Quality and Application Typical commercial lasers for welding 1. CO2 Laser 2. Nd3+:YAG Lasers Lamp-pumped LD-pumped 3. Disk Laser 4. Diode Laser 5. Fiber Laser CO2 Laser: Characteristics Wavelength 10.6 µm; far-infrared ray Laser Media CO2–N2–He mixed gas (gas) Average 45 kW (maximum) Power (CW) (Normal) 500 W – 10 kW Merits Easier high power (efficiency: 10– 20%) CO2 Laser: M2 values [CW] Output power (W) <500 M2 1.1-1.2 800-1000 1.2-2 1000-2500 1.2-3 5000 2-5 10,000 10 Facts about lasers for Welding: YAG Laser Laser Characteristics, Quality and Application Lamp-pumped YAG Laser: Characteristics Wavelength 1.06 µm; near-infrared ray Laser Media Nd3+: Y3Al5O12 garnet (solid) YAG Laser: M values [CW & Average 102 kW (cascade type & fiberPW] Power [CW] coupling) Output power (Normal) 50 M2W–4 kW (W) Fiber-delivery, and easier Merits 0-20 1.1-5 handling (efficiency: 1–4%) 20-50 20-50 50-150 50-75 150-500 75-150 500-4000 75-150 YAG Laser Application: Automobile Industries Lamppumped 3 to 4.5 kW class; SI fiber delivered (Mori, 2003) LD-pumped 2.5 to 6 kW New Rod-type: 8 and 10 kW; Laboratory LD-pumped YAG Laser: Characteristics Development Prototype Slab-type: 6 kW; Developed by Wavelength about 1 µm; near-infrared ray Precision Laser Machining Laser Media Nd3+PLM : Y3Al5O12 garnet (solid) Consortium, Average Power [CW] : 13.5 kW (fiber-coupling max.) [PW] : 6 kW (slab type max.) Merits Fiber-delivery, high brightness, and high efficiency (10–20%) Facts about lasers for welding: Disk Laser Laser Characteristics, Quality and Application Disk Laser: Characteristics Wavelength 1.03 µm; near-infrared ray Laser Media Yb3+ : YAG or YVO4 (solid) Average Power [CW] 6 kW (cascade type max.) Merits Fiber-delivery, high brightness, high efficiency(10–15%) Recent Development (Mann 2004; and Morris 2004): Commercially available disk laser system: 1 and 4 kW class Beam delivery with 150 and 200 µm diameter fiber Even a 1 kW class laser is able to produce a deep keyhole-type weld bead extremely narrow width in stainless steel and aluminum alloy Facts about lasers for welding: Diode Laser Laser Characteristics, Quality and Application Diode Laser: Characteristics Wavelength 0.8–0.95 mm; near-infrared ray Laser Media InGaAsP, etc. (solid) Average Power [CW] 10 kW (stack type max.) 5 kW (fiber-delivery max.) Merits Compact, and high efficiency (20–50%) Recent Development (Hayashi 2004; and Zediker 2001): Commercially available Diode laser system: Direct and/or fiber-coupled modes Found suitable for welding of plastics and thin sheets of aluminum or steel at high speed Fiber-delivered laser is used for brazing Zncoated steel using robot. Facts about lasers for welding: Fiber Laser Laser Characteristics, Quality and Application Fiber Laser: Characteristics Wavelength 1.07 µm; near-infrared ray Laser Media Yb3+ : SiO2 (solid), etc. Average 20 kW (fiber-coupling max.) Power [CW] Merits Fiber-delivery, high brightness, high efficiency(10–25%) Recent Development (Thomy 2004; and Ueda 2001): Fiber lasers of 10kW or more are commercially available Fiber lasers of 100kW and more are scheduled Fiber laser at 6.9kW is able to provide deeply penetrated weld at high speed Fiber laser is able to replace high quality (slab) CO2 laser for remote or scanning welding Facts about lasers for welding Comparison of different laser systems Correlation of Beam Quality to Laser Power (Katayama 2001; O’Neil et. al. 2004; Shiner 2004; Lossen 2003): Overlaid with condition regimes Beam quality of a laser worsens with an increase in power LD-pumped YAG, thin disk, CO2 and fiber lasers can provide high-quality beams The development of higher power CO2 or YAG lasers is fairly static and, hence Main focus on development: i. high-power diode, ii. LD-pumped YAG, iii. disk and/or iv. fiber lasers Facts about lasers for welding Wavelengths of some important laser sources for materials processing CO2 Laser Expanded portion of the electromagnetic spectrum showing the wavelengths at which several important lasers operate Thank You for Patience Hearing