BUILDING NEW INTERFACES FOR SHOCKER OPEN ACCESS REPOSITORY Sai Deng, Wichita State University Libraries KLA-CULS Fall Conference 2010 SOAR Manakin interface @ WSU Libraries CUSTOMIZATIONS MADE Header: Institution logo and banner Footer: Text, links Pages: Color scheme Messages: Changed headings, news/messages Navigation bar: Added “Share” section and “Information” Section Static pages: Added “Help” files Record view and bitstream display: Changed records summary view label and bitstream link styles; changed “View” to “View/Download” for bitstreams; switched bitstream label and field data display order. Structural changes: Disabled top left “login” button and “Search” section on top of “Communities” in homepage Font: Disabled font-sizing mechanism originally included Additional aspects: Audio-visual streaming module, document viewer, image zoomer (from @mire)… Also experimented with community collapsing and expanding list, themes for different communities and image collections. Disabled these for the final interface due to various reasons. TAKE A SECOND LOOK AT THE INTERFACE ds-header ds-div-head ds-trail content sidebar file_news_div_news ds-share-option ds-option-set ds-paragrah ds-search-option aspect_artifactbrowser_Navigation_list_browse ds-div-head ds-option-set-head Understand page structures by looking at element ids and CSS classes. aspect_artifactbrowser_CommunityBrowser_div_comunity-browser aspect_artifactbrowser_Navigation _list_account_browse ds-information-option ds-footer CREATE THE MANAKIN INTERFACE Step 1: Find some documentations and presentations and understand what Manakin is Some resources to look at: Some Manakin instances: DSpace System Documentation: Manakin [XMLUI] Configuration and Customization DSpace XMLUI-Manakin: NIS Camp: Developing Interfaces and Interactivity for DSpace with Manakin TDL training document: Donohue, Tim. Making DSpace XMLUI Your Own Gibson, Hilton. Asset Presentation Phillips, Scott. Manakin Developer's Guide. Texas A&M Repository The Geologic Atlas of the United States IDEALS @ UIUC ResearchSpace@Auckland Search “Who’s Using DSpace” and select “Manakin Themes” Place to look for help: DSpace community: DSpace Tech-list WHAT IS MANAKIN? XML-based DSpace user interface Modular interface layer Customizable on community, collection and item level Built by Apache cocoon framework Cocoon Pipeline model (Figure from Manakin: A New Face for DSpace at: SOME MANAKIN CONCEPTS Cocoon: a web development framework built around the concept of pipeline, separation of concerns and a component-based architecture. Sitemap: a set of XML files that configures the cocoon components. Components: generators, transformers, serializers, matchers, selectors, actions, readers Pipeline defines components arrangement Aspect: provides a set of coupled features for the system. Theme: stylizes the content generated by Manakin. DRI (Digital Repository Interface): schema governing the structure of Manakin pages encoded in xml; has three top level elements: <meta>, <body>, <options> contained inside <document>. Aspect chain generates DRI document, theme stylizes the DRI document and produces XHTML for display. Concept definitions from “Manakin: Developer’s Guide” . MANAKIN COMPONENT ARCHITECTURE/TIERS Java/Cocoon development Tier XML/XSL Theme Tier Add or modify themes (structural changes) HTML/CSS style Tier Add or modify aspects (features) Add or Modify themes (CSS changes) Read “Manakin: Developer’s Guide” for details. CREATE THE MANAKIN INTERFACE Step 2: Navigate the file directories, locate the theme templates and get to know how to make changes Where are the theme templates? (In Source version): [dspace-source]/dspace-xmlui/dspace-xmluiwebapp/src/main/webapp/themes (In Release version, after run a maven build): [dspacesource]/dspace/target/dspace-1.6.2-build.dir/webapps/xmlui/themes/ At WSU Libraries: DSpace system upgrade from 1.4.2 to 1.6.2 (1.5 only installed in a test server); Installed release version; Source directory: [dspace-source]=/usr/local/src/dspace-1.6.2release Running directory: [dspace]=/data/dspace Where did we find the theme templates the first time: data/dspace/webapps/xmlui/themes (in running DSpace) Where did we copy the templates to: [dspacesource]/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/ Theme customization