ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS AND RELIGION Religion and Society from a Sociological Perspective THE PRIMITIVE MEN Primitive men and the environment Forces of nature and the search for explanations Interpretation of natural events and beings as religious phenomena Towards a social life: the tribe Collective labor, collective identity and collective belief ELEMENTARY FORMS OF RELIGION TOTEMISM The Totem as the symbol whereby the mystical powers surrounding the members of the tribe are concentrated Mana and the totem Mana, totem and taboo ELEMENTARY FORMS OF RELIGION ANIMISM Worshipping the spirits of nature Mankind as an inseparable element of nature ELEMENTARY FORMS OF RELIGION ANCESTOR CULT The concept of Spirit: Death and Sleep Worshipping the Spirits of the ancestors ANCIENT FORMS OF RELIGION From pastoral nomads (huntersgatherers) to settled social communities (agrarian) Division of labor and specialization Social life, social order and laws Social hierarchy Systematic society – systematic belief forms The Pantheons (Polytheism) THE PANTHEON • • Personification of natural beings and forces, even emotions Gods and Goddesses regulating the lives and social order of mankind Pantheon: sum of Gods and Goddesses in any polytheist belief system Different communities, different names, identical functions The Chaos-Order theme in polytheist religions: Gods and pre-Gods CHAOS & ORDER Sumerian and Babylonian Pantheons Cosmogony: Creation of the universe and its chaotic situation Chaotic cosmic forces giving birth to Gods and Goddesses The tale of Marduk and Tiamat MARDUK AND TIAMAT CHAOS & ORDER Ancient Egyptians Re (Ra) and Apophis Ancient Greeks Gods (order) rebelling against the Titans (chaos) ZEUS & KRONOS AGRARIAN SOCIETY AND AGRARIAN THEMES IN RELIGION Osiris Cult in Ancient Egypt DEMETER AND DIONYSOS CULTS IN ANCIENT GREECE A NEW THEME IN POLYTHEISM: GOOD GODS and EVIL GODS The Zoroastrian Religion in ancient Persia Ahuramazda (good) and Ahriman (evil) Ancient Turks Ulgen (good) and Erlik (evil) TOWARDS MONOTHEIST RELIGIONS The Aton Cult in Ancient Egypt