Madame Ratignolle

Madame Ratignolle
Melissa, Cate, and Jamie
"Madame Ratignolle, more careful of her
complexion, had twined a gauze veil about
her head. She wore doeskin gloves, with
gauntlets that protected her wrists. She was
dressed in pure white, with a fluffiness of
ruffles that became her. The draperies and
fluttering things which she wore suited her
rich, luxuriant beauty as a greater
severity of line could not have done."
"white throat" -still characterized later as pure, even
though Edna adds sexual description
"It was easy to know them, fluttering about
with extended, protecting wings when any
harm, real or imaginary, threatened their
precious blood. They were women who
idolized their children, worshipped their
husbands, and esteemed it of a holy privilege
to efface themselves as individuals and grow
wings as ministering angels."
Adele = prime example of a "mother-woman"
The Pontellier's vs The
• "Her marriage to Leonce • "The Ratignolles
Pontellier was purely an
accident, in this respect
resembling many other
marriages which
masquerade as the decrees
of Fate."
"She grew found of her
husband, realizing with
some unaccountable
satisfaction that no trace of
passion or excessive and
fictitious warmth colored
her affection"
understood each other
perfectly. If ever the fusion
of two human beings into
one has been accomplished
on this sphere it was surely
in their union"
o they have an ideal
"The women were both of goodly height,
Madame Ratignolle possessing the more
feminine and matronly figure"
"Madame Ratignolle removed her veil, wiped
her face with a rather delicate
handkerchief, and fanned herself with the
fan which she always carried suspended
somewhere about her person by a long,
arrow ribbon. Edna removed her collar and
opened her dress at the throat"
Contrast between Adele's delicateness vs. Edna's
"Madame Ratignolle laid her hand over that
of Mrs Pontellier, which was near her. Seeing
that the hand was not withdrawn, she
clasped it firmly and warmly. She even
stroked it a little, fondly, with the other
hand, murmuring in an undertone, 'Pauvre
"poor you"
shows Edna comfort and gives her motherly care
Reaction: "not accustomed to an outward and
spoken expression of affection" = beginning
"There may have been - there must have been - influences,
both subtle and apparent, working in their several ways to
induce her to do this; but the most obvious was the
influence of Adele Ratignolle."
Adele represents what is expected of Edna
o caring for children, domestic duties, happiness of her
Because of her upbringing, Edna is confused by Adele's act
of affection
o "she lent herself readily to the Creole's gentle caress."
Adele suspects and affair with Alcee and reminds Edna of
her responsibility to her children
o Edna ignores her responsibilities and seeks freedom
Makes Edna first realize her "containment"
"Edna had had an occasional girl friend, but whether
accidentally or not, they seemed to have been all of
one type - the self-contained. She never realized
that the reserve of her own character had much,
perhaps everything to do with this"
Edna begins thinking romantically because
of Adele
"pretty woman"
Adele tries to get Robert away from her: tell him to
"Let Mrs Pontellier alone"
'She is not one of us; she is not like us. She might
Madame Ratignolle's Conclusion
about Edna's Death
We think Madame Ratignolle would not be surprised to
hear the news that Edna has died. She may even suspect
that it was a suicide because of the close relationship
they had. During Edna’s stay at Grand Isle, she
“loosen[s] a little the mantle of reserve that had always
enveloped her.” The “most obvious” influence had been
Madame Ratignolle, which shows how close they have
become and that she really understands Edna. She was
able to read Edna clearly, warning her about how “evilminded” the world can be and the influences of Robert
and Alcee. Adele hears that Edna has been associating
with Alcee and she tells her of his “dreadful reputation,”
which proves that Adele cares for Edna and does not
want to see her name ruined because of their association.
Madame Ratignolle's Conclusion
about Edna's Death
One of the most significant pieces of advice that Edna receives from
Madame Ratignolle is when she says that Edna seems to her to be a child,
and that she “acts without a certain reflection which is necessary in this
life.” This advice proves that Madame Ratignolle and Edna have a close
relationship and that she has learned from Edna’s past actions. Madame
Ratignolle is worried that because Edna can act so impulsively, that it would
not be safe for her to live by herself in her new house. She advises Edna to
“be a little careful" and suggests that she has someone come and stay with
her, specifically Mademoiselle Reisz. Adele clearly realizes that Edna acts
impulsively without thinking of any consequences. This is also revealed
when Adele repeats “Don’t neglect me” several times in a row. By Edna
“neglecting” her, it means that Edna is drifting away from the pure,
motherly, housewife model Adele represents. Since Adele was able to
understand Edna and learn about her outlook on life, more than some of the
other characters, she would not be as taken aback by the suicide. Adele
would be able to see that Edna's suicide is a representation of her gaining
her freedom from society and ultimately be able to control her life and find
happiness. Adele would be one of the few characters to understand and
recognize this.