needs to be done in the source directory. XMLUI THEME OVERLAY (From Donohue, Tim. Making DSpace XMLUI Your Own. Available at THEMES FILE STRUCTURE (@WSU L IBRARIES) Themes themes.xmap dri2xhtml.xsl General-Handler.xsl DIM-Handler.xsl dri2xhtml wsu/ localtheme MODS-Handler.xsl QDC-Handler.xsl Reference css lib structural.xsl Kubrick soarlogo.jpg soarfooter.jpg … images wsu/ localtheme quickguide.htm help.htm … static lib …… sitemap.xmap wsu.xsl images … sitemap.xmap wsu.xsl * wsu theme is based on Kubrick theme HOW DOES THE THEME FIT INTO A BIGGER PICTURE? DRI to XHTML Five steps in processing aspect content: Generate the DRI page (by aspects) Add page metadata Transform to XHTML Localize the page Serialize to the browser (Figure from TDL Manakin Training) THEME SITEMAP Configures cocoon components. /themes/Reference/sitemap.xmap (Reference theme sitemap) /themes/Kubrick/sitemap.xmap (Kubrick theme sitemap) /themes/wsu/sitemap.xmap (Local theme sitemap) /themes/themes.xmap General sitemap ThemeMatcher If matcher fails, default theme will be applied. XSLT FILES Convert DRI to XHTML. /themes/dri2xhtml.xsl /themes/dri2xhtml/structural.xsl Bitstream display, file information /themes/dri2xhtml/MODS-Handler.xsl Items, collections, communities display /themes/dri2xhtml/General-Handler.xsl Structural components of a theme /themes/dri2xhtml/DIM-Handler.xsl Import other xsl files MODS file /themes/dri2xhtml/QDC-Handler.xsl Qualified DC ASPECTS Aspects: search, browse, admin, e-person, submission… Check DSpace wiki Manakin How To Guides for “how to create a new aspect”; For an example of overwriting the trail links, see the figure below: (Figure from Donohue, Tim. Making DSpace XMLUI Your Own CREATE THE MANAKIN INTERFACE Step 3: Decide on the template for testing and/or modifying, identify some areas for customization Templates: Reference, Kubrick, Classic… Decide on the parts which need customization: Header, footer Navigation bar Homepage news/messages Headings Page structure, sections Record display … TOOLS Tools helping in making CSS changes and identifying page structure and elements Firefox Firebug IE 8 Developer Tools REBUILD DSPACE MANAKIN Apache Maven and Ant Commands to rebuild Manakin @WSU Libraries: cd /usr/local/src/dspace/dspace-1.6.2-release/dspace mvn package cd /usr/local/src/dspace/dspace-1.6.2release/dspace/target/dspace-1.6.2-build.dir (ant -Dconfig=/data/dspace/config/dspace.cfg init_configs) ant -Dconfig=/data/dspace/config/dspace.cfg update sudo /sbin/service tomcat5 restart (Commands provided by Andy Speagle, Unix Administrator.) CREATE THE MANAKIN INTERFACE Step 4: Start create your local theme Themes (*These theme print screens were taken after themes were applied to different communities at a later testing stage at WSU.) Reference Theme Classic Theme CREATE THE LOCAL THEME WSU theme is initially based on Reference theme, then is changed to Kubrick theme (after some internal feedback). Create WSU theme based on Reference theme: Copy themes folder to custom themes folder; cd /data/dspace/webapps/xmlui/themes cp –r themes /usr/local/src/dspace/dspace-1.6.2release/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/ Create “wsu” theme folder (mkdir) under “themes” based on Reference theme. CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: MODIFY XMLUI CONFIGURATION FILE Modifiy XMLUI (Manakin) configuration file Modify which theme should be applied to a particular URL cd /usr/local/src/dspace/dspace-1.6.2-release/dspace/config vi xmlui.xconf <theme> attributes: name, id, regex, handle, path Cascading: down to derivative directories An example (<theme> section in xmlui.xconf): <!-- test, Image gallery theme for pottery collections --> <theme name="gallery" handle="10057/81" path="gallery/" /> <!-- test, Graduate School theme --> <theme name="Gradschool" handle="10057/67" path="Gradschool/"/> <!-- WSU theme, local by default --> <theme name="wsu" path="wsu/" regex=".*" /> CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: MODIFY SITEMAP.XMAP Modify local sitemap.xmap by changing “theme-path” and “theme-name” to local ones. For example: <map:sitemap xmlns:map=""> <map:pipelines> <map:component-configurations> <global-variables> <theme-path>wsu</theme-path> <theme-name>Wichita State University Libraries theme</theme-name> </global-variables> </map:component-configurations> … </map:pipelines> </map:sitemap> CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: CUSTOMIZE HEADER Header: logo change For reference theme test: change logo under images folder and adjust css under lib folder; cd \DSpace\dspace-1.6.2release\dspace\modules\xmlui\src\main\webapp\themes \wsu\lib vi style.css div#ds-header a span#ds-header-logo { … background-image: url("../images/soarlogo.jpg"); } For Kubrick theme, change kubrickheader and kubrickfooter under lib/css folder and revise css as well. CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: CUSTOMIZE HEADINGS AND MESSAGES Heading text cd /usr/local/src/dspace/dspace-1.6.2release/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/i18n/ vi messages.xml Adjust heading styles in CSS. Change messages text in messages.xml Headings Trail message Menu header Error message … CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: CUSTOMIZE FOOTER Customize footer text and links In Reference theme test, copy footer section from structural.xsl to local.xsl and modify local.xsl. For Kubrick theme, create local.xsl by modifying Kubrick.xsl. Change footer text and add additional links to local.xsl directly. For example: <xsl:template name="buildFooter"> <div id="footer"> … <div id="ds-footer-links"> <a href="">University Libraries</a> <xsl:text> | </xsl:text> <a href="">Univeristy Home</a> </div> </div>… </xsl:template> CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: DISABLE FONT-SIZING MECHANISM Disable font-sizing mechanism. “The font-sizing variable is the result of a linear function applied to the character count of the heading text.” It causes huge font display in some browsers and size percentage for display needs to be adjusted in different browsers. Comment out font-sizing mechanism in structural.xsl <!-- <xsl:template match="dri:div/dri:head" priority="3"> <xsl:variable name="head_count" select="count(ancestor::dri:div)"/> --> <!-- with the help of the font-sizing variable, the font-size of our header text is made continuously variable based on the character count --> <!--<xsl:variable name="font-sizing" select="365 - $head_count * 160 string-length(current())"></xsl:variable> … </xsl:template> --> CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: DISABLE FONT-SIZING MECHANISM Add the following section to local.xsl. <!-- Overrides the default header --> <xsl:template match="dri:div/dri:head" priority="3"> <xsl:variable name="head_count" select="count(ancestor::dri:div)"/> <xsl:element name="h{$head_count}"> <xsl:call-template name="standardAttributes"> <xsl:with-param name="class">ds-div-head</xsl:with-param> </xsl:call-template> <xsl:apply-templates /> </xsl:element> </xsl:template> * Provided by DSpace Tech-list community. Change body and heading text sizes to be fixed in CSS files (when needed). CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: ADD A INFORMATION MENU FOR HELP FILES Add custom code (adapted from UIUC’s code) to local.xsl to provide an information block in the navigation menu. If the search section is overwritten, copy “search” from structural.xsl to local.xsl. <xsl:template match="dri:options"> <div id="sidebar"> <h3 id="ds-search-option-head" class="ds-option-sethead"><i18n:text></i18n:text></h3> … <xsl:apply-templates /> <h3 class="ds-option-set-head">Information</h3> <div id="ds-information-option" class="ds-option-set"> <ul class="ds-simple-list“> <li><a> <xsl:attribute name="href"> <xsl:text>quickguide.htm</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> <i18n:text>Help</i18n:text> </a></li>… </ul> </div> CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: MORE STRUCTURAL CHANGES Disable top left “login” by modifying structual.xsl and commenting out this section: <!-- <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="/dri:document/dri:meta/dri:userMeta/@authenticated = 'yes'"> <div id="ds-user-box"> …. </xsl:choose> --> Remove front page search section (on top of the communities, NOT the search box in the navigation menu) Create a custom module folder: /dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/resources/aspects; Copy ArtifactBrowser folder and its sitemap.xmap file from the sources folder to the custom folder; Comment out the following transformer in sitemap.xmap: <map:transformer name=”FrontPageSearch” src=”” /> For details, refer to CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: CUSTOMIZE FRONT PAGE NEWS Edit homepage main text at [DSpacesource]/dspace/config/news-xmlui.xml XML DRI document An Example: <p>… Authors retain copyright to their own works published/archived in SOAR (see <xref target="">Unive rsity intellectual Property policy</xref>.) …</p> For DRI information, go to “DRI Schema Reference” at: nakin CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: ADD STATIC PAGES Add static pages (help and about pages) Create static webpages (check the structure and markup of DSpace pages before starting the work); Create “static” folder under local theme and Upload the files to the “static” folder; Modify static content section in local sitemap.xmap: <map:match pattern="themes/*/**"> <map:read src="{2}"/> </map:match> <map:match pattern="*.htm"> <map:read src="static/{1}.htm" mime-type="text/html" /> </map:match> CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: COLLAPSING AND EXPANDING FEATURE FOR COMMUNITY LIST Test on collapsing and expanding feature for community list Documentation is at Some code can be found in Texas A&M’s IR site, check Implement with caution, extra customization may be needed At WSU, add to local.xsl: <xsl:template name="communitySummaryList-DIM"> <xsl:variable name="data" select="./mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/dim:dim"/> <p class="ListPlus" style="display:none">[+]</p> <p class="ListMinus">[-]</p> … </xsl:template> Add jquery-1.3.2.min.js and menus.js to lib/; Add the following lines to local sitemap.xmap for all browsers: <map:parameter name="javascript#1" value="lib/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"/> <map:parameter name="javascript#2" value="lib/menus.js"/> Add css (from Texas A&M) to local.css: p#expand_all_clicker, p#collapse_all_clicker … CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: COLLAPSING AND EXPANDING FEATURE FOR COMMUNITY LIST Experiment at WSU However we disabled this function because it stopped statistics showing on the top level of the communities. A TESTING RESULT: A COMMUNITY BASED ON THE REFERENCE THEME A TESTING RESULT: IMAGE GALLERY THEME Image Gallery theme ( “Includes a grid-view, popup metadata from grid view, and a zoom-and-pan viewer on image view interface.” See below for record view (CSS not fine adjusted) and zoom effect Not implemented to the final interface because we purchased image zoom module from @mire. A TESTING RESULT: GRADUATE SCHOOL THEME The Graduate School theme (based on Kubrick theme, use Graduate School logo. Disabled in our final interface due to confusion in branding.) A TESTING RESULT: USE A DIFFERENT BACKGROUND Local theme with a darker background (based on Kubrick theme) CREATE THE LOCAL THEME: BROWSER TEST Step 5: Initial Testing in different browsers CSS customization and Browser test Browser selector mechanism Many browsers handle CSS in a more standard way (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome…) IE nightmare: IE8, IE7, IE6… Many positioning problems (no big issues in other browsers); Define different stylesheets; If encountering browser selector problems, use CSS hacks (mainly IE hacks). For example: color:brown\9; /* for all IE */ color:brown\0; /* IE8 only */ +color:red; /* IE7 only */ _ color:black; /* IE6 only */ FOCUS GROUP FEEDBACK Step 6: Get feedback from the focus group and admin office Some feedback: Make “title” and other labels in records summary view more prominent; Change “View” to “View/Download” in bitstream table and make the link more obvious; Change the order of bitstream table headers; Change “DSpace” labels to “SOAR”; “Send records to my Facebook”; Add statistics number on the top level of the communities; Delete “[+]” in front of the communities when there is only one level of community in homepage… RECORD SUMMARY VIEW LABELS Make record summary view labels more prominent. Identified the element in MODS-Handler.xsl: <!-- Generate the info about the item from the metadata section --> <xsl:template match="mods:mods" mode="itemSummaryViewMODS"> <table class="ds-includeSet-table"> <tr class="ds-table-row odd"> <td><span class="bold"><i18n:text>xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS1.0.item-preview</i18n:text>:</span></td>… </tr> </table> … Add link style in CSS for “.ds-table a” and “span.bold”. MESSAGES CHANGE Changes made in messages.xml: Adjust “show full item records” to “show Complete item records” in record summary view; Modify “All of DSpace” to “All of SOAR”; Chang bitstream table lable “View” to “View/Download” <message key="xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-filesview">View/Download</message> Discuss adding various file type logos under “Format” label in bitstream table (not investigated due to time constrain). BITSTREAM TABLE LABEL ORDER Move “description” before “view” in bitstream table Copy sections of code from General-Handler.xsl to wsu.xsl and modify label and table cell content order accordingly <!-- Generate the bitstream information from the file section --> <xsl:template match="mets:fileGrp[@USE='CONTENT']"> …. <h2><i18n:text>xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-files-head</i18n:text></h2> <table class="ds-table file-list"> <tr class="ds-table-header-row"> <th><i18n:text>xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-filesfile</i18n:text></th>… <th><i18n:text>xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-filesview</i18n:text></th> </tr>… </xsl:template> <!-- Generate the bitstream information from the file section --> <xsl:template match="mets:file"> <xsl:param name="context" select="."/> <tr>… <td>…</td> … </tr>… </xsl:template> STATISTICS NUMBER DISPLAY AND EXPANDING MENU FOR COMMUNITY LIST Add statistics numbers by changing configuration file (dspace.cfg); With the community collapsing and expanding feature on, the statistics numbers do not show up in the top community level and a “[+]” displays in front of each community even when there is only one level; We disabled the collapsing and expanding menu. If keeping it, more customization will need to be done. “SENT TO MY FACEBOOK” Code provided by Stuart Lewis @Auckland Code added to structural.xsl (in our case, local.xsl since we modified the sidebar menu) For code and potential implementation issues, see this thread at et/msg12281.html “SENT TO MY FACEBOOK” Cocoon caching and browser selector problems experienced at WSU Force IE browsers to display the content correctly by adding CSS hacks to the main CSS. See the previous thread. Send a link to Facebook SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT MANAKIN Good things about Manakin: Community and collection branding Make it possible for department pages in DSpace to be consistent to the department website (if preferred) Make it possible for faculty collection pages in DSpace to be consistent to the faculty website (if requested) Special visual effect and structural layout for some collections (e.g. images, maps) Allow sharing of modular extensions and new features… Some discussion on Manakin in DSpace Tech-list from the design perspective: Track the “Manakin questions” thread (e.g. Templates are not associated with individual pages; Templating approach is more confusing than it is in other systems; Structural.xsl is huge and hard to modify; Program processing flow is not easy to follow; Is DRI layer necessary? Evaluation of Manakin needed… SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE PROJECT The upgrade of DSpace at WSU Libraries is a team work of the IR Librarian, the Unix Administrator, the DSpace Tech Support and the Metadata Librarian. How can Manakin truly enhance an IR’s interfaces without great effort and time spent? How to best utilize the human resources when a developer team is not available in a small or medium sized institution? The Metadata Librarian’s Manakin experience: sharp learning curve, not too easy but rewarding Always find inspirations and good practices from other institutions; Look for help from Systems people and DSpace community. PROJECT TEAM INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Coordinator: Susan Matveyeva, WSU Libraries Administrative Support: Kathy Downes, WSU Libraries Metadata Catalog Librarian: Sai Deng, WSU Libraries DSpace Tech Support: Baseer Khan, WSU Libraries Unix Administrator: Andy Speagle, WSU Computing Center Thanks DSpace community developers who either wrote the code or answered our Manakin questions: Hardy Pottinger from UM, Tim Donohue & Bill Ingram from UIUC, Stuart Lewis from Auckland and Hilton Gibson from Stellenbosch…